137 research outputs found

    Parameter Tuning and Scientific Testing in Evolutionary Algorithms

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    Eiben, A.E. [Promotor

    What can we learn from multi-objective meta-optimization of Evolutionary Algorithms in continuous domains?

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    Properly configuring Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) is a challenging task made difficult by many different details that affect EAs' performance, such as the properties of the fitness function, time and computational constraints, and many others. EAs' meta-optimization methods, in which a metaheuristic is used to tune the parameters of another (lower-level) metaheuristic which optimizes a given target function, most often rely on the optimization of a single property of the lower-level method. In this paper, we show that by using a multi-objective genetic algorithm to tune an EA, it is possible not only to find good parameter sets considering more objectives at the same time but also to derive generalizable results which can provide guidelines for designing EA-based applications. In particular, we present a general framework for multi-objective meta-optimization, to show that "going multi-objective" allows one to generate configurations that, besides optimally fitting an EA to a given problem, also perform well on previously unseen ones

    A new Taxonomy of Continuous Global Optimization Algorithms

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    Surrogate-based optimization, nature-inspired metaheuristics, and hybrid combinations have become state of the art in algorithm design for solving real-world optimization problems. Still, it is difficult for practitioners to get an overview that explains their advantages in comparison to a large number of available methods in the scope of optimization. Available taxonomies lack the embedding of current approaches in the larger context of this broad field. This article presents a taxonomy of the field, which explores and matches algorithm strategies by extracting similarities and differences in their search strategies. A particular focus lies on algorithms using surrogates, nature-inspired designs, and those created by design optimization. The extracted features of components or operators allow us to create a set of classification indicators to distinguish between a small number of classes. The features allow a deeper understanding of components of the search strategies and further indicate the close connections between the different algorithm designs. We present intuitive analogies to explain the basic principles of the search algorithms, particularly useful for novices in this research field. Furthermore, this taxonomy allows recommendations for the applicability of the corresponding algorithms.Comment: 35 pages total, 28 written pages, 4 figures, 2019 Reworked Versio

    Analyzing Adaptive Parameter Landscapes in Parameter Adaptation Methods for Differential Evolution

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    Since the scale factor and the crossover rate significantly influence the performance of differential evolution (DE), parameter adaptation methods (PAMs) for the two parameters have been well studied in the DE community. Although PAMs can sufficiently improve the effectiveness of DE, PAMs are poorly understood (e.g., the working principle of PAMs). One of the difficulties in understanding PAMs comes from the unclarity of the parameter space that consists of the scale factor and the crossover rate. This paper addresses this issue by analyzing adaptive parameter landscapes in PAMs for DE. First, we propose a concept of an adaptive parameter landscape, which captures a moment in a parameter adaptation process. For each iteration, each individual in the population has its adaptive parameter landscape. Second, we propose a method of analyzing adaptive parameter landscapes using a 1-step-lookahead greedy improvement metric. Third, we examine adaptive parameter landscapes in PAMs by using the proposed method. Results provide insightful information about PAMs in DE.Comment: This is an accepted version of a paper published in the proceedings of GECCO 202

    Efficient learning methods to tune algorithm parameters

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    This thesis focuses on the algorithm configuration problem. In particular, three efficient learning configurators are introduced to tune parameters offline. The first looks into metaoptimization, where the algorithm is expected to solve similar problem instances within varying computational budgets. Standard meta-optimization techniques have to be repeated whenever the available computational budget changes, as the parameters that work well for small budgets, may not be suitable for larger ones. The proposed Flexible Budget method can, in a single run, identify the best parameter setting for all possible computational budgets less than a specified maximum, without compromising solution quality. Hence, a lot of time is saved. This will be shown experimentally. The second regards Racing algorithms which often do not fully utilize the available computational budget to find the best parameter setting, as they may terminate whenever a single parameter remains in the race. The proposed Racing with reset can overcome this issue, and at the same time adapt Racing’s hyper-parameter α online. Experiments will show that such adaptation enables the algorithm to achieve significantly lower failure rates, compared to any fixed α set by the user. The third extends on Racing with reset by allowing it to utilize all the information gathered previously when it adapts α, it also permits Racing algorithms in general to intelligently allocate the budget in each iteration, as opposed to equally allocating it. All developed Racing algorithms are compared to two budget allocators from the Simulation Optimization literature, OCBA and CBA, and to equal allocation to demonstrate under which conditions each performs best in terms of minimizing the probability of incorrect selection

