491 research outputs found

    Automatic Plant Detection Using HOG and LBP Features With SVM

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    Plants play a vital role in the cycle of nature. Plants are the only organisms which produce food by converting light energy from the sun.  They also help in maintaining oxygen balance on earth by emitting oxygen and taking carbon dioxide. They have plenty of use in medicine and industry. But plant species are vast in number. To identify this large number of existing plant species in the world is a tedious and time-consuming task for a human. Hence, an automatic plant identification tool is very useful even for experienced botanists to identify the vast number of plants. In this paper, we proposed a technique to identify the plant leaf images. For training and testing, we used a publicly available dataset called Flavia leaf dataset. Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and Local Binary Pattern (LBP) are used to extract features and multiclass Support Vector Machine (SVM) is applied to classify the leaf images. We observed that the accuracy of HOG+SVM with HOG feature extraction using cells size of 2 x 2, 4 x 4 and 8 x 8 are 77.5%, 81.25% and 85.31 respectively. The accuracy of LBP+ SVM is 40.6% and the combination of HOG and LBP based features with SVM achieved 91.25% accuracy. The experimental results indicate the effectiveness of HOG+LBP with SVM over HOG+SVM and LBP+SVM techniques.

    Componentes e pontos de quebra em séries temporais na análise de imagens de sensoriamento remoto

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    Orientador: Ricardo da Silva TorresDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: A detecção e caracterização de mudanças temporais são indicadores cruciais no processo de compreensão da maneira como mecanismos complexos funcionam e evoluem. Técnicas e imagens de sensoriamento remoto têm sido amplamente empregadas nas últimas décadas com objetivo de detectar e investigar mudanças temporais na superfície terrestre. Tal detecção em dados de séries temporais é passível de ser refinada ainda mais isolando-se as componentes aditivas de tendência e sazonalidade do ruído subjacente. Este trabalho investiga, em particular, o método Breaks For Additive Season and Trend (BFAST) para a análise, decomposição e detecção de pontos de quebra em séries temporais associadas a dados de sensoriamento remoto. Os outputs do método são, então, utilizados em três distintas ¿ mas altamente interconectadas ¿ linhas de pesquisa: em uma melhor compreensão de fenômenos climáticos; na correlação com dados de distúrbios antropológicos; e em problemas de classificação usando funções de dissimilaridade descobertas por um framework evolucionário baseado em Programação Genética (GP). Experimentos realizados demonstram que a decomposição e pontos de quebra produziram resultados efetivos quando aplicados aos estudos com dados ecológicos, mas não foram capazes de melhorar os resultados de classificação quando comparados ao uso das séries brutas. As realizações nesses três contextos também culminaram na criação de duas ferramentas de análise de séries temporais com código aberto baseadas na web, sendo que uma delas foi tão bem aceita pela comunidade-alvo, que atualmente encontra-se integrada em uma plataforma privada de computação em nuvemAbstract: Detecting and characterizing temporal changes are crucial indicators in the process of understanding how complex mechanisms work and evolve. The use of remote sensing images and techniques has been broadly employed over the past decades in order to detect and investigate temporal changes on the Earth surface. Such change detection in time series data may be even further refined by isolating the additive long-term (trend) and cyclical (seasonal) components from the underlying noise. This work investigates the particular Breaks For Additive Season and Trend (BFAST) method for the analysis, decomposition, and breakpoint detection of time series associated with remote sensing data. The derived outputs from that method are, then, used in three distinct ¿ but highly interconnected ¿ research venues: in a better comprehension of climatic phenomena; in the correlation to human-induced disturbances data; and in data classification problems using time series dissimilarity functions discovered by a Genetic-Programming-(GP)-based evolutionary framework. Performed experiments show that decomposition and breakpoints produced insightful and effective results when applied to the ecological data studies, but could not further improve the classification results when compared to its raw time series counterpart. The achievements in those three contexts also led to the creation of two open-source web-based time series analysis tools. One of those tools was so well received by the target community, that it is currently integrated into a private cloud computing platformMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computação132847/2015-92015/02105-0CNPQFAPES

