175 research outputs found

    A Novel Pseudonym Assignment and Encryption Scheme for Preserving the Privacy of Military Vehicles

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    In this digital era, security has become one of the important topics of concern, and things become more critical for military vehicles where safety plays a vital role. In this paper, we have discussed a pseudonym-based approach that preserves the real identity of military vehicles. This paper also focuses on military vehicles’ location privacy by deploying a novel pseudonym assignment and encryption schemes. The proposed security scheme is based on a hybrid approach of matrix array symmetric key and the intelligent water drop scheme. After implementing the proposed security scheme, each military vehicle will obtain its pseudonym for hiding their original identities. The proposed algorithm effectively manages pseudonym generation and change requests for the local region and inter-region environment. The proposed security scheme not only provides secure communication and preservation of location privacy of military vehicles but also ensures their security against various attacks. Finally, the time efficiency of proposed algorithms is obtained for both local and inter-region requests. Comparative analysis shows that the proposed scheme is more efficient than other existing techniques

    Comparison of the Ice Watch Database and Sea Ice Classification from Sentinel-1 Imagery

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    In this thesis,we investigate the potential use of in-situ sea ice observations from the Ice Watch database as ground truth data for an automated classification algorithm of sea ice types from Sentinel-1 SAR data. The Ice Watch database and the Sentinel-1 data archive are searched for in-situ observations and satellite data acquisitions in Extra Wide swath mode overlapping in both space and time. Time differences of up to a maximum of 12 hours are accepted and included in this investigation. The Sentinel-1 data is downloaded in Ground- Range Detected format at medium resolution and thermal noise correction, radiometric calibration and additional multilooking with a 3-by-3 window is applied. Different ice types in the images are then classified with the Gaussian IA classifier developed at UiT. The resulting image with ice type labels is geolocated and aligned with the in-situ observation from the Ice Watch database. A grid of 25-by-25 pixels around the location of the Ice Watch observation is extracted. For data points with a large time difference between in-situ observation and satellite data acquisition, a sea ice drift algorithm is applied to estimate and correct for possible influence of ice drift between the two acquisition times. Correlation and linear regression is investigated between a total number of 123 observation and the classified area around the observation. In addition, per class accuracy for the trained ice types in the classifier is investigated. A medium to strong positive correlation is found between types of ice and a weakly negative to no correlation was found for sea ice concentration. “Second-/Multiyear ice” separation achieves the highest score with 93.8 % per class accuracy. The second highest scoring class is “Deformed First-Year Ice”, for which 48.1 % per class accuracy is achieved. The thinner ice performs poorly due to the low number of representative of observations from these classes. Based on the findings there is a relationship between the reported observations from the Ice Watch database and the classified Sentinel-1 images. The ability to separate the older and deformed ice types from younger level ice is present

    Traveling Salesman Problem

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    The idea behind TSP was conceived by Austrian mathematician Karl Menger in mid 1930s who invited the research community to consider a problem from the everyday life from a mathematical point of view. A traveling salesman has to visit exactly once each one of a list of m cities and then return to the home city. He knows the cost of traveling from any city i to any other city j. Thus, which is the tour of least possible cost the salesman can take? In this book the problem of finding algorithmic technique leading to good/optimal solutions for TSP (or for some other strictly related problems) is considered. TSP is a very attractive problem for the research community because it arises as a natural subproblem in many applications concerning the every day life. Indeed, each application, in which an optimal ordering of a number of items has to be chosen in a way that the total cost of a solution is determined by adding up the costs arising from two successively items, can be modelled as a TSP instance. Thus, studying TSP can never be considered as an abstract research with no real importance

    Automated Software Testing Using Metahurestic Technique Based on Improved Ant Algorithms for Software Testing

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    Testing can never completely identify all the defects within software [1]. Instead, it furnishes a criticism or comparison that compares the state and behavior of the product against oracles principles or mechanisms by which someone might recognize a problem. These oracles may include (but are not limited to) specifications, contracts[2], comparable products, past versions of the same product, inferences about intended or expected purpose, user or customer expectations, relevant standards, applicable laws, or other criteria. Testing effectiveness can be achieved by the State Transition Testing (STT) which is commonly used in real time, embedded and web based type of software systems. Aim of the current paper is to present an algorithm by applying an ant colony optimization technique, for generation of optimal and minimal test sequences for behavior specification of software. Present paper approach generates test sequence in order to obtain the complete software coverage. This paper also discusses the comparison between two Meta heuristic techniques (Genetic Algorithm and Ant Colony optimization) for transition based testing

    Analysis, Design And Optimization Of Energy Efficient Protocols For Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Modified Intelligent Water Drops with perturbation operators for atomic cluster optimization

