1,168 research outputs found

    Real-time human ambulation, activity, and physiological monitoring:taxonomy of issues, techniques, applications, challenges and limitations

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    Automated methods of real-time, unobtrusive, human ambulation, activity, and wellness monitoring and data analysis using various algorithmic techniques have been subjects of intense research. The general aim is to devise effective means of addressing the demands of assisted living, rehabilitation, and clinical observation and assessment through sensor-based monitoring. The research studies have resulted in a large amount of literature. This paper presents a holistic articulation of the research studies and offers comprehensive insights along four main axes: distribution of existing studies; monitoring device framework and sensor types; data collection, processing and analysis; and applications, limitations and challenges. The aim is to present a systematic and most complete study of literature in the area in order to identify research gaps and prioritize future research directions

    CaloriNet: From silhouettes to calorie estimation in private environments

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    We propose a novel deep fusion architecture, CaloriNet, for the online estimation of energy expenditure for free living monitoring in private environments, where RGB data is discarded and replaced by silhouettes. Our fused convolutional neural network architecture is trainable end-to-end, to estimate calorie expenditure, using temporal foreground silhouettes alongside accelerometer data. The network is trained and cross-validated on a publicly available dataset, SPHERE_RGBD + Inertial_calorie. Results show state-of-the-art minimum error on the estimation of energy expenditure (calories per minute), outperforming alternative, standard and single-modal techniques.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Continuous monitoring of vital parameters for clinically valid assessment of human health status

