12 research outputs found

    Sistema de an谩lisis de video para medici贸n autom谩tica de intensidad de tr谩fico

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    El tr谩fico vehicular se est谩 haciendo d铆a a d铆a m谩s complicado para nuestra sociedad, ya que la cantidad de veh铆culos aumenta sin cesar y se producen congestionamientos que aumentan los tiempos de traslado, producen retrasos indeseados que irritan 谩nimos, dificultan los movimientos de servicios esenciales como ambulancias, bomberos, polic铆a, etc. En la ciudad de Santa Fe se ha identificado la necesidad de una reestructuraci贸n de las pol铆ticas aplicadas a la circulaci贸n y se est谩 trabajando en un Programa de Movilidad Urbana. Una de las medidas iniciales es cuantificar objetivamente la densidad de tr谩fico en arterias principales. En este trabajo se presenta el dise帽o, implementaci贸n y resultados iniciales de un sistema de an谩lisis autom谩tico de videos obtenidos de las c谩maras urbanas. Mediante procesamiento digital de im谩genes se identifica los veh铆culos y se realiza el conteo discriminando en coches de gran porte (camiones y colectivos), mediano porte (autom贸viles y camionetas) y peque帽o porte (motocicletas y bicicletas). El proyecto se encuentra en fase de prototipo funcional, donde se lleg贸 a implementar el sistema base de procesamiento mencionado m谩s una interfase gr谩fica de usuario que permite la visualizaci贸n de videos, la configuraci贸n de par谩metros de funcionamiento y la obtenci贸n autom谩tica de la intensidad de tr谩fico en un intervalo de tiempo definido.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativa (SADIO

    Sistema de an谩lisis de video para medici贸n autom谩tica de intensidad de tr谩fico

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    El tr谩fico vehicular se est谩 haciendo d铆a a d铆a m谩s complicado para nuestra sociedad, ya que la cantidad de veh铆culos aumenta sin cesar y se producen congestionamientos que aumentan los tiempos de traslado, producen retrasos indeseados que irritan 谩nimos, dificultan los movimientos de servicios esenciales como ambulancias, bomberos, polic铆a, etc. En la ciudad de Santa Fe se ha identificado la necesidad de una reestructuraci贸n de las pol铆ticas aplicadas a la circulaci贸n y se est谩 trabajando en un Programa de Movilidad Urbana. Una de las medidas iniciales es cuantificar objetivamente la densidad de tr谩fico en arterias principales. En este trabajo se presenta el dise帽o, implementaci贸n y resultados iniciales de un sistema de an谩lisis autom谩tico de videos obtenidos de las c谩maras urbanas. Mediante procesamiento digital de im谩genes se identifica los veh铆culos y se realiza el conteo discriminando en coches de gran porte (camiones y colectivos), mediano porte (autom贸viles y camionetas) y peque帽o porte (motocicletas y bicicletas). El proyecto se encuentra en fase de prototipo funcional, donde se lleg贸 a implementar el sistema base de procesamiento mencionado m谩s una interfase gr谩fica de usuario que permite la visualizaci贸n de videos, la configuraci贸n de par谩metros de funcionamiento y la obtenci贸n autom谩tica de la intensidad de tr谩fico en un intervalo de tiempo definido.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativa (SADIO

    Context-aware home monitoring system for Parkinson's disease patietns : ambient and werable sensing for freezing of gait detection