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    A modified version of the Intelligent Water Drops algorithm (MIWD) was developed then used to determine the most stable configurations of Lennard-Jones (LJ), Binary Lennard-Jones (BLJ) and Morse Clusters. The algorithm is unbiased in that it uses no a priori cluster geometry information or cluster seeds. Results for LJ clusters show that the algorithm is effective and efficient in rediscovering all clusters up to size N = 104 with better success rates specially on difficult clusters compared to previous best methodologies reported in literature. Results on more difficult systems, such as the Binary Lennard Jones clusters up to size 50 (with 5 different atomic size ratios) and Morse clusters up to size 60 (with 2 interparticle range potentials), also showed the ability of MIWD to handle more complex systems. MIWD was then applied to predict the most stable structures of Janus clusters up to size 50 and on size 100 using a LJ potential model with a modulated angular term suited for two-patched Janus particles. Results show that MIWD is able to find well-structured geometries of Janus clusters. It is believed that this has been the first time that a nature-inspired stochastic algorithm and a variant of the IWD algorithm has been applied to the configurational optimization of Janus clusters

    Reversible Image Watermarking Using Modified Quadratic Difference Expansion and Hybrid Optimization Technique

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    With increasing copyright violation cases, watermarking of digital images is a very popular solution for securing online media content. Since some sensitive applications require image recovery after watermark extraction, reversible watermarking is widely preferred. This article introduces a Modified Quadratic Difference Expansion (MQDE) and fractal encryption-based reversible watermarking for securing the copyrights of images. First, fractal encryption is applied to watermarks using Tromino's L-shaped theorem to improve security. In addition, Cuckoo Search-Grey Wolf Optimization (CSGWO) is enforced on the cover image to optimize block allocation for inserting an encrypted watermark such that it greatly increases its invisibility. While the developed MQDE technique helps to improve coverage and visual quality, the novel data-driven distortion control unit ensures optimal performance. The suggested approach provides the highest level of protection when retrieving the secret image and original cover image without losing the essential information, apart from improving transparency and capacity without much tradeoff. The simulation results of this approach are superior to existing methods in terms of embedding capacity. With an average PSNR of 67 dB, the method shows good imperceptibility in comparison to other schemes

    An Analysis on the Applicability of Meta-Heuristic Searching Techniques for Automated Test Data Generation in Automatic Programming Assessment

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    حظي تقييم البرمجة التلقائي (APA) بالكثير من الاهتمام بين الباحثين بشكل أساسي لدعم الدرجات الآلية ووضع علامات على المهامالمكلف بادائها الطلاب أو التدريبات بشكل منهجي. يتم تعريف APA بشكل شائع كطريقة يمكن أن تعزز الدقة والكفاءة والاتساق وكذلك تقديمملاحظات فورية لحلول للطلاب. في تحقيق APA ، تعد عملية إنشاء بيانات الاختبار مهمة للغاية وذلك لإجراء اختبار ديناميكي لمهمةالطلاب. في مجال اختبار البرمجيات ، أوضحت العديد من الأبحاث التي تركز على توليد بيانات الاختبار نجاح اعتماد تقنيات البحث الفوقية(MHST) من أجل تعزيز إجراءات استنباط بيانات الاختبار المناسبة للاختبار الفعال. ومع ذلك، فإن الأبحاث التي أجريت على APA حتىالآن لم تستغل بعد التقنيات المفيدة لتشمل تغطية اختبار جودة برنامج أفضل. لذلك ، أجرت هذه الدراسة تقييماً مقارنا لتحديد أي تقنية بحثفوقي قابلة للتطبيق لدعم كفاءة توليد بيانات الاختبار الآلي (ATDG) في تنفيذ اختبار وظيفي ديناميكي. في تقييم البرمجة التلقائي يتم تضمينالعديد من تقنيات البحث الفوقية الحديثة في التقييم المقارن الذي يجمع بين كل من خوارزميات البحث المحلية والعالمية من عام 2000 حتىعام 2018 .تشير نتيجة هذه الدراسة إلى أن تهجين Cuckoo Search مع Tabu Search و lévy flight كواحدة من طرق البحث الفوقية الواعدةليتم تطبيقها ، حيث أنه يتفوق على الطرق الفوقية الأخرى فيما يتعلق بعدد التكرارات ونطاق المدخلات.Automatic Programming Assessment (APA) has been gaining lots of attention among researchers mainly to support automated grading and marking of students’ programming assignments or exercises systematically. APA is commonly identified as a method that can enhance accuracy, efficiency and consistency as well as providing instant feedback on students’ programming solutions. In achieving APA, test data generation process is very important so as to perform a dynamic testing on students’ assignment. In software testing field, many researches that focus on test data generation have demonstrated the successful of adoption of Meta-Heuristic Search Techniques (MHST) so as to enhance the procedure of deriving adequate test data for efficient testing. Nonetheless, thus far the researches on APA have not yet usefully exploited the techniques accordingly to include a better quality program testing coverage. Therefore, this study has conducted a comparative evaluation to identify any applicable MHST to support efficient Automated Test Data Generation (ATDG) in executing a dynamic-functional testing in APA. Several recent MHST are included in the comparative evaluation combining both the local and global search algorithms ranging from the year of 2000 until 2018. Result of this study suggests that the hybridization of Cuckoo Search with Tabu Search and lévy flight as one of promising MHST to be applied, as it’s outperforms other MHST with regards to number of iterations and range of inputs