872 research outputs found

    Is implicit motor imagery a reliable strategy for a brain computer interface?

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    Explicit motor imagery (eMI) is a widely used brain computer interface (BCI) paradigm, but not everybody can accomplish this task. Here we propose a BCI based on implicit motor imagery (iMI). We compared classification accuracy between eMI and iMI of hands. Fifteen able bodied people were asked to judge the laterality of hand images presented on a computer screen in a lateral or medial orientation. This judgement task is known to require mental rotation of a person’s own hands which in turn is thought to involve iMI. The subjects were also asked to perform eMI of the hands. Their electroencephalography (EEG) was recorded. Linear classifiers were designed based on common spatial patterns. For discrimination between left and right hand the classifier achieved maximum of 81 ± 8% accuracy for eMI and 83 ± 3% for iMI. These results show that iMI can be used to achieve similar classification accuracy as eMI. Additional classification was performed between iMI in medial and lateral orientations of a single hand; the classifier achieved 81 ± 7% for the left and 78 ± 7% for the right hand which indicate distinctive spatial patterns of cortical activity for iMI of a single hand in different directions. These results suggest that a special brain computer interface based on iMI may be constructed, for people who cannot perform explicit imagination, for rehabilitation of movement or for treatment of bodily spatial neglect

    Sensing with Earables: A Systematic Literature Review and Taxonomy of Phenomena

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    Earables have emerged as a unique platform for ubiquitous computing by augmenting ear-worn devices with state-of-the-art sensing. This new platform has spurred a wealth of new research exploring what can be detected on a wearable, small form factor. As a sensing platform, the ears are less susceptible to motion artifacts and are located in close proximity to a number of important anatomical structures including the brain, blood vessels, and facial muscles which reveal a wealth of information. They can be easily reached by the hands and the ear canal itself is affected by mouth, face, and head movements. We have conducted a systematic literature review of 271 earable publications from the ACM and IEEE libraries. These were synthesized into an open-ended taxonomy of 47 different phenomena that can be sensed in, on, or around the ear. Through analysis, we identify 13 fundamental phenomena from which all other phenomena can be derived, and discuss the different sensors and sensing principles used to detect them. We comprehensively review the phenomena in four main areas of (i) physiological monitoring and health, (ii) movement and activity, (iii) interaction, and (iv) authentication and identification. This breadth highlights the potential that earables have to offer as a ubiquitous, general-purpose platform

    Sensing with Earables: A Systematic Literature Review and Taxonomy of Phenomena

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    Earables have emerged as a unique platform for ubiquitous computing by augmenting ear-worn devices with state-of-the-art sensing. This new platform has spurred a wealth of new research exploring what can be detected on a wearable, small form factor. As a sensing platform, the ears are less susceptible to motion artifacts and are located in close proximity to a number of important anatomical structures including the brain, blood vessels, and facial muscles which reveal a wealth of information. They can be easily reached by the hands and the ear canal itself is affected by mouth, face, and head movements. We have conducted a systematic literature review of 271 earable publications from the ACM and IEEE libraries. These were synthesized into an open-ended taxonomy of 47 different phenomena that can be sensed in, on, or around the ear. Through analysis, we identify 13 fundamental phenomena from which all other phenomena can be derived, and discuss the different sensors and sensing principles used to detect them. We comprehensively review the phenomena in four main areas of (i) physiological monitoring and health, (ii) movement and activity, (iii) interaction, and (iv) authentication and identification. This breadth highlights the potential that earables have to offer as a ubiquitous, general-purpose platform

