3,173 research outputs found

    Coalition structure generation in cooperative games with compact representations

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    This paper presents a new way of formalizing the coalition structure generation problem (CSG) so that we can apply constraint optimization techniques to it. Forming effective coalitions is a major research challenge in AI and multi-agent systems. CSG involves partitioning a set of agents into coalitions to maximize social surplus. Traditionally, the input of the CSG problem is a black-box function called a characteristic function, which takes a coalition as input and returns the value of the coalition. As a result, applying constraint optimization techniques to this problem has been infeasible. However, characteristic functions that appear in practice often can be represented concisely by a set of rules, rather than treating the function as a black box. Then we can solve the CSG problem more efficiently by directly applying constraint optimization techniques to this compact representation. We present new formalizations of the CSG problem by utilizing recently developed compact representation schemes for characteristic functions. We first characterize the complexity of CSG under these representation schemes. In this context, the complexity is driven more by the number of rules than by the number of agents. As an initial step toward developing efficient constraint optimization algorithms for solving the CSG problem, we also develop mixed integer programming formulations and show that an off-the-shelf optimization package can perform reasonably well

    A Logic-Based Representation for Coalitional Games with Externalities

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    We consider the issue of representing coalitional games in multiagent systems that exhibit externalities from coalition formation, i.e., systems in which the gain from forming a coalition may be affected by the formation of other co-existing coalitions. Although externalities play a key role in many real-life situations, very little attention has been given to this issue in the multi-agent system literature, especially with regard to the computational aspects involved. To this end, we propose a new representation which, in the spirit of Ieong and Shoham [9], is based on Boolean expressions. The idea behind our representation is to construct much richer expressions that allow for capturing externalities induced upon coalitions. We show that the new representation is fully expressive, at least as concise as the conventional partition function game representation and, for many games, exponentially more concise. We evaluate the efficiency of our new representation by considering the problem of computing the Extended and Generalized Shapley value, a powerful extension of the conventional Shapley value to games with externalities. We show that by using our new representation, the Extended and Generalized Shapley value, which has not been studied in the computer science literature to date, can be computed in time linear in the size of the input

    Coalition structure generation over graphs

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    We give the analysis of the computational complexity of coalition structure generation over graphs. Given an undirected graph G = (N,E) and a valuation function v : P(N) → R over the subsets of nodes, the problem is to find a partition of N into connected subsets, that maximises the sum of the components values. This problem is generally NP-complete; in particular, it is hard for a defined class of valuation functions which are independent of disconnected members — that is, two nodes have no effect on each others marginal contribution to their vertex separator. Nonetheless, for all such functions we provide bounds on the complexity of coalition structure generation over general and minor free graphs. Our proof is constructive and yields algorithms for solving corresponding instances of the problem. Furthermore, we derive linear time bounds for graphs of bounded treewidth. However, as we show, the problem remains NP-complete for planar graphs, and hence, for any Kk minor free graphs where k ≄ 5. Moreover, a 3-SAT problem with m clauses can be represented by a coalition structure generation problem over a planar graph with O(m2) nodes. Importantly, our hardness result holds for a particular subclass of valuation functions, termed edge sum, where the value of each subset of nodes is simply determined by the sum of given weights of the edges in the induced subgraph

    A hybrid algorithm for coalition structure generation

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    The current state-of-the-art algorithm for optimal coalition structure generation is IDP-IP—an algorithm that combines IDP (a dynamic programming algorithm due to Rahwan and Jennings, 2008b) with IP (a tree-search algorithm due to Rahwan et al., 2009). In this paper we analyse IDP-IP, highlight its limitations, and then develop a new approach for combining IDP with IP that overcomes these limitations

    Algorithms for Graph-Constrained Coalition Formation in the Real World

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    Coalition formation typically involves the coming together of multiple, heterogeneous, agents to achieve both their individual and collective goals. In this paper, we focus on a special case of coalition formation known as Graph-Constrained Coalition Formation (GCCF) whereby a network connecting the agents constrains the formation of coalitions. We focus on this type of problem given that in many real-world applications, agents may be connected by a communication network or only trust certain peers in their social network. We propose a novel representation of this problem based on the concept of edge contraction, which allows us to model the search space induced by the GCCF problem as a rooted tree. Then, we propose an anytime solution algorithm (CFSS), which is particularly efficient when applied to a general class of characteristic functions called m+am+a functions. Moreover, we show how CFSS can be efficiently parallelised to solve GCCF using a non-redundant partition of the search space. We benchmark CFSS on both synthetic and realistic scenarios, using a real-world dataset consisting of the energy consumption of a large number of households in the UK. Our results show that, in the best case, the serial version of CFSS is 4 orders of magnitude faster than the state of the art, while the parallel version is 9.44 times faster than the serial version on a 12-core machine. Moreover, CFSS is the first approach to provide anytime approximate solutions with quality guarantees for very large systems of agents (i.e., with more than 2700 agents).Comment: Accepted for publication, cite as "in press

