409 research outputs found

    Contextual Bag-Of-Visual-Words and ECOC-Rank for Retrieval and Multi-class Object Recognition

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    Projecte Final de Màster UPC realitzat en col.laboració amb Dept. Matemàtica Aplicada i Anàlisi, Universitat de BarcelonaMulti-class object categorization is an important line of research in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition fields. An artificial intelligent system is able to interact with its environment if it is able to distinguish among a set of cases, instances, situations, objects, etc. The World is inherently multi-class, and thus, the eficiency of a system can be determined by its accuracy discriminating among a set of cases. A recently applied procedure in the literature is the Bag-Of-Visual-Words (BOVW). This methodology is based on the natural language processing theory, where a set of sentences are defined based on word frequencies. Analogy, in the pattern recognition domain, an object is described based on the frequency of its parts appearance. However, a general drawback of this method is that the dictionary construction does not take into account geometrical information about object parts. In order to include parts relations in the BOVW model, we propose the Contextual BOVW (C-BOVW), where the dictionary construction is guided by a geometricaly-based merging procedure. As a result, objects are described as sentences where geometrical information is implicitly considered. In order to extend the proposed system to the multi-class case, we used the Error-Correcting Output Codes framework (ECOC). State-of-the-art multi-class techniques are frequently defined as an ensemble of binary classifiers. In this sense, the ECOC framework, based on error-correcting principles, showed to be a powerful tool, being able to classify a huge number of classes at the same time that corrects classification errors produced by the individual learners. In our case, the C-BOVW sentences are learnt by means of an ECOC configuration, obtaining high discriminative power. Moreover, we used the ECOC outputs obtained by the new methodology to rank classes. In some situations, more than one label is required to work with multiple hypothesis and find similar cases, such as in the well-known retrieval problems. In this sense, we also included contextual and semantic information to modify the ECOC outputs and defined an ECOC-rank methodology. Altering the ECOC output values by means of the adjacency of classes based on features and classes relations based on ontologies, we also reporteda significant improvement in class-retrieval problems

    3D modeling by low-cost range cameras: methods and potentialities

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    Nowadays the demand of 3D models for the documentation and visualization of objects and environments is continually increasing. However, the traditional 3D modeling techniques and systems (i.e. photogrammetry and laser scanners) can be very expensive and/or onerous, as they often need qualified technicians and specific post-processing phases. Thus, it is important to find new instruments, able to provide low-cost 3D data in real time and in a user-friendly way. Range cameras seem one of the most promising tools to achieve this goal: they are low-cost 3D scanners, able to easily collect dense point clouds at high frame rate, in a short range (few meters) from the imaged objects. Such sensors, though, still remain a relatively new 3D measurement technology, not yet exhaustively studied. Thus, it is essential to assess the metric quality of the depth data retrieved by these devices. This thesis is precisely included in this background: the aim is to evaluate the potentialities of range cameras for geomatic applications and to provide useful indications for their practical use. Therefore the three most popular and/or promising low-cost range cameras, namely the Microsoft Kinect v1, the Micorsoft Kinect v2 and the Occipital Structure Sensor, were firstly characterized from a geomatic point of view in order to assess the metric quality of the depth data retrieved by them. These investigations showed that such sensors present a depth precision and a depth accuracy in the range of some millimeters to few centimeters, depending both on the operational principle adopted by the single device (Structured Light or Time of Flight) and on the depth itself. On this basis, two different models were identified for precision and accuracy vs. depth: parabolic for the Structured Light (the Kinect v1 and the Structure Sensor) and linear for Time of Flight (the Kinect v2) sensors, respectively. Then the effectiveness of such accuracy models was demonstrated to be globally compliant with the found precision models for all of the three sensors. Furthermore, the proposed calibration model was validated for the Structure Sensor: with calibration, the overall RMSE, decreased from 27 to 16 mm. Finally four case studies were carried out in order to evaluate: • the performances of the Kinect v2 sensor for monitoring oscillatory motions (relevant for structural and/or industrial monitoring), demonstrating a good ability of the system to detect movements and displacements; • the integration feasibility of Kinect v2 with a classical stereo system, highlighting the need of an integration of range cameras into 3D classical photogrammetric systems especially to overpass limitations due to acquisition completeness; • the potentialities of the Structure Sensor for the 3D surveying of indoor environments, showing a more than sufficient accuracy for most applications; • the potentialities of the Structure Sensor to document archaeological small finds, where metric accuracy seems to be rather good while textured models shows some misalignments. In conclusion, although the experimental results demonstrated that range cameras have the capability to give good and encouraging results, the performances of traditional 3D modeling techniques in terms of accuracy and precision are still superior and must be preferred when the accuracy requirements are restrictive. But for a very wide and continuously increasing range of applications, when the required accuracy can be at the level from few millimeters (very close-range) to few centimeters, then range cameras can be a valuable alternative, especially when non expert users are involved. Furthermore, the technology on which these sensors are based is continually evolving, driven also by the new generation of AR/VR reality kits, and certainly also their geometric performances will soon improve

