443 research outputs found

    Spur Gear Damage Analysis Using Variation of Speed Range

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    Gears having an acoustic signal is generally noisy and non-stationary in nature. The faulty gears may spread and increase the damage to the entiremechanism. This paper discussed how to diagnosesgear defect identification using dual tree complex wavelet transform and Variation of speed range. The acoustic signal from the healthy gear mesh is used as the reference signal, comparing the faulty gear signal and improper chamfering. Gear with seeded defects in one or more of teeth is analyzed. The proposed method is used to determine the effectiveness of gear from signal by performing simulations. The parameters such as RMS, Peak, Kurtosisand crest factor are measured. Acoustic signalsare used for tooth tip breakage, fatigue cracking, pitting, estimating the severity of defects. It helps in avoiding gear teeth fractures damage and motors gear health

    Rotor fault diagnosis based on wavelet packet energy spectrum and adaptive fuzzy weighted support vector machine

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    In this study, a novel application of a wavelet packet energy-weighted support vector machine (WPE-WSVM) is proposed to perform fault classification of helicopter rotor. Because the helicopter rotor fault signal is weak, it is difficult to extract fault feature. The wavelet package is adopted to decompose the vibration signals on the fuselage into different frequency bands, and to eliminate the noise. And then single signal was reconstructed to extract the energy in each frequency band serving as fault feature vectors. And support vector machine was applied for classifying the failure mode of the helicopter rotor. For classification task support vector machine is used due to its good robustness and generalization performances. But the classification accuracy of standard support vector machine is relative slow when the number of samples of different classes is dramatically different. So a fuzzy weighted support vector machine was proposed, which added weight coefficient to samples of different classes. A comparative analysis of standard support vector machine and proposed fuzzy weighted support vector machine is done. The proposed fuzzy weighted support vector machine improved the classification accuracy of class with fewer samples. The proposed method is sufficiently accurate, fast, and robust, which makes it suitable for use in helicopter rotor fault diagnosis applications

    Real-time human ambulation, activity, and physiological monitoring:taxonomy of issues, techniques, applications, challenges and limitations

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    Automated methods of real-time, unobtrusive, human ambulation, activity, and wellness monitoring and data analysis using various algorithmic techniques have been subjects of intense research. The general aim is to devise effective means of addressing the demands of assisted living, rehabilitation, and clinical observation and assessment through sensor-based monitoring. The research studies have resulted in a large amount of literature. This paper presents a holistic articulation of the research studies and offers comprehensive insights along four main axes: distribution of existing studies; monitoring device framework and sensor types; data collection, processing and analysis; and applications, limitations and challenges. The aim is to present a systematic and most complete study of literature in the area in order to identify research gaps and prioritize future research directions

    Using Support Vector Machines and Acoustic Noise Signal for Degradation Analysis of Rotating Machinery

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    An automated approach to degradation analysis is proposed that uses a rotating machine’s acoustic signal to determine Remaining Useful Life (RUL). High resolution spectral features are extracted from the acoustic data collected over the entire lifetime of the machine. A novel approach to the computation of Mutual Information based Feature Subset Selection is applied, to remove redundant and irrelevant features, that does not require class label boundaries of the dataset or spectral locations of developing defect to be known or pre-estimated. Using subsets of the feature space, multi-class linear and Radial Basis Function (RBF) Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers are developed and a comparison of their performance is provided. Performance of all classifiers is found to be very high, 85 to 98%, with RBF SVMs outperforming linear SVMs when a smaller number of features are used. As larger numbers of features are used for classification, the problem space becomes more linearly separable and the linear SVMs are shown to have comparable performance. A detailed analysis of the misclassifications is provided and an approach to better understand and interpret costly misclassifications is discussed. While defining class label boundaries using an automated k-means clustering algorithm improves performance with an accuracy of approximately 99%, further analysis shows that in 88% of all misclassifications the actual class of failure had the next highest probability of occurring. Thus, a system that incorporates probability distributions as a measure of confidence for the predicted RUL would provide additional valuable information for scheduling preventative maintenance

    A Diagnosis Feature Space for Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Ball Bearings

