271 research outputs found

    On Intelligence Augmentation and Visual Analytics to Enhance Clinical Decision Support Systems

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    Human-in-the-loop intelligence augmentation (IA) methods combined with visual analytics (VA) have the potential to provide additional functional capability and cognitively driven interpretability to Decision Support Systems (DSS) for health risk assessment and patient-clinician shared decision making. This paper presents some key ideas underlying the synthesis of IA with VA (IA/VA) and the challenges in the design, implementation, and use of IA/VA-enabled clinical decision support systems (CDSS) in the practice of medicine through data driven analytical models. An illustrative IA/VA solution provides a visualization of the distribution of health risk, and the impact of various parameters on the assessment, at the population and individual levels. It also allows the clinician to ask “what-if” questions using interactive visualizations that change actionable risk factors of the patient and visually assess their impact. This approach holds promise in enhancing decision support systems design, deployment and use outside the medical sphere as well

    Висока продуктивність java-сокетів для оперування накопиченими даними в медицині

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    Computer clouds are using in health science for its data collections, manipulations and providing security needs in communications to exchange. The clouds distribution data character is using in science applications created to evaluate the data of the health-care. The science programs like medical visualization, genetic and protein conclusions, map-drag therapy and clinical decisions systems of support (CDSS) require high performance messaging libraries with minimum computer and communication spends and the effective utilization of the resources. The highperformance Java sockets (HPJS) encapsulate the needs of message high communications between cloud platforms science applications. HPJS effectively uses the Java socket realization for high-performance inner-process communications. With single-copy protocol, re-usability of the thread and communication overhead reduction, HPJS can use the message exchange in two times quickly to conventional buffered communication libraries.Компьютерные накопления данных используются в здравохранении для сохранения данных отдельных личностей, их манипуляции и обеспечения необходимости безопасного обмена. Характер распределения таких накоплений данных может быть разработан для использования в научных приложениях, которые разработаны для формирования оценки данных здравохранения. Такие научные программы як медицинская визуализация, генетические и протеиновые заключения, лечебно-профилактическая терапия та клинические системы поддержки принятия решений (CDSS) требуют библиотек скоростного обмена сообщениями с минимальными компьютерными и коммуникационными рас ходами, а также эффективным разграничением ресурсов. Высокопродуктивные Java-сокеты (HPJS) инкапсулируют необходимость высокопродуктивного обмена сообщениями между научными приложениями для cloud-платформ та эффективно используют Java-сокетную реализацию для образования высокоэффективной связи между процессами. С единой копией протокола и повторном использовании ниток та уменьшении накладных расходов связи высокопродуктивные Java-сокеты могут исполнять обмен сообщениями в два раза быстрее с обыкновенными буферизированными библиотекамисвязи.Комп’ютерні нагромадження даних використовуються в області охорони здоров’я для зберігання даних осіб, їх маніпуляції і забезпечення потреб безпечного обміну. Характер розподілу подібних нагромаджень даних може бути розроблений для застосування в наукових додатках, які розроблені для формування оцінки даних охорони здоров’я. Такі наукові програми як медична візуалізація, генетичні і протеїнові заключення, лікувально-профілактична терапія та клінічні системи підтримки прийняття рішень (CDSS) вимагають бібліотек швидкого обміну повідомленнями з мінімальними комп’ютерними і комунікаційними затратами та ефективним розшаруванням ресурсів. Високопродуктивні Java-сокети (HPJS) інкапсулюють потреби високопродуктивного обміну повідомленнями між науковими додатками для cloud-платформ та ефективно використовують Java-сокетну реалізацію для утворення високоефективного зв’язку між процесами. З єдиною копією протоколу при повторному використанні ниток та зменшенні накладних витрат зв’язку високопродуктивні Java-сокети можуть виконувати обмін повідомленнями в два рази швидше із звичайними буферизованими бібліотеками зв’язку

    Efficient Decision Support Systems

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    This series is directed to diverse managerial professionals who are leading the transformation of individual domains by using expert information and domain knowledge to drive decision support systems (DSSs). The series offers a broad range of subjects addressed in specific areas such as health care, business management, banking, agriculture, environmental improvement, natural resource and spatial management, aviation administration, and hybrid applications of information technology aimed to interdisciplinary issues. This book series is composed of three volumes: Volume 1 consists of general concepts and methodology of DSSs; Volume 2 consists of applications of DSSs in the biomedical domain; Volume 3 consists of hybrid applications of DSSs in multidisciplinary domains. The book is shaped decision support strategies in the new infrastructure that assists the readers in full use of the creative technology to manipulate input data and to transform information into useful decisions for decision makers

    'How to know what you need to do': a cross-country comparison of maternal health guidelines in Burkina Faso, Ghana and Tanzania

