9 research outputs found

    Método para implementação de inspecção dimensional e geométrica num circuito fechado de fabrico

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    Os avanços no fabrico têm promovido progressos em diferentes áreas como a aeronáutica, robótica e produção, mas há questões relevantes que impedem estar na vanguarda da integração. Para responder aos desafios da quarta revolução industrial, o fabrico necessita de mudanças no tratamento e processamento da informação. Este artigo apresenta um método de implementação de um sistema integrado CAD/CAPP/CAIP/CAM/CNC/CAI (Computer Aided Design, Process Planning, Inspection Planning, Computer Aided Manufacturing and Inspection) aderindo à norma ISO 10303. Os recursos integrados nos protocolos de aplicação AP238 e AP219 são utilizados para apoiar o fabrico em circuito fechado e os resultados da inspecção de feedback. O fluxo de informação e as actividades funcionais necessárias para a integração são expostas com o modelo funcional AAM (Application Activity Model) e o modelo de referência ARM (Application Reference Model) criados no IDEF0 (Integration DEFinition language 0) e na linguagem EXPRESS. O artigo define a forma de integrar o sistema de fabrico e inspecção em circuito fechado.Avances en la manufactura han promovido progresos en diferentes áreas como aeronáutica, robótica y producción, pero existen cuestiones relevantes que impiden estar a la vanguardia en materia de integración. Para atender los desafíos que propone la cuarta revolución industrial, la manufactura necesita de cambios en el manejo y tratamiento de la información. En este artículo se expone un método para implementar un sistema integrado CAD/CAPP/CAIP/CAM/CNC/CAI (Diseño, Planeamiento de procesos, Planeamiento de inspección, Manufactura e Inspección asistidas por computador) adherente al estándar ISO 10303. Los recursos integrados en los protocolos de aplicación AP238 y AP219 son usados para soportar el lazo cerrado de manufactura y retroalimentar los resultados de inspección. El flujo de información y las actividades funcionales requeridas para la integración son expuestas con el modelo funcional AAM (Application Activity Model) y modelo de referencia ARM (Application Reference Model) creados en IDEF0 (Integration DEFinition language 0) y lenguaje EXPRESS. El artículo define el camino para integrar el sistema de manufactura e inspección en lazo cerrado

    Influence of the ratio on the mechanical properties of epoxy resin composite with diapers waste as fillers for partition panel application

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    Materials play significant role in the domestic economy and defense with the fast growth of science and technology field. New materials are the core of fresh technologies and the three pillars of modern science and technology are materials science, power technology and data science. The prior properties of the partition panel by using recycled diapers waste depend on the origin of waste deposits and its chemical constituents. This study presents the influence of the ratio on the mechanical properties of polymer in diapers waste reinforced with binder matrix for partition panel application. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of different ratio of diapers waste polymer reinforced epoxy-matrix with regards to mechanical properties and morphology analysis. The polymer includes polypropylene, polystyrene, polyethylene and superabsorbent polymer (SAP) were used as reinforcing material. The tensile and bending resistance for ratio of 0.4 diapers waste polymers indicated the optimum ratio for fabricating the partition panel. Samples with 0.4 ratios of diapers waste polymers have highest stiffness of elasticity reading with 76.06 MPa. A correlation between the micro structural analysis using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the mechanical properties of the material has been discussed

    CAD/CAM/CNC of dies for car alloy wheels and golf clubs

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    This paper presents 3D solid feature based modelling of a new design of a car alloy wheel derived from the ball pattern of the World Cup 2006 and golf clubs using a CAD system. Finite Element Analysis was applied to improve the new designs. Their dies were extracted from the parts/assemblies. The dies were scaled down to 20% of their original size using the CAD system, and these models were transferred into a CAM system. The machining processes were simulated for a three axis CNC mill controller using the CAM system. The tool paths were produced and the CNC programmes were generated by the modified postprocessor for controlling the CNC machine. The models of the dies of the new car alloy wheel and the golf clubs were produced using the modified CNC programmes with accurate shapes and reasonable surface finish. There is good potential for die making markets and industrial developments