    Crop Classification Under Varying Cloud Cover With Neural Ordinary Differential Equations

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    Optical satellite sensors cannot see the earth’s surface through clouds. Despite the periodic revisit cycle, image sequences acquired by earth observation satellites are, therefore, irregularly sampled in time. State-of-the-art methods for crop classification (and other time-series analysis tasks) rely on techniques that implicitly assume regular temporal spacing between observations, such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs). We propose to use neural ordinary differential equations (NODEs) in combination with RNNs to classify crop types in irregularly spaced image sequences. The resulting ODE-RNN models consist of two steps: an update step, where a recurrent unit assimilates new input data into the model’s hidden state, and a prediction step, in which NODE propagates the hidden state until the next observation arrives. The prediction step is based on a continuous representation of the latent dynamics, which has several advantages. At the conceptual level, it is a more natural way to describe the mechanisms that govern the phenological cycle. From a practical point of view, it makes it possible to sample the system state at arbitrary points in time such that one can integrate observations whenever they are available and extrapolate beyond the last observation. Our experiments show that ODE-RNN, indeed, improves classification accuracy over common baselines, such as LSTM, GRU, temporal convolutional network, and transformer. The gains are most prominent in the challenging scenario where only few observations are available (i.e., frequent cloud cover). Moreover, we show that the ability to extrapolate translates to better classification performance early in the season, which is important for forecasting

    Computer Vision Problems in 3D Plant Phenotyping

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    In recent years, there has been significant progress in Computer Vision based plant phenotyping (quantitative analysis of biological properties of plants) technologies. Traditional methods of plant phenotyping are destructive, manual and error prone. Due to non-invasiveness and non-contact properties as well as increased accuracy, imaging techniques are becoming state-of-the-art in plant phenotyping. Among several parameters of plant phenotyping, growth analysis is very important for biological inference. Automating the growth analysis can result in accelerating the throughput in crop production. This thesis contributes to the automation of plant growth analysis. First, we present a novel system for automated and non-invasive/non-contact plant growth measurement. We exploit the recent advancements of sophisticated robotic technologies and near infrared laser scanners to build a 3D imaging system and use state-of-the-art Computer Vision algorithms to fully automate growth measurement. We have set up a gantry robot system having 7 degrees of freedom hanging from the roof of a growth chamber. The payload is a range scanner, which can measure dense depth maps (raw 3D coordinate points in mm) on the surface of an object (the plant). The scanner can be moved around the plant to scan from different viewpoints by programming the robot with a specific trajectory. The sequence of overlapping images can be aligned to obtain a full 3D structure of the plant in raw point cloud format, which can be triangulated to obtain a smooth surface (triangular mesh), enclosing the original plant. We show the capability of the system to capture the well known diurnal pattern of plant growth computed from the surface area and volume of the plant meshes for a number of plant species. Second, we propose a technique to detect branch junctions in plant point cloud data. We demonstrate that using these junctions as feature points, the correspondence estimation can be formulated as a subgraph matching problem, and better matching results than state-of-the-art can be achieved. Also, this idea removes the requirement of a priori knowledge about rotational angles between adjacent scanning viewpoints imposed by the original registration algorithm for complex plant data. Before, this angle information had to be approximately known. Third, we present an algorithm to classify partially occluded leaves by their contours. In general, partial contour matching is a NP-hard problem. We propose a suboptimal matching solution and show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art on 3 public leaf datasets. We anticipate using this algorithm to track growing segmented leaves in our plant range data, even when a leaf becomes partially occluded by other plant matter over time. Finally, we perform some experiments to demonstrate the capability and limitations of the system and highlight the future research directions for Computer Vision based plant phenotyping