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    Tese de mestrado integrado, Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica (Sinais e Imagens Médicas) Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2019The lack of devices suitable for acquiring accurate and reliable measures of patients' physiolog-ical signals in a remote and continuous manner together with the advances in data acquisition technol-ogies during the last decades, have led to the emergence of wearable devices for healthcare. Wearable devices enable remote, continuous and long-term health monitoring in unattended setting. In this con-text, the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Material Science and Technology (Empa) developed a wearable system for long-term electrocardiogram measurements, referred to as textile belt. It consists of a chest strap with two embroidered textile electrodes. The validity of Empa’s system for electrocardiogram monitoring has been proven in a clinical setting. This work aimed to assess the validity of the textile belt for electrocardiogram monitoring in a home setting and to supplement the existing system with sensors for respiratory monitoring. Another objective was to evaluate the suitability of the same weara-ble, as a multi-sensor system, for activity monitoring. A study involving 12 patients (10 males and 2 females, interquartile range for age of 48–59 years and for body mass indexes of 28.0–35.5 kg.m-2) with suspected sleep apnoea was carried out. Overnight electrocardiogram was measured in a total of 28 nights. The quality of recorded signals was assessed using signal-to-noise ratio, artefacts detection and Poincaré plots. Study data were compared to data from the same subjects, acquired in the clinical setting. For respiratory monitoring, optical fibre-based sensors of different geometries were integrated into the textile belt. Signal processing algorithms for breathing rate and tidal volume estimation based on respiratory signals acquired by the sensors were developed. Pilot studies were conducted to compare the different approaches for respiratory monitoring. The quality of respiratory signals was determined based on signal segments “sinusoidality”, evaluated through the calculation of the cross-correlation between signal segments and segment-specific reference waves. A method for accelerometry-based lying position recognition was proposed, and the proof of concept of activity intensity classification through the combination of subjects’ inertial acceleration, heart rate and breathing rate data, was presented. Finally, a study with three participants (1 male and 2 females, aged 21 ± 2 years, body mass index of 20.3 ± 1.5 kg.m-2) was conducted to assess the validity of the textile belt for respiratory and activity monitoring. Electrocardiogram signals acquired by the textile belt in the home setting were found to have better quality than the data acquired by the same device in the clinical setting. Although a higher artefact percentage was found for the textile belt, signal-to-noise ratio of electrocardiogram signals recorded by the textile belt in the home setting was similar to that of signals acquired by the gel electrodes in the clinical setting. A good agreement was found between the RR-intervals derived from signals recorded in home and clinical settings. Besides, for artefact percentages greater than 3%, visual assessment of Poincaré plots proved to be effective for the determination of the primary source of artefacts (noise or ectopic beats). Acceleration data allowed posture recognition (i.e. lying or standing/sitting, lying position) with an accuracy of 91% and positive predictive value of 80%. Lastly, preliminary results of physical activity intensity classification yielded high accuracy, showing the potential of the proposed method. The textile belt proved to be appropriate for long-term, remote and continuous monitoring of subjects’ physical and physiological parameters. It can monitor not only electrocardiogram, but also breathing rate, body posture and physical activity intensity, having the potential to be used as tool for disease prediction and diagnose support.Contexto: A falta de dispositivos adequados para a monitorização de sinais fisiológicos de um modo remoto e contínuo, juntamente com avanços tecnológicos na área de aquisição de dados nas últimas décadas, levaram ao surgimento de wearable devices, i.e. dispositivos vestíveis, no sector da saúde. Wearable devices possibilitam a monitorização do estado de saúde, de uma forma remota, contínua e de longa duração. Quando feito em ambiente domiciliar, este tipo de monitorização (i.e. contínua, remota e de longa duração) tem várias vantagens: diminui a pressão posta sobre o sistema de saúde, reduz despesas associadas ao internamento e acelera a resposta a emergências, permitindo deteção precoce e prevenção de condições crónicas. Neste contexto, a Empa, Laboratórios Federais Suíços de Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais, desenvolveu um sistema vestível para a monitorização de eletrocardiograma de longa duração. Este sistema consiste num cinto peitoral com dois elétrodos têxteis integrados. Os elétrodos têxteis são feitos de fio de polietileno tereftalato revestido com prata e uma ultrafina camada de titânio no topo. De modo a garantir a aquisição de sinais de alta qualidade, o cinto tem nele integrado um reservatório de água que liberta vapor de água para humidificar os elétrodos. Este reservatório per-mite a monitorização contínua de eletrocardiograma por 5 a 10 dias, sem necessitar de recarga. A vali-dade do cinto para a monitorização de eletrocardiograma em ambiente clínico já foi provada. Objetivo: Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a validade do cinto para a monitorização de eletrocar-diograma em ambiente domiciliar e complementar o sistema existente com sensores para monitorização respiratória. Um outro objetivo foi analisar a adequação do cinto, como um sistema multisensor, para monitorização da atividade física. Métodos: Um estudo com 12 pacientes com suspeita de apneia do sono (10 homens e 2 mulheres, am-plitude interquartil de 48–59 anos para a idade e de 28.0–35.5 kg.m-2 para o índice de massa corporal) foi conduzido para avaliar a qualidade do sinal de eletrocardiograma medido em ambiente domiciliar. O sinal de eletrocardiograma dos pacientes foi monitorizado continuamente, num total de 28 noites. A qualidade dos sinais adquiridos foi analisada através do cálculo da razão sinal-ruído; da deteção de ar-tefactos, i.e., intervalos RR com um valor inviável de um ponto de vista fisiológico; e de gráficos de Poincaré, um método de análise não linear da distribuição dos intervalos RR registados. Os dados ad-quiridos neste estudo foram comparados com dados dos mesmos pacientes, adquiridos em ambiente hospitalar. Para a monitorização respiratória, sensores feitos de fibra óptica foram integrados no cinto. Al-gorítmicos para a estimar a frequência respiratória e o volume corrente dos sujeitos tendo por base o sinal medido pelas fibras ópticas foram desenvolvidos neste trabalho. As diferentes abordagens foram comparadas através de estudos piloto. Diferentes métodos para avaliação da qualidade do sinal adquirido foram sugeridos. Um método de reconhecimento da postura corporal através do cálculo de ângulos de orientação com base na aceleração medida foi proposto. A prova de conceito da determinação da intensidade da atividade física pela combinação de informações relativas á aceleração inercial e frequências cardíaca e respiratória dos sujeitos, é também apresentada neste trabalho. Um estudo foi conduzido para avaliar a validade do cinto para monitorização da respiração e da atividade física. O estudo contou com 10 parti-cipantes, dos quais 3 vestiram o cinto para monitorização da respiração (1 homem e 2 mulheres, idade 21 ± 2 anos, índice de massa corporal 20.3 ± 1.5 kg.m-2). Resultados: O estudo feito com pacientes com suspeita de apneia do sono revelou que os sinais eletro-cardiográficos adquiridos pelo cinto em ambiente domiciliar foram de melhor qualidade que os sinais adquiridos pelo mesmo dispositivo em ambiente hospitalar. Uma percentagem de artefacto de 2.87% ±4.14% foi observada para os dados adquiridos pelos elétrodos comummente usados em ambiente hospi-talar, 7.49% ± 10.76% para os dados adquiridos pelo cinto em ambiente domiciliar e 9.66% ± 14.65% para os dados adquiridos pelo cinto em ambiente hospitalar. Embora tenham tido uma maior percenta-gem de artefacto, a razão sinal-ruído dos sinais eletrocardiográficos adquiridos pelo cinto em ambiente domiciliar foi semelhante á dos sinais adquiridos pelos elétrodos de gel em ambiente hospitalar. Resul-tados sugerem uma boa concordância entre os intervalos RR calculados com base nos eletrocardiogra-mas registados em ambientes hospitalar e domiciliar. Além disso, para sinais com percentagem de arte-facto superior a 3%, a avaliação visual dos gráficos de Poincaré provou ser um bom método para a determinação da fonte primária de artefactos (batimentos irregulares ou ruído). A monitorização da aceleração dos sujeitos permitiu o reconhecimento da postura corporal (isto é, deitado ou sentado/em pé) com uma exatidão de 91% e valor preditivo positivo de 80%. Por fim, a classificação da intensidade da atividade física baseado na aceleração inercial e frequências cardíaca e respiratória revelou elevada exatidão, mostrando o potencial desta técnica. Conclusão: O cinto desenvolvido pela Empa provou ser apropriado para monitorização de longa-dura-ção de variáveis físicas e fisiológicos, de uma forma remota e contínua. O cinto permite não só monito-rizar eletrocardiograma, mas também frequência respiratória, postura corporal e intensidade da atividade física. Outros estudos devem ser conduzidos para corroborar os resultados e conclusões deste trabalho. Outros sensores poderão ser integrados no cinto de modo a possibilitar a monitorização de outras vari-áveis fisiológicas de relevância clínica. Este sistema tem o potencial de ser usado como uma ferramenta para predição de doenças e apoio ao diagnóstico