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    Tesi en modalitat de cotutela: Universitat Polit猫cnica de Catalunya i Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. This PhD Thesis has been developed in the framework of, and according to, the rules of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate on Interactive and Cognitive Environments EMJD ICE [FPA no. 2010-0012]Parkinson鈥檚 disease (PD). It is characterized by brief episodes of inability to step, or by extremely short steps that typically occur on gait initiation or on turning while walking. The consequences of FOG are aggravated mobility and higher affinity to falls, which have a direct effect on the quality of life of the individual. There does not exist completely effective pharmacological treatment for the FOG phenomena. However, external stimuli, such as lines on the floor or rhythmic sounds, can focus the attention of a person who experiences a FOG episode and help her initiate gait. The optimal effectiveness in such approach, known as cueing, is achieved through timely activation of a cueing device upon the accurate detection of a FOG episode. Therefore, a robust and accurate FOG detection is the main problem that needs to be solved when developing a suitable assistive technology solution for this specific user group. This thesis proposes the use of activity and spatial context of a person as the means to improve the detection of FOG episodes during monitoring at home. The thesis describes design, algorithm implementation and evaluation of a distributed home system for FOG detection based on multiple cameras and a single inertial gait sensor worn at the waist of the patient. Through detailed observation of collected home data of 17 PD patients, we realized that a novel solution for FOG detection could be achieved by using contextual information of the patient鈥檚 position, orientation, basic posture and movement on a semantically annotated two-dimensional (2D) map of the indoor environment. We envisioned the future context-aware system as a network of Microsoft Kinect cameras placed in the patient鈥檚 home that interacts with a wearable inertial sensor on the patient (smartphone). Since the hardware platform of the system constitutes from the commercial of-the-shelf hardware, the majority of the system development efforts involved the production of software modules (for position tracking, orientation tracking, activity recognition) that run on top of the middle-ware operating system in the home gateway server. The main component of the system that had to be developed is the Kinect application for tracking the position and height of multiple people, based on the input in the form of 3D point cloud data. Besides position tracking, this software module also provides mapping and semantic annotation of FOG specific zones on the scene in front of the Kinect. One instance of vision tracking application is supposed to run for every Kinect sensor in the system, yielding potentially high number of simultaneous tracks. At any moment, the system has to track one specific person - the patient. To enable tracking of the patient between different non-overlapped cameras in the distributed system, a new re-identification approach based on appearance model learning with one-class Support Vector Machine (SVM) was developed. Evaluation of the re-identification method was conducted on a 16 people dataset in a laboratory environment. Since the patient orientation in the indoor space was recognized as an important part of the context, the system necessitated the ability to estimate the orientation of the person, expressed in the frame of the 2D scene on which the patient is tracked by the camera. We devised method to fuse position tracking information from the vision system and inertial data from the smartphone in order to obtain patient鈥檚 2D pose estimation on the scene map. Additionally, a method for the estimation of the position of the smartphone on the waist of the patient was proposed. Position and orientation estimation accuracy were evaluated on a 12 people dataset. Finally, having available positional, orientation and height information, a new seven-class activity classification was realized using a hierarchical classifier that combines height-based posture classifier with translational and rotational SVM movement classifiers. Each of the SVM movement classifiers and the joint hierarchical classifier were evaluated in the laboratory experiment with 8 healthy persons. The final context-based FOG detection algorithm uses activity information and spatial context information in order to confirm or disprove FOG detected by the current state-of-the-art FOG detection algorithm (which uses only wearable