50 research outputs found

    Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference Proceedings 2017

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    Predicting human behavior in smart environments: theory and application to gaze prediction

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    Predicting human behavior is desirable in many application scenarios in smart environments. The existing models for eye movements do not take contextual factors into account. This addressed in this thesis using a systematic machine-learning approach, where user profiles for eye movements behaviors are learned from data. In addition, a theoretical innovation is presented, which goes beyond pure data analysis. The thesis proposed the modeling of eye movements as a Markov Decision Processes. It uses Inverse Reinforcement Learning paradigm to infer the user eye movements behaviors

    3D-POLY: A Robot Vision System for Recognizing Objects in Occluded Environments

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    The two factors that determine the time complexity associated with model-driven interpretation of range maps are: I) the particular strategy used for the generation of object hypotheses; and 2) the manner in which both the model and the sensed data are organized, data organization being a primary determinant of the efficiency of verification of a given hypothesis. In this report, we present 3D-POLY, a working system for recognizing objects in the presence of occlusion and against cluttered backgrounds. The time complexity of this system is only O(n2) for single object recognition, where n is the number of features on the object. The most novel aspect of this system is the manner in which the feature data are organized for the models. We use a data structure called the feature sphere for the purpose. We will present efficient algorithms for assigning a feature to its proper place on a feature sphere, and for extracting the neighbors of a given feature from the feature sphere representation. For hypothesis generation, we use local feature sets, a notion similar to those used before us by Bolles, Shirai and others. The combination of the feature sphere idea for streamlining verification and the local feature sets for hypothesis generation results in a system whose time complexity has a polynomial bound. In addition to recognizing objects in occluded environments, 3D-POLY also possesses model learning capability. Model learning consists of looking at a model object from different views and integrating the resulting information. The 3D-POLY system also contains utilities for range image segmentation and classification of scene surfaces

    View generated database

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    This document represents the final report for the View Generated Database (VGD) project, NAS7-1066. It documents the work done on the project up to the point at which all project work was terminated due to lack of project funds. The VGD was to provide the capability to accurately represent any real-world object or scene as a computer model. Such models include both an accurate spatial/geometric representation of surfaces of the object or scene, as well as any surface detail present on the object. Applications of such models are numerous, including acquisition and maintenance of work models for tele-autonomous systems, generation of accurate 3-D geometric/photometric models for various 3-D vision systems, and graphical models for realistic rendering of 3-D scenes via computer graphics

    Change blindness: eradication of gestalt strategies

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    Arrays of eight, texture-defined rectangles were used as stimuli in a one-shot change blindness (CB) task where there was a 50% chance that one rectangle would change orientation between two successive presentations separated by an interval. CB was eliminated by cueing the target rectangle in the first stimulus, reduced by cueing in the interval and unaffected by cueing in the second presentation. This supports the idea that a representation was formed that persisted through the interval before being 'overwritten' by the second presentation (Landman et al, 2003 Vision Research 43149–164]. Another possibility is that participants used some kind of grouping or Gestalt strategy. To test this we changed the spatial position of the rectangles in the second presentation by shifting them along imaginary spokes (by ±1 degree) emanating from the central fixation point. There was no significant difference seen in performance between this and the standard task [F(1,4)=2.565, p=0.185]. This may suggest two things: (i) Gestalt grouping is not used as a strategy in these tasks, and (ii) it gives further weight to the argument that objects may be stored and retrieved from a pre-attentional store during this task