    Evolutionary design assistants for architecture

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    In its parallel pursuit of an increased competitivity for design offices and more pleasurable and easier workflows for designers, artificial design intelligence is a technical, intellectual, and political challenge. While human-machine cooperation has become commonplace through Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools, a more improved collaboration and better support appear possible only through an endeavor into a kind of artificial design intelligence, which is more sensitive to the human perception of affairs. Considered as part of the broader Computational Design studies, the research program of this quest can be called Artificial / Autonomous / Automated Design (AD). The current available level of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for design is limited and a viable aim for current AD would be to develop design assistants that are capable of producing drafts for various design tasks. Thus, the overall aim of this thesis is the development of approaches, techniques, and tools towards artificial design assistants that offer a capability for generating drafts for sub-tasks within design processes. The main technology explored for this aim is Evolutionary Computation (EC), and the target design domain is architecture. The two connected research questions of the study concern, first, the investigation of the ways to develop an architectural design assistant, and secondly, the utilization of EC for the development of such assistants. While developing approaches, techniques, and computational tools for such an assistant, the study also carries out a broad theoretical investigation into the main problems, challenges, and requirements towards such assistants on a rather overall level. Therefore, the research is shaped as a parallel investigation of three main threads interwoven along several levels, moving from a more general level to specific applications. The three research threads comprise, first, theoretical discussions and speculations with regard to both existing literature and the proposals and applications of the thesis; secondly, proposals for descriptive and prescriptive models, mappings, summary illustrations, task structures, decomposition schemes, and integratory frameworks; and finally, experimental applications of these proposals. This tripartite progression allows an evaluation of each proposal both conceptually and practically; thereby, enabling a progressive improvement of the understanding regarding the research question, while producing concrete outputs on the way. Besides theoretical and interpretative examinations, the thesis investigates its subject through a set of practical and speculative proposals, which function as both research instruments and the outputs of the study. The first main output of the study is the “design_proxy” approach (d_p), which is an integrated approach for draft making design assistants. It is an outcome of both theoretical examinations and experimental applications, and proposes an integration of, (1) flexible and relaxed task definitions and representations (instead of strict formalisms), (2) intuitive interfaces that make use of usual design media, (3) evaluation of solution proposals through their similarity to given examples, and (4) a dynamic evolutionary approach for solution generation. The design_proxy approach may be useful for AD researchers that aim at developing practical design assistants, as has been examined and demonstrated with the two applications, i.e., design_proxy.graphics and design_proxy.layout. The second main output, the “Interleaved Evolutionary Algorithm” (IEA, or Interleaved EA) is a novel evolutionary algorithm proposed and used as the underlying generative mechanism of design_proxybased design assistants. The Interleaved EA is a dynamic, adaptive, and multi-objective EA, in which one of the objectives leads the evolution until its fitness progression stagnates; in the sense that the settings and fitness values of this objective is used for most evolutionary decisions. In this way, the Interleaved EA enables the use of different settings and operators for each of the objectives within an overall task, which would be the same for all objectives in a regular multi-objective EA. This property gives the algorithm a modular structure, which offers an improvable method for the utilization of domain-specific knowledge for each sub-task, i.e., objective. The Interleaved EA can be used by Evolutionary Computation (EC) researchers and by practitioners who employ EC for their tasks. As a third main output, the “Architectural Stem Cells Framework” is a conceptual framework for architectural design assistants. It proposes a dynamic and multi-layered method for combining a set of design assistants for larger tasks in architectural design. The first component of the framework is a layer-based, parallel task decomposition approach, which aims at obtaining a dynamic parallelization of sub-tasks within a more complicated problem. The second component of the framework is a conception for the development mechanisms for building drafts, i.e., Architectural Stem Cells (ASC). An ASC can be conceived as a semantically marked geometric structure, which contains the information that specifies the possibilities and constraints for how an abstract building may develop from an undetailed stage to a fully developed building draft. ASCs are required for re-integrating the separated task layers of an architectural problem through solution-based development. The ASC Framework brings together many of the ideas of this thesis for a practical research agenda and it is presented to the AD researchers in architecture. Finally, the “design_proxy.layout” (d_p.layout) is an architectural layout design assistant based on the design_proxy approach and the IEA. The system uses a relaxed problem definition (producing draft layouts) and a flexible layout representation that permits the overlapping of design units and boundaries. User interaction with the system is carried out through intuitive 2D graphics and the functional evaluations are performed by measuring the similarity of a proposal to existing layouts. Functioning in an integrated manner, these properties make the system a practicable and enjoying design assistant, which was demonstrated through two workshop cases. The d_p.layout is a versatile and robust layout design assistant that can be used by architects in their design processes

