91 research outputs found

    From MANET to people-centric networking: Milestones and open research challenges

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    In this paper, we discuss the state of the art of (mobile) multi-hop ad hoc networking with the aim to present the current status of the research activities and identify the consolidated research areas, with limited research opportunities, and the hot and emerging research areas for which further research is required. We start by briefly discussing the MANET paradigm, and why the research on MANET protocols is now a cold research topic. Then we analyze the active research areas. Specifically, after discussing the wireless-network technologies, we analyze four successful ad hoc networking paradigms, mesh networks, opportunistic networks, vehicular networks, and sensor networks that emerged from the MANET world. We also present an emerging research direction in the multi-hop ad hoc networking field: people centric networking, triggered by the increasing penetration of the smartphones in everyday life, which is generating a people-centric revolution in computing and communications

    5G and beyond networks

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    This chapter investigates the Network Layer aspects that will characterize the merger of the cellular paradigm and the IoT architectures, in the context of the evolution towards 5G-and-beyond, including some promising emerging services as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles or Base Stations, and V2X communications

    A Survey and Future Directions on Clustering: From WSNs to IoT and Modern Networking Paradigms

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    Many Internet of Things (IoT) networks are created as an overlay over traditional ad-hoc networks such as Zigbee. Moreover, IoT networks can resemble ad-hoc networks over networks that support device-to-device (D2D) communication, e.g., D2D-enabled cellular networks and WiFi-Direct. In these ad-hoc types of IoT networks, efficient topology management is a crucial requirement, and in particular in massive scale deployments. Traditionally, clustering has been recognized as a common approach for topology management in ad-hoc networks, e.g., in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Topology management in WSNs and ad-hoc IoT networks has many design commonalities as both need to transfer data to the destination hop by hop. Thus, WSN clustering techniques can presumably be applied for topology management in ad-hoc IoT networks. This requires a comprehensive study on WSN clustering techniques and investigating their applicability to ad-hoc IoT networks. In this article, we conduct a survey of this field based on the objectives for clustering, such as reducing energy consumption and load balancing, as well as the network properties relevant for efficient clustering in IoT, such as network heterogeneity and mobility. Beyond that, we investigate the advantages and challenges of clustering when IoT is integrated with modern computing and communication technologies such as Blockchain, Fog/Edge computing, and 5G. This survey provides useful insights into research on IoT clustering, allows broader understanding of its design challenges for IoT networks, and sheds light on its future applications in modern technologies integrated with IoT.acceptedVersio

    Clustering objectives in wireless sensor networks: A survey and research direction analysis

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) typically include thousands of resource-constrained sensors to monitor their surroundings, collect data, and transfer it to remote servers for further processing. Although WSNs are considered highly flexible ad-hoc networks, network management has been a fundamental challenge in these types of net- works given the deployment size and the associated quality concerns such as resource management, scalability, and reliability. Topology management is considered a viable technique to address these concerns. Clustering is the most well-known topology management method in WSNs, grouping nodes to manage them and/or executing various tasks in a distributed manner, such as resource management. Although clustering techniques are mainly known to improve energy consumption, there are various quality-driven objectives that can be realized through clustering. In this paper, we review comprehensively existing WSN clustering techniques, their objectives and the network properties supported by those techniques. After refining more than 500 clustering techniques, we extract about 215 of them as the most important ones, which we further review, catergorize and classify based on clustering objectives and also the network properties such as mobility and heterogeneity. In addition, statistics are provided based on the chosen metrics, providing highly useful insights into the design of clustering techniques in WSNs.publishedVersio

