226 research outputs found

    5G network slicing for rural connectivity: multi-tenancy in wireless networks

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    As the need for wireless broadband continues to grow around the world, there is an increasing focus to minimise the existing digital divide and ensuring that everyone receives high-quality internet services, especially the inhabitants of rural areas. As a result, different technological solutions are being studied and trialled for improving rural connectivity, such as 5G with dynamic spectrum access. One of the architectures of 5G is network slicing, which supports network virtualisation and consists of independent logical networks, called slices, on the 5G network. Network slicing supports the multi-tenancy of different operators on the same physical network, and this feature is known as neutral host networks (NHN). It allows multiple operators to co-exist on the same physical network but on different virtual networks to serve end users. Generally, the 5G NHN deployment is handled by an infrastructure provider (InP), who could be a mobile network operator (MNO), an Internet service provider, a third-party operator, etc. At the same time, potential tenants would lease slices from the InP. The NHN strategy would help reduce resource duplication and increase the utilisation of existing resources. The existing research into NHN for small cells, in-building connectivity solutions, and other deployment scenarios help to understand the technological and business requirements. End-to-end sharing across operators to provide services to their end users is another innovative application of 5G NHN that has been tested for dense areas. Meanwhile, the feasibility and policy impact of NHN is not studied extensively for the rural scenario. The research in this thesis examines the use of NHN in macro- and small-cell networks for 5G communication systems to minimise the digital divide, with a special focus on rural areas. The study also presents and analyses the 5G multi-tenancy system design for the rural wireless scenario, focusing mainly on exploring suitable business cases through network economics, techno-economic study, and game theory analysis. The results obtained from the study, such as cost analysis, business models, sensitivity analysis, and pricing strategies, help in formulating the policy on infrastructure sharing to improve rural connectivity. The contributions of the thesis are useful for stakeholders and policymakers to assess the suitability of the rural 5G NHN by exploring state-of-the-art technologies, techno-economic analysis, sensitivity analysis, newer business models, investment assessment, cost allocation, and risk sharing. Initially, the research gap is highlighted through the extensive literature review and stakeholders’ views on rural connectivity collected from discussions with them. First, the in-depth discussion on the network economics of the rural 5G NHN includes the study of potential future scenarios, value network configurations, spectrum access strategy models, and business models. Secondly, the techno-economic analysis studies the key performance indicators (KPI), cost analysis, return on investment, net present value, and sensitivity analysis, with the application for the rural parts of the UK and India. Finally, the game theory framework includes the study of strategic interaction among the two key stakeholders, InP and the MNO, using models such as investment games and pricing strategies during multi-tenancy. The research concludes by presenting the contribution towards the knowledge and future work.As the need for wireless broadband continues to grow around the world, there is an increasing focus to minimise the existing digital divide and ensuring that everyone receives high-quality internet services, especially the inhabitants of rural areas. As a result, different technological solutions are being studied and trialled for improving rural connectivity, such as 5G with dynamic spectrum access. One of the architectures of 5G is network slicing, which supports network virtualisation and consists of independent logical networks, called slices, on the 5G network. Network slicing supports the multi-tenancy of different operators on the same physical network, and this feature is known as neutral host networks (NHN). It allows multiple operators to co-exist on the same physical network but on different virtual networks to serve end users. Generally, the 5G NHN deployment is handled by an infrastructure provider (InP), who could be a mobile network operator (MNO), an Internet service provider, a third-party operator, etc. At the same time, potential tenants would lease slices from the InP. The NHN strategy would help reduce resource duplication and increase the utilisation of existing resources. The existing research into NHN for small cells, in-building connectivity solutions, and other deployment scenarios help to understand the technological and business requirements. End-to-end sharing across operators to provide services to their end users is another innovative application of 5G NHN that has been tested for dense areas. Meanwhile, the feasibility and policy impact of NHN is not studied extensively for the rural scenario. The research in this thesis examines the use of NHN in macro- and small-cell networks for 5G communication systems to minimise the digital divide, with a special focus on rural areas. The study also presents and analyses the 5G multi-tenancy system design for the rural wireless scenario, focusing mainly on exploring suitable business cases through network economics, techno-economic study, and game theory analysis. The results obtained from the study, such as cost analysis, business models, sensitivity analysis, and pricing strategies, help in formulating the policy on infrastructure sharing to improve rural connectivity. The contributions of the thesis are useful for stakeholders and policymakers to assess the suitability of the rural 5G NHN by exploring state-of-the-art technologies, techno-economic analysis, sensitivity analysis, newer business models, investment assessment, cost allocation, and risk sharing. Initially, the research gap is highlighted through the extensive literature review and stakeholders’ views on rural connectivity collected from discussions with them. First, the in-depth discussion on the network economics of the rural 5G NHN includes the study of potential future scenarios, value network configurations, spectrum access strategy models, and business models. Secondly, the techno-economic analysis studies the key performance indicators (KPI), cost analysis, return on investment, net present value, and sensitivity analysis, with the application for the rural parts of the UK and India. Finally, the game theory framework includes the study of strategic interaction among the two key stakeholders, InP and the MNO, using models such as investment games and pricing strategies during multi-tenancy. The research concludes by presenting the contribution towards the knowledge and future work

