768 research outputs found

    Liberalism against Liberalism

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    The defence of the market and economic freedom have been the main objectives of the investigations by liberal thinkers such as Milton Friedman, Gary Becker, F Hayek and L Von Mises. Bearing in mind that the first two economists are the maximum exponents of the Chicago School and the last two of the Austrian School, it is often concluded that the theories of both schools are similar. This book demonstrates that in reality, there is no convergence or complementariness to be found between both schools of thought. The anthropological categories, contributed by Mises, allow us to understand all human phenomena from the view of the man who acts. In this view, economics is part of a philosophical system whose core is the creative capacity of people. Becker’s work, on the other hand, is concentrated on the generalization of the homo economicus as the basis for explaining all human behaviour. He generalizes the maximizing principle to explain all human reality, and extends the scope of the application of a so-called scientific and technical view of the world. In this key volume, an important read for those in the fields of economic theory and political economy, Javier Aranzadi argues, in essence, that the tradition of Hayek and Mises encourages a humanistic liberalism, whereas the Chicago School proposes only a technical humanism

    Creative management: theoretical foundations

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    У сучасному динамічному житті нові непередбачувані події, що відбуваються все більше і більше, повалюють, або приносять успіх і процвітання, або порушують життєвий шлях та діяльність багатьох людей, організацій, країн, регіонів. Наша неспроможність сприймати випадкові непрограмовані події обумовлена ​​тим, що результатом традиційної освіти є вміння логічно відображати та аналізувати інформацію. Для успішної роботи в умовах збільшення непередбачуваності та розбіжностей соціально-економічного розвитку необхідно, крім інфологічної парадигми сприйняття навколишнього світу, оволодіти парадигмою осягнення та творчої роботи. У цьому креативному менеджменті є способи та методи переключення тренінгів менеджерів, інженерів, підприємців на рівень конструктивного креативного мислення та активності шляхом поєднання логіки та евристичності. Монографія призначена для студентів та аспірантів, докторантів, керівників інструкторів та практиків менеджменту в економічній сфері, інженерних кадрів, усіх, хто хоче активно та цілеспрямовано працювати для процвітання своєї організації та творчого розвитку особистості. Це оригінальний ключ до розуміння сучасності та бачення майбутнього сучасної організації та соціально-економічного розвитку в цілому шляхом активізації гуманної творчої діяльності людини.В современной динамичной жизни происходят новые непредсказуемые события, все более свершающие, либо приносящие успех и процветание, либо нарушающие жизненный путь и деятельность многих людей, организаций, стран, регионов. Наша неготовность воспринимать случайные непрограммируемые события обусловлена ​​тем, что результатом традиционного образования является способность логически отражать и анализировать информацию. Для того, чтобы успешно работать в условиях повышения непредсказуемости и несоответствия социально-экономического развития, помимо парадигмы восприятия окружающего мира необходимо освоить парадигму понимания и творчества. В этом креативном менеджменте есть способы и способы переключения обучения менеджеров, инженеров, предпринимателей на уровень конструктивного творческого мышления и деятельности посредством сочетания логики и эвристики. Монография, предназначенная для студентов и аспирантов, докторантов, управленческих инструкторов и практиков менеджмента в экономической сфере, инженерных кадров, всех, кто хочет активно и целенаправленно работать ради процветания своей организации и творческого развития личности. Это оригинальный ключ к пониманию настоящего и видению будущего современной организации и социально-экономического развития в целом за счет активизации гуманной творческой деятельности человека.In a modern dynamic life new unpredictable events occurring more and more, overthrowing, either bringing success and prosperity or breaking a course of life and activity of many people, organizations, countries, regions. Our unreadiness to perceive random nonprogrammable events is caused by that the result of traditional education is ability to logically reflect and analyze the information. In order to work successfully under the conditions of increase of unpredictability and discrepancy of social and economic development, it is necessary besides infological paradigm of perception of the world around to master the paradigm of comprehension and creative work. In this creative management there are ways and methods of switching over of training of managers, engineers, entrepreneurs to level of constructive creative thinking and activity by way of combination of logic and heuristicity. The monograph meant for under- and postgraduate students, doctoral candidates, management instructors and practitioners of management in the economic sphere, engineering personnel, everybody who wants to work actively and purposefully for prosperity of one’s organization and personality creative development. This is an original key to understanding of the present and vision of the future of a modern organization and socioeconomic development on the whole through activation of humane creative activity of the person

    Backwards is the way forward: feedback in the cortical hierarchy predicts the expected future

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    Clark offers a powerful description of the brain as a prediction machine, which offers progress on two distinct levels. First, on an abstract conceptual level, it provides a unifying framework for perception, action, and cognition (including subdivisions such as attention, expectation, and imagination). Second, hierarchical prediction offers progress on a concrete descriptive level for testing and constraining conceptual elements and mechanisms of predictive coding models (estimation of predictions, prediction errors, and internal models)

    Environmental Law as a Legal Field: An Inquiry in Legal Taxonomy

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    This Article examines the classification of the law into legal fields, first generally and then by specific examination of the field of environmental law. We classify the law into fields to find and to create patterns, which render the law coherent and understandable. A legal field is a group of situations unified by a pattern or set of patterns that is both common and distinctive to the field. We can conceptualize a legal field as the interaction of four underlying constitutive dimensions of the field: (1) a factual context that gives rise to (2) certain policy tradeoffs, which are in turn resolved by (3) the application of values and interests to produce (4) legal doctrine. An organizational framework for a field identifies the field’s common and distinctive patterns, which may arise in any of these underlying constitutive dimensions. The second part of the Article applies this general analytical approach to the field of environmental law, proposing a framework for understanding environmental law as a field of legal study. Two core factual characteristics of environmental problems are, in combination, both common and distinct to environmental law: physical public resources and pervasive interrelatedness. Numerous use demands are placed on environmental resources, creating conflicts. These use conflicts define the policy tradeoffs that frame environmental lawmaking, forming the basis for a use-conflict framework for conceptualizing environmental lawmaking. A use-conflict framework for environmental lawmaking carries significant analytical advantages over other models for conceptualizing environmental law as a legal field

