2,910 research outputs found

    Towards low cost prototyping of mobile opportunistic disconnection tolerant networks and systems

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    Fast emerging mobile edge computing, mobile clouds, Internet of Things (IoT) and cyber physical systems require many novel realistic real time multi-layer algorithms for a wide range of domains, such as intelligent content provision and processing, smart transport, smart manufacturing systems and mobile end user applications. This paper proposes a low cost open source platform, MODiToNeS, which uses commodity hardware to support prototyping and testing of fully distributed multi-layer complex algorithms over real world (or pseudo real) traces. MODiToNeS platform is generic and comprises multiple interfaces that allow real time topology and mobility control, deployment and analysis of different self-organised and self-adaptive routing algorithms, real time content processing, and real time environment sensing with predictive analytics. Our platform also allows rich interactivity with the user. We show deployment and analysis of two vastly different complex networking systems: fault and disconnection aware smart manufacturing sensor network and cognitive privacy for personal clouds. We show that our platform design can integrate both contexts transparently and organically and allows a wide range of analysis

    Let Opportunistic Crowdsensors Work Together for Resource-efficient, Quality-aware Observations

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    International audienceOpportunistic crowdsensing empowers citizens carrying hand-held devices to sense physical phenomena of common interest at a large and fine-grained scale without requiring the citizens' active involvement. However, the resulting uncontrolled collection and upload of the massive amount of contributed raw data incur significant resource consumption, from the end device to the server, as well as challenge the quality of the collected observations. This paper tackles both challenges raised by opportunistic crowdsensing, that is, enabling the resource-efficient gathering of relevant observations. To achieve so, we introduce the BeTogether middleware fostering context-aware, collaborative crowdsensing at the edge so that co-located crowdsensors operating in the same context, group together to share the work load in a cost- and quality-effective way. We evaluate the proposed solution using an implementation-driven evaluation that leverages a dataset embedding nearly 1 million entries contributed by 550 crowdsensors over a year. Results show that BeTogether increases the quality of the collected data while reducing the overall resource cost compared to the cloud-centric approach

