79 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Performa Prediksi Daerah Potensi Penangkapan Ikan Dengan Metode Threshold Adaptif

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    Metode yang digunakan untuk penentuan thermal fronts adalah algoritme Single Image Edge Detection dengan threshold statis 0,5 yang didapatkan dari penelitian terdahulu. Kekurangan dari metode threshold statis adalah tingginya bias akurasi hasil deteksi dikarenakan lebih banyaknya hasil deteksi negatif tervalidasi dibandingkan deteksi front murni yang tervalidasi. Penelitian yang diusulkan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan performa metode deteksi daerah potensi ikan. Peningkatan performa deteksi thermal front dapat dilakukan dengan mencari nilai threshold optimal yang sesuai untuk masing-masing citra. Threshold adaptif didapatkan dari hasil analisis histogram pada setiap citra greyscale yang diproses. Untuk mendapatkan nilai threshold optimal dipilih Algoritme Otsu dengan pertimbangan proses cepat dan ketepatan hasil menengah. Penyesuaian metode dibutuhkan karena sifat dasar data SST yang dikonversi menjadi raster. Modifikasi metode Otsu dilakukan pada perhitungan nilai threshold optimal dengan rentang intensitas greyscale 1-254. Pemurnian front menggunakan pendekatan Geodesic Buffering dengan jarak maksimal 10 kilometer untuk mengatasi pergeseran front akibat noise suppression. Penelitian telah dilakukan dan menghasilkan metode deteksi daerah potensi ikan dengan performa recall yang lebih tinggi 25,42% dibandingkan metode threshold statis. Nilai recall lebih tinggi membuktikan bahwa metode yang diusulkan mampu menghasilkan lebih banyak hasil deteksi front murni yang lokasinya tervalidasi dengan data aktual penangkapan ikan

    Climate drives anchovis into North Sea?

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    Atmospheric water supply to the Atacama Desert from newly developed satellite remote sensing techniques and reanalysis

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    Many facets of atmospheric water supply to the Atacama Desert are poorly understood. However, in-depth knowledge regarding water availability, moisture sources and the underlying mechanisms is required to investigate biological and geological processes and to identify potential mutual relationships. This thesis provides a comprehensive meteorological perspective on the atmospheric water supply to the Atacama Desert within the context of the recent climate. Spatial and temporal variability of moisture as well as their controlling mechanisms depend on the type of water supply, i.e. clouds, water vapor, fog or precipitation. To investigate the influence of the persistent stratocumulus cloud deck above the southeast Pacific on the desert region, a new cloud base height retrieval method is introduced. It allows to estimate the vertical position of these clouds, which can help to identify regions within the coastal desert that are potentially influenced by these clouds. A first application of this new method revealed a strong relation between stratocumulus properties and the isotopic composition of coastal Tillandsia populations. The proximity of the Atacama Desert to main acting zones of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon and of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) together with results from previous studies suggest that modes of climate variability have strong influence on the moisture supply to this region. As oscillating extreme phases of these climate modes have recurring periods on the order of a few years to decades, a long data record is needed to study their impact. Therefore, spatio-temporal variability of integrated water vapor (IWV) provided by a century-spanning reanalysis data set is studied in relation to ENSO and PDO. It is shown that the reanalysis represents IWV in a suitable manner to study its long-term variability. On a decadal time scale, the PDO revealed a stronger coupling to IWV compared to ENSO. According to a seasonal analysis, identified relationships between ENSO and IWV are in line with findings reported for precipitation in the northeastern Atacama. This suggests that IWV has the potential to serve as a proxy for precipitation. The ENSO signal is opposite for summer and winter season. The negative phase (La Niña) favors wetter summers and drier winters, whereas the positive phase (El Niño) is associated with drier summers and wetter winters. Besides, it is shown that enhanced IWV under La Niña conditions is not constrained to the northeastern part of the Atacama Desert but can reach even offshore regions near the west coast. This effect can be typically observed in the summer season. Thus, the moisture can be supplied to the Atacama Desert from easterly or westerly sources depending on season and ENSO phase with regionally varying impacts. Water vapor is a key variable which controls fog formation. While a few studies demonstrate the impact of fog on the coastal desert based on in-situ measurements as well as spatially and temporally limited satellited-based observations, this thesis introduces a novel satellite-based fog detection method which allows a region-wide assessment. An application of the algorithm for a 3-year period shows the spatial distribution of fog frequencies across the Atacama Desert. Aside from the coastal maximum, high fog frequencies are also revealed for isolated locations farther inland, which often coincide with salt flats within the central valley. The mechanisms driving fog formation within these inland regions remain unclear. The novel fog detection method creates the opportunity to further investigate this issue in future research. Aside from westerly moisture sources associated with the Pacific Ocean and episodic easterly inflow from the continental interior, a third scenario is identified in this thesis. By investigating the role of atmospheric rivers for the Atacama Desert, it is revealed that moisture can be transported from the Amazon Basin across the Andes and the southeast Pacific towards the Atacama Desert. Furthermore, fractional precipitation rates of more than 50 % for various regions within the Atacama Desert demonstrate the importance of atmospheric rivers for this hyperarid environment

    Characteristics and impact of mesoscale eddies in the eastern tropical North Atlantic = Charakteristik und Einfluss mesoscaliger Wirbel im östlichen tropischen Nord Atlantik

