23 research outputs found

    FORCEnet an analysis of the Trident Warrior 2003 exercise

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    Since the country has moved into the Information Age, the military forces have been moving towards network based operations. The rapid expansion of the internet and information technology (IT) has led to the emerging theory of Network- Centric Warfare (NCW). The Naval Services instantiation of NCW is FORCEnet. "FORCEnet is the "glue" that binds together Sea Strike, Sea Shield, and Sea Basing. It is the operational construct and architectural framework for naval warfare in the Information Age, integrating warriors, sensors, command and control, platforms, and weapons into a networked, distributed combat force. FORCEnet will provide the architecture to increase substantially combat capabilities through aligned and integrated systems, functions, and missions. Sea Power 21 is a comprehensive attempt to address the ramifications of the Information Age revolution. The framework of the Sea Power 21 vision is composed of the following elements: Sea Basing, Sea Shield and Sea Strike. The enabler of this vision or the "glue" that holds it all together is FORCEnet. FORCEnet is "the operational construct and architectural framework of naval warfare in the information age that integrates Warriors, sensors, networks, command and control, platforms, and weapons into a networked, distributed combat force that is scaleable across all levels of conflict from seabed to space and sea to land." The Trident Warrior 03 exercise was then developed as a means to measure its success and to acquire data from which future exercises can be measured against. FORCEnet is still in its infancy and many people have different views on what exactly it is and how it should be implemented to achieve those goals. The intent of this thesis was not to answer those questions per se, but provide a realistic analysis of what worked during the TW03 exercise and what did not. This should provide a baseline for further Trident Warrior exercises so as to avoid the same mistakes in the future. The military has a ways to go before it can fully realize a truly networked-centric armed forces, but TW03 was the beginning and the lessons learned from it will pay dividends in realizing that fully networked goal.http://archive.org/details/forcenetnnalysis109451392Major, United States Marine CorpsApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Emerging infectious diseases

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    Emerging Infectious Diseases is providing access to these abstracts on behalf of the ICEID 2008 program committee, which performed peer review. Emerging Infectious Diseases has not edited or proofread these materials and is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions. All information is subject to change.Comments and corrections should be brought to the attention of the authors.Slide Sessions -- Foodborne & waterborne diseases I -- Influenza I -- Surveillance: International -- Zoonotic & animal diseases I -- Methicillin-resistant stapylococcal infections -- Vectorborne diseases -- Foodborne & waterborne diseases II -- Influenza II -- Surveillance: Domestic -- Zoonotic & animal diseases II -- Noscomial infections -- Respiratory diseases -- Health communications -- Blood, organ, & tissue safety -- Tropical diseases -- New rapid diagnostics -- Mobile populations & infectious diseases -- Vaccine-preventable diseases -- Tuberculosis -- Sexually transmitted diseases -- -- Poster Abstracts -- Vaccines & vaccine-preventable diseases -- Antimicrobial resistance -- Climate changes -- Foodborne & waterborne infections -- Health communication -- Infectious causes of chronic diseases -- Influenza -- New or rapid diagnostics -- Nosocomial infections -- Outbreak investigation: Lab & epi response -- Sexually transmitted diseases -- Surveillance: International & new strategies -- Travelers' health & disease importation -- Tropical infections & parasitic diseases -- Vector-borne diseases -- Women, gender, sexual minorities & infectious diseases -- Zoonotic & animal diseases -- Vaccines & vaccine-preventable diseases -- Antimicrobial resistance -- Emerging aspects of HIV -- Foodborne & waterborne infections -- Health communication -- Molecular epidemiology -- Outbreak investigation: Lab & epi response -- Poverty & infectious diseases -- Surveillance: International & new strategies -- Tropical infections & parasitic diseases -- Vector-borne diseases -- Zoonotic & animal diseases -- Vaccines & vaccine-preventable diseases -- Antimicrobial resistance -- Blood, organ, & other tissue safety -- Foodborne & waterborne infections -- Host & microbial genetics -- Influenza -- Molecular epidemiology -- New or rapid diagnostics -- Outbreak investigation: Lab & epi response -- Prevention effectiveness, cost effectiveness, & cost studies -- Surveillance: International & new strategies -- Vector-borne diseases -- Zoonotic & animal diseases -- Vaccines & vaccine-preventable diseases -- Antimicrobial resistance -- Bioterrorism preparedness -- Emerging opportunistic infections -- Foodborne & waterborne infections -- Healthcare worker safety -- Influenza -- Laboratory proficiency testing/quality assurance -- Modeling -- Nosocomial infections -- Outbreak investigation: Lab & epi response -- Vector-borne diseases -- Viral hepatitis -- Zoonotic & animal diseases -- Vaccines & vaccine-preventable diseases -- Antimicrobial resistance -- Emerging opportunistic infections -- Foodborne & waterborne infections -- Influenza -- New or rapid diagnostics -- Nosocomial infections -- Outbreak investigation: Lab & epi response -- Social determinants of infectious disease disparities -- Surveillance: International & new strategies -- Tuberculosis -- Vector-borne diseases -- Zoonotic & animal diseases -- -- Additional Poster Abstracts.Abstracts published in advance of the conference

