98 research outputs found

    Distributed and Collaborative Processing of Audio Signals: Algorithms, Tools and Applications

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Esta tesis se enmarca en el campo de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC), especialmente en el área del procesado digital de la señal. En la actualidad, y debido al auge del Internet de los cosas (IoT), existe un creciente interés por las redes de sensores inalámbricos (WSN), es decir, redes compuestas de diferentes tipos de dispositivos específicamente distribuidos en una determinada zona para realizar diferentes tareas de procesado de señal. Estos dispositivos o nodos suelen estar equipados con transductores electroacústicos así como con potentes y eficientes procesadores con capacidad de comunicación. En el caso particular de las redes de sensores acústicos (ASN), los nodos se dedican a resolver diferentes tareas de procesado de señales acústicas. El desarrollo de potentes sistemas de procesado centralizado han permitido aumentar el número de canales de audio, ampliar el área de control o implementar algoritmos más complejos. En la mayoría de los casos, una topología de ASN distribuida puede ser deseable debido a varios factores tales como el número limitado de canales utilizados por los dispositivos de adquisición y reproducción de audio, la conveniencia de un sistema escalable o las altas exigencias computacionales de los sistemas centralizados. Todos estos aspectos pueden llevar a la utilización de nuevas técnicas de procesado distribuido de señales con el fin de aplicarlas en ASNs. Para ello, una de las principales aportaciones de esta tesis es el desarrollo de algoritmos de filtrado adaptativo para sistemas de audio multicanal en redes distribuidas. Es importante tener en cuenta que, para aplicaciones de control del campo sonoro (SFC), como el control activo de ruido (ANC) o la ecualización activa de ruido (ANE), los nodos acústicos deben estar equipados con actuadores con el fin de controlar y modificar el campo sonoro. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las propuestas de redes distribuidas adaptativas utilizadas para resolver problemas de control del campo sonoro no tienen en cuenta que los nodos pueden interferir o modificar el comportamiento del resto. Por lo tanto, otra contribución destacable de esta tesis se centra en el análisis de cómo el sistema acústico afecta el comportamiento de los nodos dentro de una ASN. En los casos en que el entorno acústico afecta negativamente a la estabilidad del sistema, se han propuesto varias estrategias distribuidas para resolver el problema de interferencia acústica con el objetivo de estabilizar los sistemas de ANC. En el diseño de los algoritmos distribuidos también se han tenido en cuenta aspectos de implementación práctica. Además, con el objetivo de crear perfiles de ecualización diferentes en zonas de escucha independientes en presencia de ruidos multitonales, se han presentado varios algoritmos distribuidos de ANE en banda estrecha y banda ancha sobre una ASN con una comunicación colaborativa y compuesta por nodos acústicos. Se presentan además resultados experimentales para validar el uso de los algoritmos distribuidos propuestos en el trabajo para aplicaciones prácticas. Para ello, se ha diseñado un software de simulación acústica que permite analizar el rendimiento de los algoritmos desarrollados en la tesis. Finalmente, se ha realizado una implementación práctica que permite ejecutar aplicaciones multicanal de SFC. Para ello, se ha desarrollado un prototipo en tiempo real que controla las aplicaciones de ANC y ANE utilizando nodos acústicos colaborativos. El prototipo consiste en dos sistemas de control de audio personalizado (PAC) compuestos por un asiento de coche y un nodo acústico, el cual está equipado con dos altavoces, dos micrófonos y un procesador con capacidad de comunicación entre los dos nodos. De esta manera, es posible crear dos zonas independientes de control de ruido que mejoran el confort acústico del usuario sin necesidad de utilizar auriculares.