98 research outputs found

    Exploring the adoption of a conceptual data analytics framework for subsurface energy production systems: a study of predictive maintenance, multi-phase flow estimation, and production optimization

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    Als die Technologie weiter fortschreitet und immer stärker in der Öl- und Gasindustrie integriert wird, steht eine enorme Menge an Daten in verschiedenen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen zur Verfügung, die neue Möglichkeiten bieten, informationsreiche und handlungsorientierte Informationen zu gewinnen. Die Konvergenz der digitalen Transformation mit der Physik des Flüssigkeitsflusses durch poröse Medien und Pipeline hat die Entwicklung und Anwendung von maschinellem Lernen (ML) vorangetrieben, um weiteren Mehrwert aus diesen Daten zu gewinnen. Als Folge hat sich die digitale Transformation und ihre zugehörigen maschinellen Lernanwendungen zu einem neuen Forschungsgebiet entwickelt. Die Transformation von Brownfields in digitale Ölfelder kann bei der Energieproduktion helfen, indem verschiedene Ziele erreicht werden, einschließlich erhöhter betrieblicher Effizienz, Produktionsoptimierung, Zusammenarbeit, Datenintegration, Entscheidungsunterstützung und Workflow-Automatisierung. Diese Arbeit zielt darauf ab, ein Rahmenwerk für diese Anwendungen zu präsentieren, insbesondere durch die Implementierung virtueller Sensoren, Vorhersageanalytik mithilfe von Vorhersagewartung für die Produktionshydraulik-Systeme (mit dem Schwerpunkt auf elektrischen Unterwasserpumpen) und präskriptiven Analytik für die Produktionsoptimierung in Dampf- und Wasserflutprojekten. In Bezug auf virtuelle Messungen ist eine genaue Schätzung von Mehrphasenströmen für die Überwachung und Verbesserung von Produktionsprozessen entscheidend. Diese Studie präsentiert einen datengetriebenen Ansatz zur Berechnung von Mehrphasenströmen mithilfe von Sensormessungen in elektrischen untergetauchten Pumpbrunnen. Es wird eine ausführliche exploratorische Datenanalyse durchgeführt, einschließlich einer Ein Variablen Studie der Zielausgänge (Flüssigkeitsrate und Wasseranteil), einer Mehrvariablen-Studie der Beziehungen zwischen Eingaben und Ausgaben sowie einer Datengruppierung basierend auf Hauptkomponentenprojektionen und Clusteralgorithmen. Feature Priorisierungsexperimente werden durchgeführt, um die einflussreichsten Parameter in der Vorhersage von Fließraten zu identifizieren. Die Modellvergleich erfolgt anhand des mittleren absoluten Fehlers, des mittleren quadratischen Fehlers und des Bestimmtheitskoeffizienten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die CNN-LSTM-Netzwerkarchitektur besonders effektiv bei der Zeitreihenanalyse von ESP-Sensordaten ist, da die 1D-CNN-Schichten automatisch Merkmale extrahieren und informative Darstellungen von Zeitreihendaten erzeugen können. Anschließend wird in dieser Studie eine Methodik zur Umsetzung von Vorhersagewartungen für künstliche Hebesysteme, insbesondere bei der Wartung von Elektrischen Untergetauchten Pumpen (ESP), vorgestellt. Conventional maintenance practices for ESPs require extensive resources and manpower, and are often initiated through reactive monitoring of multivariate sensor data. Um dieses Problem zu lösen, wird die Verwendung von Hauptkomponentenanalyse (PCA) und Extreme Gradient Boosting Trees (XGBoost) zur Analyse von Echtzeitsensordaten und Vorhersage möglicher Ausfälle in ESPs eingesetzt. PCA wird als unsupervised technique eingesetzt und sein Ausgang wird weiter vom XGBoost-Modell für die Vorhersage des Systemstatus verarbeitet. Das resultierende Vorhersagemodell hat gezeigt, dass es Signale von möglichen Ausfällen bis zu sieben Tagen im Voraus bereitstellen kann, mit einer F1-Bewertung größer als 0,71 im Testset. Diese Studie integriert auch Model-Free Reinforcement Learning (RL) Algorithmen zur Unterstützung bei Entscheidungen im Rahmen der Produktionsoptimierung. Die Aufgabe, die optimalen Injektionsstrategien zu bestimmen, stellt Herausforderungen aufgrund der Komplexität der zugrundeliegenden Dynamik, einschließlich nichtlinearer Formulierung, zeitlicher Variationen und Reservoirstrukturheterogenität. Um diese Herausforderungen zu bewältigen, wurde das Problem als Markov-Entscheidungsprozess reformuliert und RL-Algorithmen wurden eingesetzt, um Handlungen zu bestimmen, die die Produktion optimieren. