102 research outputs found

    Utilization of cloud RAN architecture with eCPRI fronthaul in 5G network

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    With increased reliability, massive network capacity, and extremely reduced latency, 5G expands the mobile ecosystem into new realms. 5G impacts every industry and innovation, making transportation and conveyance safer, remote healthcare, accuracy agriculture, digitized logistics, and much more. In this age, 5G calls for new levels of flexibility and broadness in architecting, scaling, and deploying telecommunication networks, which need a further step ahead in technology and enter Cloud Technology. Cloud technology provides fascinating possibilities to complement the existing tried and tested technologies in the Radio Access Network (RAN) domain. Cloud RAN (CRAN) refers to relying on RAN functions over an inclusive platform instead of a purpose-built hardware platform. It represents a progression in wireless communication technology, leveraging the Common public radio interface (CPRI) standard, Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) innovation, and millimeter wave (mmWave) propagation for extended-range signals. A CRAN network comprises of three fundamental elements. The initial element is the Distant Wireless Unit (DRU) or Remote Radio Component (RRH), utilized within a network to link wireless devices to entry points; these units are equipped with transceivers for transmitting and receiving signals. Next, a Baseband Unit (BBU) centre or hub serves as a centralized site functioning as a data processing hub. Separate BBU modules can be assembled independently or interconnected to distribute resources, adapting to the network's changing dynamics and needs. Communication among these modules boasts remarkably high bandwidth and exceptionally low latency. The BBU can be further segmented into DU (Distributed Unit) and CU (Centralized Unit). The third crucial component is a fronthaul or conveyance network – the connecting layer between a baseband unit (BBU) and a set of RRUs, utilizing optical fibres, cellular links, or mmWave communication. The goal of this thesis is to find a way to utilize the 5G RAN Architecture as efficiently as possible and for this purpose, Enhanced Common Public Radio Interface (eCPRI) or enhanced CPRI fronthaul is adopted instead of CPRI as it is a manner of splitting up the functions performed by baseband unit and putting some of that in the RRU so it can reduce the burden on the fibre. Enhanced CPRI makes it possible to send some data packets to a virtual Distributed Unit (vDU) and others to a virtual Centralized Unit (vCU) which results in reduced data traffic on fibre. The first part of this research paper focuses on considering and learning about the 5G Cloud RAN architecture's main components, some cloud RAN history, and important components included in the 5G Cloud RAN. In the second part, research goes in depth about the fronthaul gateway technology that is eCPRI structure, its functional split, its difference from CPRI in structure and functionality, and how it is enhanced and developed. Considering CRAN specifications, it will also include some eCPRI protocol delay management and timing studies. Finally, Test cases are developed that can authenticate the low latency and high throughput of data with eCPRI fronthaul in 5G Cloud RAN as compared to CPRI fronthaul. The inspiration behind this is to recreate the model with substantial changes that work with an ideal behaviour of a subsystem, with this a tool or an environment can be obtained that maximizes the efficiency of 5G CRAN. It will also permit network architects and designers to experiment with new features, which can reduce costs, save time, improve latency. It can also provide a tool to verification engineers that will help them to generate optimal replies of the system necessary for evaluating the practical realization of that system

    Optimization of the methodology of configuration of mobile communication networks