    Hepatiitti B:n ja C:n, HIV:n ja kupan esiintyminen maahanmuuttajilla Suomessa : mahdollisuuksia vÀestön terveyden edistÀmiseen

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    Migrants are over-represented among the incident cases of hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and syphilis in many low-prevalence countries including Finland. Current knowledge of the epidemiology of these infections among migrants is limited to guide the public health response. This thesis aims to describe the feasibility of screening in a population-based survey, to estimate the burden of infections, to evaluate the implementation of screening, and to assess HIV-related health literacy among specific migrant populations. Seroprevalence rates of HBV, HCV, HIV and syphilis were assessed in a population-based survey among adult Kurdish, Russian and Somali-origin migrants. Survey non-participation and previous notifications were evaluated through register-linkage. HBV, HIV and syphilis seroprevalence and implementation of screening among all asylum seekers in Finland in 2015–2016 were examined based on register information of healthcare procurements. HIV-related knowledge, attitudes and practices of young adult asylum seekers were compared to those of age-matched general population in two separate surveys. Non-participation analysis observed no differences in the notification prevalence of HBV, HCV, HIV or syphilis between participants and non-participants of the survey. The majority of survey participants accepted the multiphasic opt-in provider-initiated screening. Acceptability of HIV testing was increased by enhanced pre-test counselling. Seroprevalence of HBV, HCV, HIV and syphilis among Kurdish, Russian and Somali-origin migrants and among asylum seekers were comparable or lower than in countries of origin. Prevalence of HCV and syphilis was higher in older age-groups. The burden of HBV was highest among Somali-origin migrants and that of HCV and syphilis among Russian migrants. Of all test-positive cases among Kurdish, Russian and Somali-migrants, 61% had not been previously notified and were considered missed diagnoses. Coverage of after arrival screening of HBV, HIV and syphilis was 88% among eligible Kurdish, Russian and Somali migrants, and 61% among asylum seekers. Previous HIV testing was reported by 31% of the Kurdish, Russian and Somali-origin migrants and 23% of the young adult asylum seekers. HIV-related knowledge among asylum seekers was below the international target level. Asylum seekers preferred passive sources of HIV information to interpersonal strategies of health education. In conclusion, although asylum and integration processes are windows of opportunity for health education, prevention and screening, barriers hindering their implementation exist. Missed HBV diagnoses among Somali-origin migrants suggest missed opportunities for vaccinations. Limitations of the current screening programme explain missed hepatitis C and syphilis diagnoses among Russian migrants. Findings from this study suggest opportunities