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der RL-Agent in der Lage war, den Netto-Barwert (NPV) durch kontinuierliche Interaktion mit der Umgebung und iterative Verfeinerung des dynamischen Prozesses über mehrere Episoden signifikant zu verbessern. Dies zeigt das Potenzial von RL-Algorithmen, effektive und effiziente Lösungen für komplexe Optimierungsprobleme im Produktionsbereich zu bieten.As technology continues to advance and become more integrated in the oil and gas industry, a vast amount of data is now prevalent across various scientific disciplines, providing new opportunities to gain insightful and actionable information. The convergence of digital transformation with the physics of fluid flow through porous media and pipelines has driven the advancement and application of machine learning (ML) techniques to extract further value from this data. As a result, digital transformation and its associated machine-learning applications have become a new area of scientific investigation. The transformation of brownfields into digital oilfields can aid in energy production by accomplishing various objectives, including increased operational efficiency, production optimization, collaboration, data integration, decision support, and workflow automation. This work aims to present a framework of these applications, specifically through the implementation of virtual sensing, predictive analytics using predictive maintenance on production hydraulic systems (with a focus on electrical submersible pumps), and prescriptive analytics for production optimization in steam and waterflooding projects. In terms of virtual sensing, the accurate estimation of multi-phase flow rates is crucial for monitoring and improving production processes. This study presents a data-driven approach for calculating multi-phase flow rates using sensor measurements located in electrical submersible pumped wells. An exhaustive exploratory data analysis is conducted, including a univariate study of the target outputs (liquid rate and water cut), a multivariate study of the relationships between inputs and outputs, and data grouping based on principal component projections and clustering algorithms. Feature prioritization experiments are performed to identify the most influential parameters in the prediction of flow rates. Model comparison is done using the mean absolute error, mean squared error and coefficient of determination. The results indicate that the CNN-LSTM network architecture is particularly effective in time series analysis for ESP sensor data, as the 1D-CNN layers are capable of extracting features and generating informative representations of time series data automatically. Subsequently, the study presented herein a methodology for implementing predictive maintenance on artificial lift systems, specifically regarding the maintenance of Electrical Submersible Pumps (ESPs). Conventional maintenance practices for ESPs require extensive resources and manpower and are often initiated through reactive monitoring of multivariate sensor data. To address this issue, the study employs the use of principal component analysis (PCA) and extreme gradient boosting trees (XGBoost) to analyze real-time sensor data and predict potential failures in ESPs. PCA is utilized as an unsupervised technique and its output is further processed by the XGBoost model for prediction of system status. The resulting predictive model has been shown to provide signals of potential failures up to seven days in advance, with an F1 score greater than 0.71 on the test set. In addition to the data-driven modeling approach, The present study also in- corporates model-free reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms to aid in decision-making in production optimization. The task of determining the optimal injection strategy poses challenges due to the complexity of the underlying dynamics, including nonlinear formulation, temporal variations, and reservoir heterogeneity. To tackle these challenges, the problem was reformulated as a Markov decision process and RL algorithms were employed to determine actions that maximize production yield. The results of the study demonstrate that the RL agent was able to significantly enhance the net present value (NPV) by continuously interacting with the environment and iteratively refining the dynamic process through multiple episodes. This showcases the potential for RL algorithms to provide effective and efficient solutions for complex optimization problems in the production domain. In conclusion, this study represents an original contribution to the field of data-driven applications in subsurface energy systems. It proposes a data-driven method for determining multi-phase flow rates in electrical submersible pumped (ESP) wells utilizing sensor measurements. The methodology includes conducting exploratory data analysis, conducting experiments to prioritize features, and evaluating models based on mean absolute error, mean squared error, and coefficient of determination. The findings indicate that a convolutional neural network-long short-term memory (CNN-LSTM) network is an effective approach for time series analysis in ESPs. In addition, the study implements principal component analysis (PCA) and extreme gradient boosting trees (XGBoost) to perform predictive maintenance on ESPs and anticipate potential failures up to a seven-day horizon. Furthermore, the study applies model-free reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms to aid decision-making in production optimization and enhance net present value (NPV)

