14 research outputs found

    Dentos 1932

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    Associative Learning Capabilities of Adult Culex quinquefasciatus Say and Other Mosquitoes

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    The association of olfactory information with a resource is broadly known as olfactory-based associative learning. From an ecological perspective, associative learning can reduce search time for resources and fine tune responses to changing biotic and abiotic factors in a variable environment, which in mosquitoes has implications for pathogen transmission and vector control strategies. The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the ability for olfactory-based associative learning across the major life history domains of mosquitoes. Six different experiments comprise this dissertation. The first was to evaluate the response of mosquitoes following conditioning to 5, 10 or 50% sucrose concentrations with individual level mosquito conditioning and testing and introduction of statistical analysis with binary logistic regression. Mosquitoes did not respond in a dose dependent manner with respect to positive response to target odors following conditioning. This effect appears to be related to the mosquitoes' prior exposure to sugar as those exposed to 10% sucrose before conditioning did not prefer 50% sucrose but significantly fewer chose 5% sucrose. In an evaluation of host associated odors and second blood meal choice by females using a dual-choice olfactometer no significant effects were observed. The lack of significance may have been due to insufficient sample sizes, problems with odor collection or physiological state of mosquitoes. Effects of predatory mosquitofish on larval development and female oviposition choice were evaluated by rearing in separated habitats under three different treatments followed by an oviposition choice assay. Females did not prefer their natal habitat or avoid predators but chose substrate that had contained mosquitofish fed conspecific larvae. Mosquitofish affected larval development with acceleration in treatments with mosquitofish fed TetraminÂź and delayed pupation in treatments with mosquitofish fed conspecific larvae. Mosquito memory length was evaluated by conditioning and testing at six time intervals from colony and field populations at two ages. Younger mosquitoes showed higher levels of positive response after conditioning at all time intervals except the longest (24h). Finally the olfactory-based associative learning ability of Anopheles cracens was evaluated. Significant evidence for learning was observed in males but not females at a memory length interval of 24h

    Influence de la mutation kdr (L1014F) sur la rĂ©ponse comportementale d’Anopheles gambiae aux insecticides pyrĂ©thrinoĂŻdes.