for public health response: extending after-arrival screening of HBV, HIV and syphilis to all at-risk migrants, inclusion of HCV screening, describing and addressing barriers that hinder implementation of screening, enhancing provider-initiated screening and investing in health literacy.Hepatiitti B (HBV), hepatiitti C (HCV), HIV ja kuppa ovat infektiotauteja, joihin on olemassa tehokas lÀÀkehoito. Infektioiden varhainen toteaminen ja hoito sekĂ€ hepatiitti-B-rokotukset edistĂ€vĂ€t terveyttĂ€ ja estĂ€vĂ€t uusia tartuntoja. Suomessa HBV-, HCV-, HIV- ja kuppainfektioita todetaan suhteessa enemmĂ€n ulkomailla syntyneillĂ€ henkilöillĂ€. Osa maahanmuuttajista on alttiita infektiolle johtuen taustamaiden tautitaakasta sekĂ€ tekijöistĂ€ matkan aikana ja kotoutumisvaiheessa. TĂ€mĂ€n vĂ€itöskirjatutkimuksen tavoitteena on kuvata nĂ€iden infektioiden esiintymistĂ€ maahanmuuttajilla ja arvioida ehkĂ€isykeinojen toteutumista. Aineisto muodostui kolmesta kyselytutkimuksesta ja kahdesta rekisteristĂ€. Infektioiden seulonnan soveltuvuutta ja niiden esiintymistĂ€ selvitettiin Maahanmuuttajien terveys ja hyvinvointi -tutkimuksessa, johon kutsuttiin kurdi-, somali- ja venĂ€lĂ€istaustaisia aikuisia maahanmuuttajia. Uusien tautitapausten osuutta arvioitiin tartuntatautirekisterin avulla. Turvapaikanhakijoilla esiintyvien infektioiden ja seulontojen toteutumisen kuvaamisessa hyödynnettiin terveyspalveluiden hankintatietoja. HIV-infektioon liittyvÀÀ tietĂ€mystĂ€ verrattiin nuorten turvapaikanhakijoiden ja saman ikĂ€isen yleisvĂ€estön vĂ€lillĂ€ kahdessa eri haastattelututkimuksessa. Valtaosa tutkittavista osallistui tutkimushoitajan tarjoamaan yhdistelmĂ€seulontaan. TestiĂ€ edeltĂ€vĂ€ neuvonta lisĂ€si HIV-testin hyvĂ€ksyttĂ€vyyttĂ€. Infektioiden esiintyvyys kurdi-, somali- ja venĂ€lĂ€istaustaisilla maahanmuuttajilla ja turvapaikanhakijoilla oli samalla tasolla tai alhaisempi kuin taustamaissa. HBV-tautitaakka oli suurin somalitaustaisilla ja HCV:n ja kupan puolestaan venĂ€lĂ€istaustaisilla maahanmuuttajilla. LĂ€hes kahdella kolmesta henkilöstĂ€, joilla tutkimuksessa todettiin HBV, HCV tai kuppa, infektiota ei oltu aiemmin todettu Suomessa. Maahanmuuton jĂ€lkeen jĂ€rjestettĂ€vĂ€n HBV-, HIV- ja kuppaseulonnan kattavuus oli parempi oleskeluluvan saaneilla henkilöillĂ€ kuin turvapaikanhakijoilla. Nuorten turvapaikanhakijoiden HIV:iin liittyvĂ€ tietĂ€mys oli kansainvĂ€listĂ€ tavoitetasoa ja suomalaista yleisvĂ€estöÀ alhaisempi, ja HIV-informaation lĂ€hteenĂ€ he suosivat itseopiskelua neuvonnan sijaan. Tutkimus osoittaa, ettĂ€ maahanmuuttajat ja turvapaikanhakijat ovat tĂ€rkeĂ€ HBV-, HCV-, HIV- ja kuppainfektioiden seulonnan ja ennaltaehkĂ€isyn kohderyhmĂ€ Suomessa, mutta heillĂ€ on esteitĂ€ terveysneuvontaan ja palveluihin pÀÀsylle. Somalitaustaisilla todetut uudet HBV-tapaukset voivat osittain johtua toteutumatta jÀÀneistĂ€ rokotuksista. Uudet HCV- ja kuppatapaukset venĂ€lĂ€istaustaisilla maahanmuuttajilla kuvastavat seulontaohjelman kehittĂ€miskohteita. Turvapaikkahakemuksen kĂ€sittely- ja kotoutumisvaiheet tarjoavat mahdollisuuden nĂ€iden esteiden purkamiselle

