66 research outputs found

    An Efficient Gabor Walsh-Hadamard Transform Based Approach for Retrieving Brain Tumor Images from MRI

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    Brain tumors are a serious and death-defying disease for human life. Discovering an appropriate brain tumor image from a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) archive is a challenging job for the radiologist. Most search engines retrieve images on the basis of traditional text-based approaches. The main challenge in the MRI image analysis is that low-level visual information captured by the MRI machine and the high-level information identified by the assessor. This semantic gap is addressed in this study by designing a new feature extraction technique. In this paper, we introduce Content-Based Medical Image retrieval (CBMIR) system for retrieval of brain tumor images from the large data. Firstly, we remove noise from MRI images employing several filtering techniques. Afterward, we design a feature extraction scheme combining Gabor filtering technique (which is mainly focused on specific frequency content at the image region) and Walsh-Hadamard transform (WHT) (conquer technique for easy configuration of image) for discovering representative features from MRI images. After that, for retrieving the accurate and reliable image, we employ Fuzzy C-Means clustering Minkowski distance metric that can evaluate the similarity between the query image and database images. The proposed methodology design was tested on a publicly available brain tumor MRI image database. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed approach outperforms most of the existing techniques like Gabor, wavelet, and Hough transform in detecting brain tumors and also take less time. The proposed approach will be beneficial for radiologists and also for technologists to build an automatic decision support system that will produce reproducible and objective results with high accuracy

    Pattern detection and recognition using over-complete and sparse representations

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    Recent research in harmonic analysis and mammalian vision systems has revealed that over-complete and sparse representations play an important role in visual information processing. The research on applying such representations to pattern recognition and detection problems has become an interesting field of study. The main contribution of this thesis is to propose two feature extraction strategies - the global strategy and the local strategy - to make use of these representations. In the global strategy, over-complete and sparse transformations are applied to the input pattern as a whole and features are extracted in the transformed domain. This strategy has been applied to the problems of rotation invariant texture classification and script identification, using the Ridgelet transform. Experimental results have shown that better performance has been achieved when compared with Gabor multi-channel filtering method and Wavelet based methods. The local strategy is divided into two stages. The first one is to analyze the local over-complete and sparse structure, where the input 2-D patterns are divided into patches and the local over-complete and sparse structure is learned from these patches using sparse approximation techniques. The second stage concerns the application of the local over-complete and sparse structure. For an object detection problem, we propose a sparsity testing technique, where a local over-complete and sparse structure is built to give sparse representations to the text patterns and non-sparse representations to other patterns. Object detection is achieved by identifying patterns that can be sparsely represented by the learned. structure. This technique has been applied. to detect texts in scene images with a recall rate of 75.23% (about 6% improvement compared with other works) and a precision rate of 67.64% (about 12% improvement). For applications like character or shape recognition, the learned over-complete and sparse structure is combined. with a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). A second text detection method is proposed based on such a combination to further improve (about 11% higher compared with our first method based on sparsity testing) the accuracy of text detection in scene images. Finally, this method has been applied to handwritten Farsi numeral recognition, which has obtained a 99.22% recognition rate on the CENPARMI Database and a 99.5% recognition rate on the HODA Database. Meanwhile, a SVM with gradient features achieves recognition rates of 98.98% and 99.22% on these databases respectivel