    Towards Proactive Mobility-Aware Fog Computing

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    Paljude värkvõrk- ja ärirakenduste tavapäraseks osaks on sõltuvus kaugete pilveteenuste poolt pakutavast andmetöötlusvõimekusest. Arvestatav hulk seesugustest rakendustest koguvad andmeid mitmetelt ümbritsevatelt heterogeensetelt seadmetelt, et pakkuda reaalajal põhinevaid teenuseid oma kasutajatele. Taolise lahenduse negatiivseks küljeks on aga kõrge viiteaeg, mis muutub eriti problemaatiliseks, kui vastava rakenduse efektiivne töö on väleda vastuse saamisega otseses sõltuvuses. Taolise olukorra puhul on viiteaja vähendamiseks välja pakutud uduandmetöötlusel põhinev arhitektuur, mis kujutab endast arvutusmahukate andmetöötlusühikute jaotamist andmeallikate ja lõppkasutajatele lähedal asuvatele arvutusseadmetele. Vaatamata sellele, et uduandmetöötlusel põhinev arhitektuur on paljutõotav, toob see kaasa uusi väljakutseid seoses kvaliteetse uduandmetöötlusteenuse pakkumisega mobiilsetele kasutajatele. Käesolev magistritöö käsitleb proaktiivset lähenemist uduandmetöötlusele, kasutades selleks lähedalasuvatel kasutajatel baseeruvat mobiilset ad hoc võrgustikku, mis võimaldab uduteenusetuvastust ja juurdepääsu ilma pilveteenuse abi kasutamata. Proaktiivset lähenemist kasutatakse nii teenusetuvastuse ja arvutuse migratsiooni kui ka otsese uduteenuse pakkumise käigus, kiirendades arvutusühikute jaotusprotsessi ning parendadades arvutuste jaotust vastavalt käitusaegsele kontekstiinfole (nt. arvutusseadmete hetkevõimekus). Lisaks uuriti uduarvutuse rakendusviisi mobiilses sotsiaal–silmusvõrgustikus, tehes andmeedastuseks optimaalseima valiku vastavalt kuluefektiivsuse indeksile. Lähtudes katsetest nii päris seadmete kui simulaatoritega, viidi läbi käesoleva magistritöö komponentide kontseptuaalsete prototüüpide testhindamine.A common approach for many Internet of Things (IoT) and business applications is to rely on distant Cloud services for the processing of data. Several of these applications collect data from a multitude of proximity-based ubiquitous resources to provide various real-time services for their users. However, this has the downside of resulting in explicit latency of the result, being especially problematic when the application requires a rapid response in the edge network. Therefore, researchers have proposed the Fog computing architecture that distributes the computational data processing tasks to the edge network nodes located in the vicinity of the data sources and end-users, to reduce the latency. Although the Fog computing architecture is promising, it still faces challenges in many areas, especially when dealing with support for mobile users. Utilizing Fog for real-time mobile applications faces the new challenge of ensuring the seamless accessibility of Fog services on the move. Further, Fog computing also faces a challenge in mobility when the tasks originate from mobile ubiquitous applications in which the data sources are moving objects. In this thesis, a proactive approach for Fog computing is proposed, which supports proactive Fog service discovery and process migration using Mobile Ad hoc Social Network in proximity, enabling Fog-assisted ubiquitous service provisioning in proximity without distant Cloud services. Moreover, a proactive approach is also applied for the Fog service provisioning itself, in order to hasten the task distribution process in Mobile Fog use cases and provide an optimization scheme based on runtime context information. In addition, a case study regarding the usage of Fog Computing for the enhancement of Mobile Mesh Social Network was presented, along with a resource-aware Cost-Performance Index scheme to assist choosing the approach to be used for transmission of data. The proposed elements have been evaluated by utilizing a combination of real devices and simulators in order to provide proof-of-concept

    Analysis of sensory data using graph signal processing

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    Air pollution monitoring is an important topic that has been researched in the past few years thanks to the massive deployment of IoT platforms, as it affects the lives of both children and adults, and it kills millions of people worldwide every year. A new framework of tools called Graph Signal Processing was presented recently and it allows, among other things, the ability to predict data on a node that belongs to a network of sensors using both the data itself and the topology of the graph, which is based on the Laplacian matrix. This thesis is a comparative study on different prediction techniques for pollutant signals, such as Linear Combination, Multiple Linear Regression and GSP and it presents the results of all three methods in different scenarios, using RMSE and R2 indicators, and focusing the efforts on the understanding of how different parameters (such as the distance between nodes) affect the performances of these new tools. The results of the study show that pollutants O3 and NO2 are lowpass signals, and as the number of edges between nodes increases, GSP obtains a close performances to MRL. For PM10, we conclude that is not a low-pass signal, and the performance of the indicators drop massively compared with the previous ones. Linear combination is the worst of all three and MLR has a stable performance during all the scenarios

    Application of reinforcement learning with Q-learning for the routing in industrial wireless sensors networks