    Mixed-integer programming representation for symmetrical partition function form games

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    In contexts involving multiple agents (players), determining how they can cooperate through the formation of coalitions and how they can share surplus benefits coming from the collaboration is crucial. This can provide decision-aid to players and analysis tools for policy makers regulating economic markets. Such settings belong to the field of cooperative game theory. A critical element in this area has been the size of the representation of these games: for each possible partition of players, the value of each coalition on it must be provided. Symmetric partition function form games (SPFGs) belong to a class of cooperative games with two important characteristics. First, they account for externalities provoked by any group of players joining forces or splitting into subsets on the remaining coalitions of players. Second, they consider that players are indistinct, meaning that only the number of players in each coalition is relevant for the SPFG. Using mixed-integer programming, we present the first representation of SPFGs that is polynomial on the number of players in the game. We also characterize the family of SPFGs that we can represent. In particular, the representation is able to encode exactly all SPFGs with five players or less. Furthermore, we provide a compact representation approximating SPFGs when there are six players or more and the SPFG cannot be represented exactly. We also introduce a flexible framework that uses stability methods inspired from the literature to identify a stable social-welfare maximizing game outcome using our representation. We showcase the value of our compact (approximated) representation and approach to determine a stable partition and payoff allocation to a competitive market from the literature.Dans tout contexte impliquant plusieurs agents (joueurs), il est impĂ©ratif de dĂ©terminer comment les agents coopĂ©reront par la formation de coalitions et comment ils partageront les bĂ©nĂ©fices supplĂ©mentaires issus de la collaboration. Ceci peut fournir une aide Ă  la dĂ©cision aux joueurs, ou encore des outils d'analyse pour les responsables en charge de rĂ©guler les marchĂ©s Ă©conomiques. De telles situations relĂšvent de la thĂ©orie des jeux coopĂ©rative. Un Ă©lĂ©ment crucial de ce domaine est la taille de la reprĂ©sentation de ces jeux : pour chaque partition de joueurs possible, la valeur de chaque coalition qu'on y retrouve doit ĂȘtre donnĂ©e. Les jeux symĂ©triques Ă  fonction de partition (SPFG) appartiennent Ă  une classe de jeux coopĂ©ratifs possĂ©dant deux caractĂ©ristiques principales. PremiĂšrement, ils sont sensibles aux externalitĂ©s, provoquĂ©es par n'importe quel groupe de joueurs qui s'allient ou dĂ©font leurs alliances, qui sont ressenties par les autres coalitions de joueurs. DeuxiĂšmement, ils considĂšrent que les joueurs sont indistincts, et donc que seul le nombre de joueurs dans chaque coalition est Ă  retenir pour reprĂ©senter un SPFG. Par l'utilisation d'outils de programmation mixte en nombres entiers, nous prĂ©sentons la premiĂšre reprĂ©sentation de SPFG qui est polynomiale en nombre de joueurs dans le jeu. De surcroĂźt, nous caractĂ©risons la famille des SPFG qu'il est possible de reprĂ©senter, qui inclut notamment tous les SPFG de cinq joueurs ou moins. De plus, elle dispose d'une approximation compacte pour le cas oĂč, dans un jeu Ă  six joueurs ou plus, le SPFG ne peut pas ĂȘtre reprĂ©sentĂ© de façon exacte. Également, nous introduisons un cadre flexible qui utilise des mĂ©thodes visant la stabilitĂ© inspirĂ©es par la littĂ©rature pour identifier, Ă  l'aide de notre reprĂ©sentation, une issue stable qui maximise le bien-ĂȘtre social des joueurs. Nous dĂ©montrons la valeur de notre reprĂ©sentation (approximĂ©e) compacte et de notre approche pour sĂ©lectionner une partition stable et une allocation des profits dans une application de marchĂ© compĂ©titif provenant de la littĂ©rature