[CA] Aquesta tesi s'emmarca en el camp de les Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions (TIC), especialment en l'àrea del processament digital del senyal. En l'actualitat, i a causa de l'auge de la Internet dels coses (IoT), existeix un creixent interés per les xarxes de sensors sense fils (WSN), és a dir, xarxes compostes de diferents tipus de dispositius específicament distribuïts en una determinada zona per a fer diferents tasques de processament de senyal. Aquests dispositius o nodes solen estar equipats amb transductors electroacústics així com amb potents i eficients processadors amb capacitat de comunicació. En el cas particular de les xarxes de sensors acústics (ASN), els nodes es dediquen a resoldre diferents tasques de processament de senyals acústics. El desenvolupament de potents sistemes de processament centralitzat han permés augmentar el nombre de canals d'àudio, ampliar l'àrea de control o implementar algorismes més complexos. En la majoria dels casos, una topologia de ASN distribuïda pot ser desitjable a causa de diversos factors tals com el nombre limitat de canals utilitzats pels dispositius d'adquisició i reproducció d'àudio, la conveniència d'un sistema escalable o les altes exigències computacionals dels sistemes centralitzats. Tots aquests aspectes poden portar a la utilització de noves tècniques de processament distribuït de senyals amb la finalitat d'aplicar-les en ASNs. Per a això, una de les principals aportacions d'aquesta tesi és el desenvolupament d'algorismes de filtrat adaptatiu per a sistemes d'àudio multicanal en xarxes distribuïdes. És important tindre en compte que, per a aplicacions de control del camp sonor (SFC), com el control actiu de soroll (ANC) o l'equalització activa de soroll (ANE), els nodes acústics han d'estar equipats amb actuadors amb la finalitat de controlar i modificar el camp sonor. No obstant això, la majoria de les propostes de xarxes distribuïdes adaptatives utilitzades per a resoldre problemes de control del camp sonor no tenen en compte que els nodes poden modificar el comportament de la resta. Per tant, una altra contribució destacable d'aquesta tesi se centra en l'anàlisi de com el sistema acústic afecta el comportament dels nodes dins d'una ASN. En els casos en què l'entorn acústic afecta negativament a l'estabilitat del sistema, s'han proposat diverses estratègies distribuïdes per a resoldre el problema d'interferència acústica amb l'objectiu d'estabilitzar els sistemes de ANC. En el disseny dels algorismes distribuïts també s'han tingut en compte aspectes d'implementació pràctica. A més, amb l'objectiu de crear perfils d'equalització diferents en zones d'escolta independents en presència de sorolls multitonales, s'han presentat diversos algorismes distribuïts de ANE en banda estreta i banda ampla sobre una ASN amb una comunicació col·laborativa i composta per nodes acústics. Es presenten a més resultats experimentals per a validar l'ús dels algorismes distribuïts proposats en el treball per a aplicacions pràctiques. Per a això, s'ha dissenyat un programari de simulació acústica que permet analitzar el rendiment dels algorismes desenvolupats en la tesi. Finalment, s'ha realitzat una implementació pràctica que permet executar aplicacions multicanal de SFC. Per a això, s'ha desenvolupat un prototip en temps real que controla les aplicacions de ANC i ANE utilitzant nodes acústics col·laboratius. El prototip consisteix en dos sistemes de control d'àudio personalitzat (PAC) compostos per un seient de cotxe i un node acústic, el qual està equipat amb dos altaveus, dos micròfons i un processador amb capacitat de comunicació entre els dos nodes. D'aquesta manera, és possible crear dues zones independents de control de soroll que milloren el confort acústic de l'usuari sense necessitat d'utilitzar auriculars.