88 research outputs found

    A Security-aware Approach to JXTA-Overlay Primitives

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    The JXTA-Overlay project is an effort to use JXTA technology to provide a generic set of functionalities that can be used by developers to deploy P2P applications. Since its design mainly focuses on issues such as scalability or overall performance, it does not take security into account. However, as P2P applications have evolved to fulfill more complex scenarios, security has become a very important aspect to take into account when evaluating a P2P framework. This work proposes a security extension specifically suited to JXTA-Overlay¿s idiosyncrasies, providing an acceptable solution to some of its current shortcomings.El proyecto JXTA-Overlay es un esfuerzo por utilizar la tecnología JXTA para proporcionar un conjunto genérico de funciones que pueden ser utilizadas por los desarrolladores para desplegar aplicaciones P2P. Aunque su diseño se centra principalmente en cuestiones como la escalabilidad y el rendimiento general, no tiene en cuenta la seguridad. Sin embargo, como las aplicaciones P2P se han desarrollado para cumplir con escenarios más complejos, la seguridad se ha convertido en un aspecto muy importante a tener en cuenta a la hora de evaluar un marco P2P. Este artículo propone una extensión de seguridad específicamente adaptada a la idiosincrasia de JXTA-Overlay, proporcionando una solución aceptable para algunas de sus deficiencias actuales.El projecte JXTA-Overlay és un esforç per utilitzar la tecnologia JXTA per proporcionar un conjunt genèric de funcions que poden ser utilitzades pels desenvolupadors per desplegar aplicacions P2P. Tot i que el seu disseny se centra principalment en qüestions com ara la escalabilitat i el rendiment general, no té en compte la seguretat. No obstant això, com que les aplicacions P2P s'han desenvolupat per complir amb escenaris més complexos, la seguretat s'ha convertit en un aspecte molt important a tenir en compte a l'hora d'avaluar un marc P2P. Aquest article proposa una extensió de seguretat específicament adaptada a la idiosincràsia de JXTA-Overlay, proporcionant una solució acceptable per a algunes de les seves deficiències actuals

    Working Together: ICT Infrastructures to Support Collaboration

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    The paper summarizes a part of research carried out in ICCI project and provides a current review of ICT infrastructures supporting collaboration. It covers taxonomies, protocols, standards, components, typical subsystems as well as future trends and recommendation for two most important technologies with applications in AEC: (1) EIP (Enterprise information portal) – a single gateway to a company's information, knowledge base, and applications for all actors; (2) RTC (Real-Time Communication and Collaboration technologies) that provide means for asynchronous communication between geographically dislocated people using ICT. Proposed future developments are: orientation towards web services - with building information models, business intelligence, personalization, AEC information retrieval, p2p workspaces and grids

    Support of Collaborative Structural Design Processes through the Integration of Peer-to-Peer and Multiagent Architectures

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    Structural engineering projects are increasingly organized in networked cooperations due to a permanently enlarged competition pressure and a high degree of complexity while performing the concurrent design activities. Software that intends to support such collaborative structural design processes implicates enormous requirements. In the course of our common research work, we analyzed the pros and cons of the application of both the peer-to-peer (University of Bonn) and multiagent architecture style (University of Bochum) within the field of collaborative structural design. In this paper, we join the benefits of both architecture styles in an integrated conceptual approach. We demonstrate the surplus value of the integrated multiagent–peer-to-peer approach by means of an example scenario in which several structural engineers are co-operatively designing the basic structural elements of an arched bridge, applying heterogeneous CAD systems