345 research outputs found

    Combining Textual and Graph-based Features for Named Entity Disambiguation Using Undirected Probabilistic Graphical Models

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    Hakimov S, ter Horst H, Jebbara S, Hartung M, Cimiano P. Combining Textual and Graph-based Features for Named Entity Disambiguation Using Undirected Probabilistic Graphical Models. In: Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol 10024. Springer; 2016: 288-302

    Joint Entity Recognition and Linking in Technical Domains Using Undirected Probabilistic Graphical Models

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    ter Horst H, Hartung M, Cimiano P. Joint Entity Recognition and Linking in Technical Domains Using Undirected Probabilistic Graphical Models. In: Gracia J, Bond F, McCrae JP, Buitelaar P, Chiarcos C, Hellmann S, eds. Language, Data, and Knowledge (Proceedings of the 1st International LDK Conference). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Vol 10318. Springer; 2017: 166-180.The problems of recognizing mentions of entities in texts and linking them to unique knowledge base identifiers have received considerable attention in recent years. In this paper we present a probabilistic system based on undirected graphical models that jointly addresses both the entity recognition and the linking task. Our framework considers the span of mentions of entities as well as the corresponding knowledge base identifier as random variables and models the joint assignment using a factorized distribution. We show that our approach can be easily applied to different technical domains by merely exchanging the underlying ontology. On the task of recognizing and linking disease names, we show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art systems DNorm and TaggerOne, as well as two strong lexicon-based baselines. On the task of recognizing and linking chemical names, our system achieves comparable performance to the state-of-the-art

    Collective Approaches to Named Entity Disambiguation

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    Internet content has become one of the most important resources of information. Much of this information is in the form of natural language text and one of the important components of natural language text is named entities. So automatic recognition and classification of named entities has attracted researchers for many years. Named entities are mentioned in different textual forms in different documents. Also, the same textual mention may refer to different named entities. This problem is well known in NLP as a disambiguation problem. Named Entity Disambiguation (NED) refers to the task of mapping different named entity mentions in running text to their correct interpretations in a specific knowledge base (KB). NED is important for many applications like search engines and software agents that aim to aggregate information on real world entities from sources such as the Web. The main goal of this research is to develop new methods for named entity disambiguation, emphasising the importance of interdependency of named entity candidates of different textual mentions in the document. The thesis focuses on two connected problems related to disambiguation. The first is Candidates Generation, the process of finding a small set of named entity candidate entries in the knowledge base for a specific textual mention, where this set contains the correct entry in the knowledge base. The second problem is Collective Disambiguation, where all named entity textual mentions in the document are disambiguated jointly, using interdependence and semantic relations between the different NE candidates of different textual mentions. Wikipedia is used as a reference knowledge base in this research. An information retrieval framework is used to generate the named entity candidates for a textual mention. A novel document similarity function (NEBSim) based on NE co-occurrence is introduced to calculate the similarity between two documents given a specific named entity textual mention. NEB-sim is also used in conjunction with the traditional cosine similarity measure to learn a model for ranking the named entity candidates. Na\"{i}ve Bayes and SVM classifiers are used to re-rank the retrieved documents. Our experiments, carried out on TAC-KBP 2011 data, show NEBsim achieves significant improvement in accuracy as compared with a cosine similarity approach. Two novel approaches to collectively disambiguate textual mentions of named entities against Wikipedia are developed and tested using the AIDA dataset. The first represents the conditional dependencies between different named entities across Wikipedia as a Markov network, where named entities are treated as hidden variables and textual mentions as observations. The number of states and observations is huge, and na\"{i}vely using the Viterbi algorithm to find the hidden state sequence which emits the query observation sequence is computationally infeasible given a state space of this size. Based on an observation that is specific to the disambiguation problem, we develop an approach that uses a tailored approximation to reduce the size of the state space, making the Viterbi algorithm feasible. Results show good improvement in disambiguation accuracy relative to the baseline approach, and to some state-of-the-art approaches. Our approach also shows how, with suitable approximations, HMMs can be used in such large-scale state space problems. The second collective disambiguation approach uses a graph model, where all possible NE candidates are represented as nodes in the graph, and associations between different candidates are represented by edges between the nodes. Each node has an initial confidence score, e.g. entity popularity. Page-Rank is used to rank nodes, and the final rank is combined with the initial confidence for candidate selection. Experiments show the effectiveness of using Page-Rank in conjunction with initial confidence, achieving 87\% accuracy, outperforming both baseline and state-of-the-art approaches

