125 research outputs found

    Field typing for improved recognition on heterogeneous handwritten forms

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    Offline handwriting recognition has undergone continuous progress over the past decades. However, existing methods are typically benchmarked on free-form text datasets that are biased towards good-quality images and handwriting styles, and homogeneous content. In this paper, we show that state-of-the-art algorithms, employing long short-term memory (LSTM) layers, do not readily generalize to real-world structured documents, such as forms, due to their highly heterogeneous and out-of-vocabulary content, and to the inherent ambiguities of this content. To address this, we propose to leverage the content type within an LSTM-based architecture. Furthermore, we introduce a procedure to generate synthetic data to train this architecture without requiring expensive manual annotations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach at transcribing text on a challenging, real-world dataset of European Accident Statements

    A limited-size ensemble of homogeneous CNN/LSTMs for high-performance word classification

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    The strength of long short-term memory neural networks (LSTMs) that have been applied is more located in handling sequences of variable length than in handling geometric variability of the image patterns. In this paper, an end-to-end convolutional LSTM neural network is used to handle both geometric variation and sequence variability. The best results for LSTMs are often based on large-scale training of an ensemble of network instances. We show that high performances can be reached on a common benchmark set by using proper data augmentation for just five such networks using a proper coding scheme and a proper voting scheme. The networks have similar architectures (convolutional neural network (CNN): five layers, bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM): three layers followed by a connectionist temporal classification (CTC) processing step). The approach assumes differently scaled input images and different feature map sizes. Three datasets are used: the standard benchmark RIMES dataset (French); a historical handwritten dataset KdK (Dutch); the standard benchmark George Washington (GW) dataset (English). Final performance obtained for the word-recognition test of RIMES was 96.6%, a clear improvement over other state-of-the-art approaches which did not use a pre-trained network. On the KdK and GW datasets, our approach also shows good results. The proposed approach is deployed in the Monk search engine for historical-handwriting collections

    Towards robust real-world historical handwriting recognition

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    In this thesis, we make a bridge from the past to the future by using artificial-intelligence methods for text recognition in a historical Dutch collection of the Natuurkundige Commissie that explored Indonesia (1820-1850). In spite of the successes of systems like 'ChatGPT', reading historical handwriting is still quite challenging for AI. Whereas GPT-like methods work on digital texts, historical manuscripts are only available as an extremely diverse collections of (pixel) images. Despite the great results, current DL methods are very data greedy, time consuming, heavily dependent on the human expert from the humanities for labeling and require machine-learning experts for designing the models. Ideally, the use of deep learning methods should require minimal human effort, have an algorithm observe the evolution of the training process, and avoid inefficient use of the already sparse amount of labeled data. We present several approaches towards dealing with these problems, aiming to improve the robustness of current methods and to improve the autonomy in training. We applied our novel word and line text recognition approaches on nine data sets differing in time period, language, and difficulty: three locally collected historical Latin-based data sets from Naturalis, Leiden; four public Latin-based benchmark data sets for comparability with other approaches; and two Arabic data sets. Using ensemble voting of just five neural networks, a level of accuracy was achieved which required hundreds of neural networks in earlier studies. Moreover, we increased the speed of evaluation of each training epoch without the need of labeled data

    Visual Question Answering: A Survey of Methods and Datasets

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    Visual Question Answering (VQA) is a challenging task that has received increasing attention from both the computer vision and the natural language processing communities. Given an image and a question in natural language, it requires reasoning over visual elements of the image and general knowledge to infer the correct answer. In the first part of this survey, we examine the state of the art by comparing modern approaches to the problem. We classify methods by their mechanism to connect the visual and textual modalities. In particular, we examine the common approach of combining convolutional and recurrent neural networks to map images and questions to a common feature space. We also discuss memory-augmented and modular architectures that interface with structured knowledge bases. In the second part of this survey, we review the datasets available for training and evaluating VQA systems. The various datatsets contain questions at different levels of complexity, which require different capabilities and types of reasoning. We examine in depth the question/answer pairs from the Visual Genome project, and evaluate the relevance of the structured annotations of images with scene graphs for VQA. Finally, we discuss promising future directions for the field, in particular the connection to structured knowledge bases and the use of natural language processing models.Comment: 25 page

    Text detection and recognition in natural scene images

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    This thesis addresses the problem of end-to-end text detection and recognition in natural scene images based on deep neural networks. Scene text detection and recognition aim to find regions in an image that are considered as text by human beings, generate a bounding box for each word and output a corresponding sequence of characters. As a useful task in image analysis, scene text detection and recognition attract much attention in computer vision field. In this thesis, we tackle this problem by taking advantage of the success in deep learning techniques. Car license plates can be viewed as a spacial case of scene text, as they both consist of characters and appear in natural scenes. Nevertheless, they have their respective specificities. During the research progress, we start from car license plate detection and recognition. Then we extend the methods to general scene text, with additional ideas proposed. For both tasks, we develop two approaches respectively: a stepwise one and an integrated one. Stepwise methods tackle text detection and recognition step by step by respective models; while integrated methods handle both text detection and recognition simultaneously via one model. All approaches are based on the powerful deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), considering the tremendous breakthroughs they brought into the computer vision community. To begin with, a stepwise framework is proposed to tackle text detection and recognition, with its application to car license plates and general scene text respectively. A character CNN classifier is well trained to detect characters from an image in a sliding window manner. The detected characters are then grouped together as license plates or text lines according to some heuristic rules. A sequence labeling based method is proposed to recognize the whole license plate or text line without character level segmentation. On the basis of the sequence labeling based recognition method, to accelerate the processing speed, an integrated deep neural network is then proposed to address car license plate detection and recognition concurrently. It integrates both CNNs and RNNs in one network, and can be trained end-to-end. Both car license plate bounding boxes and their labels are generated in a single forward evaluation of the network. The whole process involves no heuristic rule, and avoids intermediate procedures like image cropping or feature recalculation, which not only prevents error accumulation, but also reduces computation burden. Lastly, the unified network is extended to simultaneous general text detection and recognition in natural scene. In contrast to the one for car license plates, some innovations are proposed to accommodate the special characteristics of general text. A varying-size RoI encoding method is proposed to handle the various aspect ratios of general text. An attention-based sequence-to-sequence learning structure is adopted for word recognition. It is expected that a character-level language model can be learnt in this manner. The whole framework can be trained end-to-end, requiring only images, the ground-truth bounding boxes and text labels. Through end-to-end training, the learned features can be more discriminative, which improves the overall performance. The convolutional features are calculated only once and shared by both detection and recognition, which saves the processing time. The proposed method has achieved state-of-the-art performance on several standard benchmark datasets.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Computer Science, 201