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    The problem of fault diagnosis and condition monitoring of ball bearings is a multidisciplinary subject. It involves research subjects from diverse disciplines of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and in particular signal processing. In the first step, one should identify the correct method of investigation. The methods of investigation for condition monitoring of ball bearings include acoustic emission measurements, temperature monitoring, electrical current monitoring, debris analysis and vibration signal analysis. In this thesis the vibration signal analysis is employed. Once the method of analysis is selected, then features sensitive to faults should be calculated from the signal. While some of the features may be useful for condition monitoring, some of the calculated features might be extra and may not be helpful. Therefore, a feature reduction module should be employed. Initially, six features are selected as a candidate for the diagnosis feature space. After analyzing the trend of the features, it was concluded that three of the features are not appropriate for fault diagnosis. In this thesis, two problem is investigated. First the problem of identifying the effects of the fault size on the vibration signal is investigated. Also the performance of the feature space is tested in distinguishing the healthy ball bearings from the defective vibration signals

    A sensitivity comparison of Neuro-fuzzy feature extraction methods from bearing failure signals

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    This thesis presents an account of investigations made into building bearing fault classifiers for outer race faults (ORF), inner race faults (IRF), ball faults (BF) and no fault (NF) cases using wavelet transforms, statistical parameter features and Artificial Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS). The test results showed that the ball fault (BF) classifier successfully achieved 100% accuracy without mis-classification, while the outer race fault (ORF), inner race fault (IRF) and no fault (NF) classifiers achieved mixed results

    Engine defect detection using wavelet analysis.

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    Building appliances energy performance assessment