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    The blood feeding behaviour is a crucial step in the reproductive cycle of female mosquitoes for egg maturation. However the widespread use of insecticide treated bed nets reduce the ability of mosquitoes to feed on human host. In this context of integrated vector control strategies, mosquitoes have evolve physiological and behavioural adaptations to scope the deleterious effect of insecticides. Despite the progress made on understanding of physiological resistance, few data exist on effects of insecticide treated nets on host seeking behaviour. The aim of my thesis was to determine whether host seeking behaviour of Anopheles gambiae in the presence of insecticide-treated materials is modulated by the presence of the kdr L1014F mutation which confers resistance to pyrethroids used on treated bed nets. Firstly, our results show that the kdr gene modulate the host seeking behaviour in the presence of insecticide treated nettings and the fitness of kdr-resistant mosquitoes. Homozygous resistant mosquitoes for kdr gene have oriented flight to host odours in the presence of permethrin treated net compared to untreated net. The analysis of the performance of the three genotypes to pass through a hole on untreated net in the presence of a vertebrate host showed a cost of kdr mutation on behavioural activity of resistant mosquitoes. In addition, this work highlighted a high performance of heterozygous (overdominance) to pass through a hole treated net to reach a vertebrate host. Finally, our data reveals that a sub-lethal exposure of resistant mosquitoes to two pyrethroid treated nets has a contrasting effect on blood feeding rate. In addition, the pre-exposure of the three genotypes to pyrethroid impact the biting behaviour of susceptible and resistant mosquitoes by reducing the feeding duration, pre-diuresis duration and blood meal size. All of these results are discussed in the context of blood seeking behaviour in natural conditions. Through the study of 3 complementary behavioural sequences, our results brought new insights about the malaria vector behavior in front of pyrethroid-impregnated bed nets and highlighted complex gene-environment interactions.Les parasites du genre Plasmodium responsables du paludisme sont transmis du moustique Ă  l’homme et de l’homme au moustique pendant la prise du repas de sang. L’utilisation massive des moustiquaires imprĂ©gnĂ©es d’insecticides pyrĂ©thrinoĂŻdes vise Ă  limiter la prise du repas de sang et Ă  rĂ©duire la survie des moustiques. Dans un contexte de lutte antivectorielle gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e, des mĂ©canismes d’adaptations physiologiques et comportementaux ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©s chez les populations d’AnophĂšles vecteurs. Les mĂ©canismes de rĂ©sistances physiologiques font l’objet d’un large effort de recherche alors que nous ne disposons que de peu de connaissances sur le comportement de recherche et de piqĂ»re d’un homme protĂ©gĂ© par une moustiquaire. L’objectif de ce travail de thĂšse Ă©tait de contribuer Ă  la comprĂ©hension des interactions entre un mĂ©canisme de rĂ©sistance physiologique aux insecticides, le comportement des moustiques et les outils de lutte antivectorielle. Pour rĂ©aliser cette Ă©tude, nous avons testĂ© l’effet de la moustiquaire imprĂ©gnĂ©e d’insecticide sur le comportement de recherche de l’hĂŽte chez Anopheles gambiae en relation avec le gĂ©notype kdr L1014F, qui confĂšre une rĂ©sistance aux pyrĂ©thrinoĂŻdes utilisĂ©s sur les moustiquaires imprĂ©gnĂ©es. Dans la premiĂšre partie, nous avons analysĂ© l’effet de l’insecticide pyrĂ©thrinoĂŻde prĂ©sent sur la moustiquaire sur l’attractivitĂ© de l’hĂŽte chez An. gambiae. Nos resultats ont montrĂ© que les moustiques rĂ©sistants Ă©taient plus attirĂ©s par un hĂŽte protĂ©gĂ© par une moustiquaire traitĂ©e de permĂ©thrine comparĂ© une moustiquaire non traitĂ©e. Nous avons ensuite analysĂ© la performance des trois gĂ©notypes kdr Ă  atteindre un hĂŽte protĂ©gĂ© par une moustiquaire et leur activitĂ© comportementale au contact de la moustiquaire. Nous avons mis en Ă©vidence d’une part d’un coĂ»t adaptatif du gĂšne kdr sur l’activitĂ© comportementale des moustiques rĂ©sistants et d’autre part, une meilleure performance des hĂ©tĂ©rozygotes (superdominance) pour localiser une faille sur une moustiquaire traitĂ©e afin d’atteindre un hĂŽte protĂ©gĂ©. Enfin, nos expĂ©riences ont portĂ© sur l’effet d’une exposition sublĂ©tale des moustiques Ă  des insecticides pyrĂ©thrinoĂŻdes sur le comportement de piqĂ»re lors de la recherche d’un hĂŽte protĂ©gĂ©. Cette prĂ©exposition aux pyrĂ©thrinoĂŻdes a eu un effet contrastĂ© sur le taux de gorgement des moustiques rĂ©sistants toutefois elle a rĂ©duit la durĂ©e de gorgement, de prĂ©diurĂšse ainsi que le volume de repas de sang des trois gĂ©notypes. À travers l’étude de 3 sĂ©quences comportementales, nos rĂ©sultats ont permis d’apporter des informations cruciales sur le comportement des anophĂšles vecteurs du paludisme face aux moustiquaires imprĂ©gnĂ©es et ouvre la voie Ă  de nombreuses pistes de recherches

    All quiet on the home front? : the impact of the Second World War on the township of Mosgiel

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    The Second World War proved a momentous time for those living in New Zealand. Life for civilians on the home front was affected to a much greater extent than it had been in 1914-18. This heightened 'total war' prompted many changes to the lifestyles and living conditions of New Zealanders. To manage the national demands of this conflict, Peter Fraser's Labour government took firm control of the society and economy. As the War situation required, it implemented various bureaucratic measures such as rationing, industrial manpower regulations, a blackout and other civil defence measures. As well as these rules and regulations, citizens faced the problem of shortages, the uncertainty of loved ones overseas and the alarming progress of the Japanese in the Pacific. The War, then, impacted on people and communities across the country. Even the isolated south of the South Island, far from most of the country's main war efforts, could not escape the effects wrought from this conflict. Little research, however, has been done on this exciting and vibrant period of New Zealand history. Thus, to test the extent of the impact, this thesis focuses on the southern township of Mosgiel. In 1939, Mosgie1 was a town of just over two thousand inhabitants, situated at the northern foothills of the Taieri Plains, a short drive from Dunedin. It felt the pressure of war in the same ways as other towns, yet perhaps because of its small size, close community and southern isolation, it appears to have fared better than many. The chapters follow a logical path, dealing with each of the main aspects of Mosgiel society and economy, assessing each to determine the War's effects. Although it had a nearby military presence, formed both a Home Guard and an Emergency Precautions Organization, endured rationing, shortages, a blackout, manpowering and disruption to its businesses and workforce the community was able to adapt to, or deflect, many of the negative effects of the conflict. In the end, the overall impact of the War proved limited

    Ecological utopianism and Hollywood cinema

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