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    Initiatives to raise the quality of care provided to mothers need to be given priority in Sub Saharan Africa (SSA). The promotion of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) is a common strategy, but their implementation is often challenging, limiting their potential impact. Through a cross-country perspective, this study explored CPGs for maternal health in Burkina Faso, Ghana, and Tanzania. The objectives were to compare factors related to CPG use including their content compared with World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, their format, and their development processes. Perceptions of their availability and use in practice were also explored. The overall purpose was to further the understanding of how to increase CPGs' potential to improve quality of care for mothers in SSA. The study was a multiple case study design consisting of cross-country comparisons using document review and key informant interviews. A conceptual framework to aid analysis and discussion of results was developed, including selected domains related to guidelines' implementability and use by health workers in practice in terms of usability, applicability, and adaptability. The study revealed few significant differences in content between the national guidelines for maternal health and WHO recommendations. There were, however, marked variations in the format of CPGs between the three countries. Apart from the Ghanaian and one of the Tanzanian CPGs, the levels of both usability and applicability were assessed as low or medium. In all three countries, the use of CPGs by health workers in practice was perceived to be limited. Our cross-country study suggests that it is not poor quality of content or lack of evidence base that constitute the major barrier for CPGs to positively impact on quality improvement in maternal care in SSA. It rather emphasises the need to prioritise the format of guidelines to increase their usability and applicability and to consider these attributes together with implementation strategies as integral to their development processes

    Distributed Knowledge Modeling and Integration of Model-Based Beliefs into the Clinical Decision-Making Process

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    Das Treffen komplexer medizinischer Entscheidungen wird durch die stetig steigende Menge an zu berücksichtigenden Informationen zunehmend komplexer. Dieser Umstand ist vor allem auf die Verfügbarkeit von immer präziseren diagnostischen Methoden zur Charakterisierung der Patienten zurückzuführen (z.B. genetische oder molekulare Faktoren). Hiermit einher geht die Entwicklung neuartiger Behandlungsstrategien und Wirkstoffe sowie die damit verbundenen Evidenzen aus klinischen Studien und Leitlinien. Dieser Umstand stellt die behandelnden Ärztinnen und Ärzte vor neuartige Herausforderungen im Hinblick auf die Berücksichtigung aller relevanten Faktoren im Kontext der klinischen Entscheidungsfindung. Moderne IT-Systeme können einen wesentlichen Beitrag leisten, um die klinischen Experten weitreichend zu unterstützen. Diese Assistenz reicht dabei von Anwendungen zur Vorverarbeitung von Daten für eine Reduktion der damit verbundenen Komplexität bis hin zur systemgestützten Evaluation aller notwendigen Patientendaten für eine therapeutischen Entscheidungsunterstützung. Möglich werden diese Funktionen durch die formale Abbildung von medizinischem Fachwissen in Form einer komplexen Wissensbasis, welche die kognitiven Prozesse im Entscheidungsprozess adaptiert. Entsprechend werden an den Prozess der IT-konformen Wissensabbildung erhöhte Anforderungen bezüglich der Validität und Signifikanz der enthaltenen Informationen gestellt. In den ersten beiden Kapiteln dieser Arbeit wurden zunächst wichtige methodische Grundlagen im Kontext der strukturierten Abbildung von Wissen sowie dessen Nutzung für die klinische Entscheidungsunterstützung erläutert. Hierbei wurden die inhaltlichen Kernthemen weiterhin im Rahmen eines State of the Art mit bestehenden Ansätzen abgeglichen, um den neuartigen Charakter der vorgestellten Lösungen herauszustellen. Als innovativer Kern wurde zunächst die Konzeption und Umsetzung eines neuartigen Ansatzes zur Fusion von fragmentierten Wissensbausteinen auf der formalen Grundlage von Bayes-Netzen vorgestellt. Hierfür wurde eine neuartige Datenstruktur unter Verwendung des JSON Graph Formats erarbeitet. Durch die Entwicklung von qualifizierten Methoden zum Umgang mit den formalen Kriterien eines Bayes-Netz wurden weiterhin Lösungen aufgezeigt, welche einen automatischen Fusionsprozess durch einen eigens hierfür entwickelten Algorithmus ermöglichen. Eine prototypische und funktionale Plattform zur strukturierten und assistierten Integration von Wissen sowie zur Erzeugung valider Bayes-Netze als Resultat der Fusion wurde unter Verwendung eines Blockchain Datenspeichers implementiert und in einer Nutzerstudie gemäß ISONORM 9241/110-S evaluiert. Aufbauend auf dieser technologischen Plattform wurden im Anschluss zwei eigenständige Entscheidungsunterstützungssysteme vorgestellt, welche relevante Anwendungsfälle im Kontext der HNO-Onkologie adressieren. Dies ist zum einen ein System zur personalisierten Bewertung von klinischen Laborwerten im Kontext einer Radiochemotherapie und zum anderen ein in Form eines Dashboard implementiertes Systems zur effektiveren Informationskommunikation innerhalb des Tumor Board. Beide Konzepte wurden hierbei zunächst im Rahmen einer initialen Nutzerstudie auf Relevanz geprüft, um eine nutzerzentrische Umsetzung zu gewährleisten. Aufgrund des zentralen Fokus dieser Arbeit auf den Bereich der klinischen Entscheidungsunterstützung, werden an zahlreichen Stellen sowohl kritische als auch optimistische Aspekte der damit verbundenen praktischen Lösungen diskutiert.:1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation and Clinical Setting 1.2 Objectives 1.3 Thesis Outline 2 State of the Art 2.1 Medical Knowledge Modeling 2.2 Knowledge Fusion 2.3 Clinical Decision Support Systems 2.4 Clinical Information Access 3 Fundamentals 3.1 Evidence-Based Medicine 3.1.1 Literature-Based Evidence 3.1.2 Practice-Based Evidence 3.1.3 Patient-Directed Evidence 3.2 Knowledge Representation Formats 3.2.1 Logic-Based Representation 3.2.2 Procedural Representation 3.2.3 Network or Graph-Based Representation 3.3 Knowledge-Based Clinical Decision Support 3.4 Conditional Probability and Bayesian Networks 3.5 Clinical Reasoning 3.5.1 Deterministic Reasoning 3.5.2 Probabilistic Reasoning 3.6 Knowledge Fusion of Bayesian Networks 4 Block-Based Collaborative Knowledge Modeling 4.1 Data Model 4.1.1 Belief Structure 4.1.2 Conditional Probabilities 4.1.3 Metadata 4.2 Constraint-Based Automatic Knowledge Fusion 4.2.1 Fusion of the Bayesian Network Structures 4.2.2 Fusion of the Conditional Probability Tables 4.3 Blockchain-Based Belief Storage and Retrieval 4.3.1 Blockchain Characteristics 4.3.2 Relevance for Belief Management 5 Selected CDS Applications for Clinical Practice 5.1 Distributed Knowledge Modeling Platform 5.1.1 Requirement Analysis 5.1.2 System Architecture 5.1.3 System Evaluation 5.1.4 Limitations of the Proposed Solution 5.2 Personalization of Laboratory Findings 5.2.1 Requirement Analysis 5.2.2 System Architecture 5.2.3 Limitations of the Proposed Solution 5.3 Dashboard for Collaborative Decision-Making in the Tumor Board 5.3.1 Requirement Analysis 5.3.2 System Architecture 5.3.3 Limitations of the Proposed Solution 6 Discussion 6.1 Goal Achievements 6.2 Contributions and Conclusion 7 Bibliograph