    Computer Vision Problems in 3D Plant Phenotyping

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    In recent years, there has been significant progress in Computer Vision based plant phenotyping (quantitative analysis of biological properties of plants) technologies. Traditional methods of plant phenotyping are destructive, manual and error prone. Due to non-invasiveness and non-contact properties as well as increased accuracy, imaging techniques are becoming state-of-the-art in plant phenotyping. Among several parameters of plant phenotyping, growth analysis is very important for biological inference. Automating the growth analysis can result in accelerating the throughput in crop production. This thesis contributes to the automation of plant growth analysis. First, we present a novel system for automated and non-invasive/non-contact plant growth measurement. We exploit the recent advancements of sophisticated robotic technologies and near infrared laser scanners to build a 3D imaging system and use state-of-the-art Computer Vision algorithms to fully automate growth measurement. We have set up a gantry robot system having 7 degrees of freedom hanging from the roof of a growth chamber. The payload is a range scanner, which can measure dense depth maps (raw 3D coordinate points in mm) on the surface of an object (the plant). The scanner can be moved around the plant to scan from different viewpoints by programming the robot with a specific trajectory. The sequence of overlapping images can be aligned to obtain a full 3D structure of the plant in raw point cloud format, which can be triangulated to obtain a smooth surface (triangular mesh), enclosing the original plant. We show the capability of the system to capture the well known diurnal pattern of plant growth computed from the surface area and volume of the plant meshes for a number of plant species. Second, we propose a technique to detect branch junctions in plant point cloud data. We demonstrate that using these junctions as feature points, the correspondence estimation can be formulated as a subgraph matching problem, and better matching results than state-of-the-art can be achieved. Also, this idea removes the requirement of a priori knowledge about rotational angles between adjacent scanning viewpoints imposed by the original registration algorithm for complex plant data. Before, this angle information had to be approximately known. Third, we present an algorithm to classify partially occluded leaves by their contours. In general, partial contour matching is a NP-hard problem. We propose a suboptimal matching solution and show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art on 3 public leaf datasets. We anticipate using this algorithm to track growing segmented leaves in our plant range data, even when a leaf becomes partially occluded by other plant matter over time. Finally, we perform some experiments to demonstrate the capability and limitations of the system and highlight the future research directions for Computer Vision based plant phenotyping

    Mimicking Early Stages Of Diagenesis In Modern Metasequoia Leaves Implications For Plant Fossil Lagerstätten

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    Remarkably well-preserved plants from rich fossil deposits (known as lagerstätten) provide insights into paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic reconstructions. However, it is difficult to distinguish whether proxy signals from fossil lagerstätten represent original environmental information or modified data due to degradation. To better understand molecular and morphological changes of plant leaves over time, modern Metasequoia, a well-studied “living fossil,” was degraded to mimic early stages of diagenesis and then compared with its ancient counterpart. Two sample series were used: 1) a laboratory decay experiment with samples in a closed, controlled environment and 2) a natural decay experiment with samples collected from an open lacustrine environment. Morphological and anatomical changes during early diagenesis are evident in both decay series, as seen through SEM observations and through a new quantitative pixel-count evaluation method. The molecular and isotopic results indicate that the removal of polysaccharides collapses cellulose-based primary-walled parenchymatous cells, while cells with lignin-strengthened secondary cells walls remain intact much later in the decay process. This supports previous hypotheses that polysaccharide is significant in maintaining the three-dimensional structures found in plant fossil lagerstätten. Both modern laboratory and natural decay series show that diagenesis occurs quickly, suggesting that fossil samples must have been rapidly buried in order to avoid microbial growth. Therefore, given the overall fidelity of Metasequoia fossil lagerstätten, the approximately -24‰ δ13C values recorded in arctic Cenozoic Metasequoia fossils are likely due to physiological response to different ancient atmospheric conditions, and not due to microbial-based tissue decay during early diagenesis