    EMG-based eye gestures recognition for hands free interfacing

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    This study investigates the utilization of an Electromyography (EMG) based device to recognize five eye gestures and classify them to have a hands free interaction with different applications. The proposed eye gestures in this work includes Long Blinks, Rapid Blinks, Wink Right, Wink Left and finally Squints or frowns. The MUSE headband, which is originally a Brain Computer Interface (BCI) that measures the Electroencephalography (EEG) signals, is the device used in our study to record the EMG signals from behind the earlobes via two Smart rubber sensors and at the forehead via two other electrodes. The signals are considered as EMG once they involve the physical muscular stimulations, which are considered as artifacts for the EEG Brain signals for other studies. The experiment is conducted on 15 participants (12 Males and 3 Females) randomly as no specific groups were targeted and the session was video taped for reevaluation. The experiment starts with the calibration phase to record each gesture three times per participant through a developed Voice narration program to unify the test conditions and time intervals among all subjects. In this study, a dynamic sliding window with segmented packets is designed to faster process the data and analyze it, as well as to provide more flexibility to classify the gestures regardless their duration from one user to another. Additionally, we are using the thresholding algorithm to extract the features from all the gestures. The Rapid Blinks and the Squints were having high F1 Scores of 80.77% and 85.71% for the Trained Thresholds, as well as 87.18% and 82.12% for the Default or manually adjusted thresholds. The accuracies of the Long Blinks, Rapid Blinks and Wink Left were relatively higher with the manually adjusted thresholds, while the Squints and the Wink Right were better with the trained thresholds. However, more improvements were proposed and some were tested especially after monitoring the participants actions from the video recordings to enhance the classifier. Most of the common irregularities met are discussed within this study so as to pave the road for further similar studies to tackle them before conducting the experiments. Several applications need minimal physical or hands interactions and this study was originally a part of the project at HCI Lab, University of Stuttgart to make a hands-free switching between RGB, thermal and depth cameras integrated on or embedded in an Augmented Reality device designed for the firefighters to increase their visual capabilities in the field