    Coronaviruses Research in BRICS Countries

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    SARS-CoV-2 has infected more than 105 million people worldwide. During this pandemic, researchers and clinicians have been working to understand the molecular mechanisms that underpin viral pathogenesis by studying viral–host interactions. Now, with the global rollout of various COVID-19 vaccines—based on the neutralization of the spike protein using different technologies—viral immunology and cell-based immunity are being investigated. Researchers are also studying how various SARS-CoV-2 genetic mutations will impact the efficacy of these COVID-19 vaccines. At the same time, various antiviral drugs have been identified or repurposed that have potential as anti-SARS-CoV-2 treatments. BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) is the acronym used to associate five major emerging national economies. The BRICS countries are known for their significant influence on regional affairs, including being leaders in scientific and clinical research and innovation. This Special Issue includes researchers from BRICS countries, in particular South Africa, involved in the study of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. Original articles, as well as new perspectives or reviews on the matter, were welcomed. Research in the fields of vaccine studies, pathogenesis, genetic mutations, viral immunology, and antiviral drugs were especially encouraged

    Community radio : the beat that develops the soul of the people? : a case study of XK fm as a SABC owned community radio station and its role as a facilitator of community based development.

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    Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2011.This study is concerned with the potential of a community radio station under the ownership of the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) in being a facilitator and social actor of community-based development. XK fm is a radio station run by members of the !Xun and Khwe (two ethnic San communities), but owned and governed by the SABC. It was established to preserve and protect the cultures, languages and histories of the two communities as well acting as a facilitating and promoter of development. The focus of this research is on the examination of the station‘s day-to-day development programmes, the processes involved in operation, production and transmission of these programmes and the outcomes of these processes in the reception of the programmes among the two communities. As a means of critically analyzing the multi-layered aspects of operations within the radio station and the listening habits of its audiences as a whole, this study is situated within a Circuit of Culture (du Gay et al, 1997) framework of theory. It is also based on a case study approach of methodology that utilizes ethnographic methods of data collection from semi-structured and in-depths interviews to passive and participant observations that have been recorded on video. Based on the principles of both forms of development radio broadcasting, this study concludes that XK fm has been successful in utilizing indigenous knowledge and culture to produce radio programming that is sensitive to the development needs of the !Xun and Khwe communities. It has created awareness of development issues through both its cultural programmes and it informational programmes, and through the SABC has been enabled to be productively sustainable, technically advanced and participatory in nature. However, the SABC‘s control over the station does limit the two communities‘ ownership of the station and participation in policy construction, thus constraining the station in more effectively acting as a community radio station. It suggests that XK fm cannot act alone as the sole facilitator of development and needs other mechanisms to enhance participation and effective dialectical information exchange such as radio listening clubs

    "Ethically Impossible" STD Research in Guatemala from 1946 to 1948

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    Following the revelation last fall that the PHS supported research on sexually transmitted diseases in Guatemala from 1946 to 1948, President Obama asked the Bioethics Commission to oversee a thorough fact-finding investigation into the studies. Commission staff carefully reviewed more than 125,000 original pages of documents and approximately 550 secondary sources collected from public and private archives around the country. Commission staff also completed a fact finding trip to Guatemala and met with Guatemala’s own internal investigation committee. The PHS research involved intentionally exposing and infecting vulnerable populations to sexually transmitted diseases without the subjects’ consent. “In the Commission’s view, the Guatemala experiments involved unconscionable basic violations of ethics, even as judged against the researchers’ own recognition of the requirements of the medical ethics of the day,” Commission Chair Amy Gutmann, Ph.D., said. “The individuals who approved, conducted, facilitated and funded these experiments are morally culpable to various degrees for these wrongs.” The full report, Ethically Impossible: STD Research in Guatemala from 1946-1953, also includes the Commission’s ethical analysis of the case

    'Ethically Impossible': STD Research in Guatemala from 1946 to 1948

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    In response to the President's request of November 24, 2010, the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues (Bioethics Commission) oversaw this thorough fact-finding investigation into the specifics of the U.S. Public Health Service-led studies in Guatemala involving the intentional exposure and infection of vulnerable populations. Following a nine-month intensive investigation, the Bioethics Commission concluded that the Guatemala experiments involved gross violations of ethics as judged against both the standards of today and the researchers’ own understanding of applicable contemporaneous practices.https://ssrn.com/abstract=245679

    “Ethically impossible” STD Research in Guatemala from 1946 to 1948

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    Wild Birds and Increased Transmission of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1) among Poultry, Thailand

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