500 research outputs found

    Coinductive subtyping for abstract compilation of object-oriented languages into Horn formulas

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    In recent work we have shown how it is possible to define very precise type systems for object-oriented languages by abstractly compiling a program into a Horn formula f. Then type inference amounts to resolving a certain goal w.r.t. the coinductive (that is, the greatest) Herbrand model of f. Type systems defined in this way are idealized, since in the most interesting instantiations both the terms of the coinductive Herbrand universe and goal derivations cannot be finitely represented. However, sound and quite expressive approximations can be implemented by considering only regular terms and derivations. In doing so, it is essential to introduce a proper subtyping relation formalizing the notion of approximation between types. In this paper we study a subtyping relation on coinductive terms built on union and object type constructors. We define an interpretation of types as set of values induced by a quite intuitive relation of membership of values to types, and prove that the definition of subtyping is sound w.r.t. subset inclusion between type interpretations. The proof of soundness has allowed us to simplify the notion of contractive derivation and to discover that the previously given definition of subtyping did not cover all possible representations of the empty type

    Proof Relevant Corecursive Resolution

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    Resolution lies at the foundation of both logic programming and type class context reduction in functional languages. Terminating derivations by resolution have well-defined inductive meaning, whereas some non-terminating derivations can be understood coinductively. Cycle detection is a popular method to capture a small subset of such derivations. We show that in fact cycle detection is a restricted form of coinductive proof, in which the atomic formula forming the cycle plays the role of coinductive hypothesis. This paper introduces a heuristic method for obtaining richer coinductive hypotheses in the form of Horn formulas. Our approach subsumes cycle detection and gives coinductive meaning to a larger class of derivations. For this purpose we extend resolution with Horn formula resolvents and corecursive evidence generation. We illustrate our method on non-terminating type class resolution problems.Comment: 23 pages, with appendices in FLOPS 201

    Semantic subtyping for objects and classes

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    In this paper we propose an integration of structural subtyping with boolean connectives and semantic subtyping to define a Java-like programming language that exploits the benefits of both techniques. Semantic subtyping is an approach for defining subtyping relation based on set-theoretic models, rather than syntactic rules. On the one hand, this approach involves some non trivial mathematical machinery in the background. On the other hand, final users of the language need not know this machinery and the resulting subtyping relation is very powerful and intuitive. While semantic subtyping is naturally linked to the structural one, we show how our framework can also accommodate the nominal subtyping. Several examples show the expressivity and the practical advantages of our proposal

    Structural resolution for abstract compilation of object-oriented languages

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    We propose abstract compilation for precise static type analysis of object-oriented languages based on coinductive logic programming. Source code is translated to a logic program, then type-checking and inference problems amount to queries to be solved with respect to the resulting logic program. We exploit a coinductive semantics to deal with infinite terms and proofs produced by recursive types and methods. Thanks to the recent notion of structural resolution for coinductive logic programming, we are able to infer very precise type information, including a class of irrational recursive types causing non-termination for previously considered coinductive semantics. We also show how to transform logic programs to make them satisfy the preconditions for the operational semantics of structural resolution, and we prove this step does not affect the semantics of the logic program.Comment: In Proceedings CoALP-Ty'16, arXiv:1709.0419

    Imperative Object-based Calculi in (Co)Inductive Type Theories

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    We discuss the formalization of Abadi and Cardelli's imps, a paradigmatic object-based calculus with types and side effects, in Co-Inductive Type Theories, such as the Calculus of (Co)Inductive Constructions (CC(Co)Ind). Instead of representing directly the original system "as it is", we reformulate its syntax and semantics bearing in mind the proof-theoretical features provided by the target metalanguage. On one hand, this methodology allows for a smoother implementation and treatment of the calculus in the metalanguage. On the other, it is possible to see the calculus from a new perspective, thus having the occasion to suggest original and cleaner presentations. We give hence anew presentation of imps, exploiting natural deduction semantics, (weak) higher-order abstract syntax, and, for a significant fragment of the calculus, coinductive typing systems. This presentation is easier to use and implement than the original one, and the proofs of key metaproperties, e.g. subject reduction, are much simpler. Although all proof developments have been carried out in the Coq system, the solutions we have devised in the encoding of and metareasoning on imps can be applied to other imperative calculi and proof environments with similar features

    Structural Resolution with Co-inductive Loop Detection

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    A way to combine co-SLD style loop detection with structural resolution was found and is introduced in this work, to extend structural resolution with co-induction. In particular, we present the operational semantics, called co-inductive structural resolution, of this novel combination and prove its soundness with respect to the greatest complete Herbrand model.Comment: In Proceedings CoALP-Ty'16, arXiv:1709.0419

    A Functional Programming Language with Patterns and Copatterns

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    Since the emergence of coinductive data types in functional programming languages, various languages such as Haskell and Coq tried different ways in dealing with them. Yet, none of them dealt with coinductive data types properly. In lazy languages such as Haskell, both inductive data types and coinductive data types are gathered and mixed in one list. Moreover, some languages such as Coq used the same constructors that are used for inductive data types as a tool to tackle coinductive data types, and while other languages such as Haskell did use destructors, they did not use them properly. Coinductive data types behave differently than inductive data types and therefore, it is more appropriate to deal with them differently. In this thesis, we propose a new functional programming language where coinductive data types are dealt with in a dual approach in which coinductive data types are defined by observation and inductive data types are defined by constructors. This approach is more appropriate in dealing with coinductive data types whose importance comes from their role in creating a safer and more sophisticated software