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    The mobile communication network has been growing quickly, and the mobile network maintenance is becoming more complex, in performance, network coverage, energy, time consuming and expensive. The telecommunication service provider and mobile network telecommunication operator worries to what is the better methodology to optimizing a mobile network configuration and to improve the most efficient operation and functionality, to increase a superior performance in technical aspect (Create, and integrate new network planning in hardware and software level), economic aspect (cost reduction in maintenance) and environmental aspect (use of renewable energy through solar panels or wind power system). The work developed in this dissertation aims to propose an optimization of methodology of configuration of mobile communication network and build an automated configuration system in different technology (GSM, UMTS and LTE) to provide a good quality and improvement in its architecture to meet the requirement for a large number of services or application through distinct means transmission and using technology appropriate with a new generation of hardware to reach certain area in a Base Station Transmition (BTS) and a Radio Network Controller (RNC) that permit configure and integrated hardware and software issues in distinct networks technology (GSM, UMTS and LTE).A rede de comunicação móvel tem crescido rapidamente e ficando cada vez mais complexa, sendo cada vez mais complicado melhorar o desempenho, a cobertura, a eficiência energética e ao mesmo tempo aumentar o numero de utilizadores e serviços. O provedor de serviços de telecomunicações e a operadora de rede móvel têm de se preocupar em optimizar de forma a garantir a melhor configuração de rede móvel tendo em vista melhorar a operação e funcionalidade, a fim de esta ser mais eficiente, no seu desempenho. Relativamente aos aspectos técnicos (Criar novo planeamento e integrar a uma rede ao nível hardware e de software), aspecto econômico (redução de custo na manutenção) e aspecto ambiental (uso de energia renovável, quer através de painéis solares como de sistemas eólicos). O trabalho desenvolvido nesta dissertação visa propor uma otimização da metodologia de configuração das redes de comunicação móveis e construir um sistema de configuração automatizado em diferentes tecnologias (GSM, UMTS e LTE), para garantir os mais altos padrões de qualidade e atender a exigência de um grande número de serviços ou aplicações através de diferentes meios de transmissão e uso de tecnologia apropriada com uma nova geração de hardware para atingir determinada área em uma Estação de Transmissão de Base (BTS) e numa Rede de Controlador de Rádio (RNC) que permitem configurar e integrar diversos tipos de hardware e software em tecnologia de diferentes redes (GSM, UMTS e LTE)

    5G Outlook – Innovations and Applications

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    5G Outlook - Innovations and Applications is a collection of the recent research and development in the area of the Fifth Generation Mobile Technology (5G), the future of wireless communications. Plenty of novel ideas and knowledge of the 5G are presented in this book as well as divers applications from health science to business modeling. The authors of different chapters contributed from various countries and organizations. The chapters have also been presented at the 5th IEEE 5G Summit held in Aalborg on July 1, 2016. The book starts with a comprehensive introduction on 5G and its need and requirement. Then millimeter waves as a promising spectrum to 5G technology is discussed. The book continues with the novel and inspiring ideas for the future wireless communication usage and network. Further, some technical issues in signal processing and network design for 5G are presented. Finally, the book ends up with different applications of 5G in distinct areas. Topics widely covered in this book are: • 5G technology from past to present to the future• Millimeter- waves and their characteristics• Signal processing and network design issues for 5G• Applications, business modeling and several novel ideas for the future of 5

    Overview of UMTS network evolution through radio and transmission feature validation

