511 research outputs found

    Incorporating Ensemble and Transfer Learning For An End-To-End Auto-Colorized Image Detection Model

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    Image colorization is the process of colorizing grayscale images or recoloring an already-color image. This image manipulation can be used for grayscale satellite, medical and historical images making them more expressive. With the help of the increasing computation power of deep learning techniques, the colorization algorithms results are becoming more realistic in such a way that human eyes cannot differentiate between natural and colorized images. However, this poses a potential security concern, as forged or illegally manipulated images can be used illegally. There is a growing need for effective detection methods to distinguish between natural color and computer-colorized images. This paper presents a novel approach that combines the advantages of transfer and ensemble learning approaches to help reduce training time and resource requirements while proposing a model to classify natural color and computer-colorized images. The proposed model uses pre-trained branches VGG16 and Resnet50, along with Mobile Net v2 or Efficientnet feature vectors. The proposed model showed promising results, with accuracy ranging from 94.55% to 99.13% and very low Half Total Error Rate values. The proposed model outperformed existing state-of-the-art models regarding classification performance and generalization capabilities

    Discovery of Visual Semantics by Unsupervised and Self-Supervised Representation Learning

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    The success of deep learning in computer vision is rooted in the ability of deep networks to scale up model complexity as demanded by challenging visual tasks. As complexity is increased, so is the need for large amounts of labeled data to train the model. This is associated with a costly human annotation effort. To address this concern, with the long-term goal of leveraging the abundance of cheap unlabeled data, we explore methods of unsupervised "pre-training." In particular, we propose to use self-supervised automatic image colorization. We show that traditional methods for unsupervised learning, such as layer-wise clustering or autoencoders, remain inferior to supervised pre-training. In search for an alternative, we develop a fully automatic image colorization method. Our method sets a new state-of-the-art in revitalizing old black-and-white photography, without requiring human effort or expertise. Additionally, it gives us a method for self-supervised representation learning. In order for the model to appropriately re-color a grayscale object, it must first be able to identify it. This ability, learned entirely self-supervised, can be used to improve other visual tasks, such as classification and semantic segmentation. As a future direction for self-supervision, we investigate if multiple proxy tasks can be combined to improve generalization. This turns out to be a challenging open problem. We hope that our contributions to this endeavor will provide a foundation for future efforts in making self-supervision compete with supervised pre-training.Comment: Ph.D. thesi

    A critical analysis of self-supervision, or what we can learn from a single image

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    We look critically at popular self-supervision techniques for learning deep convolutional neural networks without manual labels. We show that three different and representative methods, BiGAN, RotNet and DeepCluster, can learn the first few layers of a convolutional network from a single image as well as using millions of images and manual labels, provided that strong data augmentation is used. However, for deeper layers the gap with manual supervision cannot be closed even if millions of unlabelled images are used for training. We conclude that: (1) the weights of the early layers of deep networks contain limited information about the statistics of natural images, that (2) such low-level statistics can be learned through self-supervision just as well as through strong supervision, and that (3) the low-level statistics can be captured via synthetic transformations instead of using a large image dataset.Comment: Accepted paper at the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 202

    The color out of space: learning self-supervised representations for Earth Observation imagery

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    The recent growth in the number of satellite images fosters the development of effective deep-learning techniques for Remote Sensing (RS). However, their full potential is untapped due to the lack of large annotated datasets. Such a problem is usually countered by fine-tuning a feature extractor that is previously trained on the ImageNet dataset. Unfortunately, the domain of natural images differs from the RS one, which hinders the final performance. In this work, we propose to learn meaningful representations from satellite imagery, leveraging its high-dimensionality spectral bands to reconstruct the visible colors. We conduct experiments on land cover classification (BigEarthNet) and West Nile Virus detection, showing that colorization is a solid pretext task for training a feature extractor. Furthermore, we qualitatively observe that guesses based on natural images and colorization rely on different parts of the input. This paves the way to an ensemble model that eventually outperforms both the above-mentioned techniques

    The RGB-D Triathlon: Towards Agile Visual Toolboxes for Robots

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    Deep networks have brought significant advances in robot perception, enabling to improve the capabilities of robots in several visual tasks, ranging from object detection and recognition to pose estimation, semantic scene segmentation and many others. Still, most approaches typically address visual tasks in isolation, resulting in overspecialized models which achieve strong performances in specific applications but work poorly in other (often related) tasks. This is clearly sub-optimal for a robot which is often required to perform simultaneously multiple visual recognition tasks in order to properly act and interact with the environment. This problem is exacerbated by the limited computational and memory resources typically available onboard to a robotic platform. The problem of learning flexible models which can handle multiple tasks in a lightweight manner has recently gained attention in the computer vision community and benchmarks supporting this research have been proposed. In this work we study this problem in the robot vision context, proposing a new benchmark, the RGB-D Triathlon, and evaluating state of the art algorithms in this novel challenging scenario. We also define a new evaluation protocol, better suited to the robot vision setting. Results shed light on the strengths and weaknesses of existing approaches and on open issues, suggesting directions for future research.Comment: This work has been submitted to IROS/RAL 201
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