30 research outputs found

    Reducing Internet Latency : A Survey of Techniques and their Merit

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    Bob Briscoe, Anna Brunstrom, Andreas Petlund, David Hayes, David Ros, Ing-Jyh Tsang, Stein Gjessing, Gorry Fairhurst, Carsten Griwodz, Michael WelzlPeer reviewedPreprin

    Node design in optical packet switched networks

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    Head-of-Line Blocking Reduction in Power-Efficient Networks-on-Chip

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    Tesis por compendioNowadays, thanks to the continuous improvements in the integration scale, more and more cores are added on the same chip, leading to higher system performance. In order to interconnect all nodes, a network-on-chip (NoC) is used, which is in charge of delivering data between cores. However, increasing the number of cores leads to a significant power consumption increase, leading the NoC to be one of the most expensive components in terms of power. Because of this, during the last years, several mechanisms have been proposed to address the NoC power consumption by means of DVFS (Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling) and power-gating strategies. Nevertheless, improvements achieved by these mechanisms are achieved, to a greater or lesser extent, at the cost of system performance, potentially increasing the risk of saturating the network by forming congested points which, in turn, compromise the rest of the system functionality. One side effect is the creation of the "Head-of-Line blocking" effect where congested packets at the head of queues prevent other non-blocked packets from advancing. To address this issue, in this thesis, on one hand, we propose novel congestion control techniques in order to improve system performance by removing the "Head-of-Line" blocking effect. On the other hand, we propose combined solutions adapted to DVFS in order to achieve improvements in terms of performance and power. In addition to this, we propose a path-aware power-gating-based mechanism, which is capable of detecting the flows sharing buffer resources along data paths and perform to switch them off when not needed. With all these combined solutions we can significantly reduce the power consumption of the NoC when compared with state-of-the-art proposals.Hoy en día, gracias a las mejoras en la escala de integración cada vez se integran más y más núcleos en un mismo chip, mejorando así sus prestaciones. Para interconectar todos los nodos dentro del chip se emplea una red en chip (NoC, Network-on-Chip), la cual es la encargada de intercambiar información entre núcleos. No obstante, aumentar el número de núcleos en el chip también conlleva a su vez un importante incremento en el consumo de la NoC, haciendo que ésta se convierta en una de las partes más caras del chip en términos de consumo. Por ello, en los últimos años se han propuesto diversas técnicas de ahorro de energía orientadas a reducir el consumo de la NoC mediante el uso de DVFS (Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling) o estrategias basadas en "power-gating". Sin embargo, éstas mejoras de consumo normalmente se obtienen a costa de sacrificar, en mayor o menor medida, las prestaciones del sistema, aumentado potencialmente así el riesgo de saturar la red, generando puntos de congestión que, a su vez, comprometen el rendimiento del resto del sistema. Un efecto colateral es el "Head-of-Line blocking", mediante el que paquetes congestionados en la cabeza de la cola impiden que otros paquetes no congestionados avancen. Con el fin de solucionar este problema, en ésta tesis, en primer lugar, proponemos técnicas novedosas de control de congestión para incrementar el rendimiento del sistema mediante la eliminación del "Head-of-Line blocking", mientras que, por otra parte, proponemos soluciones combinadas adaptadas a DVFS con el fin de conseguir mejoras en términos de rendimiento y energía. Además, proponemos una técnica de "power-gating" orientada a rutas de datos, la cual es capaz de detectar flujos de datos compartiendo recursos a lo largo de rutas y apagar dichos recursos de forma dinámica cuando no son necesarios. Con todas éstas soluciones combinadas podemos reducir el consumo de energía de la NoC en comparación con otras técnicas presentes en el estado del arte.Hui en dia, gr\`acies a les millores en l'escala d'integraci\'o, cada vegada s'integren m\'es i m\'es nuclis en un mateix xip, la qual cosa millora les seues prestacions. Per tal d'interconectar tots els nodes dins el xip es fa \'us d'una Xarxa en Xip (NoC; Network-on-Chip), la qual \'es l'encarregada d'intercanviar informaci\'o entre els nuclis. No obstant aix\`o, incrementar el nombre de nuclis en el xip tamb\'e comporta un important augment en el consum de la NoC, la qual cosa fa que aquesta es convertisca en una de les parts m\'es costoses del xip en termes de consum. Per aix\`o, en els \'ultims anys s'han proposat diverses t\`ecniques d'estalvi d'energia orientades a reduir el consum de la NoC mitjançant l'\'us de DVFS (Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling) o estrat\`egies basades en ``power-gating''. Malgrat aix\`o, aquestes millores en les prestacions normalment s'obtenen a costa de sacrificar, en major o menor mesura, les prestacions del sistema i augmenta aix\'i el risc de saturar la xarxa al generar-se punts de congesti\'o, que al mateix temps, comprometen el rendiment de la resta del sistema. Un efecte col-lateral \'es el ``Head-of- Line blocking'', mitjançant el qual, els paquets congestionats al cap de la cua, impedixen que altres paquets no congestionats avancen. A fi de solucionar eixe problema, en aquesta tesi, en primer lloc, proposem noves t\`ecniques de control de congesti\'o amb l'objectiu d'incrementar el rendiment del sistema per mitj\`a de l'eliminaci\'o del ``Head-of- Line blocking'', i d'altra banda, proposem solucions combinades adaptades a DVFS amb la finalitat d'aconseguir millores en termes de rendiment i energia. A m\'es, proposem una t\`ecnica de ``power-gating'' orientada a rutes de dades, la qual \'es capa\c c de detectar fluxos de dades al compartir recursos al llarg de les rutes i apagar eixos recursos de forma din\`amica quan no s\'on necessaris. Amb totes aquestes solucions combinades podem reduir el consum d'energia de la NoC en comparaci\'o amb altres t\`ecniques presents en l'estat de l'art.Escamilla López, JV. (2017). Head-of-Line Blocking Reduction in Power-Efficient Networks-on-Chip [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90419TESISCompendi