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    Trabalho de Projeto de Mestrado, Informática, 2021, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiênciasO consumo de energia tem vindo a crescer na União Europeia todos os anos, sendo de prever que, a curto prazo, se torne insustentável. No sentido de prevenir este cenário, a Comissão Europeia decidiu definir uma Estratégia Energética para a União Europeia, destacando dois objetivos: aumentar a eficiência energética e promover a descarbonização. Atualmente, cerca de 72% dos edifícios existentes na União Europeia não são energeticamente eficientes. Este problema motivou-nos à pesquisa e criação de soluções que permitam uma melhor avaliação do consumo energético por dispositivos elétricos em edifícios residenciais. Neste contexto, o trabalho desenvolvido nesta tese consiste no desenho de uma solução de monitorização remota que recolhe informações de consumo energético recorrendo a técnicas de intrusive load monitoring, onde cada dispositivo elétrico individual é continuamente monitorizado quanto ao seu consumo energético. Esta abordagem permite compreender o consumo de energia, em tempo real e no dia-a-dia. Este conhecimento oferece-nos a capacidade de avaliar as diferenças existentes entre as medições laboratoriais (abordagem utilizada no sistema de rotulagem de equipamentos elétricos de acordo com a sua eficiência energética) e os consumos domésticos estimados. Para tal, nesta tese exploram-se abordagens de machine learning que pretendem descrever padrões de consumo, bem como reconhecer marcas, modelos e que funções os dispositivos elétricos estarão a executar. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é desenhar e implementar um protótipo de uma solução de IoT flexível e de baixo custo para avaliar equipamentos elétricos. Será utilizado um conjunto de sensores que recolherá dados relacionados com o consumo de energia e os entrega à plataforma SATO para serem posteriormente processados. O sistema será usado para monitorar aparelhos comumente encontrados em residências. Além disso, o sistema terá a capacidade de monitorizar o consumo de água de aparelhos que necessitem de abastecimento de água, como máquinas de lavar e de lavar louça. Os dados recolhidos serão usados para classificação dos aparelhos e modos de operação dos mesmos, em tempo real, permitindo fornecer relatórios sobre o consumo energético e modo de uso dos aparelhos, com grande grau de detalhe. Os relatórios podem incluir o uso de energia por vários ciclos de operação. Por exemplo, um aparelho pode executar vários ciclos de operação, como uma máquina de lavar que consume diferentes quantidades de energia elétrica e água consoante o modo de operação escolhido pelo utilizador. Toda a informação recolhida pode ser posteriormente utilizada em novos serviços de recomendação que ajudaram os utilizadores a definir melhor as configurações adequadas a um determinado dispositivo, minimizando o consumo energético e melhorando a sua eficiência. Adicionalmente toda esta informação pode ser utilizada para o diagnóstico de avarias e/ou manutenção preventiva. Em termos de proposta, o trabalho desenvolvido nesta tese tem as seguintes contribuições: Sistema de monitorização remota: o sistema de monitorização desenhado e implementado nesta tese avança o estado da arte dos sistemas de monitorização propostos pela literatura devido ao facto de incluir uma lista aprimorada de sensores que podem fornecer mais informações sobre os aparelhos, como o consumo de água da máquina de lavar. Além disso, é altamente flexível e pode ser implementado sem esforço em dispositivos novos ou antigos para monitorização de consumo de recursos. Conjunto de dados de consumo de energia de eletrodomésticos: Os dados recolhidos podem ser usados para futura investigação científica sobre o consumo de consumo de energia, padrões de uso de energia pelos eletrodomésticos e classificação dos mesmos. Abordagem de computação na borda (Edge Computing): O sistema de monitorização proposto explora o paradigma de computação na borda, onde parte da computação de preparação de dados é executada na borda, libertando recursos da nuvem para cálculos essenciais e que necessitem de mais poder computacional. Classificação precisa de dispositivos em tempo real: Coma proposta desenhada nesta tese, podemos classificar os dispositivos com alta precisão, usando os dados recolhidos pelo sistema de monitorização desenvolvido na tese. A abordagem proposta consegue classificar os dispositivos, que são monitorizados, com baixas taxas de falsos positivos. Para fácil compreensão do trabalho desenvolvido nesta tese, de seguida descreve-se a organização do documento. O Capítulo 1 apresenta o problema do consumo de energia na União Europeia e discute o aumento do consumo da mesma. O capítulo apresenta também os principais objetivos e contribuições do trabalho. No Capítulo 2 revê-se o trabalho relacionado em termos de sistema de monitorização remota, que inclui sensores, microcontroladores, processamento e filtragem de sinal. Por fim, este capítulo revê os trabalhos existentes na literatura relacionados com o problema de classificação de dispositivos usando abordagens de machine learning. No Capítulo 3 discutem-se os requisitos do sistema e o projeto de arquitetura conceitual do sistema. Neste capítulo é proposta uma solução de hardware, bem como, o software e firmware necessários à sua operação. Os algoritmos de machine learning necessários à classificação são também discutidos, em termos de configurações necessárias e adequadas ao problema que queremos resolver nesta tese. O Capítulo 4 representa a implementação de um protótipo que servirá de prova de conceito dos mecanismos discutidos no Capítulo 3. Neste capítulo discute-se também a forma de integração do protótipo na plataforma SATO. Com base na implementação feita, no Capítulo 5 especificam-se um conjunto de testes funcionais que permitem avaliar o desempenho da solução proposta e discutem-se os resultados obtidos a partir desses testes. Por fim, o Capítulo 6 apresenta as conclusões e o trabalho futuro que poderá ser desenvolvido partindo da solução atual.Energy consumption is daily growing in European Union (EU). One day it will become hardly sustainable. For this not to happen European Commission decided to implement a European Union Strategy, emphasizing two objectives: increasing energy efficiency and decarbonization. About 72% of all buildings in the EU are not adapted to be energy efficient. This problem encourages us to create solutions that would help assess the energy consumption of appliances at residential houses. In this thesis, we proposed a system that collects data using an intrusive load monitoring approach, where each appliance will have a dedicated monitoring rig to collect the energy consumption data. The proposed solution will help us understand the real-life consumption of each device being monitored and compare the laboratory measurements observed versus domestic consumption estimated by the energy consumption based on the EU energy efficiency labelling system. The system proposed detects device consumption patterns and recognize its brand, model and what actions that appliance is executing, e.g., program of washing in a washing machine. To achieve our goal, we designed a hardware solution capable of collecting sensor data, filtering and send it to a cloud platform (the SATO platform). Additionally, in the cloud, we have a Machine Learning solution that deals with the data and recognizes the appliance and its operation modes. This recognition allows drawing a device/settings profile, which can detect faults and create a recommendation service that helps users define the better settings for a specific appliance, minimizing energy consumption and improving efficiency. Finally, we examine our prototype approach of the system implemented for targeted objectives in this project report. The document describes the experiments that we did and the final results. Our results show that we can identify the appliance and some of its operation modes. The proposed approach must be improved to make the identification of all operation modes. However, the current version of the system shows exciting results. It can be used to support the design of a new labelling system where daily operation measures can be used to support the new classification system. This way, we have an approach that allows improving the energy consumption, making builds more efficient