    Blockchain and SDN Architecture for Spectrum Management in Cellular Networks

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    Whereas 4G LTE networks have brought about an increase in data rates of mobile networks, they are unable to meet the capacity demands of future networks. Specifically, the centralized nature of the evolved packet core (EPC) makes the network non-scalable to match the exponential increase in number of wireless devices in addition to the complexities of diverse service requirements. The SDN concept has recently attracted a lot of research interest as a viable proposition for bringing about programmability and ease of network management while also offering flexibility for innovative network designs. However, current SDN implementations are not adapted to support business agreements that foster interoperability among mobile network operators (MNOs). This paper is an extended version of our earlier work and we intend to present a unified SDN and blockchain architecture with enhanced spectrum management features for enabling seamless user roaming capabilities between MNOs. Our simulation results show that users can experience no disruption in service with very minimal delay as they traverse between operators

    The digital challenge for multinational mobile network operators. More marginalization or rejuvenation?

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    Multinational mobile network operators (MNOs) rapidly emerged in the early 1990s and for a decade and a half were the dominant actors in their industry. We analyze the development and competitiveness of a typical MNO, Telenor. With the introduction of 4G in 2010, we show that Telenor, like other MNOs largely failed to respond to the opportunity that connectivity provided to develop digital services. Instead, these were developed by technology platform companies such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft. Telenor became a marginalized supplier of standardized internet connectivity. We argue that the ‘decade of lost opportunity’ (2010-2020) for Telenor was a product of a lack of ‘recombinant firm-specific advantages’ (FSARs). With the launch of 5G, an emerging global digital infrastructure, this sidelining is set to intensify unless Telenor responds to this new opportunity by developing B2B digital services. We analyze the FSARs that are necessary for a successful transition of capturing the value that 5G provides and the degree to which they are present, or potentially present, in Telenor

    Distributed-Proof-of-Sense: Blockchain Consensus Mechanisms for Detecting Spectrum Access Violations of the Radio Spectrum

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    The exponential growth in connected devices with Internet-of-Things (IoT) and next-generation wireless networks requires more advanced and dynamic spectrum access mechanisms. Blockchain-based approaches to Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) seem efficient and robust due to their inherited characteristics such as decentralization, immutability and transparency. However, conventional consensus mechanisms used in blockchain networks are expensive to be used due to the cost, processing and energy constraints. Moreover, addressing spectrum violations (i.e., unauthorized access to the spectrum) is not well-discussed in most blockchain-based DSA systems in the literature. In this work, we propose a newly tailored energyefficient consensus mechanism called “Distributed-Proof-of-Sense (DPoS)” that is specially designed to enable DSA and detect spectrum violations. The proposed consensus algorithm motivates blockchain miners to perform spectrum sensing, which leads to the collection of a full spectrum of sensing data. An elliptic curve cryptography-based zero-knowledge proof is used as the core of the proposed mechanism. We use MATLAB simulations to analyze the performance of the consensus mechanism and implement several consensus algorithms in a microprocessor to highlight the benefits of adopting the proposed system

    5th Generation mobile networks: a new opportunity for the convergence of mobile broadband and broadcast services

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    © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] This article analyzes the challenges and opportunities that the upcoming definition of future 5G mobile networks brings to the mobile broadband and broadcast industries to form a single converged network. It reviews the state-of-the-art in mobile and broadcast technologies and the current trends for convergence between both industries. This article describes the requirements and functionalities that the future 5G must address in order to make an efficient and flexible cellular-broadcasting convergence. Both industries would benefit from this convergence by exploiting synergies and enabling an optimum use of spectrum based on coordinated spectrum sharing.The authors would like to thank the funding received from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation within the Project number TEC2011-27723-C02-02.Calabuig Gaspar, J.; Monserrat Del Río, JF.; Gómez Barquero, D. (2015). 5th Generation mobile networks: a new opportunity for the convergence of mobile broadband and broadcast services. IEEE Communications Magazine. 53(2):198-205. https://doi.org/10.1109/MCOM.2015.7045409S19820553

    Regulatory challenges and implications of the European electronic communications code (EECC) for local mobile communication network business

