64 research outputs found

    Feature Trajectory Dynamic Time Warping for Clustering of Speech Segments

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    Dynamic time warping (DTW) can be used to compute the similarity between two sequences of generally differing length. We propose a modification to DTW that performs individual and independent pairwise alignment of feature trajectories. The modified technique, termed feature trajectory dynamic time warping (FTDTW), is applied as a similarity measure in the agglomerative hierarchical clustering of speech segments. Experiments using MFCC and PLP parametrisations extracted from TIMIT and from the Spoken Arabic Digit Dataset (SADD) show consistent and statistically significant improvements in the quality of the resulting clusters in terms of F-measure and normalised mutual information (NMI).Comment: 10 page

    Multidialectal acoustic modeling: a comparative study

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    In this paper, multidialectal acoustic modeling based on shar- ing data across dialects is addressed. A comparative study of different methods of combining data based on decision tree clustering algorithms is presented. Approaches evolved differ in the way of evaluating the similarity of sounds between di- alects, and the decision tree structure applied. Proposed systems are tested with Spanish dialects across Spain and Latin Amer- ica. All multidialectal proposed systems improve monodialectal performance using data from another dialect but it is shown that the way to share data is critical. The best combination between similarity measure and tree structure achieves an improvement of 7% over the results obtained with monodialectal systems.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Cross-lingual acoustic model adaptation for speaker-independent speech recognition

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    Laadukas puheentunnistus vaatii tunnistussysteemiltä kykyä mukautua puhujan ääneen ja puhetapaan. Suurin osa puheentunnistusjärjestelmistä on rakennettu kielellisesti yhtenäisten ryhmien käyttöön. Kun erilaisista kielellisistä taustoista tulevat ihmiset muodostavat enemmän ja enemmän käyttäjäryhmiä, tarve lisääntyy tehokkaalle monikieliselle puheentunnistukselle, joka ottaa huomioon murteiden ja painotusten lisäksi myös eri kielet. Tässä työssä tutkittiin, miten englannin ja suomen puheen akustisia malleja voidaan yhdistellä ja näin rakentaa monikielinen puheentunnistin. Työssä tutkittiin myös miten puhuja-adaptaatio toimii näissä järjestelmissä kielten sisällä ja kielirajan yli niin, että yhden kielen puhedataa käytetään adaptaatioon toisella kielellä. Puheentunnistimia rakennettiin suurilla suomen- ja englanninkielisillä puhekorpuksilla ja testattiin sekä yksi- että kaksikielisellä aineistolla. Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että englannin ja suomen akustisten mallien yhdistelemisessä turvallisen klusteroinnin raja on niin alhaalla, että yhdistely ei juurikaan kannata tunnistimen tehokkuuden parantamiseksi. Tuloksista nähdään myös, että äidinkielenä puhutun suomen tunnistamista voitiin parantaa käyttämällä vieraana kielenä puhutun englannin dataa. Tämä mekanismi toimi vain yksisuuntaisesti: Vieraana kielenä puhutun englannin tunnistusta ei voinut parantaa äidinkielenä puhutun suomen datan avulla.For good quality speech recognition, the ability of the recognition system to adapt itself to each speaker's voice and speaking style is more than necessary. Most of speech recognition systems are developed for very specific purposes for a linguistically homogenous group. However, as user groups are formed out of people from differing linguistic backgrounds, there is an ever-growing demand for efficient multi-lingual speech technology that takes into account not only varying dialects and accents but also different languages. This thesis investigated how the acoustic models for English and Finnish can be efficiently combined to create a multilingual speech recognition system. Also how these combined systems perform speaker adaptation within languages and across languages using data from one language to improve recognition of the same speaker speaking another language was investigated. Recognition systems were trained based on large Finnish and English corpora, and tested both on monolingual and bilingual material. This study shows that the thresholds for safe merging of the model sets of Finnish and English are so low that the merging can hardly be motivated from the point of view of efficiency. Also it was found out that the recognition of native Finnish can be improved with the use of English speech data from the same speaker. This only works one-way, as the foreign English recognition could not be significantly improved with the help of Finnish speech data

    Broad phonetic class definition driven by phone confusions

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    Intermediate representations between the speech signal and phones may be used to improve discrimination among phones that are often confused. These representations are usually found according to broad phonetic classes, which are defined by a phonetician. This article proposes an alternative data-driven method to generate these classes. Phone confusion information from the analysis of the output of a phone recognition system is used to find clusters at high risk of mutual confusion. A metric is defined to compute the distance between phones. The results, using TIMIT data, show that the proposed confusion-driven phone clustering method is an attractive alternative to the approaches based on human knowledge. A hierarchical classification structure to improve phone recognition is also proposed using a discriminative weight training method. Experiments show improvements in phone recognition on the TIMIT database compared to a baseline system