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    This project is based on several UMTS network feature validation with the aim to provide an end-to-end in-depth knowledge overview gained in parallel in the areas of radio network mobility processes (cell camping and inter-system handover), Quality of Service improvement for HSPA data users and transport network evolution towards the All-IP era.Hardware and software validation is a key step in the relationship between the mobile network operator and the vendor. Through this verification process, while executing that functionality or testing a specific hardware, the difference between the actual result and expected result can be better understood and, in turn, this in-depth knowledge acquisition is translated into a tailored usage of the product in the operator’s live network. As a result, validation helps in building a better product as per the customer’s requirement and helps satisfying their needs, which positively impacts in the future evolution of the vendor product roadmap implementation process for a specific customer. This project is based on several Universal Mobile Telecommunication Services (UMTS) network feature validation with the aim to provide an end-to-end in-depth knowledge overview gained in parallel in the areas of radio network mobility processes (cell camping and inter-system handover), Quality of Service improvement for High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSPA) data users and transport network evolution towards the All-IP era.Las campañas de validación hardware y software son un paso clave en las relaciones comerciales establecidas entre un operador de telecomunicaciones y su proveedor de equipos de red. Durante los procesos de certificación, mientras se ejecuta una funcionalidad software o se valida un determinado hardware, se obtiene un conocimiento profundo de la diferencia entre el resultado obtenido y el esperado, repercutiendo directamente en un uso a medida de dicha funcionalidad o hardware en la propia red del cliente. Como consecuencia de lo anterior, podemos aseverar que los procesos de validación permiten en gran medida al proveedor adaptarse mejor a los requerimientos del cliente, ayudando a satisfacer realmente sus necesidades. Esto implica directamente un impacto positivo en la futura evolución del portfolio que el fabricante ofrece a un determinado cliente. Este proyecto está basado en la validación de diferentes funcionalidades de red UMTS, cuyo objetivo es proporcionar un conocimiento global de distintos aspectos que conforman el funcionamiento de una red de telecomunicaciones 3G, como son los procesos de movilidad de acceso radio (acampado de red y handover inter-sistema), las mejoras en la calidad de servicio para usuarios de datos HSPA y la convergencia de la red de transporte hacia la era IP.Els processos de validació hardware i software són un punt clau en les relacions comercials establertes entre un operador de telecomunicaciones i el proveïdor d'equipament de la xarxa. En el transcurs dels processos de certificació, a la mateixa vegada que s'executa una funcionalitat software o es valida un determinat hardware, s'obtenen grans coneixements respecte la diferència entre el resultat obtingut i l'esperat, que són d'aplicació directa a l'hora d'establir un ús adpatat a la xarxa del client. En conseqüència, podem asseverar que les campanyes de validació permeten en gran mesura al proveïdor adaptar-se millor als requeriments del client, ajudant a satisfer realment les seves necessitats. Això implica directament un impacte positiu en la futura evol.lució del portfoli que el fabricant ofereix a un determinat client. Aquest projecte es basa en la presentació d'un procès de validació de diferents funcionalitats relacionades amb la xarxa UMTS, amb l'objectiu de proporcionar un coneixement global de la varietat d'aspectes que conformen el funcionament d'una xarxa de telecomunicacions 3G, com són els processos de mobilitat en accès radio (acampat de l'usuari i handover inter-sistema), millores en la qualitat de servei per a usuaris de dades HSPA i la convergència de la xarxa de transport cap a l'era IP

    Pilvipohjaisen radioliityntäverkon kustannusten mallintaminen

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    The rapid growth of mobile data traffic is challenging the current way of building and operating the current radio access network. Cloud-based radio access network is researched as a solution to provide the required capacity for rapidly growing traffic demand in more economical manner. Scope of this thesis is to evaluate the costs of different existing and future radio access network architectures depending on the given network and traffic scenario. This is done by creating a cost model based on expert interviews to solve the most economical solution for the given network in terms of total cost of ownership. The results show that the cloud-based radio access network’s cost benefits are dependent on the expected traffic growth. In the low traffic growth scenario, the cost benefits of cloud-based radio access network are questionable, but in the high traffic growth scenario clear cost benefits are achieved.Mobiilidataliikenteen nopea kasvu haastaa nykyisen tavan rakentaa ja hallinnoida tämän hetkisiä radioliityntäverkkoja. Pilvipohjaista radioliityntäverkkoa tutkitaan ratkaisuksi tarjota tarvittavaa verkkokapasiteettia entistä taloudellisemmin. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on arvioida nykyisten ja pilvipohjaisten radioliityntäverkkoarkkitehtuurien kustannuksia riippuen verkon rakenteesta ja liikenteestä. Tämä toteutetaan luomalla kustannusmalli, joka perustuu asiantuntijoiden haastatteluihin. Mallin avulla on mahdollista vertailla annetun verkon eri arkkitehtuurien kokonaiskustannuksia ja selvittää taloudellisin radioliityntäverkkoarkkitehtuuri verkolle. Mallinnuksen tulokset osoittavat, että pilvipohjaisen radioliityntäverkon taloudelliset hyödyt ovat riippuvaisia dataliikenteen kasvusta verkossa. Vähäisellä data-liikenteen kasvulla pilvipohjaisen radioliityntäverkon kustannusedut ovat kyseenalaiset, mutta suurella dataliikenteen kasvulla saadaan selviä säästöjä verrattuna nykyisiin arkkitehtuureihin

    Dynamic Capacity Enhancement using a Smart Antenna in Mobile Telecommunications Networks

