17 research outputs found

    Variants of LWE: Reductions, Attacks and a Construction

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    Partial Key Exposure in Ring-LWE-Based Cryptosystems: Attacks and Resilience

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    We initiate the study of partial key exposure in ring-LWE-based cryptosystems. Specifically, we - Introduce the search and decision Leaky-RLWE assumptions (Leaky-SRLWE, Leaky-DRLWE), to formalize the hardness of search/decision RLWE under leakage of some fraction of coordinates of the NTT transform of the RLWE secret and/or error. - Present and implement an efficient key exposure attack that, given certain 1/41/4-fraction of the coordinates of the NTT transform of the RLWE secret, along with RLWE instances, recovers the full RLWE secret for standard parameter settings. - Present a search-to-decision reduction for Leaky-RLWE for certain types of key exposure. - Analyze the security of NewHope key exchange under partial key exposure of 1/81/8-fraction of the secrets and error. We show that, assuming that Leaky-DRLWE is hard for these parameters, the shared key vv (which is then hashed using a random oracle) is computationally indistinguishable from a random variable with average min-entropy 238238, conditioned on transcript and leakage, whereas without leakage the min-entropy is 256256

    How to Find Ternary LWE Keys Using Locality Sensitive Hashing

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    Let As=b+emodqAs = b + e \bmod q be an LWE-instance with ternary keys s,e{0,±1}ns,e \in \{0, \pm 1\}^n. Let ss be taken from a search space of size S\mathcal{S}. A standard Meet-in-the-Middle attack recovers ss in time S0.5\mathcal{S}^{0.5}. Using the representation technique, a recent improvement of May shows that this can be lowered to approximately S0.25\mathcal{S}^{0.25} by guessing a sub-linear number of Θ(nlogn)\Theta(\frac{n}{\log n}) coordinates from ee. While guessing such an amount of ee can asymptotically be neglected, for concrete instantiations of e.g. NTRU, BLISS or GLP the additional cost of guessing leads to complexities around S0.3\mathcal{S}^{0.3}. We introduce a locality sensitive hashing (LSH) technique based on Odlyzko\u27s work that avoids any guessing of ee\u27s coordinates. This LSH technique involves a comparably small cost such that we can significantly improve on previous results, pushing complexities towards the asymptotic bound S0.25\mathcal{S}^{0.25}. Concretely, using LSH we lower the MitM complexity estimates for the currently suggested NTRU and NTRU Prime instantiations by a factor in the range 2202492^{20}-2^{49}, and for BLISS and GLP parameters by a factor in the range 2182412^{18}-2^{41}

    Masking Dilithium: Efficient Implementation and Side-Channel Evaluation

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    Although security against side-channel attacks is not an explicit design criterion of the NIST post-quantum standardization effort, it is certainly a major concern for schemes that are meant for real-world deployment. In view of the numerous physical attacks that have been proposed against post-quantum schemes in recent literature, it is in particular very important to evaluate the cost and effectiveness of side-channel countermeasures in that setting. For lattice-based signatures, this work was initiated by Barthe et al., who showed at EUROCRYPT 2018 how to apply arbitrary order masking to the GLP signature scheme presented at CHES 2012 by Güneysu, Lyubashevsky and Pöppelman. However, although Barthe et al.’s paper provides detailed proofs of security in the probing model of Ishai, Sahai and Wagner, it does not include practical side-channel evaluations, and its proof-of-concept implementation has limited efficiency. Moreover, the GLP scheme has historical significance but is not a NIST candidate, nor is it being considered for concrete deployment. In this paper, we look instead at Dilithium, one of the most promising NIST candidates for postquantum signatures. This scheme, presented at CHES 2018 by Ducas et al. and based on module lattices, can be seen as an updated variant of both GLP and its more efficient sibling BLISS; it comes with an implementation that is both efficient and constant-time. Our analysis of Dilithium from a side-channel perspective is threefold. We first evaluate the side-channel resistance of an ARM Cortex-M3 implementation of Dilithium without masking, and identify exploitable side-channel leakage. We then describe how to securely mask the scheme, and verify that the masked implementation no longer leaks. Finally, we show how a simple tweak to Dilithium (namely, replacing the prime modulus by a power of two) makes it possible to obtain a considerably more efficient masked scheme, by a factor of 7.3 to 9 for the most time-consuming masking operations, without affecting security