    Meta-optimization of Bio-inspired Techniques for Object Recognition

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    Il riconoscimento di oggetti consiste nel trovare automaticamente un oggetto all'interno di un'immagine o in una sequenza video. Questo compito è molto importante in molti campi quali diagnosi mediche, assistenza di guida avanzata, visione artificiale, sorveglianza, realtà aumentata. Tuttavia, questo compito può essere molto impegnativo a causa di artefatti (dovuti al sistema di acquisizione, all'ambiente o ad altri effetti ottici quali prospettiva, variazioni di illuminazione, etc.) che possono influenzare l'aspetto anche di oggetti facili da identificare e ben definiti . Una possibile tecnica per il riconoscimento di oggetti consiste nell'utilizzare approcci basati su modello: in questo scenario viene creato un modello che rappresenta le proprietà dell'oggetto da individuare; poi, vengono generate possibili ipotesi sul posizionamento dell'oggetto, e il modello viene trasformato di conseguenza, fino a trovare la migliore corrispondenza con l'aspetto reale dell'oggetto. Per generare queste ipotesi in maniera intelligente, è necessario un buon algoritmo di ottimizzazione. Gli algoritmi di tipo bio-ispirati sono metodi di ottimizzazione che si basano su proprietà osservate in natura (quali cooperazione, evoluzione, socialità). La loro efficacia è stata dimostrata in molte attività di ottimizzazione, soprattutto in problemi di difficile soluzione, multi-modali e multi-dimensionali quali, per l'appunto, il riconoscimento di oggetti. Anche se queste euristiche sono generalmente efficaci, esse dipendono da molti parametri che influenzano profondamente le loro prestazioni; pertanto, è spesso richiesto uno sforzo significativo per capire come farle esprimere al massimo delle loro potenzialità. Questa tesi descrive un metodo per (i) individuare automaticamente buoni parametri per tecniche bio-ispirate, sia per un problema specifico che più di uno alla volta, e (ii) acquisire maggior conoscenza sul ruolo di un parametro in questi algoritmi. Inoltre, viene mostrato come le tecniche bio-ispirate possono essere applicate con successo in diversi ambiti nel riconoscimento di oggetti, e come è possibile migliorare ulteriormente le loro prestazioni mediante il tuning automatico dei loro parametri.Object recognition is the task of automatically finding a given object in an image or in a video sequence. This task is very important in many fields such as medical diagnosis, advanced driving assistance, image understanding, surveillance, virtual reality. Nevertheless, this task can be very challenging because of artefacts (related with the acquisition system, the environment or other optical effects like perspective, illumination changes, etc.) which may affect the aspect even of easy-to-identify and well-defined objects. A possible way to achieve object recognition is using model-based approaches: in this scenario a model (also called template) representing the properties of the target object is created; then, hypotheses on the position of the object are generated, and the model is transformed accordingly, until the best match with the actual appearance of the object is found. To generate these hypotheses intelligently, a good optimization algorithm is required. Bio-inspired techniques are optimization methods whose foundations rely on properties observed in nature (such as cooperation, evolution, emergence). Their effectiveness has been proved in many optimization tasks, especially in multi-modal, multi-dimensional hard problems like object recognition. Although these heuristics are generally effective, they depend on many parameters that strongly affect their performances; therefore, a significant effort must be spent to understand how to let them express their full potentialities. This thesis describes a method to (i) automatically find good parameters for bio-inspired techniques, both for a specific problem and for more than one at the same time, and (ii) acquire more knowledge of a parameter's role in such algorithms. Then, it shows how bio-inspired techniques can be successfully applied to different object recognition tasks, and how it is possible to further improve their performances by means of automatic parameter tuning

    Image similarity in medical images

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    Recent experiments have indicated a strong influence of the substrate grain orientation on the self-ordering in anodic porous alumina. Anodic porous alumina with straight pore channels grown in a stable, self-ordered manner is formed on (001) oriented Al grain, while disordered porous pattern is formed on (101) oriented Al grain with tilted pore channels growing in an unstable manner. In this work, numerical simulation of the pore growth process is carried out to understand this phenomenon. The rate-determining step of the oxide growth is assumed to be the Cabrera-Mott barrier at the oxide/electrolyte (o/e) interface, while the substrate is assumed to determine the ratio β between the ionization and oxidation reactions at the metal/oxide (m/o) interface. By numerically solving the electric field inside a growing porous alumina during anodization, the migration rates of the ions and hence the evolution of the o/e and m/o interfaces are computed. The simulated results show that pore growth is more stable when β is higher. A higher β corresponds to more Al ionized and migrating away from the m/o interface rather than being oxidized, and hence a higher retained O:Al ratio in the oxide. Experimentally measured oxygen content in the self-ordered porous alumina on (001) Al is indeed found to be about 3% higher than that in the disordered alumina on (101) Al, in agreement with the theoretical prediction. The results, therefore, suggest that ionization on (001) Al substrate is relatively easier than on (101) Al, and this leads to the more stable growth of the pore channels on (001) Al
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