87 research outputs found

    An extensive research survey on data integrity and deduplication towards privacy in cloud storage

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    Owing to the highly distributed nature of the cloud storage system, it is one of the challenging tasks to incorporate a higher degree of security towards the vulnerable data. Apart from various security concerns, data privacy is still one of the unsolved problems in this regards. The prime reason is that existing approaches of data privacy doesn't offer data integrity and secure data deduplication process at the same time, which is highly essential to ensure a higher degree of resistance against all form of dynamic threats over cloud and internet systems. Therefore, data integrity, as well as data deduplication is such associated phenomena which influence data privacy. Therefore, this manuscript discusses the explicit research contribution toward data integrity, data privacy, and data deduplication. The manuscript also contributes towards highlighting the potential open research issues followed by a discussion of the possible future direction of work towards addressing the existing problems

    Secure and efficient storage of multimedia: content in public cloud environments using joint compression and encryption

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    The Cloud Computing is a paradigm still with many unexplored areas ranging from the technological component to the de nition of new business models, but that is revolutionizing the way we design, implement and manage the entire infrastructure of information technology. The Infrastructure as a Service is the delivery of computing infrastructure, typically a virtual data center, along with a set of APIs that allow applications, in an automatic way, can control the resources they wish to use. The choice of the service provider and how it applies to their business model may lead to higher or lower cost in the operation and maintenance of applications near the suppliers. In this sense, this work proposed to carry out a literature review on the topic of Cloud Computing, secure storage and transmission of multimedia content, using lossless compression, in public cloud environments, and implement this system by building an application that manages data in public cloud environments (dropbox and meocloud). An application was built during this dissertation that meets the objectives set. This system provides the user a wide range of functions of data management in public cloud environments, for that the user only have to login to the system with his/her credentials, after performing the login, through the Oauth 1.0 protocol (authorization protocol) is generated an access token, this token is generated only with the consent of the user and allows the application to get access to data/user les without having to use credentials. With this token the framework can now operate and unlock the full potential of its functions. With this application is also available to the user functions of compression and encryption so that user can make the most of his/her cloud storage system securely. The compression function works using the compression algorithm LZMA being only necessary for the user to choose the les to be compressed. Relatively to encryption it will be used the encryption algorithm AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) that works with a 128 bit symmetric key de ned by user. We build the research into two distinct and complementary parts: The rst part consists of the theoretical foundation and the second part is the development of computer application where the data is managed, compressed, stored, transmitted in various environments of cloud computing. The theoretical framework is organized into two chapters, chapter 2 - Background on Cloud Storage and chapter 3 - Data compression. Sought through theoretical foundation demonstrate the relevance of the research, convey some of the pertinent theories and input whenever possible, research in the area. The second part of the work was devoted to the development of the application in cloud environment. We showed how we generated the application, presented the features, advantages, and safety standards for the data. Finally, we re ect on the results, according to the theoretical framework made in the rst part and platform development. We think that the work