    Problem space of modern society: philosophical-communicative and pedagogical interpretations. Part II

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    This collective monograph offers the description of philosophical bases of definition of communicative competence and pedagogical conditions for the formation of communication skills. The authors of individual chapters have chosen such point of view for the topic which they considered as the most important and specific for their field of study using the methods of logical and semantic analysis of concepts, the method of reflection, textual reconstruction and comparative analysis. The theoretical and applied problems of modern society are investigated in the context of philosophical, communicative and pedagogical interpretations

    Autonomous Swarm Navigation

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    Robotic swarm systems attract increasing attention in a wide variety of applications, where a multitude of self-organized robotic entities collectively accomplish sensing or exploration tasks. Compared to a single robot, a swarm system offers advantages in terms of exploration speed, robustness against single point of failures, and collective observations of spatio-temporal processes. Autonomous swarm navigation, including swarm self-localization, the localization of external sources, and swarm control, is essential for the success of an autonomous swarm application. However, as a newly emerging technology, a thorough study of autonomous swarm navigation is still missing. In this thesis, we systematically study swarm navigation systems, particularly emphasizing on their collective performance. The general theory of swarm navigation as well as an in-depth study on a specific swarm navigation system proposed for future Mars exploration missions are covered. Concerning swarm localization, a decentralized algorithm is proposed, which achieves a near-optimal performance with low complexity for a dense swarm network. Regarding swarm control, a position-aware swarm control concept is proposed. The swarm is aware of not only the position estimates and the estimation uncertainties of itself and the sources, but also the potential motions to enrich position information. As a result, the swarm actively adapts its formation to improve localization performance, without losing track of other objectives, such as goal approaching and collision avoidance. The autonomous swarm navigation concept described in this thesis is verified for a specific Mars swarm exploration system. More importantly, this concept is generally adaptable to an extensive range of swarm applications

    Eliciting and Leveraging Input Diversity in Crowd-Powered Intelligent Systems

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    Collecting high quality annotations plays a crucial role in supporting machine learning algorithms, and thus, the creation of intelligent systems. Over the past decade, crowdsourcing has become a widely adopted means of manually creating annotations for various intelligent tasks, spanning from object boundary detection in images to sentiment understanding in text. This thesis presents new crowdsourcing workflows and answer aggregation algorithms that can effectively and efficiently improve collective annotation quality from crowd workers. While conventional microtask crowdsourcing approaches generally focus on improving annotation quality by promoting consensus among workers, this thesis proposes a novel concept of a diversity-driven approach. We show that leveraging diversity in workers' responses is effective in improving the accuracy of aggregate annotations because it compensates for biases or uncertainty caused by the system, tool, or the data. We then present techniques that elicit the diversity in workers' responses. These techniques are orthogonal to other quality control methods, such as filtering, training or incentives, which means they can be used in combination with existing methods. The crowd-powered intelligent systems presented in this thesis are evaluated through visual perception tasks in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach. The advantage of our approach is an improvement in collective quality even in settings where worker skill may vary widely, potentially lowering barriers to entry for novice workers and making it easier for requesters to find workers who can make productive contributions. This thesis demonstrates that crowd workers' input diversity can be a useful property that yields better aggregate performance than any homogeneous set of input.PHDElectrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153428/1/jyskwon_1.pd

    Serious Play Approaches for Creating, Sharing, and Mobilizing Tacit Knowledge in Cross-disciplinary Settings

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    abstract: Serious play—the notion of bringing the benefits of play to bear on work-related tasks—is receiving more attention as a remedy to many challenges of the modern knowledge economy. Exploring and defining the role of serious play approaches to facilitate collaborative problem-solving and value creation, this dissertation consists of four related research papers. The first research paper (RP1) reconciles three different conceptualizations of knowledge into a new theory of knowledge. This pluralistic definition allows knowledge to change character across the span of the value creation process. The paper further introduces a model called the Wheel of Knowledge (WoK) for mobilizing knowledge throughout the different knowledge conversions of the value creation process. The second research paper (RP2) advocates that serious play can scaffold and accelerate these knowledge conversion processes, it disaggregates existing serious play approaches, and starts to operationalize the WoK by using it to match different types of serious play approaches to different types of knowledge conversion challenges. The third research paper (RP3) validates the WoK by sorting the serious play literature according to how it applies to the different knowledge conversion processes. The paper provides a framework for ascertaining the applicability of serious play methods to specific knowledge conversion challenges and identifies under-explored research areas of the serious play field. The fourth research paper (RP4) tests the recommendations of RP3 by applying the LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) method to a knowledge conversion challenge focused on tacit knowledge sharing. It reports on a mixed-methods, multi-session case study in which LSP was used to facilitate cross-disciplinary dialogue and deliberation about a wicked problem. Results show that LSP is particularly useful in the beginning of a value creation process and that it facilitates socialization and tacit knowledge sharing. Taken together the papers demonstrate the necessity, potential, and application of serious play as a catalyst for the knowledge conversion processes presented in the WoK. It is now clear that different serious play approaches are suitable as respectively: an accelerator for trust-building and collective creativity, as a conduit for iterative innovation, and as a way of making rote tasks more engaging.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Design 201