    Automatic reconstruction of itineraries from descriptive texts

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    Esta tesis se inscribe dentro del marco del proyecto PERDIDO donde los objetivos son la extracción y reconstrucción de itinerarios a partir de documentos textuales. Este trabajo se ha realizado en colaboración entre el laboratorio LIUPPA de l' Université de Pau et des Pays de l' Adour (France), el grupo de Sistemas de Información Avanzados (IAAA) de la Universidad de Zaragoza y el laboratorio COGIT de l' IGN (France). El objetivo de esta tesis es concebir un sistema automático que permita extraer, a partir de guías de viaje o descripciones de itinerarios, los desplazamientos, además de representarlos sobre un mapa. Se propone una aproximación para la representación automática de itinerarios descritos en lenguaje natural. Nuestra propuesta se divide en dos tareas principales. La primera pretende identificar y extraer de los textos describiendo itinerarios información como entidades espaciales y expresiones de desplazamiento o percepción. El objetivo de la segunda tarea es la reconstrucción del itinerario. Nuestra propuesta combina información local extraída gracias al procesamiento del lenguaje natural con datos extraídos de fuentes geográficas externas (por ejemplo, gazetteers). La etapa de anotación de informaciones espaciales se realiza mediante una aproximación que combina el etiquetado morfo-sintáctico y los patrones léxico-sintácticos (cascada de transductores) con el fin de anotar entidades nombradas espaciales y expresiones de desplazamiento y percepción. Una primera contribución a la primera tarea es la desambiguación de topónimos, que es un problema todavía mal resuelto dentro del reconocimiento de entidades nombradas (Named Entity Recognition - NER) y esencial en la recuperación de información geográfica. Se plantea un algoritmo no supervisado de georreferenciación basado en una técnica de clustering capaz de proponer una solución para desambiguar los topónimos los topónimos encontrados en recursos geográficos externos, y al mismo tiempo, la localización de topónimos no referenciados. Se propone un modelo de grafo genérico para la reconstrucción automática de itinerarios, donde cada nodo representa un lugar y cada arista representa un camino enlazando dos lugares. La originalidad de nuestro modelo es que además de tener en cuenta los elementos habituales (caminos y puntos del recorrido), permite representar otros elementos involucrados en la descripción de un itinerario, como por ejemplo los puntos de referencia visual. Se calcula de un árbol de recubrimiento mínimo a partir de un grafo ponderado para obtener automáticamente un itinerario bajo la forma de un grafo. Cada arista del grafo inicial se pondera mediante un método de análisis multicriterio que combina criterios cualitativos y cuantitativos. El valor de estos criterios se determina a partir de informaciones extraídas del texto e informaciones provenientes de recursos geográficos externos. Por ejemplo, se combinan las informaciones generadas por el procesamiento del lenguaje natural como las relaciones espaciales describiendo una orientación (ej: dirigirse hacia el sur) con las coordenadas geográficas de lugares encontrados dentro de los recursos para determinar el valor del criterio ``relación espacial''. Además, a partir de la definición del concepto de itinerario y de las informaciones utilizadas en la lengua para describir un itinerario, se ha modelado un lenguaje de anotación de información espacial adaptado a la descripción de desplazamientos, apoyándonos en las recomendaciones del consorcio TEI (Text Encoding and Interchange). Finalmente, se ha implementado y evaluado las diferentes etapas de nuestra aproximación sobre un corpus multilingüe de descripciones de senderos y excursiones (francés, español, italiano)

    Named Entity Extraction for Knowledge Graphs: A Literature Overview

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    An enormous amount of digital information is expressed as natural-language (NL) text that is not easily processable by computers. Knowledge Graphs (KG) offer a widely used format for representing information in computer-processable form. Natural Language Processing (NLP) is therefore needed for mining (or lifting) knowledge graphs from NL texts. A central part of the problem is to extract the named entities in the text. The paper presents an overview of recent advances in this area, covering: Named Entity Recognition (NER), Named Entity Disambiguation (NED), and Named Entity Linking (NEL). We comment that many approaches to NED and NEL are based on older approaches to NER and need to leverage the outputs of state-of-the-art NER systems. There is also a need for standard methods to evaluate and compare named-entity extraction approaches. We observe that NEL has recently moved from being stepwise and isolated into an integrated process along two dimensions: the first is that previously sequential steps are now being integrated into end-to-end processes, and the second is that entities that were previously analysed in isolation are now being lifted in each other's context. The current culmination of these trends are the deep-learning approaches that have recently reported promising results.publishedVersio

