10 research outputs found

    Improvement of detection and tracking techniques in multistatic passive radar systems. (Mejora de técnicas de detección y seguimiento en sistemas radar pasivos multiestáticos)

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    Esta tesis doctoral es el resultado de una intensa actividad investigadora centrada en los sensores radar pasivos para la mejora de las capacidades de detección y seguimiento en escenarios complejos con blancos terrestres y pequeños drones. El trabajo de investigación se ha llevado a cabo en el grupo de investigación coordinado por la Dra. María Pilar Jarabo Amores, dentro del marco diferentes proyectos: IDEPAR (“Improved DEtection techniques for PAssive Radars”), MASTERSAT (“MultichAnnel paSsive radar receiver exploiting TERrestrial and SATellite Illuminators”) y KRIPTON (“A Knowledge based appRoach to passIve radar detection using wideband sPace adapTive prOcessiNg”) financiados por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España; MAPIS (Multichannel passive ISAR imaging for military applications) y JAMPAR (“JAMmer-based PAssive Radar”), financiados por la Agencia Europea de Defensa (EDA) . El objetivo principal es la mejora de las técnicas de detección y seguimiento en radares pasivos con configuraciones biestáticas y multiestaticas. En el documento se desarrollan algoritmos para el aprovechamiento de señales procedentes de distintos iluminadores de oportunidad (transmisores DVB-T, satélites DVB-S y señales GPS). Las soluciones propuestas han sido integradas en el demostrador tecnológico IDEPAR, desarrollado y actualizado bajo los proyectos mencionados, y validadas en escenarios reales declarados de interés por potenciales usuarios finales (Direccion general de armamento y material, instituto nacional de tecnología aeroespacial y la armada española). Para el desarrollo y evaluación de cadenas de las cadenas de procesado, se plantean dos casos de estudio: blancos terrestres en escenarios semiurbanos edificios y pequeños blancos aéreos en escenarios rurales y costeros. Las principales contribuciones se pueden resumir en los siguientes puntos: • Diseño de técnicas de seguimiento 2D en el espacio de trabajo rango biestático-frecuencia Doppler: se desarrollan técnicas de seguimiento para los dos casos de estudio, localización de blancos terrestres y pequeños drones. Para es último se implementan técnicas capaces de seguir tanto el movimiento del dron como su firma Doppler, lo que permite implementar técnicas de clasificación de blancos. • Diseño de técnicas de seguimiento de blancos capaces de integrar información en el espacio 3D (rango, Doppler y acimut): se diseñan técnicas basadas en procesado en dos etapas, una primera con seguimiento en 2D para el filtrado de falsas alarmas y la segunda para el seguimiento en 3D y la conversión de coordenadas a un plano local cartesiano. Se comparan soluciones basadas en filtros de Kalman para sistemas tanto lineales como no lineales. • Diseño de cadenas de procesado para sistemas multiestáticos: la información estimada del blanco sobre múltiples geometrías biestáticas es utilizada para incremento de las capacidades de localización del blanco en el plano cartesiano local. Se presentan soluciones basadas en filtros de Kalman para sistemas no lineales explotando diferentes medidas biestáticas en el proceso de transformación de coordenadas, analizando las mejoras de precisión en la localización del blanco. • Diseño de etapas de procesado para radares pasivos basados en señales satelitales de las constelaciones GPS DVB-S. Se estudian las características de las señales satelitales identificando sus inconvenientes y proponiendo cadenas de procesado que permitan su utilización para la detección y seguimiento de blancos terrestres. • Estudio del uso de señales DVB-T multicanal con gaps de transmisión entre los diferentes canales en sistemas radares pasivos. Con ello se incrementa la resolución del sistema, y las capacidades de detección, seguimiento y localización. Se estudia el modelo de señal multicanal, sus efectos sobre el procesado coherente y se proponen cadenas de procesado para paliar los efectos adversos de este tipo de señales