obtained is positive and that ts the goals we set ourselves to achieve. This research has some limitations, we believe that the time for completion was scarce and the implementation of the platform could bene t from the implementation of other features.In future research it would be appropriate to continue the project expanding the capabilities of the application, test the operation with other users and make comparative tests.A Computação em nuvem é um paradigma ainda com muitas áreas por explorar que vão desde a componente tecnológica à definição de novos modelos de negócio, mas que está a revolucionar a forma como projetamos, implementamos e gerimos toda a infraestrutura da tecnologia da informação. A Infraestrutura como Serviço representa a disponibilização da infraestrutura computacional, tipicamente um datacenter virtual, juntamente com um conjunto de APls que permitirá que aplicações, de forma automática, possam controlar os recursos que pretendem utilizar_ A escolha do fornecedor de serviços e a forma como este aplica o seu modelo de negócio poderão determinar um maior ou menor custo na operacionalização e manutenção das aplicações junto dos fornecedores. Neste sentido, esta dissertação propôs· se efetuar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a temática da Computação em nuvem, a transmissão e o armazenamento seguro de conteúdos multimédia, utilizando a compressão sem perdas, em ambientes em nuvem públicos, e implementar um sistema deste tipo através da construção de uma aplicação que faz a gestão dos dados em ambientes de nuvem pública (dropbox e meocloud). Foi construída uma aplicação no decorrer desta dissertação que vai de encontro aos objectivos definidos. Este sistema fornece ao utilizador uma variada gama de funções de gestão de dados em ambientes de nuvem pública, para isso o utilizador tem apenas que realizar o login no sistema com as suas credenciais, após a realização de login, através do protocolo Oauth 1.0 (protocolo de autorização) é gerado um token de acesso, este token só é gerado com o consentimento do utilizador e permite que a aplicação tenha acesso aos dados / ficheiros do utilizador ~em que seja necessário utilizar as credenciais. Com este token a aplicação pode agora operar e disponibilizar todo o potencial das suas funções. Com esta aplicação é também disponibilizado ao utilizador funções de compressão e encriptação de modo a que possa usufruir ao máximo do seu sistema de armazenamento cloud com segurança. A função de compressão funciona utilizando o algoritmo de compressão LZMA sendo apenas necessário que o utilizador escolha os ficheiros a comprimir. Relativamente à cifragem utilizamos o algoritmo AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) que funciona com uma chave simétrica de 128bits definida pelo utilizador. Alicerçámos a investigação em duas partes distintas e complementares: a primeira parte é composta pela fundamentação teórica e a segunda parte consiste no desenvolvimento da aplicação informática em que os dados são geridos, comprimidos, armazenados, transmitidos em vários ambientes de computação em nuvem. A fundamentação teórica encontra-se organizada em dois capítulos, o capítulo 2 - "Background on Cloud Storage" e o capítulo 3 "Data Compression", Procurámos, através da fundamentação teórica, demonstrar a pertinência da investigação. transmitir algumas das teorias pertinentes e introduzir, sempre que possível, investigações existentes na área. A segunda parte do trabalho foi dedicada ao desenvolvimento da aplicação em ambiente "cloud". Evidenciámos o modo como gerámos a aplicação, apresentámos as funcionalidades, as vantagens. Por fim, refletimos sobre os resultados , de acordo com o enquadramento teórico efetuado na primeira parte e o desenvolvimento da plataforma. Pensamos que o trabalho obtido é positivo e que se enquadra nos objetivos que nos propusemos atingir. Este trabalho de investigação apresenta algumas limitações, consideramos que o tempo para a sua execução foi escasso e a implementação da plataforma poderia beneficiar com a implementação de outras funcionalidades. Em investigações futuras seria pertinente dar continuidade ao projeto ampliando as potencialidades da aplicação, testar o funcionamento com outros utilizadores e efetuar testes comparativos.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Cloud-Based Software Engineering : Proceedings of the Seminar No. 58312107

