23 research outputs found

    CoCon: A conference management system with formally verified document confidentiality

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    We present a case study in formally verified security for realistic systems: the information flow security verification of the functional kernel of a web application, the CoCon conference management system. We use the Isabelle theorem prover to specify and verify fine-grained confidentiality properties, as well as complementary safety and “traceback” properties. The challenges posed by this development in terms of expressiveness have led to bounded-deducibility security, a novel security model and verification method generally applicable to systems describable as input/output automata

    Scheduler-Independent Declassification

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    Abstract The controlled declassification of secrets has received much attention in research on information-flow security, though mostly for se-quential programming languages. In this article, we aim at guarantee-ing the security of concurrent programs. We propose the novel security property WHAT&WHERE that allows one to limit what information may be declassified where in a program. We show that our property provides adequate security guarantees independent of the scheduling al-gorithm (which is non-trivial due to the refinement paradox) and present a security type system that reliably enforces the property. In a second scheduler-independence result, we show that an earlier proposed security condition is adequate for the same range of schedulers. These are the first scheduler-independence results in the presence of declassification.

    CoCon: A conference management system with formally verified document confidentiality

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    We present a case study in formally verified security for realistic systems: the information flow security verification of the functional kernel of a web application, the CoCon conference management system. We use the Isabelle theorem prover to specify and verify fine-grained confidentiality properties, as well as complementary safety and “traceback” properties. The challenges posed by this development in terms of expressiveness have led to bounded-deducibility security, a novel security model and verification method generally applicable to systems describable as input/output automata

    Slicing of Concurrent Programs and its Application to Information Flow Control

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    This thesis presents a practical technique for information flow control for concurrent programs with threads and shared-memory communication. The technique guarantees confidentiality of information with respect to a reasonable attacker model and utilizes program dependence graphs (PDGs), a language-independent representation of information flow in a program

    Composition and Declassification in Possibilistic Information Flow Security

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    Formal methods for security can rule out whole classes of security vulnerabilities, but applying them in practice remains challenging. This thesis develops formal verification techniques for information flow security that combine the expressivity and scalability strengths of existing frameworks. It builds upon Bounded Deducibility (BD) Security, which allows specifying and verifying fine-grained policies about what information may flow when to whom. Our main technical result is a compositionality theorem for BD Security, providing scalability by allowing us to verify security properties of a large system by verifying smaller components. Its practical utility is illustrated by a case study of verifying confidentiality properties of a distributed social media platform. Moreover, we discuss its use for the modular development of secure workflow systems, and for the security-preserving enforcement of safety and security properties other than information flow control

    First-Order Logic for Flow-Limited Authorization

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    We present the Flow-Limited Authorization First-Order Logic (FLAFOL), a logic for reasoning about authorization decisions in the presence of information-flow policies. We formalize the FLAFOL proof system, characterize its proof-theoretic properties, and develop its security guarantees. In particular, FLAFOL is the first logic to provide a non-interference guarantee while supporting all connectives of first-order logic. Furthermore, this guarantee is the first to combine the notions of non-interference from both authorization logic and information-flow systems. All theorems in this paper are proven in Coq.Comment: Coq code can be found at https://github.com/FLAFOL/flafol-co

    Fine-grained Information Flow for Concurrent Computation

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