6 research outputs found

    Devices and Data Workflow in COPD Wearable Remote Patient Monitoring: A Systematic Review

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    Background: With global increase in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) prevalence and mortality rates, and socioeconomical burden continuing to rise, current disease management strategies appear inadequate, paving the way for technological solutions, namely remote patient monitoring (RPM), adoption considering its acute disease events management benefit. One RPM’s category stands out, wearable devices, due to its availability and apparent ease of use. Objectives: To assess the current market and interventional solutions regarding wearable devices in the remote monitoring of COPD patients through a systematic review design from a device composition, data workflow, and collected parameters description standpoint. Methods: A systematic review was conducted to identify wearable device trends in this population through the development of a comprehensive search strategy, searching beyond the mainstream databases, and aggregating diverse information found regarding the same device. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines were followed, and quality appraisal of identified studies was performed using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) quality appraisal checklists. Results: The review resulted on the identification of 1590 references, of which a final 79 were included. 56 wearable devices were analysed, with the slight majority belonging to the wellness devices class. Substantial device heterogeneity was identified regarding device composition type and wearing location, and data workflow regarding 4 considered components. Clinical monitoring devices are starting to gain relevance in the market and slightly over a third, aim to assist COPD patients and healthcare professionals in exacerbation prediction. Compliance with validated recommendations is still lacking, with no devices assessing the totality of recommended vital signs. Conclusions: The identified heterogeneity, despite expected considering the relative novelty of wearable devices, alerts for the need to regulate the development and research of these technologies, specially from a structural and data collection and transmission standpoints.Introdução: Com o aumento global das taxas de prevalência e mortalidade da Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica (DPOC) e o seu impacto socioeconómico, as atuais estratégias de gestão da doença parecem inadequadas, abrindo caminho para soluções tecnológicas, nomeadamente para a adoção da monitorização remota, tendo em conta o seu benefício na gestão de exacerbações de doenças crónicas. Dentro destaca-se uma categoria, os dispositivos wearable, pela sua disponibilidade e aparente facilidade de uso. Objetivos: Avaliar as soluções existentes, tanto no mercado, como na área de investigação, relativas a dispositivos wearable utilizados na monitorização remota de pacientes com DPOC através de uma revisão sistemática, do ponto de vista da composição do dispositivo, fluxo de dados e descrição dos parâmetros coletados. Métodos: Uma revisão sistemática foi realizada para identificar tendências destes dispositivos, através do desenvolvimento de uma estratégia de pesquisa abrangente, procurando pesquisar para além das databases convencionais e agregar diversas informações encontradas sobre o mesmo dispositivo. Para tal, foram seguidas as diretrizes PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses), e a avaliação da qualidade dos estudos identificados foi realizada utilizando a ferramenta CASP (Critical Appraisal Skills Programme). Resultados: A revisão resultou na identificação de 1590 referências, das quais 79 foram incluídas. Foram analisados 56 dispositivos wearable, com a ligeira maioria a pertencer à classe de dispositivos de wellness. Foi identificada heterogeneidade substancial nos dispositivos em relação à sua composição, local de uso e ao fluxo de dados em relação a 4 componentes considerados. Os dispositivos de monitorização clínica já evidenciam alguma relevância no mercado e, pouco mais de um terço, visam auxiliar pacientes com DPOC e profissionais de saúde na previsão de exacerbações. Ainda assim, é notória a falta do cumprimento das recomendações validadas, não estando disponíveis dispositivos que avaliem a totalidade dos sinais vitais recomendados. Conclusão: A heterogeneidade identificada, apesar de esperada face à relativa novidade dos dispositivos wearable, alerta para a necessidade de regulamentação do desenvolvimento e investigação destas tecnologias, especialmente do ponto de vista estrutural e de recolha e transmissão de dados

    Features of a mobile support app for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease : literature review and current applications

