2,768 research outputs found

    Multi-robot cooperative platform : a task-oriented teleoperation paradigm

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    This thesis proposes the study and development of a teleoperation system based on multi-robot cooperation under the task oriented teleoperation paradigm: Multi-Robot Cooperative Paradigm, MRCP. In standard teleoperation, the operator uses the master devices to control the remote slave robot arms. These arms reproduce the desired movements and perform the task. With the developed work, the operator can virtually manipulate an object. MRCP automatically generates the arms orders to perform the task. The operator does not have to solve situations arising from possible restrictions that the slave arms may have. The research carried out is therefore aimed at improving the accuracy teleoperation tasks in complex environments, particularly in the field of robot assisted minimally invasive surgery. This field requires patient safety and the workspace entails many restrictions to teleoperation. MRCP can be defined as a platform composed of several robots that cooperate automatically to perform a teleoperated task, creating a robotic system with increased capacity (workspace volume, accessibility, dexterity ...). The cooperation is based on transferring the task between robots when necessary to enable a smooth task execution. The MRCP control evaluates the suitability of each robot to continue with the ongoing task and the optimal time to execute a task transfer between the current selected robot and the best candidate to continue with the task. From the operator¿s point of view, MRCP provides an interface that enables the teleoperation though the task-oriented paradigm: operator orders are translated into task actions instead of robot orders. This thesis is structured as follows: The first part is dedicated to review the current solutions in the teleoperation of complex tasks and compare them with those proposed in this research. The second part of the thesis presents and reviews in depth the different evaluation criteria to determine the suitability of each robot to continue with the execution of a task, considering the configuration of the robots and emphasizing the criterion of dexterity and manipulability. The study reviews the different required control algorithms to enable the task oriented telemanipulation. This proposed teleoperation paradigm is transparent to the operator. Then, the Thesis presents and analyses several experimental results using MRCP in the field of minimally invasive surgery. These experiments study the effectiveness of MRCP in various tasks requiring the cooperation of two hands. A type task is used: a suture using minimally invasive surgery technique. The analysis is done in terms of execution time, economy of movement, quality and patient safety (potential damage produced by undesired interaction between the tools and the vital tissues of the patient). The final part of the thesis proposes the implementation of different virtual aids and restrictions (guided teleoperation based on haptic visual and audio feedback, protection of restricted workspace regions, etc.) using the task oriented teleoperation paradigm. A framework is defined for implementing and applying a basic set of virtual aids and constraints within the framework of a virtual simulator for laparoscopic abdominal surgery. The set of experiments have allowed to validate the developed work. The study revealed the influence of virtual aids in the learning process of laparoscopic techniques. It has also demonstrated the improvement of learning curves, which paves the way for its implementation as a methodology for training new surgeons.Aquesta tesi doctoral proposa l'estudi i desenvolupament d'un sistema de teleoperació basat en la cooperació multi-robot sota el paradigma de la teleoperació orientada a tasca: Multi-Robot Cooperative Paradigm, MRCP. En la teleoperació clàssica, l'operador utilitza els telecomandaments perquè els braços robots reprodueixin els seus moviments i es realitzi la tasca desitjada. Amb el treball realitzat, l'operador pot manipular virtualment un objecte i és mitjançant el MRCP que s'adjudica a cada braç les ordres necessàries per realitzar la tasca, sense que l'operador hagi de resoldre les situacions derivades de possibles restriccions que puguin tenir els braços executors. La recerca desenvolupada està doncs orientada a millorar la teleoperació en tasques de precisió en entorns complexos i, en particular, en el camp de la cirurgia mínimament invasiva assistida per robots. Aquest camp imposa condicions de seguretat del pacient i l'espai de treball comporta moltes restriccions a la teleoperació. MRCP es pot definir com a una plataforma formada per diversos robots que cooperen de forma automàtica per dur a terme una tasca teleoperada, generant un sistema robòtic amb capacitats augmentades (volums de treball, accessibilitat, destresa,...). La cooperació es basa en transferir la tasca entre robots a partir de determinar quin és aquell que és més adequat per continuar amb la seva execució i el moment òptim per realitzar la transferència de la tasca entre el robot actiu i el millor candidat a continuar-la. Des del punt de vista de l'operari, MRCP ofereix una interfície de teleoperació que permet la realització de la teleoperació mitjançant el paradigma d'ordres orientades a la tasca: les ordres es tradueixen en accions sobre la tasca en comptes d'estar dirigides als robots. Aquesta tesi està estructurada de la següent manera: Primerament es fa una revisió de l'estat actual de les diverses solucions desenvolupades actualment en el camp de la teleoperació de tasques complexes, comparant-les amb les proposades en aquest treball de recerca. En el segon bloc de la tesi es presenten i s'analitzen a fons els diversos criteris per determinar la capacitat de cada robot per continuar l'execució d'una tasca, segons la configuració del conjunt de robots i fent especial èmfasi en el criteri de destresa i manipulabilitat. Seguint aquest estudi, es presenten els diferents processos de control emprats per tal d'assolir la telemanipulació orientada a tasca de forma transparent a l'operari. Seguidament es presenten diversos resultats experimentals aplicant MRCP al camp de la cirurgia mínimament invasiva. En aquests experiments s'estudia l'eficàcia de MRCP en diverses tasques que requereixen de la cooperació de dues mans. S'ha escollit una tasca tipus: sutura amb tècnica de cirurgia mínimament invasiva. L'anàlisi es fa en termes de temps d'execució, economia de moviment, qualitat i seguretat del pacient (potencials danys causats per la interacció no desitjada entre les eines i els teixits vitals del pacient). Finalment s'ha estudiat l'ús de diferents ajudes i restriccions virtuals (guiat de la teleoperació via retorn hàptic, visual o auditiu, protecció de regions de l'espai de treball, etc) dins el paradigma de teleoperació orientada a tasca. S'ha definint un marc d'aplicació base i implementant un conjunt de restriccions virtuals dins el marc d'un simulador de cirurgia laparoscòpia abdominal. El conjunt d'experiments realitzats han permès validar el treball realitzat. Aquest estudi ha permès determinar la influencia de les ajudes virtuals en el procés d'aprenentatge de les tècniques laparoscòpiques. S'ha evidenciat una millora en les corbes d'aprenentatge i obre el camí a la seva implantació com a metodologia d'entrenament de nous cirurgians.Postprint (published version