[EN] This thesis fits into the field of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), especially in the area of digital signal processing. Nowadays and due to the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), there is a growing interest in wireless sensor networks (WSN), that is, networks composed of different types of devices specifically distributed in some area to perform different signal processsing tasks. These devices, also referred to as nodes, are usually equipped with electroacoustic transducers as well as powerful and efficient processors with communication capability. In the particular case of acoustic sensor networks (ASN), nodes are dedicated to solving different acoustic signal processing tasks. These audio signal processing applications have been undergone a major development in recent years due in part to the advances made in computer hardware and software. The development of powerful centralized processing systems has allowed the number of audio channels to be increased, the control area to be extended or more complex algorithmms to be implemented. In most cases, a distributed ASN topology can be desirable due to several factors such as the limited number of channels used by the sound acquisition and reproduction devices, the convenience of a scalable system or the high computational demands of a centralized fashion. All these aspects may lead to the use of novel distributed signal processing techniques with the aim to be applied over ASNs. To this end, one of the main contributions of this dissertation is the development of adaptive filtering algorithms for multichannel sound systems over distributed networks. Note that, for sound field control (SFC) applications, such as active noise control (ANC) or active noise equalization (ANE), acoustic nodes must be not only equipped with sensors but also with actuators in order to control and modify the sound field. However, most of the adaptive distributed networks approaches used to solve soundfield control problems do not take into account that the nodes may interfere or modify the behaviour of the rest. Therefore, other important contribution of this thesis is focused on analyzing how the acoustic system affects the behavior of the nodes within an ASN. In cases where the acoustic environment adversely affects the system stability, several distributed strategies have been proposed for solving the acoustic interference problem with the aim to stabilize ANC control systems. These strategies are based on both collaborative and non-collaborative approaches. Implementation aspects such as hardware constraints, sensor locations, convergenge rate or computational and communication burden, have been also considered on the design of the distributed algorithms. Moreover and with the aim to create independent-zone equalization profiles in the presence of multi-tonal noises, distributed narrowband and broadband ANE algorithms over an ASN with a collaborative learning and composed of acoustic nodes have been presented. Experimental results are presented to validate the use of the distributed algorithms proposed in the work for practical applications. For this purpose, an acoustic simulation software has been specifically designed to analyze the performance of the developed algorithms. Finally, the performance of the proposed distributed algorithms for multichannel SFC applications has been evaluated by means of a real practical implementation. To this end, a real-time prototype that controls both ANC and ANE applications by using collaborative acoustic nodes has been developed. The prototype consists of two personal audio control (PAC) systems composed of a car seat and an acoustic node, which is equipped with two loudspeakers, two microphones and a processor with communications capability. In this way, it is possible to create two independent noise control zones improving the acoustic comfort of the user without the use of headphones.Antoñanzas Manuel, C. (2019). Distributed and Collaborative Processing of Audio Signals: Algorithms, Tools and Applications [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/130209TESISCompendi