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    Regulatory provisions pose legal constraints on deploying mobile communication networks and related services. Local 5G and upcoming 6G networks, particularly those that are independent of the big mobile network operators (MNOs), face new challenges due to the incoherent harmonization and implementation of the regulatory provisions and the standby approach undertaken by many EU member countries. This paper analyses the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) Directive from the perspective of local mobile communication networks by combining business model innovation and legitimacy approaches in an ecosystemic context. Based on the analysis, we recommend regulators focus on terminology, spectrum management, access and interconnection, security and privacy, and competition when enabling local mobile communications business

    Spectrum sharing and management techniques in mobile networks

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    Το φάσμα συχνοτήτων αποδεικνύεται σπάνιο κομμάτι για τους πόρους ενός κινητού δικτύου το οποίο πρέπει να ληφθεί υπόψιν στη σχεδίαση τηλεπικοινωνιακών συστημάτων 5ης γενιάς. Επιπλέον οι πάροχοι κινητών δικτύων θα πρέπει να επαναπροσδιορίσουν επιχειρησιακά μοντέλα τα οποία μέχρι τώρα δεν θεωρούνταν αναγκαία (π.χ., γνωσιακά ραδιοδίκτυα), ή να εξετάσουν την υιοθέτηση νέων μοντέλων που αναδεικνύονται (π.χ., αδειοδοτούμενη από κοινού πρόσβαση) ώστε να καλύψουν τις ολοένα αυξανόμενες ανάγκες για εύρος ζώνης. Ο μερισμός φάσματος θεωρείται αναπόφευκτος για συστήματα 5G και η διατριβή παρέχει λύση για προσαρμοστικό μερισμό φάσματος με πολλαπλά καθεστώτα εξουσιοδότησης, βάσει ενός καινοτόμου αρχιτεκτονικού πλαισίου το οποίο επιτρέπει στα δικτυακά στοιχεία να λαμβάνουν αποφάσεις για απόκτηση φάσματος. Η προτεινόμενη διαδικασία λήψης αποφάσεων είναι μία καινοτόμα τεχνική προσαρμοστικού μερισμού φάσματος βασιζόμενη σε ελεγκτές ασαφούς λογικής που καθορίζονν το καταλληλότερο σχήμα μερισμού φάσματος και σε ενισχυμένη μάθηση που ρυθμίζει τους κανόνες ασαφούς λογικής, στοχεύοντας να βρει τη βέλτιστη πολιτική που πρέπει να ακολουθεί ο πάροχος ώστε να προσφέρει την επιθυμητή ποιότητα υπηρεσιών στους χρήστες, διατηρώντας πόρους (οικονομικούς ή ραδιοπόρους) όπου είναι εφικτό. Η τελευταία συνεισφορά της διατριβής είναι ένας μηχανισμός που εξασφαλίζει δίκαιη πρόσβαση σε φάσμα ανάμεσα σε χρήστες σε σενάρια στα οποία η εκχώρηση άδειας χρήσης φάσματος δεν είναι προαπαιτούμενη.Radio spectrum has loomed out to be a scarce resource that needs to be carefully considered when designing 5G communication systems and Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) will need to revisit business models that were not of their prior interest (e.g. Cognitive Radio) or consider adopting new business models that emerge (e.g. Licensed Shared Access) so as to cover the extended capacity needs. Spectrum sharing is considered unavoidable for 5G systems and this thesis provides a solution for adaptive spectrum sharing under multiple authorization regimes based on a novel architecture framework that enables network elements to proceed in decisions for spectrum acquisition. The decision making process for spectrum acquisition proposed is a novel Adaptive Spectrum Sharing technique that uses Fuzzy Logic controllers to determine the most suitable spectrum sharing option and reinforcement learning to tune the fuzzy logic rules, aiming to find an optimal policy that MNO should follow in order to offer the desirable Quality of Service to its users, while preserving resources (either economical, or radio) when possible. The final contribution of this thesis is a mechanism that ensures fair access to spectrum among the users in scenarios in which conveying spectrum license is not prerequisite

    Blockchain-enabled resource management and sharing for 6G communications

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    The sixth-generation (6G) network must provide performance superior to previous generations to meet the requirements of emerging services and applications, such as multi-gigabit transmission rate, even higher reliability, and sub 1 ms latency and ubiquitous connection for the Internet of Everything (IoE). However, with the scarcity of spectrum resources, efficient resource management and sharing are crucial to achieving all these ambitious requirements. One possible technology to achieve all this is the blockchain. Because of its inherent properties, the blockchain has recently gained an important position, which is of great significance to 6G network and other networks. In particular, the integration of the blockchain in 6G will enable the network to monitor and manage resource utilization and sharing efficiently. Hence, in this paper, we discuss the potentials of the blockchain for resource management and sharing in 6G using multiple application scenarios, namely, Internet of things, device-to-device communications, network slicing, and inter-domain blockchain ecosystems