    Vegetation detection and terrain classification for autonomous navigation

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    Diese Arbeit beleuchtet sieben neuartige AnsĂ€tze aus zwei Bereichen der maschinellen Wahrnehmung: Erkennung von Vegetation und Klassifizierung von GelĂ€nde. Diese Elemente bilden den Kern eines jeden Steuerungssystems fĂŒr effiziente, autonome Navigation im Außenbereich. BezĂŒglich der Vegetationserkennung, wird zuerst ein auf Indizierung basierender Ansatz beschrieben (1), der die reflektierenden und absorbierenden Eigenschaften von Pflanzen im Bezug auf sichtbares und nah-infrarotes Licht auswertet. Zweitens wird eine Fusionmethode von 2D/3D Merkmalen untersucht (2), die das menschliche System der Vegetationserkennung nachbildet. ZusĂ€tzlich wird ein integriertes System vorgeschlagen (3), welches die visuelle Wahrnehmung mit multi-spektralen Methoden ko mbiniert. Aufbauend auf detaillierten Studien zu Farb- und Textureigenschaften von Vegetation wird ein adaptiver selbstlernender Algorithmus eingefĂŒhrt der robust und schnell Pflanzen(bewuchs) erkennt (4). Komplettiert wird die Vegetationserkennung durch einen Algorithmus zur BefahrbarkeitseinschĂ€tzung von Vegetation, der die Verformbarkeit von Pflanzen erkennt. Je leichter sich Pflanzen bewegen lassen, umso grĂ¶ĂŸer ist ihre Befahrbarkeit. BezĂŒglich der GelĂ€ndeklassifizierung wird eine struktur-basierte Methode vorgestellt (6), welche die 3D Strukturdaten einer Umgebung durch die statistische Analyse lokaler Punkte von LiDAR Daten unterstĂŒtzt. Zuletzt wird eine auf Klassifizierung basierende Methode (7) beschrieben, die LiDAR und Kamera-Daten kombiniert, um eine 3D Szene zu rekonstruieren. Basierend auf den Vorteilen der vorgestellten Algorithmen im Bezug auf die maschinelle Wahrnehmung, hoffen wir, dass diese Arbeit als Ausgangspunkt fĂŒr weitere Entwicklung en von zuverlĂ€ssigen Erkennungsmethoden dient.This thesis introduces seven novel contributions for two perception tasks: vegetation detection and terrain classification, that are at the core of any control system for efficient autonomous navigation in outdoor environments. Regarding vegetation detection, we first describe a vegetation index-based method (1), which relies on the absorption and reflectance properties of vegetation to visual light and near-infrared light, respectively. Second, a 2D/3D feature fusion (2), which imitates the human visual system in vegetation interpretation, is investigated. Alternatively, an integrated vision system (3) is proposed to realise our greedy ambition in combining visual perception-based and multi-spectral methods by only using a unit device. A depth study on colour and texture features of vegetation has been carried out, which leads to a robust and fast vegetation detection through an adaptive learning algorithm (4). In addition, a double-check of passable vegetation detection (5) is realised, relying on the compressibility of vegetation. The lower degree of resistance vegetation has, the more traversable it is. Regarding terrain classification, we introduce a structure-based method (6) to capture the world scene by inferring its 3D structures through a local point statistic analysis on LiDAR data. Finally, a classification-based method (7), which combines the LiDAR data and visual information to reconstruct 3D scenes, is presented. Whereby, object representation is described more details, thus enabling an ability to classify more object types. Based on the success of the proposed perceptual inference methods in the environmental sensing tasks, we hope that this thesis will really serve as a key point for further development of highly reliable perceptual inference methods

    Multi-camera object segmentation in dynamically textured scenes using disparity contours

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    This thesis presents a stereo-based object segmentation system that combines the simplicity and efficiency of the background subtraction approach with the capacity of dealing with dynamic lighting and background texture and large textureless regions. The method proposed here does not rely on full stereo reconstruction or empirical parameter tuning, but employs disparity-based hypothesis verification to separate multiple objects at different depths.The proposed stereo-based segmentation system uses a pair of calibrated cameras with a small baseline and factors the segmentation problem into two stages: a well-understood offline stage and a novel online one. Based on the calibrated parameters, the offline stage models the 3D geometry of a background by constructing a complete disparity map. The online stage compares corresponding new frames synchronously captured by the two cameras according to the background disparity map in order to falsify the hypothesis that the scene contains only background. The resulting object boundary contours possess a number of useful features that can be exploited for object segmentation.Three different approaches to contour extraction and object segmentation were experimented with and their advantages and limitations analyzed. The system demonstrates its ability to extract multiple objects from a complex scene with near real-time performance. The algorithm also has the potential of providing precise object boundaries rather than just bounding boxes, and is extensible to perform 2D and 3D object tracking and online background update