    Deep Learning Methods for Dialogue Act Recognition using Visual Information

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    Rozpoznávání dialogových aktů (DA) je důležitým krokem v řízení a porozumění dialogu. Tato úloha spočívá v automatickém přiřazení třídy k výroku/promluvě (nebo jeho části) na základě jeho funkce v dialogu (např. prohlášení, otázka, potvrzení atd.). Takováto klasifikace pak pomáhá modelovat a identifikovat strukturu spontánních dialogů. I když je rozpoznávání DA obvykle realizováno na zvukovém signálu (řeči) pomocí modelů pro automatické rozpoznávání řeči, dialogy existují rovněž ve formě obrázků (např. komiksy). Tato práce se zabývá automatickým rozpoznáváním dialogových aktů z obrazových dokumentů. Dle nás se jedná o první pokus o navržení přístupu rozpoznávání DA využívající obrázky jako vstup. Pro tento úkol je nutné extrahovat text z obrázků. Využíváme proto algoritmy z oblasti počítačového vidění a~zpracování obrazu, jako je prahování obrazu, segmentace textu a optické rozpoznávání znaků (OCR). Hlavním přínosem v této oblasti je návrh a implementace OCR modelu založeného na konvolučních a rekurentních neuronových sítích. Také prozkoumáváme různé strategie pro trénování tohoto modelu, včetně generování syntetických dat a technik rozšiřování dat (tzv. augmentace). Dosahujeme vynikajících výsledků OCR v případě, kdy je malé množství trénovacích dat. Mezi naše přínosy tedy patří to, jak vytvořit efektivní OCR systém s~minimálními náklady na ruční anotaci. Dále se zabýváme vícejazyčností v oblasti rozpoznávání DA. Úspěšně jsme použili a nasadili obecný model, který byl trénován všemi dostupnými jazyky, a také další modely, které byly trénovány pouze na jednom jazyce, a vícejazyčnosti je dosaženo pomocí transformací sémantického prostoru. Také zkoumáme techniku přenosu učení (tzv. transfer learning) pro tuto úlohu tam, kde je k dispozici malý počet anotovaných dat. Používáme příznaky jak na úrovni slov, tak i vět a naše modely hlubokých neuronových sítí (včetně architektury Transformer) dosáhly výborných výsledků v oblasti vícejazyčného rozpoznávání dialogových aktů. Pro rozpoznávání DA z obrazových dokumentů navrhujeme nový multimodální model založený na konvoluční a rekurentní neuronové síti. Tento model kombinuje textové a obrazové vstupy. Textová část zpracovává text z OCR, zatímco vizuální část extrahuje obrazové příznaky, které tvoří další vstup do modelu. Text z OCR obsahuje často překlepy nebo jiné lexikální chyby. Demonstrujeme na experimentech, že tento multimodální model využívající dva vstupy dokáže částečně vyvážit ztrátu informace způsobenou chybovostí OCR systému.ObhájenoDialogue act (DA) recognition is an important step of dialogue management and understanding. This task is to automatically assign a label to an utterance (or its part) based on its function in a dialogue (e.g. statement, question, backchannel, etc.). Such utterance-level classification thus helps to model and identify the structure of spontaneous dialogues. Even though DA recognition is usually realized on audio data using an automatic speech recognition engine, the dialogues exist also in a form of images (e.g. comic books). This thesis deals with automatic dialogue act recognition from image documents. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to propose DA recognition approaches using the images as an input. For this task, it is necessary to extract the text from the images. Therefore, we employ algorithms from the field of computer vision and image processing such as image thresholding, text segmentation, and optical character recognition (OCR). The main contribution in this field is to design and implement a custom OCR model based on convolutional and recurrent neural networks. We also explore different strategies for training such a~model, including synthetic data generation and data augmentation techniques. We achieve new state-of-the-art OCR results in the constraints when only a few training data are available. Summing up, our contribution is hence also presenting an overview of how to create an efficient OCR system with minimal costs. We further deal with the multilinguality in the DA recognition field. We successfully employ one general model that was trained by data from all available languages, as well as several models that are trained on a single language, and cross-linguality is achieved by using semantic space transformations. Moreover, we explore transfer learning for DA recognition where there is a small number of annotated data available. We use word-level and utterance-level features and our models contain deep neural network architectures, including Transformers. We obtain new state-of-the-art results in multi- and cross-lingual DA regonition field. For DA recognition from image documents, we propose and implement a novel multimodal model based on convolutional and recurrent neural network. This model combines text and image inputs. A text part is fed by text tokens from OCR, while the visual part extracts image features that are considered as an auxiliary input. Extracted text from dialogues is often erroneous and contains typos or other lexical errors. We show that the multimodal model deals with the erroneous text and visual information partially balance this loss of information
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