    Modelo acústico de língua inglesa falada por portugueses

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    Trabalho de projecto de mestrado em Engenharia Informática, apresentado à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2007No contexto do reconhecimento robusto de fala baseado em modelos de Markov não observáveis (do inglês Hidden Markov Models - HMMs) este trabalho descreve algumas metodologias e experiências tendo em vista o reconhecimento de oradores estrangeiros. Quando falamos em Reconhecimento de Fala falamos obrigatoriamente em Modelos Acústicos também. Os modelos acústicos reflectem a maneira como pronunciamos/articulamos uma língua, modelando a sequência de sons emitidos aquando da fala. Essa modelação assenta em segmentos de fala mínimos, os fones, para os quais existe um conjunto de símbolos/alfabetos que representam a sua pronunciação. É no campo da fonética articulatória e acústica que se estuda a representação desses símbolos, sua articulação e pronunciação. Conseguimos descrever palavras analisando as unidades que as constituem, os fones. Um reconhecedor de fala interpreta o sinal de entrada, a fala, como uma sequência de símbolos codificados. Para isso, o sinal é fragmentado em observações de sensivelmente 10 milissegundos cada, reduzindo assim o factor de análise ao intervalo de tempo onde as características de um segmento de som não variam. Os modelos acústicos dão-nos uma noção sobre a probabilidade de uma determinada observação corresponder a uma determinada entidade. É, portanto, através de modelos sobre as entidades do vocabulário a reconhecer que é possível voltar a juntar esses fragmentos de som. Os modelos desenvolvidos neste trabalho são baseados em HMMs. Chamam-se assim por se fundamentarem nas cadeias de Markov (1856 - 1922): sequências de estados onde cada estado é condicionado pelo seu anterior. Localizando esta abordagem no nosso domínio, há que construir um conjunto de modelos - um para cada classe de sons a reconhecer - que serão treinados por dados de treino. Os dados são ficheiros áudio e respectivas transcrições (ao nível da palavra) de modo a que seja possível decompor essa transcrição em fones e alinhá-la a cada som do ficheiro áudio correspondente. Usando um modelo de estados, onde cada estado representa uma observação ou segmento de fala descrita, os dados vão-se reagrupando de maneira a criar modelos estatísticos, cada vez mais fidedignos, que consistam em representações das entidades da fala de uma determinada língua. O reconhecimento por parte de oradores estrangeiros com pronuncias diferentes da língua para qual o reconhecedor foi concebido, pode ser um grande problema para precisão de um reconhecedor. Esta variação pode ser ainda mais problemática que a variação dialectal de uma determinada língua, isto porque depende do conhecimento que cada orador têm relativamente à língua estrangeira. Usando para uma pequena quantidade áudio de oradores estrangeiros para o treino de novos modelos acústicos, foram efectuadas diversas experiências usando corpora de Portugueses a falar Inglês, de Português Europeu e de Inglês. Inicialmente foi explorado o comportamento, separadamente, dos modelos de Ingleses nativos e Portugueses nativos, quando testados com os corpora de teste (teste com nativos e teste com não nativos). De seguida foi treinado um outro modelo usando em simultâneo como corpus de treino, o áudio de Portugueses a falar Inglês e o de Ingleses nativos. Uma outra experiência levada a cabo teve em conta o uso de técnicas de adaptação, tal como a técnica MLLR, do inglês Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression. Esta última permite a adaptação de uma determinada característica do orador, neste caso o sotaque estrangeiro, a um determinado modelo inicial. Com uma pequena quantidade de dados representando a característica que se quer modelar, esta técnica calcula um conjunto de transformações que serão aplicadas ao modelo que se quer adaptar. Foi também explorado o campo da modelação fonética onde estudou-se como é que o orador estrangeiro pronuncia a língua estrangeira, neste caso um Português a falar Inglês. Este estudo foi feito com a ajuda de um linguista, o qual definiu um conjunto de fones, resultado do mapeamento do inventário de fones do Inglês para o Português, que representam o Inglês falado por Portugueses de um determinado grupo de prestígio. Dada a grande variabilidade de pronúncias teve de se definir este grupo tendo em conta o nível de literacia dos oradores. Este estudo foi posteriormente usado na criação de um novo modelo treinado com os corpora de Portugueses a falar Inglês e de Portugueses nativos. Desta forma representamos um reconhecedor de Português nativo onde o reconhecimento de termos ingleses é possível. Tendo em conta a temática do reconhecimento de fala este projecto focou também a recolha de corpora para português europeu e a compilação de um léxico de Português europeu. Na área de aquisição de corpora o autor esteve envolvido na extracção e preparação dos dados de fala telefónica, para posterior treino de novos modelos acústicos de português europeu. Para compilação do léxico de português europeu usou-se um método incremental semi-automático. Este método consistiu em gerar automaticamente a pronunciação de grupos de 10 mil palavras, sendo cada grupo revisto e corrigido por um linguista. Cada grupo de palavras revistas era posteriormente usado para melhorar as regras de geração automática de pronunciações.The tremendous growth of technology has increased the need of integration of spoken language technologies into our daily applications, providing an easy and natural access to information. These applications are of different nature with different user’s interfaces. Besides voice enabled Internet portals or tourist information systems, automatic speech recognition systems can be used in home user’s experiences where TV and other appliances could be voice controlled, discarding keyboards or mouse interfaces, or in mobile phones and palm-sized computers for a hands-free and eyes-free manipulation. The development of these systems causes several known difficulties. One of them concerns the recognizer accuracy on dealing with non-native speakers with different phonetic pronunciations of a given language. The non-native accent can be more problematic than a dialect variation on the language. This mismatch depends on the individual speaking proficiency and speaker’s mother tongue. Consequently, when the speaker’s native language is not the same as the one that was used to train the recognizer, there is a considerable loss in recognition performance. In this thesis, we examine the problem of non-native speech in a speaker-independent and large-vocabulary recognizer in which a small amount of non-native data was used for training. Several experiments were performed using Hidden Markov models, trained with speech corpora containing European Portuguese native speakers, English native speakers and English spoken by European Portuguese native speakers. Initially it was explored the behaviour of an English native model and non-native English speakers’ model. Then using different corpus weights for the English native speakers and English spoken by Portuguese speakers it was trained a model as a pool of accents. Through adaptation techniques it was used the Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression method. It was also explored how European Portuguese speakers pronounce English language studying the correspondences between the phone sets of the foreign and target languages. The result was a new phone set, consequence of the mapping between the English and the Portuguese phone sets. Then a new model was trained with English Spoken by Portuguese speakers’ data and Portuguese native data. Concerning the speech recognition subject this work has other two purposes: collecting Portuguese corpora and supporting the compilation of a Portuguese lexicon, adopting some methods and algorithms to generate automatic phonetic pronunciations. The collected corpora was processed in order to train acoustic models to be used in the Exchange 2007 domain, namely in Outlook Voice Access