sensor data). A dataset with home data of 3 PD patients was produced using two Kinect cameras and a smartphone in synchronized recording. The new context-based FOG detection algorithm and the wearable-only FOG detection algorithm were both evaluated with the home dataset and their results were compared. The context-based algorithm very positively influences the reduction of false positive detections, which is expressed through achieved higher specificity. In some cases, context-based algorithm also eliminates true positive detections, reducing sensitivity to the lesser extent. The final comparison of the two algorithms on the basis of their sensitivity and specificity, shows the improvement in the overall FOG detection achieved with the new context-aware home system.Esta tesis propone el uso de la actividad y el contexto espacial de una persona como medio para mejorar la detecci贸n de episodios de FOG (Freezing of gait) durante el seguimiento en el domicilio. La tesis describe el dise帽o, implementaci贸n de algoritmos y evaluaci贸n de un sistema dom茅stico distribuido para detecci贸n de FOG basado en varias c谩maras y un 煤nico sensor de marcha inercial en la cintura del paciente. Mediante de la observaci贸n detallada de los datos caseros recopilados de 17 pacientes con EP, nos dimos cuenta de que se puede lograr una soluci贸n novedosa para la detecci贸n de FOG mediante el uso de informaci贸n contextual de la posici贸n del paciente, orientaci贸n, postura b谩sica y movimiento anotada sem谩nticamente en un mapa bidimensional (2D) del entorno interior. Imaginamos el futuro sistema de consciencia del contexto como una red de c谩maras Microsoft Kinect colocadas en el hogar del paciente, que interact煤a con un sensor de inercia port谩til en el paciente (tel茅fono inteligente). Al constituirse la plataforma del sistema a partir de hardware comercial disponible, los esfuerzos de desarrollo consistieron en la producci贸n de m贸dulos de software (para el seguimiento de la posici贸n, orientaci贸n seguimiento, reconocimiento de actividad) que se ejecutan en la parte superior del sistema operativo del servidor de puerta de enlace de casa. El componente principal del sistema que tuvo que desarrollarse es la aplicaci贸n Kinect para seguimiento de la posici贸n y la altura de varias personas, seg煤n la entrada en forma de punto 3D de datos en la nube. Adem谩s del seguimiento de posici贸n, este m贸dulo de software tambi茅n proporciona mapeo y sem谩ntica. anotaci贸n de zonas espec铆ficas de FOG en la escena frente al Kinect. Se supone que una instancia de la aplicaci贸n de seguimiento de visi贸n se ejecuta para cada sensor Kinect en el sistema, produciendo un n煤mero potencialmente alto de pistas simult谩neas. En cualquier momento, el sistema tiene que rastrear a una persona espec铆fica - el paciente. Para habilitar el seguimiento del paciente entre diferentes c谩maras no superpuestas en el sistema distribuido, se desarroll贸 un nuevo enfoque de re-identificaci贸n basado en el aprendizaje de modelos de apariencia con one-class Suport Vector Machine (SVM). La evaluaci贸n del m茅todo de re-identificaci贸n se realiz贸 con un conjunto de datos de 16 personas en un entorno de laboratorio. Dado que la orientaci贸n del paciente en el espacio interior fue reconocida como una parte importante del contexto, el sistema necesitaba la capacidad de estimar la orientaci贸n de la persona, expresada en el marco de la escena 2D en la que la c谩mara sigue al paciente. Dise帽amos un m茅todo para fusionar la informaci贸n de seguimiento de posici贸n del sistema de visi贸n y los datos de inercia del smartphone para obtener la estimaci贸n de postura 2D del paciente en el mapa de la escena. Adem谩s, se propuso un m茅todo para la estimaci贸n de la posici贸n del Smartphone en la cintura del paciente. La precisi贸n de la estimaci贸n de la posici贸n y la orientaci贸n se evalu贸 en un conjunto de datos de 12 personas. Finalmente, al tener disponible informaci贸n de posici贸n, orientaci贸n y altura, se realiz贸 una nueva clasificaci贸n de actividad de seven-class utilizando un clasificador jer谩rquico que combina un clasificador de postura basado en la altura con clasificadores de movimiento SVM traslacional y rotacional. Cada uno de los clasificadores de movimiento SVM y el clasificador jer谩rquico conjunto se evaluaron en el experimento de laboratorio con 8 personas sanas. El 煤ltimo algoritmo de detecci贸n de FOG basado en el contexto utiliza informaci贸n de actividad e informaci贸n de texto espacial para confirmar o refutar el FOG detectado por el algoritmo de detecci贸n de FOG actual. El algoritmo basado en el contexto influye muy positivamente en la reducci贸n de las detecciones de falsos positivos, que se expresa a trav茅s de una mayor especificidadPostprint (published version

