161 research outputs found

    IoT-enabled water distribution systems - a comparative technological review

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    Water distribution systems are one of the critical infrastructures and major assets of the water utility in a nation. The infrastructure of the distribution systems consists of resources, treatment plants, reservoirs, distribution lines, and consumers. A sustainable water distribution network management has to take care of accessibility, quality, quantity, and reliability of water. As water is becoming a depleting resource for the coming decades, the regulation and accounting of the water in terms of the above four parameters is a critical task. There have been many efforts towards the establishment of a monitoring and controlling framework, capable of automating various stages of the water distribution processes. The current trending technologies such as Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Internet of Things (IoT), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have the potential to track this spatially varying network to collect, process, and analyze the water distribution network attributes and events. In this work, we investigate the role and scope of the IoT technologies in different stages of the water distribution systems. Our survey covers the state-of-the-art monitoring and control systems for the water distribution networks, and the status of IoT architectures for water distribution networks. We explore the existing water distribution systems, providing the necessary background information on the current status. This work also presents an IoT Architecture for Intelligent Water Networks - IoTA4IWNet, for real-time monitoring and control of water distribution networks. We believe that to build a robust water distribution network, these components need to be designed and implemented effectively

    WiMAX-WiFi techniques for baseband convergence and routing protocols

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    The focus of this study was to investigate solutions that, when implemented in any heterogeneous wireless network, shall enhance the existing standard and routing protocol connectivity without impacting the standard or changing the wireless transceiver’s functions. Thus achieving efficient interoperability at much reduced overheads. The techniques proposed in this research are centred on the lower layers. This because of the facts that WiMax and WiFi standards have not addressed the backward compatibility of the two technologies at the MAC and PHY layers, for both the baseband functions as well as the routing IP addresses. This thesis describes two innovate techniques submitted for a PhD degree. The first technique is to combine WiMax and WiFi signals so to utilise the same "baseband implementation chain" to handle both of these technologies, thus insuring ubiquitous data communication. WiMax-WiFi Baseband Convergence (W2BC) implementation is proposed to offer an optimum configurable solution targeted at combining the 802.16d WiMax and the 802.11a WiFi technologies. This approach provides a fertile ground for future work into combining more OFDM based wireless technologies. Based on analysis and simulation, the W2BC can achieve saving in device cost, size, power consumption and implementation complexity when compared to current side-by-side implementations for these two technologies. The second technique, called "Prime-IP", can be implemented with, and enhance, any routing protocol. During the route discovery process, Prime-IP enables any node on a wireless mesh network (WMN) to dynamically select the best available route on the network. Prime-IP proposes a novel recursive process, based on prime numbers addressing, to accumulate knowledge for nodes beyond the “neighbouring nodes”, and to determine the sequence of all the “intermediate nodes” used to form the rout

    Preprocessing Solutions for Telecommunication Specific Big Data Use Cases

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    Big data is becoming important in mobile data analytics. The increase of networked devices and applications means that more data is being collected than ever before. All this has led to an explosion of data which is providing new opportunities to business and science. Data analysis can be divided in two steps, namely preprocessing and actual processing. Successful analysis requires advanced preprocessing capabilities. Functional needs for preprocessing include support of many data types and integration to many systems, fit for both off-line and on-line data analysis, filtering out unnecessary information, handling missing data, anonymization, and merging multiple data sets together. As a part of the thesis, 20 experts were interviewed to shed understanding on big data, its use cases, data preprocessing, feature requirements and available tools. This thesis investigates on what is big data, and how the organizations, especially telecommunications industry can gain benefit out of it. Furthermore, preprocessing as a part of value chain is presented and the preprocessing requirements are sorted. Finally, The available data analysis tools are surveyed and tested to find out the most suitable preprocessing solution. This study presents two findings as results. Firstly, it identifies the potential big data use cases and corresponding functional requirements for telecom industry based on literature review and conducted interviews. Secondly, this study distinguishes two most promising tools for big data preprocessing based on the functional requirements, preliminary testing and hands-on testing

    Intelligent Circuits and Systems

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    ICICS-2020 is the third conference initiated by the School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Lovely Professional University that explored recent innovations of researchers working for the development of smart and green technologies in the fields of Energy, Electronics, Communications, Computers, and Control. ICICS provides innovators to identify new opportunities for the social and economic benefits of society.  This conference bridges the gap between academics and R&D institutions, social visionaries, and experts from all strata of society to present their ongoing research activities and foster research relations between them. It provides opportunities for the exchange of new ideas, applications, and experiences in the field of smart technologies and finding global partners for future collaboration. The ICICS-2020 was conducted in two broad categories, Intelligent Circuits & Intelligent Systems and Emerging Technologies in Electrical Engineering

    Internet of Things From Hype to Reality

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has gained significant mindshare, let alone attention, in academia and the industry especially over the past few years. The reasons behind this interest are the potential capabilities that IoT promises to offer. On the personal level, it paints a picture of a future world where all the things in our ambient environment are connected to the Internet and seamlessly communicate with each other to operate intelligently. The ultimate goal is to enable objects around us to efficiently sense our surroundings, inexpensively communicate, and ultimately create a better environment for us: one where everyday objects act based on what we need and like without explicit instructions

    Annotating and abstracting the english text

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    Даний посібник призначений для аспірантів, магістрів і студентів, що бажають навчитися складати англійською мовою анотації і реферати до статей за своєю спеціальністю. Мета посібника – навчити студентів і аспірантів розуміти зміст науково-популярних і технічних текстів і викладати зміст прочитаного у вигляді реферату або анотації. А також навчити їх користуватися лексико-синтаксичними кліше, найбільш характерними для мови певної галузі

    Holistic security 4.0

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    The future computer climate will represent an ever more aligned world of integrating technologies, affecting consumer, business and industry sectors. The vision was first outlined in the Industry 4.0 conception. The elements which comprise smart systems or embedded devices have been investigated to determine the technological climate. The emerging technologies revolve around core concepts, and specifically in this project, the uses of Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Internet of Everything (IoE). The application of bare metal and logical technology qualities are put under the microscope to provide an effective blue print of the technological field. The systems and governance surrounding smart systems are also examined. Such an approach helps to explain the beneficial or negative elements of smart devices. Consequently, this ensures a comprehensive review of standards, laws, policy and guidance to enable security and cybersecurity of the 4.0 systems

    CIB W115 Green Design Conference:Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 27 - 30 September 2012

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    Animal Welfare Assessment

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    This Special Issue provides a collection of recent research and reviews that investigate many areas of welfare assessment, such as novel approaches and technologies used to evaluate the welfare of farmed, captive, or wild animals. Research in this Special Issue includes welfare assessment related to pilot whales, finishing pigs, commercial turkey flocks, and dairy goats; the use of sensors or wearable technologies, such as heart rate monitors to assess sleep in dairy cows, ear tag sensors, and machine learning to assess commercial pig behaviour; non-invasive measures, such as video monitoring of behaviour, computer vision to analyse video footage of red foxes, remote camera traps of free-roaming wild horses, infrared thermography of effort and sport recovery in sport horses; telomere length and regulatory genes as novel biomarkers of stress in broiler chickens; the effect of environment on growth physiology and behaviour of laboratory rare minnows and housing system on anxiety, stress, fear, and immune function of laying hens; and discussions of natural behaviour in farm animal welfare and maintaining health, welfare, and productivity of commercial pig herds