    Earables: Wearable Computing on the Ears

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    Kopfhörer haben sich bei Verbrauchern durchgesetzt, da sie private Audiokanäle anbieten, zum Beispiel zum Hören von Musik, zum Anschauen der neuesten Filme während dem Pendeln oder zum freihändigen Telefonieren. Dank diesem eindeutigen primären Einsatzzweck haben sich Kopfhörer im Vergleich zu anderen Wearables, wie zum Beispiel Smartglasses, bereits stärker durchgesetzt. In den letzten Jahren hat sich eine neue Klasse von Wearables herausgebildet, die als "Earables" bezeichnet werden. Diese Geräte sind so konzipiert, dass sie in oder um die Ohren getragen werden können. Sie enthalten verschiedene Sensoren, um die Funktionalität von Kopfhörern zu erweitern. Die räumliche Nähe von Earables zu wichtigen anatomischen Strukturen des menschlichen Körpers bietet eine ausgezeichnete Plattform für die Erfassung einer Vielzahl von Eigenschaften, Prozessen und Aktivitäten. Auch wenn im Bereich der Earables-Forschung bereits einige Fortschritte erzielt wurden, wird deren Potenzial aktuell nicht vollständig abgeschöpft. Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es daher, neue Einblicke in die Möglichkeiten von Earables zu geben, indem fortschrittliche Sensorikansätze erforscht werden, welche die Erkennung von bisher unzugänglichen Phänomenen ermöglichen. Durch die Einführung von neuartiger Hardware und Algorithmik zielt diese Dissertation darauf ab, die Grenzen des Erreichbaren im Bereich Earables zu verschieben und diese letztlich als vielseitige Sensorplattform zur Erweiterung menschlicher Fähigkeiten zu etablieren. Um eine fundierte Grundlage für die Dissertation zu schaffen, synthetisiert die vorliegende Arbeit den Stand der Technik im Bereich der ohr-basierten Sensorik und stellt eine einzigartig umfassende Taxonomie auf der Basis von 271 relevanten Publikationen vor. Durch die Verbindung von Low-Level-Sensor-Prinzipien mit Higher-Level-Phänomenen werden in der Dissertation anschließ-end Arbeiten aus verschiedenen Bereichen zusammengefasst, darunter (i) physiologische Überwachung und Gesundheit, (ii) Bewegung und Aktivität, (iii) Interaktion und (iv) Authentifizierung und Identifizierung. Diese Dissertation baut auf der bestehenden Forschung im Bereich der physiologischen Überwachung und Gesundheit mit Hilfe von Earables auf und stellt fortschrittliche Algorithmen, statistische Auswertungen und empirische Studien vor, um die Machbarkeit der Messung der Atemfrequenz und der Erkennung von Episoden erhöhter Hustenfrequenz durch den Einsatz von In-Ear-Beschleunigungsmessern und Gyroskopen zu demonstrieren. Diese neuartigen Sensorfunktionen unterstreichen das Potenzial von Earables, einen gesünderen Lebensstil zu fördern und eine proaktive Gesundheitsversorgung zu ermöglichen. Darüber hinaus wird in dieser Dissertation ein innovativer Eye-Tracking-Ansatz namens "earEOG" vorgestellt, welcher Aktivitätserkennung erleichtern soll. Durch die systematische Auswertung von Elektrodenpotentialen, die um die Ohren herum mittels eines modifizierten Kopfhörers gemessen werden, eröffnet diese Dissertation einen neuen Weg zur Messung der Blickrichtung. Dabei ist das Verfahren weniger aufdringlich und komfortabler als bisherige Ansätze. Darüber hinaus wird ein Regressionsmodell eingeführt, um absolute Änderungen des Blickwinkels auf der Grundlage von earEOG vorherzusagen. Diese Entwicklung eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten für Forschung, welche sich nahtlos in das tägliche Leben integrieren lässt und tiefere Einblicke in das menschliche Verhalten ermöglicht. Weiterhin zeigt diese Arbeit, wie sich die einzigarte Bauform von Earables mit Sensorik kombinieren lässt, um neuartige Phänomene zu erkennen. Um die Interaktionsmöglichkeiten von Earables zu verbessern, wird in dieser Dissertation eine diskrete Eingabetechnik namens "EarRumble" vorgestellt, die auf der freiwilligen Kontrolle des Tensor Tympani Muskels im Mittelohr beruht. Die Dissertation bietet Einblicke in die Verbreitung, die Benutzerfreundlichkeit und den Komfort von EarRumble, zusammen mit praktischen Anwendungen in zwei realen Szenarien. Der EarRumble-Ansatz erweitert das Ohr von einem rein rezeptiven Organ zu einem Organ, das nicht nur Signale empfangen, sondern auch Ausgangssignale erzeugen kann. Im Wesentlichen wird das Ohr als zusätzliches interaktives Medium eingesetzt, welches eine freihändige und augenfreie Kommunikation zwischen Mensch und Maschine ermöglicht. EarRumble stellt eine Interaktionstechnik vor, die von den Nutzern als "magisch und fast telepathisch" beschrieben wird, und zeigt ein erhebliches ungenutztes Potenzial im Bereich der Earables auf. Aufbauend auf den vorhergehenden Ergebnissen der verschiedenen Anwendungsbereiche und Forschungserkenntnisse mündet die Dissertation in einer offenen Hard- und Software-Plattform für Earables namens "OpenEarable". OpenEarable umfasst eine Reihe fortschrittlicher Sensorfunktionen, die für verschiedene ohrbasierte Forschungsanwendungen geeignet sind, und ist gleichzeitig einfach herzustellen. Hierdurch werden die Einstiegshürden in die ohrbasierte Sensorforschung gesenkt und OpenEarable trägt somit dazu bei, das gesamte Potenzial von Earables auszuschöpfen. Darüber hinaus trägt die Dissertation grundlegenden Designrichtlinien und Referenzarchitekturen für Earables bei. Durch diese Forschung schließt die Dissertation die Lücke zwischen der Grundlagenforschung zu ohrbasierten Sensoren und deren praktischem Einsatz in realen Szenarien. Zusammenfassend liefert die Dissertation neue Nutzungsszenarien, Algorithmen, Hardware-Prototypen, statistische Auswertungen, empirische Studien und Designrichtlinien, um das Feld des Earable Computing voranzutreiben. Darüber hinaus erweitert diese Dissertation den traditionellen Anwendungsbereich von Kopfhörern, indem sie die auf Audio fokussierten Geräte zu einer Plattform erweitert, welche eine Vielzahl fortschrittlicher Sensorfähigkeiten bietet, um Eigenschaften, Prozesse und Aktivitäten zu erfassen. Diese Neuausrichtung ermöglicht es Earables sich als bedeutende Wearable Kategorie zu etablieren, und die Vision von Earables als eine vielseitige Sensorenplattform zur Erweiterung der menschlichen Fähigkeiten wird somit zunehmend realer

    The selection and evaluation of a sensory technology for interaction in a warehouse environment