    Face age estimation using wrinkle patterns

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    Face age estimation is a challenging problem due to the variation of craniofacial growth, skin texture, gender and race. With recent growth in face age estimation research, wrinkles received attention from a number of research, as it is generally perceived as aging feature and soft biometric for person identification. In a face image, wrinkle is a discontinuous and arbitrary line pattern that varies in different face regions and subjects. Existing wrinkle detection algorithms and wrinkle-based features are not robust for face age estimation. They are either weakly represented or not validated against the ground truth. The primary aim of this thesis is to develop a robust wrinkle detection method and construct novel wrinkle-based methods for face age estimation. First, Hybrid Hessian Filter (HHF) is proposed to segment the wrinkles using the directional gradient and a ridge-valley Gaussian kernel. Second, Hessian Line Tracking (HLT) is proposed for wrinkle detection by exploring the wrinkle connectivity of surrounding pixels using a cross-sectional profile. Experimental results showed that HLT outperforms other wrinkle detection algorithms with an accuracy of 84% and 79% on the datasets of FORERUS and FORERET while HHF achieves 77% and 49%, respectively. Third, Multi-scale Wrinkle Patterns (MWP) is proposed as a novel feature representation for face age estimation using the wrinkle location, intensity and density. Fourth, Hybrid Aging Patterns (HAP) is proposed as a hybrid pattern for face age estimation using Facial Appearance Model (FAM) and MWP. Fifth, Multi-layer Age Regression (MAR) is proposed as a hierarchical model in complementary of FAM and MWP for face age estimation. For performance assessment of age estimation, four datasets namely FGNET, MORPH, FERET and PAL with different age ranges and sample sizes are used as benchmarks. Results showed that MAR achieves the lowest Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 3.00 ( 4.14) on FERET and HAP scores a comparable MAE of 3.02 ( 2.92) as state of the art. In conclusion, wrinkles are important features and the uniqueness of this pattern should be considered in developing a robust model for face age estimation

    Human-Centric Machine Vision

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    Recently, the algorithms for the processing of the visual information have greatly evolved, providing efficient and effective solutions to cope with the variability and the complexity of real-world environments. These achievements yield to the development of Machine Vision systems that overcome the typical industrial applications, where the environments are controlled and the tasks are very specific, towards the use of innovative solutions to face with everyday needs of people. The Human-Centric Machine Vision can help to solve the problems raised by the needs of our society, e.g. security and safety, health care, medical imaging, and human machine interface. In such applications it is necessary to handle changing, unpredictable and complex situations, and to take care of the presence of humans

    Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference Proceedings 2017

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    Enhancing person annotation for personal photo management using content and context based technologies

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    Rapid technological growth and the decreasing cost of photo capture means that we are all taking more digital photographs than ever before. However, lack of technology for automatically organising personal photo archives has resulted in many users left with poorly annotated photos, causing them great frustration when such photo collections are to be browsed or searched at a later time. As a result, there has recently been significant research interest in technologies for supporting effective annotation. This thesis addresses an important sub-problem of the broad annotation problem, namely "person annotation" associated with personal digital photo management. Solutions to this problem are provided using content analysis tools in combination with context data within the experimental photo management framework, called “MediAssist”. Readily available image metadata, such as location and date/time, are captured from digital cameras with in-built GPS functionality, and thus provide knowledge about when and where the photos were taken. Such information is then used to identify the "real-world" events corresponding to certain activities in the photo capture process. The problem of enabling effective person annotation is formulated in such a way that both "within-event" and "cross-event" relationships of persons' appearances are captured. The research reported in the thesis is built upon a firm foundation of content-based analysis technologies, namely face detection, face recognition, and body-patch matching together with data fusion. Two annotation models are investigated in this thesis, namely progressive and non-progressive. The effectiveness of each model is evaluated against varying proportions of initial annotation, and the type of initial annotation based on individual and combined face, body-patch and person-context information sources. The results reported in the thesis strongly validate the use of multiple information sources for person annotation whilst emphasising the advantage of event-based photo analysis in real-life photo management systems