    Improving the Scalability of High Performance Computer Systems

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    Improving the performance of future computing systems will be based upon the ability of increasing the scalability of current technology. New paths need to be explored, as operating principles that were applied up to now are becoming irrelevant for upcoming computer architectures. It appears that scaling the number of cores, processors and nodes within an system represents the only feasible alternative to achieve Exascale performance. To accomplish this goal, we propose three novel techniques addressing different layers of computer systems. The Tightly Coupled Cluster technique significantly improves the communication for inter node communication within compute clusters. By improving the latency by an order of magnitude over existing solutions the cost of communication is considerably reduced. This enables to exploit fine grain parallelism within applications, thereby, extending the scalability considerably. The mechanism virtually moves the network interconnect into the processor, bypassing the latency of the I/O interface and rendering protocol conversions unnecessary. The technique is implemented entirely through firmware and kernel layer software utilizing off-the-shelf AMD processors. We present a proof-of-concept implementation and real world benchmarks to demonstrate the superior performance of our technique. In particular, our approach achieves a software-to-software communication latency of 240 ns between two remote compute nodes. The second part of the dissertation introduces a new framework for scalable Networks-on-Chip. A novel rapid prototyping methodology is proposed, that accelerates the design and implementation substantially. Due to its flexibility and modularity a large application space is covered ranging from Systems-on-chip, to high performance many-core processors. The Network-on-Chip compiler enables to generate complex networks in the form of synthesizable register transfer level code from an abstract design description. Our engine supports different target technologies including Field Programmable Gate Arrays and Application Specific Integrated Circuits. The framework enables to build large designs while minimizing development and verification efforts. Many topologies and routing algorithms are supported by partitioning the tasks into several layers and by the introduction of a protocol agnostic architecture. We provide a thorough evaluation of the design that shows excellent results regarding performance and scalability. The third part of the dissertation addresses the Processor-Memory Interface within computer architectures. The increasing compute power of many-core processors, leads to an equally growing demand for more memory bandwidth and capacity. Current processor designs exhibit physical limitations that restrict the scalability of main memory. To address this issue we propose a memory extension technique that attaches large amounts of DRAM memory to the processor via a low pin count interface using high speed serial transceivers. Our technique transparently integrates the extension memory into the system architecture by providing full cache coherency. Therefore, applications can utilize the memory extension by applying regular shared memory programming techniques. By supporting daisy chained memory extension devices and by introducing the asymmetric probing approach, the proposed mechanism ensures high scalability. We furthermore propose a DMA offloading technique to improve the performance of the processor memory interface. The design has been implemented in a Field Programmable Gate Array based prototype. Driver software and firmware modifications have been developed to bring up the prototype in a Linux based system. We show microbenchmarks that prove the feasibility of our design