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    This work describes an investigation into the performance of antennas for mobile base station applications and techniques for improving the coverage and capacity within a base station cell. The work starts by tracing the development of mobile systems, both in technical and commercial terms, from the earliest analogue systems to present day broadband systems and includes anticipated future developments. This is followed by an outline of how smart antenna systems can be utilised to improve cell coverage and capacity. A novel smart antenna system incorporating an array of slant ± 450 dual- polarised stacked patch elements four columns wide excited by a novel multi-beam forming and beam shaping network has been designed, simulated and implemented. It is found that for an ideal smart antenna array, four narrow overlapping beams, one wide “broadcast channel” beam and right and left shaped beams can be provided. Results are presented for the simulation of the smart antenna system using CST EM simulation software which inherently includes mutual coupling and the effects of a truncated ground plane on the element patterns. The results show some significant changes to the desired set of coverage patterns and various mutual coupling compensation techniques have been reviewed. An improved design technique has been developed for compensating the performance degrading effects of mutual coupling and finite ground plane dimensions in microstrip antenna arrays. The improved technique utilises combination of two previously known techniques: complex excitation weights compensation by inversion of the array mutual coupling scattering matrix and the incorporation of a WAIM (wide angle impedance matching) sheet. The technique has been applied to a novel multi-beam smart antenna array to demonstrate the efficacy of the technique by electromagnetic simulation. In addition, a demonstrator array has been constructed and tested which has yielded a positive conformation of the simulation results. For the developed demonstrator array which provides seven different beams, beams “footprints” have been predicted both for free space propagation and for urban propagation to evaluate the dynamic capacity performance of the smart antenna in a 3G mobile network. The results indicate that sector capacity can be dynamically tailored to user demand profiles by selection of the appropriate beam patterns provided by the novel smart antenna system

    5G Outlook – Innovations and Applications

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    5G Outlook - Innovations and Applications is a collection of the recent research and development in the area of the Fifth Generation Mobile Technology (5G), the future of wireless communications. Plenty of novel ideas and knowledge of the 5G are presented in this book as well as divers applications from health science to business modeling. The authors of different chapters contributed from various countries and organizations. The chapters have also been presented at the 5th IEEE 5G Summit held in Aalborg on July 1, 2016. The book starts with a comprehensive introduction on 5G and its need and requirement. Then millimeter waves as a promising spectrum to 5G technology is discussed. The book continues with the novel and inspiring ideas for the future wireless communication usage and network. Further, some technical issues in signal processing and network design for 5G are presented. Finally, the book ends up with different applications of 5G in distinct areas. Topics widely covered in this book are: • 5G technology from past to present to the future• Millimeter- waves and their characteristics• Signal processing and network design issues for 5G• Applications, business modeling and several novel ideas for the future of 5

    Partilha de infraestruturas de telecomunicações

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e TelecomunicaçõesAs telecomunicações móveis têm enfrentado enormes desafios em todo o mundo, com especial ênfase nos países emergentes. A sua crescente importância para o crescimento das economias dos países tornam a sua presença essencial num mundo cada vez mais global e tecnológico. A partilha de infraestruturas de telecomunicações torna a implementação de comunicações móveis numa dada região ou país mais facilitada. No caso de Moçambique, que é dos países mais pobres do mundo, a partilha seria uma estratégia interessante de forma a permitir um rápido crescimento dos serviços de telecomunicações. Neste projeto, foi desenvolvida uma ferramenta que auxilia o estudo tecno-económico de cenários de partilha de infraestruturas de telecomunicações. Esta ferramenta permitiu assim criar cenários para a realidade Moçambicana. Esta dissertação pretende contribuir para o desenvolvimento da área das telecomunicações em mercados emergentes.Mobile telecommunications have been facing a vast number of challenges across the globe, with special emphasis on emerging countries. Their increasing importance for economic growth of countries make the presence of infrastructure essential in a progressively more global and technological world. Sharing telecommunication infrastructures can facilitate the implementation of mobile communications in a giving region or country. In the case of Mozambique, one of the poorest country of the world, a sharing strategy could potentially allow for a rapid expansion of telecommunication services. In this work project, a tool that supports the techno-economic study of scenarios of telecommunication infrastructure sharing was developed. Through this mechanism, scenarios that consider the Mozambican’s reality have been set up. This dissertation aims then to contribute to the development of the telecommunications sector in emerging markets