    A Stochastic Majorize-Minimize Subspace Algorithm for Online Penalized Least Squares Estimation

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    Stochastic approximation techniques play an important role in solving many problems encountered in machine learning or adaptive signal processing. In these contexts, the statistics of the data are often unknown a priori or their direct computation is too intensive, and they have thus to be estimated online from the observed signals. For batch optimization of an objective function being the sum of a data fidelity term and a penalization (e.g. a sparsity promoting function), Majorize-Minimize (MM) methods have recently attracted much interest since they are fast, highly flexible, and effective in ensuring convergence. The goal of this paper is to show how these methods can be successfully extended to the case when the data fidelity term corresponds to a least squares criterion and the cost function is replaced by a sequence of stochastic approximations of it. In this context, we propose an online version of an MM subspace algorithm and we study its convergence by using suitable probabilistic tools. Simulation results illustrate the good practical performance of the proposed algorithm associated with a memory gradient subspace, when applied to both non-adaptive and adaptive filter identification problems

    Reliability and security in low power circuits and systems

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    With the massive deployment of mobile devices in sensitive areas such as healthcare and defense, hardware reliability and security have become hot research topics in recent years. These topics, although different in definition, are usually correlated. This dissertation offers an in-depth treatment on enhancing the reliability and security of low power circuits and systems. The first part of the dissertation deals with the reliability of sub-threshold designs, which use supply voltage lower than the threshold voltage (Vth) of transistors to reduce power. The exponential relationship between delay and Vth significantly jeopardizes their reliability due to process variation induced timing violations. In order to address this problem, this dissertation proposes a novel selective body biasing scheme. In the first work, the selective body biasing problem is formulated as a linearly constrained statistical optimization model, and the adaptive filtering concept is borrowed from the signal processing community to develop an efficient solution. However, since the adaptive filtering algorithm lacks theoretical justification and guaranteed convergence rate, in the second work, a new approach based on semi-infinite programming with incremental hypercubic sampling is proposed, which demonstrates better solution quality with shorter runtime. The second work deals with the security of low power crypto-processors, equipped with Random Dynamic Voltage Scaling (RDVS), in the presence of Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) attacks. This dissertation firstly demonstrates that the resistance of RDVS to CPA can be undermined by lowering power supply voltage. Then, an alarm circuit is proposed to resist this attack. However, the alarm circuit will lead to potential denial-of-service due to noise-triggered false alarms. A non-zero sum game model is then formulated and the Nash Equilibria is analyzed --Abstract, page iii

    Design of large polyphase filters in the Quadratic Residue Number System

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    Temperature aware power optimization for multicore floating-point units

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    Low Power Digital Filter Implementation in FPGA

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    Digital filters suitable for hearing aid application on low power perspective have been developed and implemented in FPGA in this dissertation. Hearing aids are primarily meant for improving hearing and speech comprehensions. Digital hearing aids score over their analog counterparts. This happens as digital hearing aids provide flexible gain besides facilitating feedback reduction and noise elimination. Recent advances in DSP and Microelectronics have led to the development of superior digital hearing aids. Many researchers have investigated several algorithms suitable for hearing aid application that demands low noise, feedback cancellation, echo cancellation, etc., however the toughest challenge is the implementation. Furthermore, the additional constraints are power and area. The device must consume as minimum power as possible to support extended battery life and should be as small as possible for increased portability. In this thesis we have made an attempt to investigate possible digital filter algorithms those are hardware configurable on low power view point. Suitability of decimation filter for hearing aid application is investigated. In this dissertation decimation filter is implemented using ‘Distributed Arithmetic’ approach.While designing this filter, it is observed that, comb-half band FIR-FIR filter design uses less hardware compared to the comb-FIR-FIR filter design. The power consumption is also less in case of comb-half band FIR-FIR filter design compared to the comb-FIR-FIR filter. This filter is implemented in Virtex-II pro board from Xilinx and the resource estimator from the system generator is used to estimate the resources. However ‘Distributed Arithmetic’ is highly serial in nature and its latency is high; power consumption found is not very low in this type of filter implementation. So we have proceeded for ‘Adaptive Hearing Aid’ using Booth-Wallace tree multiplier. This algorithm is also implemented in FPGA and power calculation of the whole system is done using Xilinx Xpower analyser. It is observed that power consumed by the hearing aid with Booth-Wallace tree multiplier is less than the hearing aid using Booth multiplier (about 25%). So we can conclude that the hearing aid using Booth-Wallace tree multiplier consumes less power comparatively. The above two approached are purely algorithmic approach. Next we proceed to combine circuit level VLSI design and with algorithmic approach for further possible reduction in power. A MAC based FDF-FIR filter (algorithm) that uses dual edge triggered latch (DET) (circuit) is used for hearing aid device. It is observed that DET based MAC FIR filter consumes less power than the traditional (single edge triggered, SET) one (about 41%). The proposed low power latch provides a power saving upto 65% in the FIR filter. This technique consumes less power compared to previous approaches that uses low power technique only at algorithmic abstraction level. The DET based MAC FIR filter is tested for real-time validation and it is observed that it works perfectly for various signals (speech, music, voice with music). The gain of the filter is tested and is found to be 27 dB (maximum) that matches with most of the hearing aid (manufacturer’s) specifications. Hence it can be concluded that FDF FIR digital filter in conjunction with low power latch is a strong candidate for hearing aid application