    Interoperability of clinical decision-support systems and electronic health records using archetypes: a case study in clinical trial eligibility

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    Clinical decision-support systems (CDSSs) comprise systems as diverse as sophisticated platforms to store and manage clinical data, tools to alert clinicians of problematic situations, or decision-making tools to assist clinicians. Irrespective of the kind of decision-support task CDSSs should be smoothly integrated within the clinical information system, interacting with other components, in particular with the electronic health record (EHR). However, despite decades of developments, most CDSSs lack interoperability features. We deal with the interoperability problem of CDSSs and EHRs by exploiting the dual-model methodology. This methodology distinguishes a reference model and archetypes. A reference model is represented by a stable and small object-oriented model that describes the generic properties of health record information. For their part, archetypes are reusable and domain-specific definitions of clinical concepts in the form of structured and constrained combinations of the entities of the reference model. We rely on archetypes to make the CDSS compatible with EHRs from different institutions. Concretely, we use archetypes for modelling the clinical concepts that the CDSS requires, in conjunction with a series of knowledge-intensive mappings relating the archetypes to the data sources (EHR and/or other archetypes) they depend on. We introduce a comprehensive approach, including a set of tools as well as methodological guidelines, to deal with the interoperability of CDSSs and EHRs based on archetypes. Archetypes are used to build a conceptual layer of the kind of a virtual health record (VHR) over the EHR whose contents need to be integrated and used in the CDSS, associating them with structural and terminology-based semantics. Subsequently, the archetypes are mapped to the EHR by means of an expressive mapping language and specific-purpose tools. We also describe a case study where the tools and methodology have been employed in a CDSS to support patient recruitment in the framework of a clinical trial for colorectal cancer screening. The utilisation of archetypes not only has proved satisfactory to achieve interoperability between CDSSs and EHRs but also offers various advantages, in particular from a data model perspective. First, the VHR/data models we work with are of a high level of abstraction and can incorporate semantic descriptions. Second, archetypes can potentially deal with different EHR architectures, due to their deliberate independence of the reference model. Third, the archetype instances we obtain are valid instances of the underlying reference model, which would enable e.g. feeding back the EHR with data derived by abstraction mechanisms. Lastly, the medical and technical validity of archetype models would be assured, since in principle clinicians should be the main actors in their development.This research has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education through Grant PR2010-0279, and by Universitat Jaume I through Project P1182009-38. Additionally, this research has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under Grant TIN2010-21388-C02-01, and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under grant PTQ-11-04987.Marcos, M.; Maldonado Segura, JA.; Martinez-Salvador, B.; Boscá Tomás, D.; Robles Viejo, M. (2013). Interoperability of clinical decision-support systems and electronic health records using archetypes: a case study in clinical trial eligibility. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 46(4):676-689. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbi.2013.05.004S67668946