    Autonomisten metsäkoneiden koneaistijärjestelmät

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    A prerequisite for increasing the autonomy of forest machinery is to provide robots with digital situational awareness, including a representation of the surrounding environment and the robot's own state in it. Therefore, this article-based dissertation proposes perception systems for autonomous or semi-autonomous forest machinery as a summary of seven publications. The work consists of several perception methods using machine vision, lidar, inertial sensors, and positioning sensors. The sensors are used together by means of probabilistic sensor fusion. Semi-autonomy is interpreted as a useful intermediary step, situated between current mechanized solutions and full autonomy, to assist the operator. In this work, the perception of the robot's self is achieved through estimation of its orientation and position in the world, the posture of its crane, and the pose of the attached tool. The view around the forest machine is produced with a rotating lidar, which provides approximately equal-density 3D measurements in all directions. Furthermore, a machine vision camera is used for detecting young trees among other vegetation, and sensor fusion of an actuated lidar and machine vision camera is utilized for detection and classification of tree species. In addition, in an operator-controlled semi-autonomous system, the operator requires a functional view of the data around the robot. To achieve this, the thesis proposes the use of an augmented reality interface, which requires measuring the pose of the operator's head-mounted display in the forest machine cabin. Here, this work adopts a sensor fusion solution for a head-mounted camera and inertial sensors. In order to increase the level of automation and productivity of forest machines, the work focuses on scientifically novel solutions that are also adaptable for industrial use in forest machinery. Therefore, all the proposed perception methods seek to address a real existing problem within current forest machinery. All the proposed solutions are implemented in a prototype forest machine and field tested in a forest. The proposed methods include posture measurement of a forestry crane, positioning of a freely hanging forestry crane attachment, attitude estimation of an all-terrain vehicle, positioning a head mounted camera in a forest machine cabin, detection of young trees for point cleaning, classification of tree species, and measurement of surrounding tree stems and the ground surface underneath.Metsäkoneiden autonomia-asteen kasvattaminen edellyttää, että robotilla on digitaalinen tilannetieto sekä ympäristöstä että robotin omasta toiminnasta. Tämän saavuttamiseksi työssä on kehitetty autonomisen tai puoliautonomisen metsäkoneen koneaistijärjestelmiä, jotka hyödyntävät konenäkö-, laserkeilaus- ja inertia-antureita sekä paikannusantureita. Työ liittää yhteen seitsemässä artikkelissa toteutetut havainnointimenetelmät, joissa useiden anturien mittauksia yhdistetään sensorifuusiomenetelmillä. Työssä puoliautonomialla tarkoitetaan hyödyllisiä kuljettajaa avustavia välivaiheita nykyisten mekanisoitujen ratkaisujen ja täyden autonomian välillä. Työssä esitettävissä autonomisen metsäkoneen koneaistijärjestelmissä koneen omaa toimintaa havainnoidaan estimoimalla koneen asentoa ja sijaintia, nosturin asentoa sekä siihen liitetyn työkalun asentoa suhteessa ympäristöön. Yleisnäkymä metsäkoneen ympärille toteutetaan pyörivällä laserkeilaimella, joka tuottaa lähes vakiotiheyksisiä 3D-mittauksia jokasuuntaisesti koneen ympäristöstä. Nuoret puut tunnistetaan muun kasvillisuuden joukosta käyttäen konenäkökameraa. Lisäksi puiden tunnistamisessa ja puulajien luokittelussa käytetään konenäkökameraa ja laserkeilainta yhdessä sensorifuusioratkaisun avulla. Lisäksi kuljettajan ohjaamassa puoliautonomisessa järjestelmässä kuljettaja tarvitsee toimivan tavan ymmärtää koneen tuottaman mallin ympäristöstä. Työssä tämä ehdotetaan toteutettavaksi lisätyn todellisuuden käyttöliittymän avulla, joka edellyttää metsäkoneen ohjaamossa istuvan kuljettajan lisätyn todellisuuden lasien paikan ja asennon mittaamista. Työssä se toteutetaan kypärään asennetun kameran ja inertia-anturien sensorifuusiona. Jotta metsäkoneiden automatisaatiotasoa ja tuottavuutta voidaan lisätä, työssä keskitytään uusiin tieteellisiin ratkaisuihin, jotka soveltuvat teolliseen käyttöön metsäkoneissa. Kaikki esitetyt koneaistijärjestelmät pyrkivät vastaamaan todelliseen olemassa olevaan tarpeeseen nykyisten metsäkoneiden käytössä. Siksi kaikki menetelmät on implementoitu prototyyppimetsäkoneisiin ja tulokset on testattu metsäympäristössä. Työssä esitetyt menetelmät mahdollistavat metsäkoneen nosturin, vapaasti riippuvan työkalun ja ajoneuvon asennon estimoinnin, lisätyn todellisuuden lasien asennon mittaamisen metsäkoneen ohjaamossa, nuorten puiden havaitsemisen reikäperkauksessa, ympäröivien puiden puulajien tunnistuksen, sekä puun runkojen ja maanpinnan mittauksen