    Performance Analysis in IP-Based Industrial Communication Networks

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    S rostoucím počtem řídicích systémů a jejich distribuovanosti získávájí komunikační sítě na důležitosti a objevují se nové výzkumné trendy. Hlavní problematikou v této oblasti, narozdíl od dřívějších řídicích systémů využívajících dedikovaných komunikačních obvodů, je časově proměnné zpoždění měřicích a řídicích signálů způsobené paketově orientovanými komunikačními prostředky, jako např. Ethernet. Aspekty komunikace v reálném čase byly v těchto sítích již úspěšně vyřešeny. Nicméně, analýzy trendů trhu předpovídají budoucí využití také IP sítí v průmyslové komunikaci pro časově kritickou procesní vyměnu dat. IP komunikace má ovšem pouze omezenou podporu v instrumentaci pro průmyslovou automatizace. Tato výzva byla nedávno technicky vyřešena v rámci projektu Virtual Automation Networks (virtuální automatizační sítě - VAN) zapojením mechanismů kvality služeb (QoS), které jsou schopny zajistit měkkou úroveň komunikace v reálném čase. Předložená dizertační práce se zaměřuje na aspekty výkonnosti reálného času z analytického hlediska a nabízí prostředek pro hodnocení využitelnosti IP komunikace pro budoucí průmyslové aplikace. Hlavním cílem této dizertační práce je vytvoření vhodného modelovacího rámce založeného na network calculus, který pomůže provést worst-case výkonnostní analýzu časového chování IP komunikačních sítí a jejich prvků určených pro budoucí použití v průmyslové automatizaci. V práci byla použita empirická analýza pro určení dominantních faktorů ovlivňujících časového chování síťových zařízení a identifikaci parametrů modelů těchto zařízení. Empirická analýza využívá nástroj TestQoS vyvinutý pro tyto účely. Byla navržena drobná rozšíření rámce network calculus, která byla nutná pro modelování časového chování používaných zařízení. Bylo vytvořeno několik typových modelů zařízení jako výsledek klasifikace různých architektur síťových zařízení a empiricky zjištěných dominantních faktorů. U modelovaných zařízení byla využita nová metoda identifikace parametrů. Práce je zakončena validací časových modelů dvou síťových zařízení (přepínače a směrovače) oproti empirickým pozorováním.With the growing scale of control systems and their distributed nature, communication networks have been gaining importance and new research challenges have been appearing. The major problem, contrary to previously used control systems with dedicated communication circuits, is time-varying delay of control and measurement signals introduced by packet-switched networks, such as Ethernet. The real-time issues in these networks have been tackled by proper adaptations. Nevertheless, market trend analyses foresee also future adoptions of IP-based communication networks in industrial automation for time-critical run-time data exchange. IP-based communication has only a limited support from the existing instrumentation in industrial automation. This challenge has recently been technically tackled within the Virtual Automation Networks (VAN) project by adopting the quality of service (QoS) architecture delivering soft-real-time communication behaviour. This dissertation focuses on the real-time performance aspects from the analytical point of view and provides means for applicability assessment of IP-based communication for future industrial applications. The main objective of this dissertation is establishment of a relevant modelling framework based on network calculus which will assist worst-case performance analysis of temporal behaviour of IP-based communication networks and networking devices intended for future use in industrial automation. Empirical analysis was used to identify dominant factors influencing the temporal performance of networking devices and for model parameter identification. The empirical analysis makes use of the TestQoS tool developed for this purpose. Minor extensions to the network calculus framework were proposed enabling to model the required temporal behaviour of networking devices. Several exemplary models were inferred as a result of classification of different networking device architectures and empirically identified dominant factors. A novel method for parameter identification was used with the modelled devices. Finally, two temporal models of networking devices (a switch and a router) were validated against empirical observations.

    Development and certification of mixed-criticality embedded systems based on probabilistic timing analysis