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    A combination of multiple ocean observing system elements is used to assess the mesoscale eddy activity in the tropical Atlantic off northwestern Africa (12-22°N and 15-26°W). Considering just the rotation direction of the surface flow field, eddies are categorized into cyclonic (CEs) and anticyclonic eddies. If vertical stratification is considered additionally, a refinement can be made by distinguishing between anticyclonic (AEs) and anticyclonic modewater eddies (ACMEs). ACMEs are characterized by a subsurface mode of rather homogenous water located between upward and downward displaced isopycnals. Eddies can be identified and classified from space by investigating the sea surface parameters: Sea level anomaly (SLA), sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface salinity (SSS). AEs/CEs are associated with an elevation/depression of SLA and enhanced/reduced SST and SSS in their cores. However, 20% of all anticyclonic eddies are associated with reduced SST and SSS instead and are identified as ACMEs. In the area of interest, about 146±4 eddies per year with a minimum lifetime of 7 days are identified (52% CEs, 39% AEs, 9% ACMEs). All observed eddies are isolated and serve as transport agents, exporting water from the coast into the open ocean. In CEs and ACMEs low oxygen cores are identified and related to enhanced primary production at the surface and an associated elevated respiration rates within the isolated eddy cores. It could be observed that the phase speed of NIWs and the speed of the mean eddy flow are of similar magnitude. Therefore, critical layer formation is expected and mixing is likely to occur close to the euphotic zone at the eddy periphery. These processes describe one mechanism that support an upward nutrient flux towards the euphotic zone and the coexistence with a highly isolated eddy core. The analysis shows that anomalous environments associated with eddy cores occur more frequently than previously expected

    Charakteristik und Einfluss mesoscaliger Wirbel im östlichen tropischen Nord Atlantik

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    A combination of multiple ocean observing system elements is used to assess the mesoscale eddy activity in the tropical Atlantic off northwestern Africa (12-22°N and 15-26°W). Considering just the rotation direction of the surface flow field, eddies are categorized into cyclonic (CEs) and anticyclonic eddies. If vertical stratification is considered additionally, a refinement can be made by distinguishing between anticyclonic (AEs) and anticyclonic modewater eddies (ACMEs). ACMEs are characterized by a subsurface mode of rather homogenous water located between upward and downward displaced isopycnals. Eddies can be identified and classified from space by investigating the sea surface parameters: Sea level anomaly (SLA), sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface salinity (SSS). AEs/CEs are associated with an elevation/depression of SLA and enhanced/reduced SST and SSS in their cores. However, 20% of all anticyclonic eddies are associated with reduced SST and SSS instead and are identified as ACMEs. In the area of interest, about 146±4 eddies per year with a minimum lifetime of 7 days are identified (52% CEs, 39% AEs, 9% ACMEs). All observed eddies are isolated and serve as transport agents, exporting water from the coast into the open ocean. In CEs and ACMEs low oxygen cores are identified and related to enhanced primary production at the surface and an associated elevated respiration rates within the isolated eddy cores. It could be observed that the phase speed of NIWs and the speed of the mean eddy flow are of similar magnitude. Therefore, critical layer formation is expected and mixing is likely to occur close to the euphotic zone at the eddy periphery. These processes describe one mechanism that support an upward nutrient flux towards the euphotic zone and the coexistence with a highly isolated eddy core. The analysis shows that anomalous environments associated with eddy cores occur more frequently than previously expected.In dieser Studie wurden die Eigenschaften mesoskaliger Wirbel im tropischen Nordost Atlantik untersucht. Berücksichtigt man ausschließlich die Rotationsrichtungen, lassen sich Wirbel in Zyklone (CEs) und Antizyklone (AEs) unterteilen. Mithilfe der vertikalen Schichtung kann ein dritter Wirbeltyp unterschieden werden, der antizyklonale Modewasser-Wirbel (ACME). Der Kern eines ACME besteht aus einer vergleichsweise homogenen Wassermasse, und wird von nach oben und unten ausgelenkten Dichteflächen eingeschlossen. Alle drei Wirbeltypen konnten via folgenden Satellitenbeobachtung identifiziert werden: Meeresoberflächenauslenkung (SLA), Meeresoberflächentemperatur (SST) und Meeresoberflächensalzgehalt (SSS). AEs/CEs weisen erhöhte/reduzierte SLA, SST und SSS auf. Von allen antizyklonal rotierenden Wirbeln jedoch zeigten etwa 20% reduzierte SST und SSS auf und konnten somit als ACMEs identifiziert werden. Im gesamten Untersuchungsgebiet wurden 146±4 Wirbel pro Jahr mit einer Lebensdauer von mehr als 7 Tagen gezählt (52% CEs, 39% AEs, 9% ACMEs). Alle untersuchten Wirbel waren isoliert und transportierten Wassermassen von der Küste offshore. CEs und ACMEs zeichneten sich mit einer sehr niedrigen Sauerstoffkonzentration in ihren Wirbelkernen, einer verstärkten Primärproduktion an der Oberfläche sowie einem höheren Sauerstoffverbrauch innerhalb des isolierten Wirbelkerns aus. Es wird die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass die Bildung kritischer Schichten und infolgedessen eine intensive vertikale Durchmischung am Wirbelrand auftritt. Hervorgerufen wird diese durch die Wechselwirkung der Rotation des Wirbels mit Wellen, die eine Frequenz nahe der Trägheitsfrequenz aufweisen. Dieser Prozess könnte einen Weg beschreiben, der vertikalen Transport von Nährstoffen in die euphotischen Zone und die zeitgleiche Existenz eines isolierten Kerns möglich macht. Die Analyse zeigt, dass die beobachteten extremen Wassermassenanomalien in den Wirbelkernen häufiger als zuvor erwartet auftreten