    LWE with side information: Attacks and concrete security estimation

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    We propose a framework for cryptanalysis of lattice-based schemes, when side information—in the form of “hints”—about the secret and/or error is available. Our framework generalizes the so-called primal lattice reduction attack, and allows the progressive integration of hints before running a final lattice reduction step. Our techniques for integrating hints include sparsifying the lattice, projecting onto and intersecting with hyperplanes, and/or altering the distribution of the secret vector. Our main contribution is to propose a toolbox and a methodology to integrate such hints into lattice reduction attacks and to predict the performance of those lattice attacks with side information. While initially designed for side-channel information, our framework can also be used in other cases: exploiting decryption failures, or simply exploiting constraints imposed by certain schemes (LAC, Round5, NTRU). We implement a Sage 9.0 toolkit to actually mount such attacks with hints when computationally feasible, and to predict their performances on larger instances. We provide several end-to-end application examples, such as an improvement of a single trace attack on Frodo by Bos et al. (SAC 2018). In particular, our work can estimates security loss even given very little side information, leading to a smooth measurement/computation trade-off for side-channel attacks

    LWE with Side Information: Attacks and Concrete Security Estimation

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    We propose a framework for cryptanalysis of lattice-based schemes, when side information---in the form of ``hints\u27\u27--- about the secret and/or error is available. Our framework generalizes the so-called primal lattice reduction attack, and allows the progressive integration of hints before running a final lattice reduction step. Our techniques for integrating hints include sparsifying the lattice, projecting onto and intersecting with hyperplanes, and/or altering the distribution of the secret vector. Our main contribution is to propose a toolbox and a methodology to integrate such hints into lattice reduction attacks and to predict the performance of those lattice attacks with side information. While initially designed for side-channel information, our framework can also be used in other cases: exploiting decryption failures, or simply exploiting constraints imposed by certain schemes (LAC, Round5, NTRU). We implement a Sage 9.0 toolkit to actually mount such attacks with hints when computationally feasible, and to predict their performances on larger instances. We provide several end-to-end application examples, such as an improvement of a single trace attack on Frodo by Bos et al (SAC 2018). In particular, our work can estimates security loss even given very little side information, leading to a smooth measurement/computation trade-off for side-channel attacks

    Improved Robustness and Versatility of Lattice-Based Cryptography

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    Current public key cryptosystems that are based on the hardness of integer factorization and discrete logarithm are insecure in the presence of large-scale quantum computers. Much effort has been devoted to replacing the quantum-insecure cryptosystems with newly developed "post-quantum" cryptosystem candidates, conjectured to be secure against quantum attack. Lattice-based cryptography has been widely recognized as a prominent candidate for practical post-quantum security.This dissertation improves the robustness and versatility of lattice-based cryptography through the following three contributions: 1. Chapter 3 introduces a constant-round protocol for unauthenticated group key exchange (i.e., with security against a passive eavesdropper). Group key exchange protocols allow a set of N parties to agree on a shared, secret key by communicating over a public network. Our protocol is based on the hardness of a lattice problem, which hence yields (plausible) post-quantum security. 2. In Chapter 4, we propose a framework for cryptanalysis of lattice-based schemes when certain types of information about the secret are leaked. Our framework generalizes the primal lattice reduction attack. The generalization allows for integrating the leaked information progressively before running a final lattice reduction step. Our framework can estimate the amount of security loss caused by the leaked information, and perform lattice reduction attacks with leaked information when computationally feasible. 3. Chapter 5 introduces an approach towards a ring analogue of the Leftover Hash Lemma (LHL). The LHL is a mathematical tool often used in the analysis of various lattice-based cryptosystems, as well as their leakage-resilient counterparts. However, it does not hold in the ring setting, which is typical for efficient cryptosystems. Lyubashevsky et al. (Eurocrypt '13) proved a "regularity lemma," which is used in the ring setting instead of the LHL; however, this applies only for centered, spherical Gaussian inputs, while the LHL applies when the input is drawn from any high min-entropy distribution. Our approach generalizes the "regularity lemma" of Lyubashevsky et al. to certain conditional distributions. A number of Ring-Learning with Errors based cryptosystems can achieve certain leakage resilience properties using our results

    Criptografía postcuántica

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    [ES] En esta memoria se realiza un estudio donde nos adentraremos brevemente en el mundo de la Criptografía Postcuántica para estudiar algunos de los avances producidos por el NIST sobre la búsqueda de nuevos sistemas criptográficos que puedan resistir los ataques realizados por ordenadores cuánticos. Comenzaremos repasando algunos de los más famosos criptosistemas, además de conocer el concepto de criptografía cuántica, así como la relación entre ellos. Continuaremos estudiando el funcionamiento de uno de los finalistas del NIST, concretamente, el esquema de Crystals-Kyber, para lo que analizaremos los aspectos matemáticos relevantes en él y los problemas en los que basa su seguridad. Concluiremos el trabajo con un análisis práctico del esquema de Crystals-Kyber y comparándolo con el resto de finalistas del NIST. Todo el trabajo se realiza en castellano