    Mobiilse värkvõrgu protsessihaldus

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    Värkvõrk, ehk Asjade Internet (Internet of Things, lüh IoT) edendab lahendusi nagu nn tark linn, kus meid igapäevaselt ümbritsevad objektid on ühendatud infosüsteemidega ja ka üksteisega. Selliseks näiteks võib olla teekatete seisukorra monitoorimissüsteem. Võrku ühendatud sõidukitelt (nt bussidelt) kogutakse videomaterjali, mida seejärel töödeldakse, et tuvastada löökauke või lume kogunemist. Tavaliselt hõlmab selline lahendus keeruka tsentraalse süsteemi ehitamist. Otsuste langetamiseks (nt milliseid sõidukeid parasjagu protsessi kaasata) vajab keskne süsteem pidevat ühendust kõigi IoT seadmetega. Seadmete hulga kasvades võib keskne lahendus aga muutuda pudelikaelaks. Selliste protsesside disaini, haldust, automatiseerimist ja seiret hõlbustavad märkimisväärselt äriprotsesside halduse (Business Process Management, lüh BPM) valdkonna standardid ja tööriistad. Paraku ei ole BPM tehnoloogiad koheselt kasutatavad uute paradigmadega nagu Udu- ja Servaarvutus, mis tuleviku värkvõrgu jaoks vajalikud on. Nende puhul liigub suur osa otsustustest ja arvutustest üksikutest andmekeskustest servavõrgu seadmetele, mis asuvad lõppkasutajatele ja IoT seadmetele lähemal. Videotöötlust võiks teostada mini-andmekeskustes, mis on paigaldatud üle linna, näiteks bussipeatustesse. Arvestades IoT seadmete üha suurenevat hulka, vähendab selline koormuse jaotamine vähendab riski, et tsentraalne andmekeskust ülekoormamist. Doktoritöö uurib, kuidas mobiilsusega seonduvaid IoT protsesse taoliselt ümber korraldada, kohanedes pidevalt muutlikule, liikuvate seadmetega täidetud servavõrgule. Nimelt on ühendused katkendlikud, mistõttu otsuste langetus ja planeerimine peavad arvestama muuhulgas mobiilseadmete liikumistrajektoore. Töö raames valminud prototüüpe testiti Android seadmetel ja simulatsioonides. Lisaks valmis tööriistakomplekt STEP-ONE, mis võimaldab teadlastel hõlpsalt simuleerida ja analüüsida taolisi probleeme erinevais realistlikes stsenaariumites nagu seda on tark linn.The Internet of Things (IoT) promotes solutions such as a smart city, where everyday objects connect with info systems and each other. One example is a road condition monitoring system, where connected vehicles, such as buses, capture video, which is then processed to detect potholes and snow build-up. Building such a solution typically involves establishing a complex centralised system. The centralised approach may become a bottleneck as the number of IoT devices keeps growing. It relies on constant connectivity to all involved devices to make decisions, such as which vehicles to involve in the process. Designing, automating, managing, and monitoring such processes can greatly be supported using the standards and software systems provided by the field of Business Process Management (BPM). However, BPM techniques are not directly applicable to new computing paradigms, such as Fog Computing and Edge Computing, on which the future of IoT relies. Here, a lot of decision-making and processing is moved from central data-centers to devices in the network edge, near the end-users and IoT sensors. For example, video could be processed in mini-datacenters deployed throughout the city, e.g., at bus stops. This load distribution reduces the risk of the ever-growing number of IoT devices overloading the data center. This thesis studies how to reorganise the process execution in this decentralised fashion, where processes must dynamically adapt to the volatile edge environment filled with moving devices. Namely, connectivity is intermittent, so decision-making and planning need to involve factors such as the movement trajectories of mobile devices. We examined this issue in simulations and with a prototype for Android smartphones. We also showcase the STEP-ONE toolset, allowing researchers to conveniently simulate and analyse these issues in different realistic scenarios, such as those in a smart city.  https://www.ester.ee/record=b552551

    Collaborative Edge Computing in Mobile Internet of Things

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    The proliferation of Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices has opened a plethora of opportunities for smart networking, connected applications and data driven intelligence. The large distribution of IoT devices within a finite geographical area and the pervasiveness of wireless networking present an opportunity for such devices to collaborate. Centralized decision systems have so far dominated the field, but they are starting to lose relevance in the wake of heterogeneity of the device pool. This thesis is driven by three key hypothesis: (i) In solving complex problems, it is possible to harness unused compute capabilities of the device pool instead of always relying on centralized infrastructures; (ii) When possible, collaborating with neighbors to identify security threats scales well in large environments; (iii) Given the abundance of data from a large pool of devices with possible privacy constraints, collaborative learning drives scalable intelligence. This dissertation defines three frameworks for these hypotheses; collaborative computing, collaborative security and collaborative privacy intelligence. The first framework, Opportunistic collaboration among IoT devices for workload execution, profiles applications and matches resource grants to requests using blockchain to put excess capacity at the edge to good use. The evaluation results show app execution latency comparable to the centralized edge and an outstanding resource utilization at the edge. The second framework, Integrity Threat Identification for Distributed IoT, uses a new spatio-temporal algorithm, based on Local Outlier Factor (LOF) uniquely using mean and variance collaboratively across spatial and temporal dimensions to identify potential threats. Evaluation results on real world underground sensor dataset (Thoreau) show good accuracy and efficiency. The third frame- work, Collaborative Privacy Intelligence, aims to understand privacy invasion by reverse engineering a user’s privacy model using sensors data, and score the level of intrusion for various dimensions of privacy. By having sensors track activities, and learning rule books from the collective insights, we are able to predict ones privacy attributes and states, with reasonable accuracy. As the Edge gains more prominence with computation moving closer to the data source, the above frameworks will drive key solutions and research in areas of Edge federation and collaboration