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    In recent years, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) has become a significant part of modern life as it has improved human performance in the completion of daily tasks in using computerised systems. The increase in the variety of bio-sensing and wearable technologies on the market has propelled designers towards designing more efficient, effective and fully natural User-Interfaces (UI), such as the Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) and the Muscle-Computer Interface (MCI). BCI and MCI have been used for various purposes, such as controlling wheelchairs, piloting drones, providing alphanumeric inputs into a system and improving sports performance. Various challenges are experienced by workers in a warehouse environment. Because they often have to carry objects (referred to as hands-full) it is difficult to interact with traditional devices. Noise undeniably exists in some industrial environments and it is known as a major factor that causes communication problems. This has reduced the popularity of using verbal interfaces with computer applications, such as Warehouse Management Systems. Another factor that effects the performance of workers are action slips caused by a lack of concentration during, for example, routine picking activities. This can have a negative impact on job performance and allow a worker to incorrectly execute a task in a warehouse environment. This research project investigated the current challenges workers experience in a warehouse environment and the technologies utilised in this environment. The latest automation and identification systems and technologies are identified and discussed, specifically the technologies which have addressed known problems. Sensory technologies were identified that enable interaction between a human and a computerised warehouse environment. Biological and natural behaviours of humans which are applicable in the interaction with a computerised environment were described and discussed. The interactive behaviours included the visionary, auditory, speech production and physiological movement where other natural human behaviours such paying attention, action slips and the action of counting items were investigated. A number of modern sensory technologies, devices and techniques for HCI were identified with the aim of selecting and evaluating an appropriate sensory technology for MCI. iii MCI technologies enable a computer system to recognise hand and other gestures of a user, creating means of direct interaction between a user and a computer as they are able to detect specific features extracted from a specific biological or physiological activity. Thereafter, Machine Learning (ML) is applied in order to train a computer system to detect these features and convert them to a computer interface. An application of biomedical signals (bio-signals) in HCI using a MYO Armband for MCI is presented. An MCI prototype (MCIp) was developed and implemented to allow a user to provide input to an HCI, in a hands-free and hands-full situation. The MCIp was designed and developed to recognise the hand-finger gestures of a person when both hands are free or when holding an object, such a cardboard box. The MCIp applies an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to classify features extracted from the surface Electromyography signals acquired by the MYO Armband around the forearm muscle. The MCIp provided the results of data classification for gesture recognition to an accuracy level of 34.87% with a hands-free situation. This was done by employing the ANN. The MCIp, furthermore, enabled users to provide numeric inputs to the MCIp system hands-full with an accuracy of 59.7% after a training session for each gesture of only 10 seconds. The results were obtained using eight participants. Similar experimentation with the MYO Armband has not been found to be reported in any literature at submission of this document. Based on this novel experimentation, the main contribution of this research study is a suggestion that the application of a MYO Armband, as a commercially available muscle-sensing device on the market, has the potential as an MCI to recognise the finger gestures hands-free and hands-full. An accurate MCI can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of an HCI tool when it is applied to different applications in a warehouse where noise and hands-full activities pose a challenge. Future work to improve its accuracy is proposed

    MATT: Multimodal Attention Level Estimation for e-learning Platforms

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    This work presents a new multimodal system for remote attention level estimation based on multimodal face analysis. Our multimodal approach uses different parameters and signals obtained from the behavior and physiological processes that have been related to modeling cognitive load such as faces gestures (e.g., blink rate, facial actions units) and user actions (e.g., head pose, distance to the camera). The multimodal system uses the following modules based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs): Eye blink detection, head pose estimation, facial landmark detection, and facial expression features. First, we individually evaluate the proposed modules in the task of estimating the student's attention level captured during online e-learning sessions. For that we trained binary classifiers (high or low attention) based on Support Vector Machines (SVM) for each module. Secondly, we find out to what extent multimodal score level fusion improves the attention level estimation. The mEBAL database is used in the experimental framework, a public multi-modal database for attention level estimation obtained in an e-learning environment that contains data from 38 users while conducting several e-learning tasks of variable difficulty (creating changes in student cognitive loads).Comment: Preprint of the paper presented to the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Education (AI4EDU) of AAAI 202

    A Hybrid Fuzzy Cognitive Map/Support Vector Machine Approach for EEG-Based Emotion Classification Using Compressed Sensing

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    © 2018, Taiwan Fuzzy Systems Association and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. Due to the high dimensional, non-stationary and non-linear properties of electroencephalogram (EEG), a significant portion of research on EEG analysis remains unknown. In this paper, a novel approach to EEG-based human emotion study is presented using Big Data methods with a hybrid classifier. An EEG dataset is firstly compressed using compressed sensing, then, wavelet transform features are extracted, and a hybrid Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Fuzzy Cognitive Map classifier is designed. The compressed data is only one-fourth of the original size, and the hybrid classifier has the average accuracy by 73.32%. Comparing to a single SVM classifier, the average accuracy is improved by 3.23%. These outcomes show that psychological signal can be compressed without the sparsity identity. The stable and high accuracy classification system demonstrates that EEG signal can detect human emotion, and the findings further prove the existence of the inter-relationship between various regions of the brain