    Context-aware home monitoring system for Parkinson's disease patietns : ambient and werable sensing for freezing of gait detection

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    Parkinson鈥檚 disease (PD). It is characterized by brief episodes of inability to step, or by extremely short steps that typically occur on gait initiation or on turning while walking. The consequences of FOG are aggravated mobility and higher affinity to falls, which have a direct effect on the quality of life of the individual. There does not exist completely effective pharmacological treatment for the FOG phenomena. However, external stimuli, such as lines on the floor or rhythmic sounds, can focus the attention of a person who experiences a FOG episode and help her initiate gait. The optimal effectiveness in such approach, known as cueing, is achieved through timely activation of a cueing device upon the accurate detection of a FOG episode. Therefore, a robust and accurate FOG detection is the main problem that needs to be solved when developing a suitable assistive technology solution for this specific user group. This thesis proposes the use of activity and spatial context of a person as the means to improve the detection of FOG episodes during monitoring at home. The thesis describes design, algorithm implementation and evaluation of a distributed home system for FOG detection based on multiple cameras and a single inertial gait sensor worn at the waist of the patient. Through detailed observation of collected home data of 17 PD patients, we realized that a novel solution for FOG detection could be achieved by using contextual information of the patient鈥檚 position, orientation, basic posture and movement on a semantically annotated two-dimensional (2D) map of the indoor environment. We envisioned the future context-aware system as a network of Microsoft Kinect cameras placed in the patient鈥檚 home that interacts with a wearable inertial sensor on the patient (smartphone). Since the hardware platform of the system constitutes from the commercial of-the-shelf hardware, the majority of the system development efforts involved the production of software modules (for position tracking, orientation tracking, activity recognition) that run on top of the middle-ware operating system in the home gateway server. The main component of the system that had to be developed is the Kinect application for tracking the position and height of multiple people, based on the input in the form of 3D point cloud data. Besides position tracking, this software module also provides mapping and semantic annotation of FOG specific zones on the scene in front of the Kinect. One instance of vision tracking application is supposed to run for every Kinect sensor in the system, yielding potentially high number of simultaneous tracks. At any moment, the system has to track one specific person - the patient. To enable tracking of the patient between different non-overlapped cameras in the distributed system, a new re-identification approach based on appearance model learning with one-class Support Vector Machine (SVM) was developed. Evaluation of the re-identification method was conducted on a 16 people dataset in a laboratory environment. Since the patient orientation in the indoor space was recognized as an important part of the context, the system necessitated the ability to estimate the orientation of the person, expressed in the frame of the 2D scene on which the patient is tracked by the camera. We devised method to fuse position tracking information from the vision system and inertial data from the smartphone in order to obtain patient鈥檚 2D pose estimation on the scene map. Additionally, a method for the estimation of the position of the smartphone on the waist of the patient was proposed. Position and orientation estimation accuracy were evaluated on a 12 people dataset. Finally, having available positional, orientation and height information, a new seven-class activity classification was realized using a hierarchical classifier that combines height-based posture classifier with translational and rotational SVM movement classifiers. Each of the SVM movement classifiers and the joint hierarchical classifier were evaluated in the laboratory experiment with 8 healthy persons. The final context-based FOG detection algorithm uses activity information and spatial context information in order to confirm or disprove FOG detected by the current state-of-the-art FOG detection algorithm (which uses only wearable sensor data). A dataset with home data of 3 PD patients was produced using two Kinect cameras and a smartphone in synchronized recording. The new context-based FOG detection algorithm and the wearable-only FOG detection algorithm were both evaluated with the home dataset and their results were compared. The context-based algorithm very positively influences the reduction of false positive detections, which is expressed through achieved higher specificity. In some cases, context-based algorithm also eliminates true positive detections, reducing sensitivity to the lesser extent. The final comparison of the two algorithms on the basis of their sensitivity and specificity, shows the improvement in the overall FOG detection achieved with the new context-aware home system.Esta tesis propone el uso de la actividad y el contexto espacial de una persona como medio para mejorar la detecci贸n de episodios de FOG (Freezing of gait) durante el seguimiento en el domicilio. La tesis describe el dise帽o, implementaci贸n de algoritmos y evaluaci贸n de un sistema dom茅stico distribuido para detecci贸n de FOG basado en varias c谩maras y un 煤nico sensor de marcha inercial en la cintura del paciente. Mediante de la observaci贸n detallada de los datos caseros recopilados de 17 pacientes con EP, nos dimos cuenta de que se puede lograr una soluci贸n novedosa para la detecci贸n de FOG mediante el uso de informaci贸n contextual de la posici贸n del paciente, orientaci贸n, postura b谩sica y movimiento anotada sem谩nticamente en un mapa bidimensional (2D) del entorno interior. Imaginamos el futuro sistema de consciencia del contexto como una red de c谩maras Microsoft Kinect colocadas en el hogar del paciente, que interact煤a con un sensor de inercia port谩til en el paciente (tel茅fono inteligente). Al constituirse la plataforma del sistema a partir de hardware comercial disponible, los esfuerzos de desarrollo consistieron en la producci贸n de m贸dulos de software (para el seguimiento de la posici贸n, orientaci贸n seguimiento, reconocimiento de actividad) que se ejecutan en la parte superior del sistema operativo del servidor de puerta de enlace de casa. El componente principal del sistema que tuvo que desarrollarse es la aplicaci贸n Kinect para seguimiento de la posici贸n y la altura de varias personas, seg煤n la entrada en forma de punto 3D de datos en la nube. Adem谩s del seguimiento de posici贸n, este m贸dulo de software tambi茅n proporciona mapeo y sem谩ntica. anotaci贸n de zonas espec铆ficas de FOG en la escena frente al Kinect. Se supone que una instancia de la aplicaci贸n de seguimiento de visi贸n se ejecuta para cada sensor Kinect en el sistema, produciendo un n煤mero potencialmente alto de pistas simult谩neas. En cualquier momento, el sistema tiene que rastrear a una persona espec铆fica - el paciente. Para habilitar el seguimiento del paciente entre diferentes c谩maras no superpuestas en el sistema distribuido, se desarroll贸 un nuevo enfoque de re-identificaci贸n basado en el aprendizaje de modelos de apariencia con one-class Suport Vector Machine (SVM). La evaluaci贸n del m茅todo de re-identificaci贸n se realiz贸 con un conjunto de datos de 16 personas en un entorno de laboratorio. Dado que la orientaci贸n del paciente en el espacio interior fue reconocida como una parte importante del contexto, el sistema necesitaba la capacidad de estimar la orientaci贸n de la persona, expresada en el marco de la escena 2D en la que la c谩mara sigue al paciente. Dise帽amos un m茅todo para fusionar la informaci贸n de seguimiento de posici贸n del sistema de visi贸n y los datos de inercia del smartphone para obtener la estimaci贸n de postura 2D del paciente en el mapa de la escena. Adem谩s, se propuso un m茅todo para la estimaci贸n de la posici贸n del Smartphone en la cintura del paciente. La precisi贸n de la estimaci贸n de la posici贸n y la orientaci贸n se evalu贸 en un conjunto de datos de 12 personas. Finalmente, al tener disponible informaci贸n de posici贸n, orientaci贸n y altura, se realiz贸 una nueva clasificaci贸n de actividad de seven-class utilizando un clasificador jer谩rquico que combina un clasificador de postura basado en la altura con clasificadores de movimiento SVM traslacional y rotacional. Cada uno de los clasificadores de movimiento SVM y el clasificador jer谩rquico conjunto se evaluaron en el experimento de laboratorio con 8 personas sanas. El 煤ltimo algoritmo de detecci贸n de FOG basado en el contexto utiliza informaci贸n de actividad e informaci贸n de texto espacial para confirmar o refutar el FOG detectado por el algoritmo de detecci贸n de FOG actual. El algoritmo basado en el contexto influye muy positivamente en la reducci贸n de las detecciones de falsos positivos, que se expresa a trav茅s de una mayor especificida