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    The seminar on cloud-based software engineering in 2013 covered many interesting topics related to cloud computing and software engineering. These proceedings focus on decision support for moving to the cloud, on opportunities that cloud computing provides to software engineering, and on security aspects that are associated to cloud computing. Moving to the Cloud – Options, Criteria, and Decision Making: Cloud computing can enable or facilitate software engineering activities through the use of computational, storage and other resources over the network. Organizations and individuals interested in cloud computing must balance the potential benefits and risks which are associated with cloud computing. It might not always be worthwhile to transfer existing services and content to external or internal, public or private clouds for a number of reasons. Standardized information and metrics from the cloud service providers may help to make the decision which provider to choose. Care should be taken when making the decision as switching from one service provider to another can be burdensome due to the incompatibilities between the providers. Hardware in data centers is not infallible: the equipment that powers cloud computing services is as prone to failure as any computing equipment put to high stress which can have an effect on the availability of services. Software Engineering – New Opportunities with the Cloud: Public and private clouds can be platforms for the services produced by parties but the cloud computing resources and services can be helpful during software development as well. Tasks like testing or compiling - which might take a long time to complete on a single, local, workstation - can be shifted to run on network resources for improved efficiency. Collaborative tools that take advantage of some of the features of cloud computing can also potentially boost communication in software development projects spread across the globe. Security in the Cloud – Overview and Recommendations: In an environment where the resources can be shared with other parties and controlled by a third party, security is one matter that needs to be addressed. Without encryption, the data stored in third-party-owned network storage is vulnerable and thus secure mechanisms are needed to keep the data safe. The student seminar was held during the 2013 spring semester, from January 16th to May 24th, at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Helsinki. There were a total of 16 papers in the seminar of which 11 were selected for the proceedings based on the suitability to the three themes. In some cases, papers were excluded in order to be published elsewhere. A full list of all the seminar papers can be found from the appendix. We wish you to have an interesting and enjoyable reading experience with the proceedings