    On inferring intentions in shared tasks for industrial collaborative robots

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    Inferring human operators' actions in shared collaborative tasks, plays a crucial role in enhancing the cognitive capabilities of industrial robots. In all these incipient collaborative robotic applications, humans and robots not only should share space but also forces and the execution of a task. In this article, we present a robotic system which is able to identify different human's intentions and to adapt its behavior consequently, only by means of force data. In order to accomplish this aim, three major contributions are presented: (a) force-based operator's intent recognition, (b) force-based dataset of physical human-robot interaction and (c) validation of the whole system in a scenario inspired by a realistic industrial application. This work is an important step towards a more natural and user-friendly manner of physical human-robot interaction in scenarios where humans and robots collaborate in the accomplishment of a task.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Intuitive, iterative and assisted virtual guides programming for human-robot comanipulation

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    Pendant très longtemps, l'automatisation a été assujettie à l'usage de robots industriels traditionnels placés dans des cages et programmés pour répéter des tâches plus ou moins complexes au maximum de leur vitesse et de leur précision. Cette automatisation, dite rigide, possède deux inconvénients majeurs : elle est chronophage dû aux contraintes contextuelles applicatives et proscrit la présence humaine. Il existe désormais une nouvelle génération de robots avec des systèmes moins encombrants, peu coûteux et plus flexibles. De par leur structure et leurs modes de fonctionnement ils sont intrinsèquement sûrs ce qui leurs permettent de travailler main dans la main avec les humains. Dans ces nouveaux espaces de travail collaboratifs, l'homme peut être inclus dans la boucle comme un agent décisionnel actif. En tant qu'instructeur ou collaborateur il peut influencer le processus décisionnel du robot : on parle de robots collaboratifs (ou cobots). Dans ce nouveau contexte, nous faisons usage de guides virtuels. Ils permettent aux cobots de soulager les efforts physiques et la charge cognitive des opérateurs. Cependant, la définition d'un guide virtuel nécessite souvent une expertise et une modélisation précise de la tâche. Cela restreint leur utilité aux scénarios à contraintes fixes. Pour palier ce problème et améliorer la flexibilité de la programmation du guide virtuel, cette thèse présente une nouvelle approche par démonstration : nous faisons usage de l'apprentissage kinesthésique de façon itérative et construisons le guide virtuel avec une spline 6D. Grâce à cette approche, l'opérateur peut modifier itérativement les guides tout en gardant leur assistance. Cela permet de rendre le processus plus intuitif et naturel ainsi que de réduire la pénibilité. La modification locale d'un guide virtuel en trajectoire est possible par interaction physique avec le robot. L'utilisateur peut déplacer un point clé cartésien ou modifier une portion entière du guide avec une nouvelle démonstration partielle. Nous avons également étendu notre approche aux guides virtuels 6D, où les splines en déplacement sont définies via une interpolation Akima (pour la translation) et une 'interpolation quadratique des quaternions (pour l'orientation). L'opérateur peut initialement définir un guide virtuel en trajectoire, puis utiliser l'assistance en translation pour ne se concentrer que sur la démonstration de l'orientation. Nous avons appliqué notre approche dans deux scénarios industriels utilisant un cobot. Nous avons ainsi démontré l'intérêt de notre méthode qui améliore le confort de l'opérateur lors de la comanipulation.For a very long time, automation was driven by the use of traditional industrial robots placed in cages, programmed to repeat more or less complex tasks at their highest speed and with maximum accuracy. This robot-oriented solution is heavily dependent on hard automation which requires pre-specified fixtures and time consuming programming, hindering