    Three Dimensional Bistatic Tomography Using HDTV

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    The thesis begins with a review of the principles of diffraction and reflection tomography; starting with the analytic solution to the inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation, after linearization by the Born approximation (the weak scatterer solution), and arriving at the Filtered Back Projection (Propagation) method of reconstruction. This is followed by a heuristic derivation more directly couched in the radar imaging context, without the rigor of the general inverse problem solution and more closely resembling an imaging turntable or inverse synthetic aperture radar. The heuristic derivation leads into the concept of the line integral and projections (the Radon Transform), followed by more general geometries where the plane wave approximation is invalid. We proceed next to study of the dependency of reconstruction on the space-frequency trajectory, combining the spatial aperture and waveform. Two and three dimensional apertures, monostatic and bistatic, fully and sparsely sampled and including partial apertures, with controlled waveforms (CW and pulsed, with and without modulation) define the filling of k-space and concomitant reconstruction performance. Theoretical developments in the first half of the thesis are applied to the specific example of bistatic tomographic imaging using High Definition Television (HDTV); the United States version of DVB-T. Modeling of the HDTV waveform using pseudonoise modulation to represent the hybrid 8VSB HDTV scheme and the move-stop-move approximation established the imaging potential, employing an idealized, isotropic 18 scatterer. As the move-stop-move approximation places a limitation on integration time (in cross correlation/pulse compression) due to transmitter/receiver motion, an exact solution for compensation of Doppler distortion is derived. The concept is tested with the assembly and flight test of a bistatic radar system employing software-defined radios (SDR). A three dimensional, bistatic collection aperture, exploiting an elevated commercial HDTV transmitter, is focused to demonstrate the principle. This work, to the best of our knowledge, represents a first in the formation of three dimensional images using bistatically-exploited television transmitters

    Unmet goals of tracking: within-track heterogeneity of students' expectations for

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    Educational systems are often characterized by some form(s) of ability grouping, like tracking. Although substantial variation in the implementation of these practices exists, it is always the aim to improve teaching efficiency by creating homogeneous groups of students in terms of capabilities and performances as well as expected pathways. If students’ expected pathways (university, graduate school, or working) are in line with the goals of tracking, one might presume that these expectations are rather homogeneous within tracks and heterogeneous between tracks. In Flanders (the northern region of Belgium), the educational system consists of four tracks. Many students start out in the most prestigious, academic track. If they fail to gain the necessary credentials, they move to the less esteemed technical and vocational tracks. Therefore, the educational system has been called a 'cascade system'. We presume that this cascade system creates homogeneous expectations in the academic track, though heterogeneous expectations in the technical and vocational tracks. We use data from the International Study of City Youth (ISCY), gathered during the 2013-2014 school year from 2354 pupils of the tenth grade across 30 secondary schools in the city of Ghent, Flanders. Preliminary results suggest that the technical and vocational tracks show more heterogeneity in student’s expectations than the academic track. If tracking does not fulfill the desired goals in some tracks, tracking practices should be questioned as tracking occurs along social and ethnic lines, causing social inequality

    ESARDA 39th Annual Meeting: 2017 Symposium

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    The 39th ESARDA symposium on Safeguards and Nuclear Non-Proliferation was held in Düsseldorf, Germany from 16-18 May, 2017. The Symposium has been preceded by meetings of the ESARDA Working Groups on 15 May 2017. The event has once again been an opportunity for research organisations, safeguards authorities and nuclear plant operators to exchange information on new aspects of international safeguards and non-proliferation, as well as recent developments in nuclear safeguards and non-proliferation related research activities and their implications for the safeguards community.JRC.G.II.7-Nuclear securit

    Cognitive Multichannel ISAR Imaging for Maritime Coastal Surveillance and Ground Border Control

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    In this paper an attempt to design a cognitive multiplatform SAR system for 24/7 concealed target detection has been made. The need for a cognitive system is dictated by the need to change the waveform parameters over time to maximise the system performance. How the waveform diversity is implemented in a real system is in fact an open issue in literature and cognitive system could answer this need

    Esa 12th Conference: Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination: Abstract Book

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    Esa 12th Conference: Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination: Abstract Boo

    2009 Calendar - Postgraduate

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    763pp. Includes an Index of Academic Programs and an Index of Courses.Contains academic program rules and syllabuses for all University of Adelaide postgraduate programs in 2009

    2007 Calendar - Postgraduate

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    844pp. Includes an Index of Academic Programs and an Index of Courses.Contains the academic program rules and syllabuses for all University of Adelaide postgraduate programs in 2007

    2010 Calendar - Postgraduate

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    728pp. Includes an Index of Academic Programs and an Index of Courses.Contains academic program rules and syllabuses for all University of Adelaide postgraduate programs in 2010