    Conceptual framework for closed-loop inspection based on the coordinate measurement technology adherent to STEP-NC

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    Tese (doutorado) — Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2021.As demandas por qualidade e produtividade na fabricação de peças com especificações de projeto com- plexas representam novos desafios para os processos de fabricação e sistemas de inspeção de qualidade. Os desafios são coletar, processar, transmitir e armazenar dados do processo de fabricação e inspeção e refinar cada processo relacionado ao ciclo de vida do produto. Conceitos como integração e interoperabili- dade, relevantes no contexto digital, apresentam barreiras que impedem sua plena implementação no atual cenário de manufatura. A implementação de uma malha fechada de manufatura permite que os resulta- dos da inspeção sejam realimentados na cadeia digital e usados para tomar decisões nas fases de projeto, planejamento e fabricação que reduzem as incertezas na fabricação. A inspeção dimensional e geométrica permite a geração de dados contendo vestígios de fabricação. Esses dados processados corretamente podem fornecer conhecimento sobre as causas do desvio da peça fabricada e as condições de fabricação que podem ser melhoradas. Este trabalho de tese se enquadra nesta perspectiva e apresenta uma solução de integração de dados gerados nas diferentes fases do ciclo de vida de um produto. A integração de dados ocorre em uma arquitetura de manufatura em malha fechada por meio de uma linguagem neutra, extensível e sintaticamente homogênea que permite vincular informações de projeto, manufatura, resultados de medição e suportar o fluxo por meio de sistemas CAx (tecnologias assistidas por computador). Como resultado da pesquisa, a arquitetura de integração interoperável baseada no padrão ISO10303 e seus protocolos de aplicação é apresentada, cobrindo especificações de projeto, requisitos de fabricação e troca de informações de inspeção dimensional e geométrica. Uma implementação computacional é desenvolvida usando o ambiente Java para manipular esquemas EXPRESS, gerar bibliotecas com entidades, funções, métodos e desenvolver uma aplicação que permite ler, escrever e modificar arquivos neutros de troca STEP. A metodologia seguida por meio de uma estrutura conceitual prática é exposta para gerar novas aplicações baseadas na norma ISO 10303. Três estudos de caso são apresentados para verificar a integração e interoperabilidade dentro da arquitetura de manufatura em malha fechada. Os resultados revelam novas linhas de pesquisa que são propostas para trabalhos futuros.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).The demands for quality and productivity in manufacturing parts with complex design specifications pose new challenges for manufacturing processes and quality inspection systems. The challenges are collecting, processing, transmitting, and storing data from the manufacturing and inspection process and refining each process related to the product life cycle. Concepts such as integration and interoperability, relevant within the digital context, show barriers that prevent their full implementation within the current manufacturing scenario. Implementing a closed manufacturing loop allows inspection results to be fed back into the digital chain and used to make decisions in the design, planning, and manufacturing phases that reduce uncertainties in manufacturing. Dimensional and geometric inspection allows the generation of data containing traces of manufactur- ing. These correctly processed data can provide knowledge about causes of deviation of the manufactured part and manufacturing conditions that can be improved. This thesis work is framed within this perspective and presents a solution for integrating data generated in the different phases of the life cycle of a prod- uct. Data integration occurs within a closed-loop manufacturing architecture through a neutral, extensible, syntactically homogeneous language that allows both linking design information, manufacturing, measure- ment results, and supporting the flow through Computer-Aided Technologies (CAx) systems. As a result of the research, interoperable integration architecture based on the ISO10303 standard and its application protocols is presented, covering design specifications, manufacturing requirements, and dimensional and geometric inspection information exchange. A computational implementation is developed using the Java environment to manipulate EXPRESS schemas, generate libraries with entities, functions, methods and develop an application that allows read- ing, writing, and modifying neutral STandard for the Exchange of Product model data (STEP) exchange files. The methodology followed through a practical conceptual framework is exposed to generate new applications based on the International Standards Organization (ISO) 10303 standard. Three case studies are presented to verify integration and interoperability within the closed-loop manufacturing architecture. The results reveal new lines of research that are proposed for future work