    Do informal caregivers of people with dementia mirror the cognitive deficits of their demented patients?:A pilot study

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    Recent research suggests that informal caregivers of people with dementia (ICs) experience more cognitive deficits than noncaregivers. The reason for this is not yet clear. Objective: to test the hypothesis that ICs 鈥榤irror' the cognitive deficits of the demented people they care for. Participants and methods: 105 adult ICs were asked to complete three neuropsychological tests: letter fluency, category fluency, and the logical memory test from the WMS-III. The ICs were grouped according to the diagnosis of their demented patients. One-sample ttests were conducted to investigate if the standardized mean scores (t-scores) of the ICs were different from normative data. A Bonferroni correction was used to correct for multiple comparisons. Results: 82 ICs cared for people with Alzheimer's dementia and 23 ICs cared for people with vascular dementia. Mean letter fluency score of the ICs of people with Alzheimer's dementia was significantly lower than the normative mean letter fluency score, p = .002. The other tests yielded no significant results. Conclusion: our data shows that ICs of Alzheimer patients have cognitive deficits on the letter fluency test. This test primarily measures executive functioning and it has been found to be sensitive to mild cognitive impairment in recent research. Our data tentatively suggests that ICs who care for Alzheimer patients also show signs of cognitive impairment but that it is too early to tell if this is cause for concern or not

