13 research outputs found

    A study on Correggio wall paintings: characterization of technique and materials of Abbey Church of S. Giovanni Evangelista in Parma, Italy

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    This study deals the materials of the sub- arch of the Del Bono chapel of the Abbey Church of S. Giovanni Evangelista in Parma, Italy, datable around 1523. The author of the painting is Antonio Allegri, known as Correggio (1489 – 1534), considered one of the greatest painters of the sixteenth century. Optical microscopy, micro-Raman spectroscopy, micro-Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry were selected in order to provide the higher set of significant data, limiting as much as possible sampling. The analysis has allowed to identify the pigments, characteristic of the epoch. The Correggio’s palette is composed by mineral pigments, sometimes expensive such as lapis lazuli, azurite and cinnabar, together with a wide range of earths or by synthetic pigments like smalt blue. From the amino acid content determination through GC/MS it was shown that, for all samples examined, the protein fraction is to be attributed to the presence of a mixture of egg and animal glue, present as binders in the samples containing lazurite, smalt, hematite, green earth and goethite. This allows to assume the use of a secco technique, also with pigments that do not need the employment of organic binding media on wall. For the gilding sample the hypothesis is that Au foil had been applied on a brown background where the Au foil is applied on the oil-based missione

    Multi-Approach Study Applied to Restoration Monitoring of a 16th Century Wooden Paste Sculpture

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    Inglés : A multi-approach study has been designed to evaluate the mannerist-style masterpiece of the Christ of the Expiration (Museum Brotherhood, Seville, Spain), a polychrome wooden paste sculpture of the 16th Century that was restored in the Andalusian Historical Heritage Institute (IAPH). During is intervention, a combination of two non-destructive prototypes were used to evaluate the different color in its feet regarding its legs and torso and its cause. A portable equipment that combined X-ray diffraction (XRD) an X-Ray fluorescence (XRF) was employed to analyze chemical composition and mineralogical characterization of pigments. This equipment allowed obtaining simultaneously XRF and XRD at the same point without sampling. X-ray techniques identified cerussite, hydrocerussite and barite in different layers. The presence of zinc oxide from a recent restoration was also detected. Additionally, laser induced fluorescent (LIF) was employed to assess the presence of different fluorescent compounds on the surface. This technique showed the use of acrylic products in the feet, loincloth and torso of Christ from previus restoration and allowed to detect spectral difference on the feet and a high ration of the acrylic product on feet, both could be the cause of the differential degradation between the feet and torso. This multi-approach study based on portable and non-destructive techniques allowed restoration monitoring and helped restorens to take decisions without sampling

    Assessment of conservation state of gothic wall paintings: from scientifc diagnostic to a new monitoring approach

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    El capítulo 9 está sujeto a confidencialidad por la autora. 210 p.La presente tesis doctoral se centra en el diagnostico de pinturas murales góticas que pertenecen al territorio vasco e italiano mediante el uso de metodologías no invasivas. Los escenarios investigados han sido, las pinturas murales conservadas en la iglesia de Sant Esteban de Ribera de Valderejo (Álava, País Vasco) y , las de la capilla de San Esteban en Montani (Bolzano, Italia). Gracias al uso de técnicas espectroscopícas portatiles, la caracterización elemental y molecular de la mayoría de los materiales constituyentes ha podido ser determinada in situ. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian la necesidad de realizar un estudio de diagnóstico científico, que permita caracterizar los materiales presentes (originales, modernos y de degradación), y establecer la influencia y acción del entorno. Solo de esta manera se podrán seleccionar métodos de restauración adecuados que eviten tratamientos incorrectos para su preservación. Además, los casos bajo estudio demuestran que no solo el impacto antropogénico es importante sino que el impacto en medios naturales, no agresivos, puede derivar a largo plazo en los mismos efectos perjudiciales, sin un plan de conservación adecuado. A la par, el estudio de las eflorescencias salinas mediante la aplicación del software PALME ha proporcionado información semicuantitativa, demostrando ser una herramienta sencilla, rápida y de gran utilidad en el estudio in situ. Por último, en la linea de investigación de dispositivos no invasivos para la detección y monitorización de los contaminantes atmosféricos, se ha desarrollado un dispositivo portátil de tecnología microfluídica para la detección de amonio en materiales pétreos, permitiendo así la toma de medidas protectoras en antelación al daño

    Assessment of conservation state of gothic wall paintings: from scientifc diagnostic to a new monitoring approach

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    El capítulo 9 está sujeto a confidencialidad por la autora. 210 p.La presente tesis doctoral se centra en el diagnostico de pinturas murales góticas que pertenecen al territorio vasco e italiano mediante el uso de metodologías no invasivas. Los escenarios investigados han sido, las pinturas murales conservadas en la iglesia de Sant Esteban de Ribera de Valderejo (Álava, País Vasco) y , las de la capilla de San Esteban en Montani (Bolzano, Italia). Gracias al uso de técnicas espectroscopícas portatiles, la caracterización elemental y molecular de la mayoría de los materiales constituyentes ha podido ser determinada in situ. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian la necesidad de realizar un estudio de diagnóstico científico, que permita caracterizar los materiales presentes (originales, modernos y de degradación), y establecer la influencia y acción del entorno. Solo de esta manera se podrán seleccionar métodos de restauración adecuados que eviten tratamientos incorrectos para su preservación. Además, los casos bajo estudio demuestran que no solo el impacto antropogénico es importante sino que el impacto en medios naturales, no agresivos, puede derivar a largo plazo en los mismos efectos perjudiciales, sin un plan de conservación adecuado. A la par, el estudio de las eflorescencias salinas mediante la aplicación del software PALME ha proporcionado información semicuantitativa, demostrando ser una herramienta sencilla, rápida y de gran utilidad en el estudio in situ. Por último, en la linea de investigación de dispositivos no invasivos para la detección y monitorización de los contaminantes atmosféricos, se ha desarrollado un dispositivo portátil de tecnología microfluídica para la detección de amonio en materiales pétreos, permitiendo así la toma de medidas protectoras en antelación al daño

    A guide to historic Iowa

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    This publication is a revision and expansion of the Directory of County and Local Historical Societies and Museums in Iowa, published by the State Department of Public Instruction early in 1968. Included in this edition are historical societies, museums, archeological sites, geological areas, botanical preserves, wildlife exhibits, art centers, scientific facilities, and places of historical or cultural interest

    The Free Press : June 14, 2007

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    The Liturgy in the Middle Ages

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    This collective volume examines the concept, theory, practice, and representations of the liturgy in the Middle Ages, including its sacramental developments, its religious and political implications, its forms of ritualization, and its doctrinal presumptions. It aims to create a space for interdisciplinary dialogue between history, theology, canon law, art history, political philosophy, and symbolic anthropology. It privileges the examination of the transferences between the spiritual and the temporal, the sacred and the profane, the political and the religious