1,106 research outputs found

    Simple parallel and distributed algorithms for spectral graph sparsification

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    We describe a simple algorithm for spectral graph sparsification, based on iterative computations of weighted spanners and uniform sampling. Leveraging the algorithms of Baswana and Sen for computing spanners, we obtain the first distributed spectral sparsification algorithm. We also obtain a parallel algorithm with improved work and time guarantees. Combining this algorithm with the parallel framework of Peng and Spielman for solving symmetric diagonally dominant linear systems, we get a parallel solver which is much closer to being practical and significantly more efficient in terms of the total work.Comment: replaces "A simple parallel and distributed algorithm for spectral sparsification". Minor change

    Multilevel Solvers for Unstructured Surface Meshes

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    Parameterization of unstructured surface meshes is of fundamental importance in many applications of digital geometry processing. Such parameterization approaches give rise to large and exceedingly ill-conditioned systems which are difficult or impossible to solve without the use of sophisticated multilevel preconditioning strategies. Since the underlying meshes are very fine to begin with, such multilevel preconditioners require mesh coarsening to build an appropriate hierarchy. In this paper we consider several strategies for the construction of hierarchies using ideas from mesh simplification algorithms used in the computer graphics literature. We introduce two novel hierarchy construction schemes and demonstrate their superior performance when used in conjunction with a multigrid preconditioner

    A nearly-mlogn time solver for SDD linear systems

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    We present an improved algorithm for solving symmetrically diagonally dominant linear systems. On input of an n×nn\times n symmetric diagonally dominant matrix AA with mm non-zero entries and a vector bb such that Axˉ=bA\bar{x} = b for some (unknown) vector xˉ\bar{x}, our algorithm computes a vector xx such that xxˉA<ϵxˉA||{x}-\bar{x}||_A < \epsilon ||\bar{x}||_A {A||\cdot||_A denotes the A-norm} in time O~(mlognlog(1/ϵ)).{\tilde O}(m\log n \log (1/\epsilon)). The solver utilizes in a standard way a `preconditioning' chain of progressively sparser graphs. To claim the faster running time we make a two-fold improvement in the algorithm for constructing the chain. The new chain exploits previously unknown properties of the graph sparsification algorithm given in [Koutis,Miller,Peng, FOCS 2010], allowing for stronger preconditioning properties. We also present an algorithm of independent interest that constructs nearly-tight low-stretch spanning trees in time O~(mlogn)\tilde{O}(m\log{n}), a factor of O(logn)O(\log{n}) faster than the algorithm in [Abraham,Bartal,Neiman, FOCS 2008]. This speedup directly reflects on the construction time of the preconditioning chain.Comment: to appear in FOCS1

    On large-scale diagonalization techniques for the Anderson model of localization

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    We propose efficient preconditioning algorithms for an eigenvalue problem arising in quantum physics, namely the computation of a few interior eigenvalues and their associated eigenvectors for large-scale sparse real and symmetric indefinite matrices of the Anderson model of localization. We compare the Lanczos algorithm in the 1987 implementation by Cullum and Willoughby with the shift-and-invert techniques in the implicitly restarted Lanczos method and in the Jacobi–Davidson method. Our preconditioning approaches for the shift-and-invert symmetric indefinite linear system are based on maximum weighted matchings and algebraic multilevel incomplete LDLT factorizations. These techniques can be seen as a complement to the alternative idea of using more complete pivoting techniques for the highly ill-conditioned symmetric indefinite Anderson matrices. We demonstrate the effectiveness and the numerical accuracy of these algorithms. Our numerical examples reveal that recent algebraic multilevel preconditioning solvers can accelerate the computation of a large-scale eigenvalue problem corresponding to the Anderson model of localization by several orders of magnitude