    Context-aware home monitoring system for Parkinson's disease patients : ambient and wearable sensing for freezing of gait detection

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    Tesi en modalitat de cotutela: Universitat Polit猫cnica de Catalunya i Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. This PhD Thesis has been developed in the framework of, and according to, the rules of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate on Interactive and Cognitive Environments EMJD ICE [FPA no. 2010-0012]Parkinson鈥檚 disease (PD). It is characterized by brief episodes of inability to step, or by extremely short steps that typically occur on gait initiation or on turning while walking. The consequences of FOG are aggravated mobility and higher affinity to falls, which have a direct effect on the quality of life of the individual. There does not exist completely effective pharmacological treatment for the FOG phenomena. However, external stimuli, such as lines on the floor or rhythmic sounds, can focus the attention of a person who experiences a FOG episode and help her initiate gait. The optimal effectiveness in such approach, known as cueing, is achieved through timely activation of a cueing device upon the accurate detection of a FOG episode. Therefore, a robust and accurate FOG detection is the main problem that needs to be solved when developing a suitable assistive technology solution for this specific user group. This thesis proposes the use of activity and spatial context of a person as the means to improve the detection of FOG episodes during monitoring at home. The thesis describes design, algorithm implementation and evaluation of a distributed home system for FOG detection based on multiple cameras and a single inertial gait sensor worn at the waist of the patient. Through detailed observation of collected home data of 17 PD patients, we realized that a novel solution for FOG detection could be achieved by using contextual information of the patient鈥檚 position, orientation, basic posture and movement on a semantically annotated two-dimensional (2D) map of the indoor environment. We envisioned the future context-aware system as a network of Microsoft Kinect cameras placed in the patient鈥檚 home that interacts with a wearable inertial sensor on the patient (smartphone). Since the hardware platform of the system constitutes from the commercial of-the-shelf hardware, the majority of the system development efforts involved the production of software modules (for position tracking, orientation tracking, activity recognition) that run on top of the middle-ware operating system in the home gateway server. The main component of the system that had to be developed is the Kinect application for tracking the position and height of multiple people, based on the input in the form of 3D point cloud data. Besides position tracking, this software module also provides mapping and semantic annotation of FOG specific zones on the scene in front of the Kinect. One instance of vision tracking application is supposed to run for every Kinect sensor in the system, yielding potentially high number of simultaneous tracks. At any moment, the system has to track one specific person - the patient. To enable tracking of the patient between different non-overlapped cameras in the distributed system, a new re-identification approach based on appearance model learning with one-class Support Vector Machine (SVM) was developed. Evaluation of the re-identification method was conducted on a 16 people dataset in a laboratory environment. Since the patient orientation in the indoor space was recognized as an important part of the context, the system necessitated the ability to estimate the orientation of the person, expressed in the frame of the 2D scene on which the patient is tracked by the camera. We devised method to fuse position tracking information from the vision system and inertial data from the smartphone in order to obtain patient鈥檚 2D pose estimation on the scene map. Additionally, a method for the estimation of the position of the smartphone on the waist of the patient was proposed. Position and orientation estimation accuracy were evaluated on a 12 people dataset. Finally, having available positional, orientation and height information, a new seven-class activity classification was realized using a hierarchical classifier that combines height-based posture classifier with translational and rotational SVM movement classifiers. Each of the SVM movement classifiers and the joint hierarchical classifier were evaluated in the laboratory experiment with 8 healthy persons. The final context-based FOG detection algorithm uses activity information and spatial context information in order to confirm or disprove FOG detected