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    Organizations increasingly utilize cloud computing architectures to reduce costs and en- ergy consumption both in the data warehouse and on mobile devices by better utilizing the computing resources available. However, the security and privacy issues with publicly available cloud computing infrastructures have not been studied to a sufficient depth for or- ganizations and individuals to be fully informed of the risks; neither are private nor public clouds prepared to properly secure their connections as middle-men between mobile de- vices which use encryption and external data providers which neglect to encrypt their data. Furthermore, cloud computing providers are not well informed of the risks associated with policy and techniques they could implement to mitigate those risks. In this dissertation, we present a new layered understanding of public cloud comput- ing. On the high level, we concentrate on the overall architecture and how information is processed and transmitted. The key idea is to secure information from outside attack and monitoring. We use techniques such as separating virtual machine roles, re-spawning virtual machines in high succession, and cryptography-based access control to achieve a high-level assurance of public cloud computing security and privacy. On the low level, we explore security and privacy issues on the memory management level. We present a mechanism for the prevention of automatic virtual machine memory guessing attacks

    Development of a software infrastructure for the secure distribution of documents using free cloud storage

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    El siglo XXI pertenece al mundo de la computación especialmente como resultado de la computación en la nube. Esta tecnología posibilita la gestión de información de modo ubicuo, por lo que las personas pueden acceder a sus datos desde cualquier sitio y en cualquier momento. En este panorama, la emergencia del almacenamiento en la nube ha tenido un rol muy importante durante los últimos cinco años. Actualmente, varios servicios gratuitos de almacenamiento en la nube hacen posible que los usuarios tengan un backup sin coste de sus activos, pudiendo gestionarlos y compartirlos, representando una oportunidad muy económica para pequeñas y medianas empresas. Sin embargo, la adopción del almacenamiento en la nube involucra la externalización de datos, por lo que un usuario no tiene la garantía sobre la forma en la que sus datos serían procesados y protegidos. Por tanto, parece necesario el dotar al almacenamiento en la nube pública de una serie de medidas para proteger la confidencialidad y la privacidad de los usuarios, asegurar la integridad de los datos y garantizar un backup adecuado de los activos de información. Por esta razón, se propone en este trabajo Encrypted Cloud, una aplicación de escritorio funcional en Windows y en Ubuntu, que gestiona de forma transparente para el usuario una cantidad variable de directorios locales donde los usuarios pueden depositar sus ficheros de forma encriptada y balanceada. De hecho, se podrá seleccionar las carpetas locales creadas por la aplicación de escritorio de Dropbox o Google Drive como directorios locales para Encrypted Cloud, unificando el espacio de almacenamiento gratuito ofrecido por estos proveedores cloud. Además, Encrypted Cloud permite compartir ficheros encriptados con otros usuarios, usando para ello un protocolo propio de distribución de claves criptográficas simétricas. Destacar que, entre otras funcionalidades, también dispone de un servicio que monitoriza aquellos ficheros que han sido eliminados o movidos por una tercera parte no autorizada.The 21st century belongs to the world of computing, specially as a result of the socalled cloud computing. This technology enables ubiquitous information management and thus people can access all their data from any place and at any time. In this landscape, the emergence of cloud storage has had an important role in the last ve years. Nowadays, several free public cloud storage services make it possible for users to have a free backup of their assets and to manage and share them, representing a lowcost opportunity for Small and Medium Companies (SMEs). However, the adoption of cloud storage involves data outsourcing, so a user does not have the guarantee about the way her data will be processed and protected. Therefore, it seems necessary to endow public cloud storage with a set of means to protect users' con dentiality and privacy, to assess data integrity and to guarantee a proper backup of information assets. For this reason, in this work it is proposed Encrypted Cloud, a desktop application which works on Windows and Ubuntu, and that manages transparently to the user a variable amount of local directories in which the users can place their les in an encrypted and balanced way. Therefore, the user could choose the local folders created by the Dropbox or Google Drive desktop application as local directories for Encrypted Cloud, unifying the free storage space o ered by these cloud providers. In addition, Encrypted Cloud allows to share encrypted les with other users, using for this our own cryptographic key distribution protocol. Note that, among other functionalities, it also has a service that monitors those les which are deleted or moved by an unauthorised third party