    Phoneme duration modelling for speaker verification

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    Higher-level features are considered to be a potential remedy against transmission line and cross-channel degradations, currently some of the biggest problems associated with speaker verification. Phoneme durations in particular are not altered by these factors; thus a robust duration model will be a particularly useful addition to traditional cepstral based speaker verification systems. In this dissertation we investigate the feasibility of phoneme durations as a feature for speaker verification. Simple speaker specific triphone duration models are created to statistically represent the phoneme durations. Durations are obtained from an automatic hidden Markov model (HMM) based automatic speech recognition system and are modeled using single mixture Gaussian distributions. These models are applied in a speaker verification system (trained and tested on the YOHO corpus) and found to be a useful feature, even when used in isolation. When fused with acoustic features, verification performance increases significantly. A novel speech rate normalization technique is developed in order to remove some of the inherent intra-speaker variability (due to differing speech rates). Speech rate variability has a negative impact on both speaker verification and automatic speech recognition. Although the duration modelling seems to benefit only slightly from this procedure, the fused system performance improvement is substantial. Other factors known to influence the duration of phonemes are incorporated into the duration model. Utterance final lengthening is known be a consistent effect and thus “position in sentence” is modeled. “Position in word” is also modeled since triphones do not provide enough contextual information. This is found to improve performance since some vowels’ duration are particularly sensitive to its position in the word. Data scarcity becomes a problem when building speaker specific duration models. By using information from available data, unknown durations can be predicted in an attempt to overcome the data scarcity problem. To this end we develop a novel approach to predict unknown phoneme durations from the values of known phoneme durations for a particular speaker, based on the maximum likelihood criterion. This model is based on the observation that phonemes from the same broad phonetic class tend to co-vary strongly, but that there is also significant cross-class correlations. This approach is tested on the TIMIT corpus and found to be more accurate than using back-off techniques.Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2009.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte

    Speech Recognition

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    Chapters in the first part of the book cover all the essential speech processing techniques for building robust, automatic speech recognition systems: the representation for speech signals and the methods for speech-features extraction, acoustic and language modeling, efficient algorithms for searching the hypothesis space, and multimodal approaches to speech recognition. The last part of the book is devoted to other speech processing applications that can use the information from automatic speech recognition for speaker identification and tracking, for prosody modeling in emotion-detection systems and in other speech processing applications that are able to operate in real-world environments, like mobile communication services and smart homes