by the current state-of-the-art FOG detection algorithm (which uses only wearable sensor data). A dataset with home data of 3 PD patients was produced using two Kinect cameras and a smartphone in synchronized recording. The new context-based FOG detection algorithm and the wearable-only FOG detection algorithm were both evaluated with the home dataset and their results were compared. The context-based algorithm very positively influences the reduction of false positive detections, which is expressed through achieved higher specificity. In some cases, context-based algorithm also eliminates true positive detections, reducing sensitivity to the lesser extent. The final comparison of the two algorithms on the basis of their sensitivity and specificity, shows the improvement in the overall FOG detection achieved with the new context-aware home system.Esta tesis propone el uso de la actividad y el contexto espacial de una persona como medio para mejorar la detecci贸n de episodios de FOG (Freezing of gait) durante el seguimiento en el domicilio. La tesis describe el dise帽o, implementaci贸n de algoritmos y evaluaci贸n de un sistema dom茅stico distribuido para detecci贸n de FOG basado en varias c谩maras y un 煤nico sensor de marcha inercial en la cintura del paciente. Mediante de la observaci贸n detallada de los datos caseros recopilados de 17 pacientes con EP, nos dimos cuenta de que se puede lograr una soluci贸n novedosa para la detecci贸n de FOG mediante el uso de informaci贸n contextual de la posici贸n del paciente, orientaci贸n, postura b谩sica y movimiento anotada sem谩nticamente en un mapa bidimensional (2D) del entorno interior. Imaginamos el futuro sistema de consciencia del contexto como una red de c谩maras Microsoft Kinect colocadas en el hogar del paciente, que interact煤a con un sensor de inercia port谩til en el paciente (tel茅fono inteligente). Al constituirse la plataforma del sistema a partir de hardware comercial disponible, los esfuerzos de desarrollo consistieron en la producci贸n de m贸dulos de software (para el seguimiento de la posici贸n, orientaci贸n seguimiento, reconocimiento de actividad) que se ejecutan en la parte superior del sistema operativo del servidor de puerta de enlace de casa. El componente principal del sistema que tuvo que desarrollarse es la aplicaci贸n Kinect para seguimiento de la posici贸n y la altura de varias personas, seg煤n la entrada en forma de punto 3D de datos en la nube. Adem谩s del seguimiento de posici贸n, este m贸dulo de software tambi茅n proporciona mapeo y sem谩ntica. anotaci贸n de zonas espec铆ficas de FOG en la escena frente al Kinect. Se supone que una instancia de la aplicaci贸n de seguimiento de visi贸n se ejecuta para cada sensor Kinect en el sistema, produciendo un n煤mero potencialmente alto de pistas simult谩neas. En cualquier momento, el sistema tiene que rastrear a una persona espec铆fica - el paciente. Para habilitar el seguimiento del paciente entre diferentes c谩maras no superpuestas en el sistema distribuido, se desarroll贸 un nuevo enfoque de re-identificaci贸n basado en el aprendizaje de modelos de apariencia con one-class Suport Vector Machine (SVM). La evaluaci贸n del m茅todo de re-identificaci贸n se realiz贸 con un conjunto de datos de 16 personas en un entorno de laboratorio. Dado que la orientaci贸n del paciente en el espacio interior fue reconocida como una parte importante del contexto, el sistema necesitaba la capacidad de estimar la orientaci贸n de la persona, expresada en el marco de la escena 2D en la que la c谩mara sigue al paciente. Dise帽amos un m茅todo para fusionar la informaci贸n de seguimiento de posici贸n del sistema de visi贸n y los datos de inercia del smartphone para obtener la estimaci贸n de postura 2D del paciente en el mapa de la escena. Adem谩s, se propuso un m茅todo para la estimaci贸n de la posici贸n del Smartphone en la cintura del paciente. La precisi贸n de la estimaci贸n de la posici贸n y la orientaci贸n se evalu贸 en un conjunto de datos de 12 personas. Finalmente, al tener disponible informaci贸n de posici贸n, orientaci贸n y altura, se realiz贸 una nueva clasificaci贸n de actividad de seven-class utilizando un clasificador jer谩rquico que combina un clasificador de postura basado en la altura con clasificadores de movimiento SVM traslacional y rotacional. Cada uno de los clasificadores de movimiento SVM y el clasificador jer谩rquico conjunto se evaluaron en el experimento de laboratorio con 8 personas sanas. El 煤ltimo algoritmo de detecci贸n de FOG basado en el contexto utiliza informaci贸n de actividad e informaci贸n de texto espacial para confirmar o refutar el FOG detectado por el algoritmo de detecci贸n de FOG actual. El algoritmo basado en el contexto influye muy positivamente en la reducci贸n de las detecciones de falsos positivos, que se expresa a trav茅s de una mayor especificida