    Cardiorespiratory fitness estimation using wearable sensors: laboratory and free-living analysis of context-specific submaximal heart rates

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    In this work, we propose to use pattern recognition methods to determine submaximal heart rate (HR) during specific contexts, such as walking at a certain speed, using wearable sensors in free-living, and use context-specific HR to estimate cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF). CRF of 51 participants was assessed by a maximal exertion test (VO2max). Participants wore a combined accelerometer and HR monitor during a laboratory based simulation of activities of daily living and for two weeks in free-living. Anthropometrics, HR while lying down and walking at predefined speeds in laboratory settings were used to estimate CRF. Explained variance (R2) was 0.64 for anthropometrics, and increased up to 0.74 for context-specific HR (0.73 to 0.78 when including fat-free mass). Then, we developed activity recognition and walking speed estimation algorithms to determine the same contexts (i.e. lying down and walking) in free-living. Context-specific HR in free-living was highly correlated with laboratory measurements (Pearson's r = 0.71-0.75). R2 for CRF estimation was 0.65 when anthropometrics were used as predictors, and increased up to 0.77 when including free-living context-specific HR (i.e. HR while walking at 5.5 km/h). R2 varied between 0.73 and 0.80 when including fat-free mass among the predictors. RMSE was reduced from 354.7 ml/min to 281.0 ml/min by the inclusion of context-specific HR parameters (21% error reduction). We conclude that pattern recognition techniques can be used to contextualize HR in free-living and estimated CRF with accuracy comparable to what can be obtained with laboratory measurements of HR response to walking

    Wearable technology: role in respiratory health and disease

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    In the future, diagnostic devices will be able to monitor a patient's physiological or biochemical parameters continuously, under natural physiological conditions and in any environment through wearable biomedical sensors. Together with apps that capture and interpret data, and integrated enterprise and cloud data repositories, the networks of wearable devices and body area networks will constitute the healthcare's Internet of Things. In this review, four main areas of interest for respiratory healthcare are described: pulse oximetry, pulmonary ventilation, activity tracking and air quality assessment. Although several issues still need to be solved, smart wearable technologies will provide unique opportunities for the future or personalised respiratory medicine

    Fall Prediction and Prevention Systems: Recent Trends, Challenges, and Future Research Directions.