    Data security in cloud storage services

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    Cloud Computing is considered to be the next-generation architecture for ICT where it moves the application software and databases to the centralized large data centers. It aims to offer elastic IT services where clients can benefit from significant cost savings of the pay-per-use model and can easily scale up or down, and do not have to make large investments in new hardware. However, the management of the data and services in this cloud model is under the control of the provider. Consequently, the cloud clients have less control over their outsourced data and they have to trust cloud service provider to protect their data and infrastructure from both external and internal attacks. This is especially true with cloud storage services. Nowadays, users rely on cloud storage as it offers cheap and unlimited data storage that is available for use by multiple devices (e.g. smart phones, tablets, notebooks, etc.). Besides famous cloud storage providers, such as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, more and more third-party cloud storage service providers are emerging. These services are dedicated to offering more accessible and user friendly storage services to cloud customers. Examples of these services include Dropbox, Box.net, Sparkleshare, UbuntuOne or JungleDisk. These cloud storage services deliver a very simple interface on top of the cloud storage provided by storage service providers. File and folder synchronization between different machines, sharing files and folders with other users, file versioning as well as automated backups are the key functionalities of these emerging cloud storage services. Cloud storage services have changed the way users manage and interact with data outsourced to public providers. With these services, multiple subscribers can collaboratively work and share data without concerns about their data consistency, availability and reliability. Although these cloud storage services offer attractive features, many customers have not adopted these services. Since data stored in these services is under the control of service providers resulting in confidentiality and security concerns and risks. Therefore, using cloud storage services for storing valuable data depends mainly on whether the service provider can offer sufficient security and assurance to meet client requirements. From the way most cloud storage services are constructed, we can notice that these storage services do not provide users with sufficient levels of security leading to an inherent risk on users\u27 data from external and internal attacks. These attacks take the form of: data exposure (lack of data confidentiality); data tampering (lack of data integrity); and denial of data (lack of data availability) by third parties on the cloud or by the cloud provider himself. Therefore, the cloud storage services should ensure the data confidentiality in the following state: data in motion (while transmitting over networks), data at rest (when stored at provider\u27s disks). To address the above concerns, confidentiality and access controllability of outsourced data with strong cryptographic guarantee should be maintained. To ensure data confidentiality in public cloud storage services, data should be encrypted data before it is outsourced to these services. Although, users can rely on client side cloud storage services or software encryption tools for encrypting user\u27s data; however, many of these services fail to achieve data confidentiality. Box, for example, does not encrypt user files via SSL and within Box servers. Client side cloud storage services can intentionally/unintentionally disclose user decryption keys to its provider. In addition, some cloud storage services support convergent encryption for encrypting users\u27 data exposing it to “confirmation of a file attack. On the other hand, software encryption tools use full-disk encryption (FDE) which is not feasible for cloud-based file sharing services, because it encrypts the data as virtual hard disks. Although encryption can ensure data confidentiality; however, it fails to achieve fine-grained access control over outsourced data. Since, public cloud storage services are managed by un-trusted cloud service provider, secure and efficient fine-grained access control cannot be realized through these services as these policies are managed by storage services that have full control over the sharing process. Therefore, there is not any guarantee that they will provide good means for efficient and secure sharing and they can also deduce confidential information about the outsourced data and users\u27 personal information. In this work, we would like to improve the currently employed security measures for securing data in cloud store services. To achieve better data confidentiality for data stored in the cloud without relying on cloud service providers (CSPs) or putting any burden on users, in this thesis, we designed a secure cloud storage system framework that simultaneously achieves data confidentiality, fine-grained access control on encrypted data and scalable user revocation. This framework is built on a third part trusted (TTP) service that can be employed either locally on users\u27 machine or premises, or remotely on top of cloud storage services. This service shall encrypts users data before uploading it to the cloud and decrypts it after downloading from the cloud; therefore, it remove the burden of storing, managing and maintaining encryption/decryption keys from data owner\u27s. In addition, this service only retains user\u27s secret key(s) not data. Moreover, to ensure high security for these keys, it stores them on hardware device. Furthermore, this service combines multi-authority ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) and attribute-based Signature (ABS) for achieving many-read-many-write fine-grained data access control on storage services. Moreover, it efficiently revokes users\u27 privileges without relying on the data owner for re-encrypting massive amounts of data and re-distributing the new keys to the authorized users. It removes the heavy computation of re-encryption from users and delegates this task to the cloud service provider (CSP) proxy servers. These proxy servers achieve flexible and efficient re-encryption without revealing underlying data to the cloud. In our designed architecture, we addressed the problem of ensuring data confidentiality against cloud and against accesses beyond authorized rights. To resolve these issues, we designed a trusted third party (TTP) service that is in charge of storing data in an encrypted format in the cloud. To improve the efficiency of the designed architecture, the service allows the users to choose the level of severity of the data and according to this level different encryption algorithms are employed. To achieve many-read-many-write fine grained access control, we merge two algorithms (multi-authority ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption (MA- CP-ABE) and attribute-based Signature (ABS)). Moreover, we support two levels of revocation: user and attribute revocation so that we can comply with the collaborative environment. Last but not least, we validate the effectiveness of our design by carrying out a detailed security analysis. This analysis shall prove the correctness of our design in terms of data confidentiality each stage of user interaction with the cloud

    Secure Decentralized IoT Service Platform using Consortium Blockchain

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    Blockchain technology has gained increasing popularity in the research of Internet of Things (IoT) systems in the past decade. As a distributed and immutable ledger secured by strong cryptography algorithms, the blockchain brings a new perspective to secure IoT systems. Many studies have been devoted to integrating blockchain into IoT device management, access control, data integrity, security, and privacy. In comparison, the blockchain-facilitated IoT communication is much less studied. Nonetheless, we see the potential of blockchain in decentralizing and securing IoT communications. This paper proposes an innovative IoT service platform powered by consortium blockchain technology. The presented solution abstracts machine-to-machine (M2M) and human-to-machine (H2M) communications into services provided by IoT devices. Then, it materializes data exchange of the IoT network through smart contracts and blockchain transactions. Additionally, we introduce the auxiliary storage layer to the proposed platform to address various data storage requirements. Our proof-of-concept implementation is tested against various workloads and connection sizes under different block configurations to evaluate the platform's transaction throughput, latency, and hardware utilization. The experiment results demonstrate that our solution can maintain high performance under most testing scenarios and provide valuable insights on optimizing the blockchain configuration to achieve the best performance