robots from becoming flexible and versatile tools. These robots have evolved towards a new generation of small, inexpensive, inherently safe and flexible systems that work hand in hand with humans. In these new collaborative workspaces the human can be included in the loop as an active agent. As a teacher and as a co-worker he can influence the decision-making process of the robot. In this context, virtual guides are an important tool used to assist the human worker by reducing physical effort and cognitive overload during tasks accomplishment. However, the construction of virtual guides often requires expert knowledge and modeling of the task. These limitations restrict the usefulness of virtual guides to scenarios with unchanging constraints. To overcome these challenges and enhance the flexibility of virtual guides programming, this thesis presents a novel approach that allows the worker to create virtual guides by demonstration through an iterative method based on kinesthetic teaching and displacement splines. Thanks to this approach, the worker is able to iteratively modify the guides while being assisted by them, making the process more intuitive and natural while reducing its painfulness. Our approach allows local refinement of virtual guiding trajectories through physical interaction with the robots. We can modify a specific cartesian keypoint of the guide or re- demonstrate a portion. We also extended our approach to 6D virtual guides, where displacement splines are defined via Akima interpolation (for translation) and quadratic interpolation of quaternions (for orientation). The worker can initially define a virtual guiding trajectory and then use the assistance in translation to only concentrate on defining the orientation along the path. We demonstrated that these innovations provide a novel and intuitive solution to increase the human's comfort during human-robot comanipulation in two industrial scenarios with a collaborative robot (cobot)

    Parallel Guiding Virtual Fixtures: Control and Stability

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    International audienceGuiding virtual fixtures have been proposed as a method for human-robot co-manipulation. They constrain the motion of the robot to task-relevant trajectories, which enables the human to execute the task more efficiently, accurately and/or ergonomically. When sequences of different tasks must be solved, multiple guiding virtual fixtures are required, and the appropriate guide for the current task must be detected automatically. To this end, we propose a novel control scheme for multiple guiding virtual fixtures that are active in parallel. Furthermore, we determine under which conditions using multiple fixtures is stable. Finally, we perform a pilot study for a real-world application with a humanoid robot

    Multi-Phase Multi-Modal Haptic Teleoperation

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    Virtual Fixtures facilitate teleoperation, for instance by guiding the human operator. Developing these Virtual Fixtures in tasks with tight tolerances remains challenging. Fixtures with a high stiffness allow for more precise guidance, whereas a lower stiffness is required to allow for corrections. We observed that many assembly operations can be split into different phases - approaching, positioning, in-contact manipulation - each with different accuracy requirements. Therefore, we propose to use multi-modal fixtures, satisfying the different requirements of these phases: i.e. a position-based Trajectory Fixture for approaching and a more accurate Visual Servoing Fixture for the positioning phase. A state estimation and arbitration component ensures smooth transitions between the fixtures to provide optimal support for the operator and to achieve global availability paired with local precision at the same time. It also allows a high stiffness to be used throughout, thus achieving good guidance for all phases. The approach is validated in an application from a space scenario, consisting of the assembly of a CubeSat subsystem. The empirical results from a pilot study on this task show that our approach is faster and requires less interaction force from the operator than the baseline method