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    Fall prediction is a multifaceted problem that involves complex interactions between physiological, behavioral, and environmental factors. Existing fall detection and prediction systems mainly focus on physiological factors such as gait, vision, and cognition, and do not address the multifactorial nature of falls. In addition, these systems lack efficient user interfaces and feedback for preventing future falls. Recent advances in internet of things (IoT) and mobile technologies offer ample opportunities for integrating contextual information about patient behavior and environment along with physiological health data for predicting falls. This article reviews the state-of-the-art in fall detection and prediction systems. It also describes the challenges, limitations, and future directions in the design and implementation of effective fall prediction and prevention systems

    Application of data fusion techniques and technologies for wearable health monitoring

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    Technological advances in sensors and communications have enabled discrete integration into everyday objects, both in the home and about the person. Information gathered by monitoring physiological, behavioural, and social aspects of our lives, can be used to achieve a positive impact on quality of life, health, and well-being. Wearable sensors are at the cusp of becoming truly pervasive, and could be woven into the clothes and accessories that we wear such that they become ubiquitous and transparent. To interpret the complex multidimensional information provided by these sensors, data fusion techniques are employed to provide a meaningful representation of the sensor outputs. This paper is intended to provide a short overview of data fusion techniques and algorithms that can be used to interpret wearable sensor data in the context of health monitoring applications. The application of these techniques are then described in the context of healthcare including activity and ambulatory monitoring, gait analysis, fall detection, and biometric monitoring. A snap-shot of current commercially available sensors is also provided, focusing on their sensing capability, and a commentary on the gaps that need to be bridged to bring research to market

    Design and Application of Wireless Body Sensors

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    Hörmann T. Design and Application of Wireless Body Sensors. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2019

    Predicting ambulatory energy expenditure in lower limb amputees using multi-sensor methods

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    PurposeTo assess the validity of a derived algorithm, combining tri-axial accelerometry and heart rate (HR) data, compared to a research-grade multi-sensor physical activity device, for the estimation of ambulatory physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE) in individuals with traumatic lower-limb amputation.MethodsTwenty-eight participants [unilateral (n = 9), bilateral (n = 10) with lower-limb amputations, and non-injured controls (n = 9)] completed eight activities; rest, ambulating at 5 progressive treadmill velocities (0.48, 0.67, 0.89, 1.12, 1.34m.s-1) and 2 gradients (3 and 5%) at 0.89m.s-1. During each task, expired gases were collected for the determination of and subsequent calculation of PAEE. An Actigraph GT3X+ accelerometer was worn on the hip of the shortest residual limb and, a HR monitor and an Actiheart (AHR) device were worn on the chest. Multiple linear regressions were employed to derive population-specific PAEE estimated algorithms using Actigraph GT3X+ outputs and HR signals (GT3X+HR). Mean bias±95% Limits of Agreement (LoA) and error statistics were calculated between criterion PAEE (indirect calorimetry) and PAEE predicted using GT3X+HR and AHR.ResultsBoth measurement approaches used to predict PAEE were significantly related (Pr = 0.92, bilateral; r = 0.93, and control; r = 0.91, and AHR; unilateral; r = 0.86, bilateral; r = 0.81, and control; r = 0.67). Mean±SD percent error across all activities were 18±14%, 15±12% and 15±14% for the GT3X+HR and 45±20%, 39±23% and 34±28% in the AHR model, for unilateral, bilateral and control groups, respectively.ConclusionsStatistically derived algorithms (GT3X+HR) provide a more valid estimate of PAEE in individuals with traumatic lower-limb amputation, compared to a proprietary group calibration algorithm (AHR). Outputs from AHR displayed considerable random error when tested in a laboratory setting in individuals with lower-limb amputation.</div
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