    Payload data handling, telemetry and data compression systems for Gaia.

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    Gaia, la nova missió astromètrica de la ESA amb un llançament previst pel 2011, observarà més de mil milions d'estels i altres objectes amb una exactitud sense precedents. Els seus ambiciosos objectius desbanquen completament les missions rivals d'altres agències. Al final de la seva vida útil es generarà el major i més complert mapa tridimensional de la nostra Galàxia.Una missió com aquesta suposa grans esforços tecnològics i de disseny ja que caldrà detectar, seleccionar i mesurar centenars d'estels cada segon, per enviar-ne posteriorment les dades cap a la Terra -a més d'un milió i mig de quilòmetres. Hem centrat el treball d'aquesta tesi en aquesta vessant de la missió, proposant dissenys pels sistemes de gestió de dades, de telemetria científica, i de compressió de dades. El nostre objectiu final és fer possible la transmissió a l'estació terrestre d'aquesta immensa quantitat de dades generades pels instruments, tenint en compte la limitada capacitat del canal de comunicacions. Això requereix el disseny d'un sistema de compressió de dades sense pèrdues que ofereixi les millors relacions de compressió i garanteixi la integritat de les dades transmeses. Tot plegat suposa un gran repte pels mètodes de la teoria de la informació i pel disseny de sistemes de compressió de dades.Aquests aspectes tecnològics encara estaven per estudiar o bé només es disposava d'esborranys preliminars -ja que la missió mateixa estava en una etapa preliminar en quan varem començar aquesta tesi. Per tant, el nostre treball ha estat rebut amb entusiasme per part de científics i enginyers del projecte.En primer lloc hem revisat l'entorn operacional del nostre estudi, descrit a la primera part de la tesi. Això inclou els diversos sistemes de referència i les convencions que hem proposat per tal d'unificar les mesures, referències a dades i dissenys. Aquesta proposta s'ha utilitzat com a referència inicial en la missió i actualment altres científics l'estan ampliant i millorant. També hem recopilat les principals característiques de l'instrument astromètric (en el qual hem centrat el nostre estudi) i revisat les seves directrius operacionals, la qual cosa també s'ha tingut en compte en altres equips.A la segona part de la tesi descrivim la nostra proposta pel sistema de gestió de dades de la càrrega útil de Gaia, la qual ha estat utilitzada per presentar els requeriments científics als equips industrials i representa en sí mateixa una opció d'implementació viable (tot i que simplificada). En la següent part estudiem la telemetria científica, recopilant els camps de dades a generar pels instruments i proposant un esquema optimitzat de codificació i transmissió, el qual redueix la ocupació del canal de comunicacions i està preparat per incloure un sistema optimitzat de compressió de dades. Aquest darrer serà descrit a la quarta i última part de la tesi, on veurem com la nostra proposta compleix gairebé totalment els requeriments de compressió, arribant a duplicar les relacions de compressió ofertes pels millors sistemes estàndard. El nostre disseny representa la millor solució actualment disponible per Gaia i el seu rendiment ha estat assumit com a disseny base per altres equips.Cal dir que els resultats del nostre treball van més enllà de la publicació d'una memòria de tesi, complementant-la amb aplicacions de software que hem desenvolupat per ajudar-nos a dissenyar, optimitzar i verificar la operació dels sistemes aquí proposats. També cal indicar que la complexitat del nostre treball ha estat augmentada degut a la necessitat d'actualitzar-lo contínuament als canvis que la missió ha sofert en el seu disseny durant els cinc anys del doctorat. Per acabar, podem dir que estem satisfets amb els resultats del nostre treball, ja que la majoria han estat (o estan essent) tinguts en compte per molts equips involucrats en la missió i per la mateixa Agència Espacial Europea en el disseny final
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