    Master of Science

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    thesisThis thesis provides details on the development of automatic collision avoidance for manually tele-operated unmanned aerial vehicles. We note that large portions of this work are also reprinted with permission, from 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, \Automatic Collision Avoidance for Manually Tele-operated Unmanned Aerial Vehicles", by J. Israelsen, M. Beall, D. Bareiss, D. Stuart, E. Keeney, and J. van den Berg c 2014 IEEE. We provide a method to aid the operator of unmanned aerial vehicles. We do this by automatically performing collision avoidance with obstacles in the environment. Our method allows the operator to focus on the overall motion of the vehicle rather than requiring the operator to perform collision avoidance. Where other currently existing systems override the controls of the operator only as a last resort, our approach was developed such that the operator can rely on the automatic collision avoidance for maneuverability. Given the current operator control input, our approach continually determines the future path of the vehicle. If along the future path a collision is predicted, then our algorithm will minimally override the operator's control such that the vehicle will not collide with the obstacles in the environment. Such an approach ensures the safety of the operator's controls while simultaneously maintaining the original intent of the operator. We successfully implemented this approach in a simulated environment, as well as on a physical quadrotor system in a laboratory environment. Our experiments show that, even when intentionally trying to do so, the operator failed to crash the vehicle into environment obstacles

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationHumans generally have difficulty performing precision tasks with their unsupported hands. To compensate for this difficulty, people often seek to support or rest their hand and arm on a fixed surface. However, when the precision task needs to be performed over a workspace larger than what can be reached from a fixed position, a fixed support is no longer useful. This dissertation describes the development of the Active Handrest, a device that expands its user's dexterous workspace by providing ergonomic support and precise repositioning motions over a large workspace. The prototype Active Handrest is a planar computer-controlled support for the user's hand and arm. The device can be controlled through force input from the user, position input from a grasped tool, or a combination of inputs. The control algorithm of the Active Handrest converts the input(s) into device motions through admittance control where the device's desired velocity is calculated proportionally to the input force or its equivalent. A robotic 2-axis admittance device was constructed as the initial Planar Active Handrest, or PAHR, prototype. Experiments were conducted to optimize the device's control input strategies. Large workspace shape tracing experiments were used to compare the PAHR to unsupported, fixed support, and passive moveable support conditions. The Active Handrest was found to reduce task error and provide better speedaccuracy performance. Next, virtual fixture strategies were explored for the device. From the options considered, a virtual spring fixture strategy was chosen based on its effectiveness. An experiment was conducted to compare the PAHR with its virtual fixture strategy to traditional virtual fixture techniques for a grasped stylus. Virtual fixtures implemented on the Active Handrest were found to be as effective as fixtures implemented on a grasped tool. Finally, a higher degree-of-freedom Enhanced Planar Active Handrest, or E-PAHR, was constructed to provide support for large workspace precision tasks while more closely following the planar motions of the human arm. Experiments were conducted to investigate appropriate control strategies and device utility. The E-PAHR was found to provide a skill level equal to that of the PAHR with reduced user force input and lower perceived exertion

    Shared control for natural motion and safety in hands-on robotic surgery

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    Hands-on robotic surgery is where the surgeon controls the tool's motion by applying forces and torques to the robot holding the tool, allowing the robot-environment interaction to be felt though the tool itself. To further improve results, shared control strategies are used to combine the strengths of the surgeon with those of the robot. One such strategy is active constraints, which prevent motion into regions deemed unsafe or unnecessary. While research in active constraints on rigid anatomy has been well-established, limited work on dynamic active constraints (DACs) for deformable soft tissue has been performed, particularly on strategies which handle multiple sensing modalities. In addition, attaching the tool to the robot imposes the end effector dynamics onto the surgeon, reducing dexterity and increasing fatigue. Current control policies on these systems only compensate for gravity, ignoring other dynamic effects. This thesis presents several research contributions to shared control in hands-on robotic surgery, which create a more natural motion for the surgeon and expand the usage of DACs to point clouds. A novel null-space based optimization technique has been developed which minimizes the end effector friction, mass, and inertia of redundant robots, creating a more natural motion, one which is closer to the feeling of the tool unattached to the robot. By operating in the null-space, the surgeon is left in full control of the procedure. A novel DACs approach has also been developed, which operates on point clouds. This allows its application to various sensing technologies, such as 3D cameras or CT scans and, therefore, various surgeries. Experimental validation in point-to-point motion trials and a virtual reality ultrasound scenario demonstrate a reduction in work when maneuvering the tool and improvements in accuracy and speed when performing virtual ultrasound scans. Overall, the results suggest that these techniques could increase the ease of use for the surgeon and improve patient safety.Open Acces