    Robust Entity Linking in Heterogeneous Domains

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    Entity Linking is the task of mapping terms in arbitrary documents to entities in a knowledge base by identifying the correct semantic meaning. It is applied in the extraction of structured data in RDF (Resource Description Framework) from textual documents, but equally so in facilitating artificial intelligence applications, such as Semantic Search, Reasoning and Question and Answering. Most existing Entity Linking systems were optimized for specific domains (e.g., general domain, biomedical domain), knowledge base types (e.g., DBpedia, Wikipedia), or document structures (e.g., tables) and types (e.g., news articles, tweets). This led to very specialized systems that lack robustness and are only applicable for very specific tasks. In this regard, this work focuses on the research and development of a robust Entity Linking system in terms of domains, knowledge base types, and document structures and types. To create a robust Entity Linking system, we first analyze the following three crucial components of an Entity Linking algorithm in terms of robustness criteria: (i) the underlying knowledge base, (ii) the entity relatedness measure, and (iii) the textual context matching technique. Based on the analyzed components, our scientific contributions are three-fold. First, we show that a federated approach leveraging knowledge from various knowledge base types can significantly improve robustness in Entity Linking systems. Second, we propose a new state-of-the-art, robust entity relatedness measure for topical coherence computation based on semantic entity embeddings. Third, we present the neural-network-based approach Doc2Vec as a textual context matching technique for robust Entity Linking. Based on our previous findings and outcomes, our main contribution in this work is DoSeR (Disambiguation of Semantic Resources). DoSeR is a robust, knowledge-base-agnostic Entity Linking framework that extracts relevant entity information from multiple knowledge bases in a fully automatic way. The integrated algorithm represents a collective, graph-based approach that utilizes semantic entity and document embeddings for entity relatedness and textual context matching computation. Our evaluation shows, that DoSeR achieves state-of-the-art results over a wide range of different document structures (e.g., tables), document types (e.g., news documents) and domains (e.g., general domain, biomedical domain). In this context, DoSeR outperforms all other (publicly available) Entity Linking algorithms on most data sets

    Biomedical Information Extraction: Mining Disease Associated Genes from Literature

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    Disease associated gene discovery is a critical step to realize the future of personalized medicine. However empirical and clinical validation of disease associated genes are time consuming and expensive. In silico discovery of disease associated genes from literature is therefore becoming the first essential step for biomarker discovery to support hypothesis formulation and decision making. Completion of human genome project and advent of high-throughput technology have produced tremendous amount of data, which results in exponential growing of biomedical knowledge deposited in literature database. The sheer quantity of unexplored information causes information overflow for biomedical researchers, and poses big challenge for informatics researchers to address user's information extraction needs. This thesis focused on mining disease associated genes from PubMed literature database using machine learning and graph theory based information extraction (IE) methods. Mining disease associated genes is not trivial and requires pipelines of information extraction steps and methods. Beginning from named entity recognition (NER), the author introduced semantic concept type into feature space for conditional random fields machine learning and demonstrated the effectiveness of the concept feature for disease NER. The effects of domain specific POS tagging, domain specific dictionaries, and named entity encoding scheme on NER performance were also explored. Experimental results show that by combining knowledge base with concept feature space, it can significantly improve the overall disease NER performance. It has also shown that shallow linguistic features of global and local word sequence context can be used with string kernel based supporting vector machine (SVM) for efficient disease-gene relation extraction. Lastly, the disease-associated gene network was constructed by utilizing concept co-occurrence matrix computed from disease focused document collection, and subjected to systematic topology analysis. The gene network was then merged with a seed-gene expanded network to form heterogeneous disease-gene network. The author identified and prioritized disease-associated genes by graph centrality measurements. This novel approach provides a new mean for disease associated gene extraction from large corpora.Ph.D., Information Studies -- Drexel University, 201