    Visual Impairment and Blindness

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    Blindness and vision impairment affect at least 2.2 billion people worldwide with most individuals having a preventable vision impairment. The majority of people with vision impairment are older than 50 years, however, vision loss can affect people of all ages. Reduced eyesight can have major and long-lasting effects on all aspects of life, including daily personal activities, interacting with the community, school and work opportunities, and the ability to access public services. This book provides an overview of the effects of blindness and visual impairment in the context of the most common causes of blindness in older adults as well as children, including retinal disorders, cataracts, glaucoma, and macular or corneal degeneration

    Attention Restraint, Working Memory Capacity, and Mind Wandering: Do Emotional Valence or Intentionality Matter?

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    Attention restraint appears to mediate the relationship between working memory capacity (WMC) and mind wandering (Kane et al., 2016). Prior work has identifed two dimensions of mind wandering鈥攅motional valence and intentionality. However, less is known about how WMC and attention restraint correlate with these dimensions. Te current study examined the relationship between WMC, attention restraint, and mind wandering by emotional valence and intentionality. A confrmatory factor analysis demonstrated that WMC and attention restraint were strongly correlated, but only attention restraint was related to overall mind wandering, consistent with prior fndings. However, when examining the emotional valence of mind wandering, attention restraint and WMC were related to negatively and positively valenced, but not neutral, mind wandering. Attention restraint was also related to intentional but not unintentional mind wandering. Tese results suggest that WMC and attention restraint predict some, but not all, types of mind wandering

    Seeing the Spell: Baroque, Decadence, and a Cinema of Digital-Animated Liberation

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    This dissertation draws on the artistic traditions of seventeenth-century Baroque and nineteenth-century Decadence in seeking to formulate an analytical vocabulary for the aesthetics of digitally-animated spectacle in contemporary cinema. The dissertation seeks to critique binary antinomies of narrative vs. spectacle, and instead propose a concept of narrativized spectacle whereby digital visual effects have brought about a profound liberation in cinemas capacity to envision narrative story-worlds, and depict their workings. It takes the contemporary Hollywood blockbuster as its chief subject for this inquiry, insofar as this is the filmmaking idiom most given to the embrace and deployment of digitally-liberated spectacle, and one which is frequently assumed to be largely bereft of formal and narrative sophistication. This dissertation argues, on the contrary, that the Hollywood blockbusters spectacular nature in fact bears complex utopian implications, and that the crudities which occasionally mar the form in practice are more the result of not being imaginatively hyperbolic enough, rather than being too much so. The dissertations invocation of Baroque and Decadent aesthetics provides a conceptual apparatus for describing this contemporary cinematic idiom of digitized blockbuster spectacle. It identifies a Baroque aesthetic in such stylistic traits as verticality, profusion, and the sublime, as well as narrative themes of transgression of limits, reverence before imposing scale and grandeur, and refusal to ennoble passivity and martyrdom. Likewise, it identifies Decadent aesthetics in stylistics which privilege the gaze, the enclosed and aestheticized space, and formal ritual, as well as narratives ordered around principles of perversity, self-consciousness, and interconnectedness. The ultimate intervention which this dissertation seeks to make, however, is to demonstrate the centrality rather than marginality of animation to cinema, insofar as cel animation has always possessed the graphic freedom to realize any imaginative vision, which digital effects have only recently extended to live-action cinema. All of the aesthetics of Baroque and Decadent blockbuster spectacle that the dissertation traces could be and, the dissertation seeks to show, were deployed in the animated feature years in advance of the liberation of representation that digital effects would bring to live-action