    Coalitions of Arguments: An Approach with Constraint Programming

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    The aggregation of generic items into coalitions leads to the creation of sets of homogenous entities. In this paper we accomplish this for an input set of arguments, and the result is a partition according to distinct lines of thought, i.e., groups of "coherent" ideas. We extend Dung\u27s Argumentation Framework (AF) in order to deal with coalitions of arguments. The initial set of arguments is partitioned into not-intersected subsets. All the found coalitions show the same property inherited by Dung, e.g., all the coalitions in the partition are admissible (or conflict-free, complete, stable): they are generated according to Dung\u27s principles. Each of these coalitions can be assigned to a different agent. We use Soft Constraint Programming as a formal approach to model and solve such partitions in weighted AFs: semiring algebraic structures can be used to model different optimization criteria for the obtained coalitions. Moreover, we implement and solve the presented problem with JaCoP, a Java constraint solver, and we test the code over a small-world network

    Sequences of coalition structures in multi-agent systems applied to disaster response

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    Die Koalitionsbildung ist ein interessantes Thema im Bereich der Multiagentensysteme aufgrund von Herausforderungen bei der praktischen Anwendung, sowie der KomplexitĂ€t der Berechnung von Lösungen des Problems. Eine Koalition ist ein kurzlebiger Zusammenschluss von Agenten, die ein gemeinsames Ziel verfolgen. Gleichzeitig bietet die kooperative Spieltheorie mit Koalitionen einen formalen Mechanismus zur Analyse von Gruppen aus verschiedenen Akteuren. Daher wird das Problem als Characteristic-Function Game (CFG) modelliert. Dessen Ergebnis sind Aufteilungen einer Menge von Agenten in Koalitionen, sogenannte Koalitionsstrukturen. Allerdings lassen sich nicht alle praktisch auftretenden Probleme effizient mit einer einzigen Koalitionsstruktur lösen. Beispielsweise kann es erforderlich sein, eine Hierarchie von Gruppen zu bilden, in der dann eine Koalitionsstruktur pro Ebene benötigt wird. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden voneinander abhĂ€ngige Probleme der Koalitionsbildung untersucht. Insbesondere wird der Schwerpunkt auf die gegenseitige AbhĂ€ngigkeit von Lösungen (also Koalitionsstrukturen), die aus individuellen Spielen resultieren, gelegt. Angesichts des Mangels an wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten zu diesem Thema wird das Sequential Characteristic-Function Game (SCFG) vorgeschlagen, um die Beziehung zwischen aufeinanderfolgenden Koalitionsstrukturen als Folge von CFGs zu modellieren. Dieses neue Spiel wird erweitert, um spezifische BeschrĂ€nkungen fĂŒr jedes CFG in der Spielsequenz zu ermöglichen. DarĂŒber hinaus wird gezeigt, dass das zugrunde liegende SCFG-Problem PSPACE-vollstĂ€ndig ist. Es werden ein exakter Algorithmus zur Berechnung von Lösungen von SCFG-Instanzen, sowie zwei heuristische Algorithmen vorgeschlagen. Die letzte Herausforderung der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Modellierung eines Katastrophenhilfseinsatzes, bei dem das Einsatzleitsystem (engl. Incident Command System) verwendet wird, mithilfe der vorgeschlagenen Techniken und Algorithmen.Coalition formation has long been an interesting topic of research in Multi-Agent Systems, either for its practical applications or complexity issues. A coalition is commonly understood as a short-lived and goal-directed structure, in which the agents join forces to achieve a goal. Cooperative game theory has been used as a formal mechanism to analyse the problem of grouping agents into coalitions. The problem is then modelled by a Characteristic-Function Game (CFG) in which the outcome is a coalition structure: a partition of agents into coalitions. However, not all problems can be efficiently solved using a single coalition structure. For instance, one might be interested in a group hierarchy in which a coalition structure per level is required. In this thesis, we investigate coalition formation problems that are interdependent. In particular, we focus on the interdependence among solutions (i.e., coalition structures) produced by each game individually. Given the lack of work on this topic, we propose a novel game named Sequential Characteristic-Function Game (SCFG), which aims to model the relationships between subsequent coalition structures in a sequence of CFGs. We approach the resulting problem under both theoretical and practical perspectives. We extend the proposed game to allow fine-grained constraints being induced over each CFG in the sequence. Also, we show that the underlying SCFG problem is PSPACE-complete. From an algorithmic viewpoint, we propose an exact algorithm based on dynamic programming, as well as two heuristic algorithms to compute solutions for SCFG instances. We show that there exists a trade-off in choosing one algorithm over the others. Moreover, we model a disaster response operation that employs the incident command system framework, and we show how one can apply our proposed framework and algorithms to solve such an interesting problem
