11 research outputs found

    Southern Illustrated News [Richmond, VA], September 13, 1862-March 25, 1865

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    Selected articles from the Southern Illustrated News, published in Richmond, Virginia, September 13, 1862-March 25, 1865

    TRANSHUMANCES, suivi de I ended up being my own trout (jeux de fragments avec Éric Plamondon)

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    Ce mémoire en recherche-création s’intéresse à la quête identitaire, et / ou au désir de tracer son propre chemin en réinterprétant les événements du passé. Le roman TRANSHUMANCES raconte le pèlerinage d’Alice sur la via Podiensis, qui relie la commune du Puy-en-Velay en France, à Santiago de Compostela en Espagne. Elle marche. Elle marche pour oublier, pour enterrer ses morts, pour avancer, ailleurs. Elle marche et fait de nombreuses rencontres. Par la conversation et la contemplation, elle tente d’apaiser les maux qui la rongent. Elle marche et apprivoise ce chemin mythique, mystique, cette route qui mène le croyant à la rencontre de Dieu et qui pousse l’impie à la rencontre de lui-même. Alice fait la connaissance de John. Ils se racontent des blagues et des secrets, partagent repas et larmes, deviennent frères d’ampoules et rentrent à la maison, changés. L’essai I ended up being my own trout (jeux de fragments avec Éric Plamondon) explore quant à lui à l’écriture fragmentaire, en s’intéressant particulièrement aux effets qu’opèrent les fragments sur la lecture. Éric Plamondon, avec sa trilogie 1984, utilise la forme fragmentaire afin de jouer avec le lecteur : il le fait douter de ses certitudes et le guide vers une vision manipulée de l’Histoire. Le lecteur est alors confronté à la pluralité des interprétations et doit s’imposer comme auteur de sa propre lecture.This M.A thesis combines research and creative writing to focus on the tension between searching for and creating one’s identity, both acts which can only be achieved through the (re)interpretation of the past. The novel TRANSHUMANCES tells the story of Alice’s pilgrimage on the via Podiensis, which connects Puy-en-Velay, France, to Santiago de Compostela, Spain. There, she walks. She walks to forget, to bury her dead, to move forward, to be elsewhere. Through conversation and contemplation she tries to fight her gnawing anxiety. She walks to harness the power of the mythical and mystical road: the road that leads the believer to a meeting with God, the godless to a meeting with himself. Alice meets John. They exchange jokes and secrets, share meals and tears, become blister brothers and return home, changed. The essay I ended up being my own trout (jeux de fragments avec Éric Plamondon) explores fragmentary writing, with particular attention to the effects of the fragment on the act of reading. Éric Plamondon, with his trilogy 1984, playfully uses the fragmentary form to encourage the reader to doubt his certainties and to guide him towards a manipulated version of history. The reader is thus confronted with a plurality of interpretations and must acknowledge his position as the author of his own reading

    Il était un futur (recueil), suivi de Réécritures féministes de contes merveilleux de 1970 à nos jours

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    Ce mémoire en études littéraires et culturelles, profil recherche-création, est composé de deux parties complémentaires. La première partie est un projet de création de réécritures de contes merveilleux. Il était un futur prend la forme d’un recueil-ensemble de douze textes brefs appartenant aux littératures de l’imaginaire. Au fil des pages, les destins d’une pluralité de personnages s’entrecroisent, le cadre post-apocalyptique se transforme, alors que le merveilleux et la magie réenchantent peu à peu le monde. La seconde partie du mémoire se décline en deux chapitres qui offrent un panorama des réécritures féministes de contes merveilleux, autant la production savante en fairy-tale studies (notamment les travaux de Jack Zipes, Vanessa Joosen, Donald Haase, Cristina Bacchilega et Marina Warner) que la production créative récente nord-américaine et européenne. Le premier chapitre se concentre sur les années 1970 à 2010, tandis que le deuxième chapitre s’attache aux années 2010 à 2022. Un corpus d’œuvres, en des genres et des médiums variés, écrits pour différents publics cibles, est abordé afin d’identifier les tendances et les stratégies hypertextuelles (Gérard Genette) et transfictionelles (Richard Saint-Gelais) de chaque décennie. La conclusion propose un retour réflexif sur Il était un futur en relation avec les théories et les réécritures convoquées dans la partie recherche.Abstract : This master’s thesis is composed of two complementary parts. The first part consists of creative rewritings of wonder tales. Il était un futur is a short story cycle of twelve speculative fiction stories. Throughout the pages, the destinies of several of characters intersect, the post-apocalyptic setting is transformed, while the wonder and the magic progressively reenchant the world. The second part of the thesis is divided into two chapters presenting an extensive overview of feminist rewritings of wonder tales, both in scholarly works in fairy-tale studies (notably those of Jack Zipes, Vanessa Joosen, Donald Haase, Cristina Bacchilega and Marina Warner) and recent North American and European creative works. The first chapter focuses on the years 1970 to 2010, while the second chapter focuses on the years 2010 to 2022. A body of works, in various genres and mediums, written for different target audiences, is approached to identify the hypertextual (Gérard Genette) and transfictional (Richard Saint-Gelais) trends and strategies of each decade. The conclusion offers a reflective return on Il était un futur in relation to the theories and the rewritings discussed in the research part

    Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies : Round Tables

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    Following the 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, the Organizing Committee decided to produce an online publication of Proceedings from the Round Tables. According to the official title of the congress, Byzantium - a World of Changes, AIEB together with the Organizing Committee, have decided to implement some changes to the concept of the Round Tables. The aim of these changes were to encourage discussion at the Round Tables by presenting preliminary papers at the website in advance. The idea was to introduce the topic and papers of the individual Round Tables that would be discussed, first between the participants, and then with the public present. Therefore, the conveners of the Round Tables were asked to create Round Tables with no more than 10 participants. They collected the papers, which were to be no longer than 18,000 characters in one of the official languages of the Congress and without footnotes or endnotes. Conveners provided a general statement on the goal of each roundtable and on the content of the papers. The present volume contains papers from 49 Round Tables carefully selected to cover a wide range of topics, developed over the last five years since the previous Congress. The topics show diversity within fields and subfields, ranging from history to art history, archeology, philosophy, literature, hagiography, and sigillography. The Round Tables displayed current advances in research, scholarly debates, as well as new methodologies and concerns germane to all aspects of international Byzantine studies. The papers presented in this volume were last sent to the congress organizers in the second week of August 2016 and represent the material that was on hand at that time and had been posted on the official website; no post-congress revisions have occurred. We present this volume in hope that it will be an initial step for further development of Round Tables into collections of articles and thematic books compiled and published following the Congress, in collaboration with other interested institutions and editors. With this volume, the organizers signal their appreciation of the efforts of more than 1600 participants who contributed, both to the Round Tables and to the Congress in general

    Code generation in Bouclettes

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    SIGLEAvailable at INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : RP 13909 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Code generation in Bouclettes

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    Bouclettes is a source to source loop nest parallelizer. It takes as input Fortran uniform, perfectly nested loops and gives as output a HPF (High Performance Fortran) program with data distribution and parallel ($HPF! INDEPENDENT) loops. This paper explains how the HPF program is built from some scheduling and allocation functions automatically generated by Bouclettes

    Code generation in bouclettes.

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    (eng) Bouclettes is a source to source loop nest parallelizer. It takes as input Fortran uniform, perfectly nested loops and gives as output a HPF (High Performance Fortran) program with data distribution and parallel (HPF!INDEPENDENT)loops.ThispaperexplainshowtheHPFprogramisbuiltfromsomeschedulingandallocationfunctionsautomaticallygeneratedbyBouclettes.(fre)Bouclettesestunparalleˊliseursourceaˋsourcedenidsdeboucles.IlprendenentreˊedesbouclesFortranuniformesetparfaitementimbriqueˊesetretourneensortieunprogrammeHPF(HighPerformanceFortran)avecunedistributiondesdonneˊesetdesbouclesparalleˋles(HPF! INDEPENDENT) loops. This paper explains how the HPF program is built from some scheduling and allocation functions automatically generated by Bouclettes.(fre) Bouclettes est un paralléliseur source à source de nids de boucles. Il prend en entrée des boucles Fortran uniformes et parfaitement imbriquées et retourne en sortie un programme HPF (High Performance Fortran) avec une distribution des données et des boucles parallèles (HPF! INDEPENDENT). Ce papier explique comment le programme HPF est construit à partir des fonctions d'ordonnancement et d'allocation générées automatiquement par Bouclettes

    Code generation in Bouclettes

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    Bouclettes: a Fortran Loop Parallelizer

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    . High Performance Fortran is a dataparallel language that allows the user to specify the parallelism in his program. It is not always easy to extract the parallelism in a given program. To help the user, an automatic loop parallelizer has been developed : Bouclettes. Bouclettes has been written to validate some scheduling and mapping techniques that are mentioned in this paper. A Fortran 77 loop nest is rewritten into a HPF loop nest with explicit parallel loops (INDEPENDENT loops) and explicit data distribution (DISTRIBUTE and ALIGN directives). The different stages of parallelization (analysis, dependence analysis, scheduling, mapping and code generation) and their implementation issues are described here. 1 Introduction 1.1 What is Bouclettes? Bouclettes has been written to validate some scheduling and mapping techniques based on extensions of the hyperplane method. These techniques are briefly sketched in section 2. The goal pursued when building Bouclettes was to have a complet..