    Analyses of Online Monitoring Signals for a GMAW Process Before and After Improvement

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    The ability to detect the onset of welding instability is a very powerful tool in welding process monitoring and control. Toward this goal, this study investigates a gas metal arc welding (GMAW) process by analyzing online monitoring signals. Two separate data sets are obtained from the process, which correspond to (a) a stable process after improvement and (b) a relatively unstable process which tends to exhibit spatter and poor weld bead geometry. Voltage, current, wire-feeding speed and line speed signals for both data sets are analysed and features are extracted from the raw signals using different signal processing techniques. Specifically, phase diagrams, signal distributions, Fast Fourier transform (FFT) and Wavelet Transform methodologies are implemented. The process parameters differ for the data corresponding to the stable and unstable processes rendering the two data sets incomparable. As such, an overlapping region of parameters is selected and this data is used to develop a multi-layer neural network model. The model uses the features extracted to distinguish between the two data sets under the similar input conditions. The trained model is then used to classify data as being from a stable process or an unstable process. Finally, an ant colony optimization algorithm is used to select the optimal subset of features for the classification model. For this task, fuzzy k-nearest neighbor algorithm is used as the classifier instead due to the computational simplicity. The results indicate that more than one single feature is able to yield 100% classification accuracy alone. A way to rank those features is discussed. Moreover, the effect of window size is also investigated

    Modelling and detection of faults in axial-flux permanent magnet machines

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    The development of various topologies and configurations of axial-flux permanent magnet machine has spurred its use for electromechanical energy conversion in several applications. As it becomes increasingly deployed, effective condition monitoring built on reliable and accurate fault detection techniques is needed to ensure its engineering integrity. Unlike induction machine which has been rigorously investigated for faults, axial-flux permanent magnet machine has not. Thus in this thesis, axial-flux permanent magnet machine is investigated under faulty conditions. Common faults associated with it namely; static eccentricity and interturn short circuit are modelled, and detection techniques are established. The modelling forms a basis for; developing a platform for precise fault replication on a developed experimental test-rig, predicting and analysing fault signatures using both finite element analysis and experimental analysis. In the detection, the motor current signature analysis, vibration analysis and electrical impedance spectroscopy are applied. Attention is paid to fault-feature extraction and fault discrimination. Using both frequency and time-frequency techniques, features are tracked in the line current under steady-state and transient conditions respectively. Results obtained provide rich information on the pattern of fault harmonics. Parametric spectral estimation is also explored as an alternative to the Fourier transform in the steady-state analysis of faulty conditions. It is found to be as effective as the Fourier transform and more amenable to short signal-measurement duration. Vibration analysis is applied in the detection of eccentricities; its efficacy in fault detection is hinged on proper determination of vibratory frequencies and quantification of corresponding tones. This is achieved using analytical formulations and signal processing techniques. Furthermore, the developed fault model is used to assess the influence of cogging torque minimization techniques and rotor topologies in axial-flux permanent magnet machine on current signal in the presence of static eccentricity. The double-sided topology is found to be tolerant to the presence of static eccentricity unlike the single-sided topology due to the opposing effect of the resulting asymmetrical properties of the airgap. The cogging torque minimization techniques do not impair on the established fault detection technique in the single-sided topology. By applying electrical broadband impedance spectroscopy, interturn faults are diagnosed; a high frequency winding model is developed to analyse the impedance-frequency response obtained
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