    Deep Learning, Shallow Dips: Transit light curves have never been so trendy

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    At the crossroad between photometry and time-domain astronomy, light curves are invaluable data objects to study distant events and sources of light even when they can not be spatially resolved. In particular, the field of exoplanet sciences has tremendously benefited from acquired stellar light curves to detect and characterise a majority of the outer worlds that we know today. Yet, their analysis is challenged by the astrophysical and instrumental noise often diluting the signals of interest. For instance, the detection of shallow dips caused by transiting exoplanets in stellar light curves typically require a precision of the order of 1 ppm to 100 ppm in units of stellar flux, and their very study directly depends upon our capacity to correct for instrumental and stellar trends. The increasing number of light curves acquired from space and ground-based telescopes—of the order of billions—opens up the possibility for global, efficient, automated processing algorithms to replace individual, parametric and hard-coded ones. Luckily, the field of deep learning is also progressing fast, revolutionising time series problems and applications. This reinforces the incentive to develop data-driven approaches hand-in-hand with existing scientific models and expertise. With the study of exoplanetary transits in focus, I developed automated approaches to learn and correct for the time-correlated noise in and across light curves. In particular, I present (i) a deep recurrent model trained via a forecasting objective to detrend individual transit light curves (e.g. from the Spitzer space telescope); (ii) the power of a Transformer-based model leveraging whole datasets of light curves (e.g. from large transit surveys) to learn the trend via a masked objective; (iii) a hybrid and flexible framework to combine neural networks with transit physics

    Diagnostic opportunities of transabdominal fetal electrocardiography

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    Diagnostic opportunities of transabdominal fetal electrocardiography

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    Intelligent Circuits and Systems

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    ICICS-2020 is the third conference initiated by the School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Lovely Professional University that explored recent innovations of researchers working for the development of smart and green technologies in the fields of Energy, Electronics, Communications, Computers, and Control. ICICS provides innovators to identify new opportunities for the social and economic benefits of society.  This conference bridges the gap between academics and R&D institutions, social visionaries, and experts from all strata of society to present their ongoing research activities and foster research relations between them. It provides opportunities for the exchange of new ideas, applications, and experiences in the field of smart technologies and finding global partners for future collaboration. The ICICS-2020 was conducted in two broad categories, Intelligent Circuits & Intelligent Systems and Emerging Technologies in Electrical Engineering

    Industrial Applications: New Solutions for the New Era

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    This book reprints articles from the Special Issue "Industrial Applications: New Solutions for the New Age" published online in the open-access journal Machines (ISSN 2075-1702). This book consists of twelve published articles. This special edition belongs to the "Mechatronic and Intelligent Machines" section

    Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) in Hydrology: A Review

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    In less than two decades, UASs (unmanned aerial systems) have revolutionized the field of hydrology, bridging the gap between traditional satellite observations and ground-based measurements and allowing the limitations of manned aircraft to be overcome. With unparalleled spatial and temporal resolutions and product-tailoring possibilities, UAS are contributing to the acquisition of large volumes of data on water bodies, submerged parameters and their interactions in different hydrological contexts and in inaccessible or hazardous locations. This paper provides a comprehensive review of 122 works on the applications of UASs in surface water and groundwater research with a purpose-oriented approach. Concretely, the review addresses: (i) the current applications of UAS in surface and groundwater studies, (ii) the type of platforms and sensors mainly used in these tasks, (iii) types of products generated from UAS-borne data, (iv) the associated advantages and limitations, and (v) knowledge gaps and future prospects of UASs application in hydrology. The first aim of this review is to serve as a reference or introductory document for all researchers and water managers who are interested in embracing this novel technology. The second aim is to unify in a single document all the possibilities, potential approaches and results obtained by different authors through the implementation of UASs

    Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis

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    The accelerating power of deep learning in diagnosing diseases will empower physicians and speed up decision making in clinical environments. Applications of modern medical instruments and digitalization of medical care have generated enormous amounts of medical images in recent years. In this big data arena, new deep learning methods and computational models for efficient data processing, analysis, and modeling of the generated data are crucially important for clinical applications and understanding the underlying biological process. This book presents and highlights novel algorithms, architectures, techniques, and applications of deep learning for medical image analysis

    Non-invasive electrophysiologic measurements of the fetus during pregnancy and labor

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