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a serious long-term lung disease in which the airflow from the lungs is progressively reduced. By 2030, COPD will become the third cause of mortality and seventh cause of morbidity worldwide. With advances in technology and mobile communications, significant progress in the mobile health (mHealth) sector has been recently observed. Mobile phones with app capabilities (smartphones) are now considered as potential media for the self-management of certain types of diseases such as asthma, cancer, COPD, or cardiovascular diseases. While many mobile apps for patients with COPD are currently found on the market, there is little published material on the effectiveness of most of them, their features, and their adoption in health care settings. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to search the literature for current systems related to COPD and identify any missing links and studies that were carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of COPD mobile apps. In addition, we reviewed existing mHealth apps from different stores in order to identify features that can be considered in the initial design of a COPD support tool to improve health care services and patient outcomes. METHODS: In total, 206 articles related to COPD management systems were identified from different databases. Irrelevant materials and duplicates were excluded. Of those, 38 articles were reviewed to extract important features. We identified 214 apps from online stores. Following exclusion of irrelevant apps, 48 were selected and 20 of them were downloaded to review some of their common features. RESULTS: Our review found that out of the 20 apps downloaded, 13 (65%, 13/20) had an education section, 5 (25%, 5/20) consisted of medication and guidelines, 6 (30%, 6/20) included a calendar or diary and other features such as reminders or symptom tracking. There was little published material on the effectiveness of the identified COPD apps. Features such as (1) a social networking tool; (2) personalized education; (3) feedback; (4) e-coaching; and (5) psychological motivation to enhance behavioral change were found to be missing in many of the downloaded apps. CONCLUSIONS: This paper summarizes the features of a COPD patient-support mobile app that can be take

    Ηλεκτρονική υγεία (eHeath) και παρουσίαση του πλαισίου ανάπτυξης υπηρεσιών ηλεκτρονικής υγείας eSana

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    Στα πλαίσια της παρούσας πτυχιακής εργασίας μελετάται ο κλάδος της Πληροφορικής που ασχολείται με τις υπηρεσίες και τα συστήματα που αφορούν τον κλάδο της Υγείας. Συγκεκριμένα, παρουσιάζεται η ηλεκτρονική υγεία (eHealth) και ιδιαίτερα οι υπηρεσίες υγείας που παρέχονται μέσω κινητών συσκευών(mHeath). Γίνεται μια παρουσίαση υλοποιημένων τέτοιων συστημάτων καθώς και μια εκτεταμένη παρουσίαση ενός πλαισίου ανάπτυξης ιατρικών εφαρμογών με χρήση κινητών συσκευών βασισμένη στο μοντέλο Εξυπηρετητή – Πελάτη (server -client).Στην συνέχεια, γίνεται αναφορά σε εν λόγω εφαρμογές που έχουν αναπτυχθεί στην Ελλάδα στα πλαίσια Ευρωπαϊκών Ερευνητικών Προγραμμάτων. Εν κατακλείδι, ανατρέχουμε στα πλεονεκτήματα και μειονεκτήματα της χρήσης τέτοιων τεχνολογιών και στο κατά πόσο επηρεάζουν θετικά ή αρνητικά τους επαγγελματίες του κλάδου της Υγείας στην καθημερινή τους ενασχόληση τόσο στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση όσο και στην Ελλάδα.eHealth and presentation of the eSana framewor

    Strategic Intelligence Monitor on Personal Health Systems (SIMPHS): Market Structure and Innovation Dynamics

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    Personal Health Systems (PHS) and Remote Patient Monitoring and Treatment (RMT) have the potential to alter the way healthcare is provided by increasing the quantity and quality of care. This report explores the current status of PHS and, more specifically of the RMT market in Europe. It addresses the question of how these technologies can contribute facing some of the challenges standing in front of the European healthcare delivery systems causes by higher demand pressures through chronic diseases and demographic change combined with diminishing resources for health care. An uptake and diffusion of these services would potentially lead to benefits through a reduction in death rates, and avoid recurring hospitalisation in a cost-effective manner. Yet the report identifies different categories of barriers hampering a full deployment of RMT in Europe. In the concluding part the reports provides a number of tentative policy options specifically aimed at fostering EU-wide deployment of RMT/PHS.JRC.DDG.J.4-Information Societ

    Smart and Pervasive Healthcare

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    Smart and pervasive healthcare aims at facilitating better healthcare access, provision, and delivery by overcoming spatial and temporal barriers. It represents a shift toward understanding what patients and clinicians really need when placed within a specific context, where traditional face-to-face encounters may not be possible or sufficient. As such, technological innovation is a necessary facilitating conduit. This book is a collection of chapters written by prominent researchers and academics worldwide that provide insights into the design and adoption of new platforms in smart and pervasive healthcare. With the COVID-19 pandemic necessitating changes to the traditional model of healthcare access and its delivery around the world, this book is a timely contribution