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    Current machine tools have incurred challenges on limitation such as part programming complexity of G and M code, weak integration of digital machine tools and coverage of universal data modeling for product and manufacturing resources. In response to this manufacturing system requirement, Standard for Exchange of Product data (STEP) and its implementation on developing an interface for the next generation of machine tool controllers (STEP-NC) has become a concern of research interest and performed on basic manufacturing technology limited to a unit domain such as turning, milling or Wire EDM. Therefore; extending this STEP implementation on multipurpose machine tools such as turn-mill machines is mandatory since the machines are the main component in these industries. The research work offers a STEP-NC compliant interface supporting turn-mill machining environment identified as SCSTMO

    Process Comprehension for Interoperable CNC Manufacturing

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    Over the last 40 years manufacturing industry has enjoyed a rapid growth with the support of various computer-aided systems (CAD, CAPP, CAM etc.) known as CAx. Since the first Numerically Controlled (NC) machine appeared in 1952, there have been many advances in CAx resource capabilities. The information integration and interoperability between different manufacturing resources has become an important and popular research area over the last decade. Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machines are an important link in the manufacturing chain and the major contributor to the production capacity of manufacturing industry today. However, most of the research has focused on the information integration of upper systems in the CAD/CAPP /CAM/CNC manufacturing chain, leaving the shop floor as an isolated information island. In particular, there is limited opportunity to capture and feed shopfloor knowledge back to the upper systems. Furthermore, the part programs for the machines are not exchangeable due to the. machine specific postprocessors. Thus there is a further need to consider information interoperability between different CNC machine and other systems. This research investigates the reverse transformation of the CNC part programmes into higher level of process information, entitled process comprehension, to enable the shopfloor interoperability. A novel framework of universal process comprehension is specified and designed. The framework provides a reverse direction of information flow from the CNC machine to upper CAx systems, enabling the interoperability and recycling of the shopfloor knowledge. A prototype implementation of the framework is realised and utilised to demonstrate the functionalities through three industrially inspired test components. The major contribution of this research to knowledge is the new vision of the shopfloor interoperability associated with process knowledge capture and reuse. The research shows that process comprehension of part programmes can provide an effective solution to the issues of the shopfloor interoperability and knowledge reuse in manufacturing industries.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Resource-Independent Computer Aided Inspection

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    Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing: The Human-Data-Technology Nexus

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    This is an open access book. It gathers the first volume of the proceedings of the 31st edition of the International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM 2022, held on June 19 – 23, 2022, in Detroit, Michigan, USA. Covering four thematic areas including Manufacturing Processes, Machine Tools, Manufacturing Systems, and Enabling Technologies, it reports on advanced manufacturing processes, and innovative materials for 3D printing, applications of machine learning, artificial intelligence and mixed reality in various production sectors, as well as important issues in human-robot collaboration, including methods for improving safety. Contributions also cover strategies to improve quality control, supply chain management and training in the manufacturing industry, and methods supporting circular supply chain and sustainable manufacturing. All in all, this book provides academicians, engineers and professionals with extensive information on both scientific and industrial advances in the converging fields of manufacturing, production, and automation

    Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing: The Human-Data-Technology Nexus

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    This is an open access book. It gathers the first volume of the proceedings of the 31st edition of the International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM 2022, held on June 19 – 23, 2022, in Detroit, Michigan, USA. Covering four thematic areas including Manufacturing Processes, Machine Tools, Manufacturing Systems, and Enabling Technologies, it reports on advanced manufacturing processes, and innovative materials for 3D printing, applications of machine learning, artificial intelligence and mixed reality in various production sectors, as well as important issues in human-robot collaboration, including methods for improving safety. Contributions also cover strategies to improve quality control, supply chain management and training in the manufacturing industry, and methods supporting circular supply chain and sustainable manufacturing. All in all, this book provides academicians, engineers and professionals with extensive information on both scientific and industrial advances in the converging fields of manufacturing, production, and automation