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    Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSN) usually have a centralized management approach, where a device known as Network Manager is responsible for the overall configuration, definition of routes, and allocation of communication resources. The routing algorithms need to ensure path redundancy while reducing latency, power consumption, and resource usage. Graph routing algorithms are used to address these requirements. The dynamicity of wireless networks has been a challenge for tuning and developing routing algorithms, and Machine Learning models such as Reinforcement Learning have been applied in a promising way in Wireless Sensor Networks to select, adapt and optimize routes. The basic concept of Reinforcement Learning is the existence of a learning agent that acts and changes the state of the environment, and receives rewards. However, the existing approaches do not meet some of the requirements of the IWSN standards. In this context, this thesis proposes the Q-Learning Reliable Routing approach, where the Q-Learning model is used to build graph routes. Two approaches are presented: QLRR-WA and QLRR-MA. QLRR-WA uses a learning agent that adjusts the weights of the cost equation of a state-of-the-art routing algorithm to reduce the latency and increase the network lifetime. QLRR-MA uses several learning agents so nodes can choose connections in the graph trying to reduce the latency. Other contributions of this thesis are the performance comparison of the state-of-the-art graph-routing algorithms and the evaluation methodology proposed. The QLRR algorithms were evaluated in a WirelessHART simulator, considering industrial monitoring applications with random topologies. The performance was analyzed considering the average network latency, network lifetime, packet delivery ratio and the reliability of the graphs. The results showed that, when compared to the state of the art, QLRR-WA reduced the average network latency and improved the lifetime while keeping high reliability, while QLRR-MA reduced latency and increased packet delivery ratio with a reduction in the network lifetime. These results indicate that Reinforcement Learning may be helpful to optimize and improve network performance.As Redes Industriais de Sensores Sem Fio (IWSN) geralmente têm uma abordagem de gerenciamento centralizado, onde um dispositivo conhecido como Gerenciador de Rede é responsável pela configuração geral, definição de rotas e alocação de recursos de comunicação. Os algoritmos de roteamento precisam garantir a redundância de caminhos para as mensagens, e também reduzir a latência, o consumo de energia e o uso de recursos. O roteamento por grafos é usado para alcançar estes requisitos. A dinamicidade das redes sem fio tem sido um desafio para o ajuste e o desenvolvimento de algoritmos de roteamento, e modelos de Aprendizado de Máquina como o Aprendizado por Reforço têm sido aplicados de maneira promissora nas Redes de Sensores Sem Fio para selecionar, adaptar e otimizar rotas. O conceito básico do Aprendizado por Reforço envolve a existência de um agente de aprendizado que atua em um ambiente, altera o estado do ambiente e recebe recompensas. No entanto, as abordagens existentes não atendem a alguns dos requisitos dos padrões das IWSN. Nesse contexto, esta tese propõe a abordagem Q-Learning Reliable Routing, onde o modelo Q-Learning é usado para construir os grafos de roteamento. Duas abordagens são propostas: QLRR-WA e QLRR-MA. A abordagem QLRR-WA utiliza um agente de aprendizado que ajusta os pesos da equação de custo de um algoritmo de roteamento de estado da arte, com o objetivo de reduzir a latência e aumentar a vida útil da rede. A abordagem QLRR-MA utiliza diversos agente de aprendizado de forma que cada dispositivo na rede pode escolher suas conexões tentando reduzir a latência. Outras contribuições desta tese são a comparação de desempenho das abordagens com os algoritmos de roteamento de estado da arte e a metodologia de avaliação proposta. As abordagens do QLRR foram avaliadas com um simulador WirelessHART, considerando aplicações de monitoramento industrial com diversas topologias. O desempenho foi analisado considerando a latência média da rede, o tempo de vida esperado da rede, a taxa de entrega de pacotes e a confiabilidade dos grafos. Os resultados mostraram que, quando comparado com o estado da arte, o QLRR-WA reduziu a latência média da rede e melhorou o tempo de vida esperado, mantendo alta confiabilidade, enquanto o QLRR-MA reduziu a latência e aumentou a taxa de entrega de pacotes, ao custo de uma redução no tempo de vida esperado da rede. Esses resultados indicam que o Aprendizado por Reforço pode ser útil para otimizar e melhorar o desempenho destas redes

    A Comprehensive Survey on Routing and Security in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks

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    With the continuous advances in mobile wirelesssensor networks (MWSNs), the research community hasresponded to the challenges and constraints in the design of thesenetworks by proposing efficient routing protocols that focus onparticular performance metrics such as residual energy utilization,mobility, topology, scalability, localization, data collection routing,Quality of Service (QoS), etc. In addition, the introduction ofmobility in WSN has brought new challenges for the routing,stability, security, and reliability of WSNs. Therefore, in thisarticle, we present a comprehensive and meticulous investigationin the routing protocols and security challenges in the theory ofMWSNs which was developed in recent years