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    An increasing variety of emerging systems relentlessly replaces or augments the functionality of mechanical subsystems with embedded electronics. For quantity, complexity, and use, the safety of such subsystems is an increasingly important matter. Accordingly, those systems are subject to safety certification to demonstrate system's safety by rigorous development processes and hardware/software constraints. The massive augment in embedded processors' complexity renders the arduous certification task significantly harder to achieve. The focus of this thesis is to address the certification challenges in multicore architectures: despite their potential to integrate several applications on a single platform, their inherent complexity imperils their timing predictability and certification. Recently, the Measurement-Based Probabilistic Timing Analysis (MBPTA) technique emerged as an alternative to deal with hardware/software complexity. The innovation that MBPTA brings about is, however, a major step from current certification procedures and standards. The particular contributions of this Thesis include: (i) the definition of certification arguments for mixed-criticality integration upon multicore processors. In particular we propose a set of safety mechanisms and procedures as required to comply with functional safety standards. For timing predictability, (ii) we present a quantitative approach to assess the likelihood of execution-time exceedance events with respect to the risk reduction requirements on safety standards. To this end, we build upon the MBPTA approach and we present the design of a safety-related source of randomization (SoR), that plays a key role in the platform-level randomization needed by MBPTA. And (iii) we evaluate current certification guidance with respect to emerging high performance design trends like caches. Overall, this Thesis pushes the certification limits in the use of multicore and MBPTA technology in Critical Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTES) and paves the way towards their adoption in industry.Una creciente variedad de sistemas emergentes reemplazan o aumentan la funcionalidad de subsistemas mecánicos con componentes electrónicos embebidos. El aumento en la cantidad y complejidad de dichos subsistemas electrónicos así como su cometido, hacen de su seguridad una cuestión de creciente importancia. Tanto es así que la comercialización de estos sistemas críticos está sujeta a rigurosos procesos de certificación donde se garantiza la seguridad del sistema mediante estrictas restricciones en el proceso de desarrollo y diseño de su hardware y software. Esta tesis trata de abordar los nuevos retos y dificultades dadas por la introducción de procesadores multi-núcleo en dichos sistemas críticos: aunque su mayor rendimiento despierta el interés de la industria para integrar múltiples aplicaciones en una sola plataforma, suponen una mayor complejidad. Su arquitectura desafía su análisis temporal mediante los métodos tradicionales y, asimismo, su certificación es cada vez más compleja y costosa. Con el fin de lidiar con estas limitaciones, recientemente se ha desarrollado una novedosa técnica de análisis temporal probabilístico basado en medidas (MBPTA). La innovación de esta técnica, sin embargo, supone un gran cambio cultural respecto a los estándares y procedimientos tradicionales de certificación. En esta línea, las contribuciones de esta tesis están agrupadas en tres ejes principales: (i) definición de argumentos de seguridad para la certificación de aplicaciones de criticidad-mixta sobre plataformas multi-núcleo. Se definen, en particular, mecanismos de seguridad, técnicas de diagnóstico y reacción de faltas acorde con el estándar IEC 61508 sobre una arquitectura multi-núcleo de referencia. Respecto al análisis temporal, (ii) presentamos la cuantificación de la probabilidad de exceder un límite temporal y su relación con los requisitos de reducción de riesgos derivados de los estándares de seguridad funcional. Con este fin, nos basamos en la técnica MBPTA y presentamos el diseño de una fuente de números aleatorios segura; un componente clave para conseguir las propiedades aleatorias requeridas por MBPTA a nivel de plataforma. Por último, (iii) extrapolamos las guías actuales para la certificación de arquitecturas multi-núcleo a una solución comercial de 8 núcleos y las evaluamos con respecto a las tendencias emergentes de diseño de alto rendimiento (caches). Con estas contribuciones, esta tesis trata de abordar los retos que el uso de procesadores multi-núcleo y MBPTA implican en el proceso de certificación de sistemas críticos de tiempo real y facilita, de esta forma, su adopción por la industria.Postprint (published version

    Recent Advances in Wireless Communications and Networks

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    This book focuses on the current hottest issues from the lowest layers to the upper layers of wireless communication networks and provides "real-time" research progress on these issues. The authors have made every effort to systematically organize the information on these topics to make it easily accessible to readers of any level. This book also maintains the balance between current research results and their theoretical support. In this book, a variety of novel techniques in wireless communications and networks are investigated. The authors attempt to present these topics in detail. Insightful and reader-friendly descriptions are presented to nourish readers of any level, from practicing and knowledgeable communication engineers to beginning or professional researchers. All interested readers can easily find noteworthy materials in much greater detail than in previous publications and in the references cited in these chapters

    Definition and specification of connectivity and QoE/QoS management mechanisms – final report

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    This document summarizes the WP5 work throughout the project, describing its functional architecture and the solutions that implement the WP5 concepts on network control and orchestration. For this purpose, we defined 3 innovative controllers that embody the network slicing and multi tenancy: SDM-C, SDM-X and SDM-O. The functionalities of each block are detailed with the interfaces connecting them and validated through exemplary network processes, highlighting thus 5G NORMA innovations. All the proposed modules are designed to implement the functionality needed to provide the challenging KPIs required by future 5G networks while keeping the largest possible compatibility with the state of the art