6,378 research outputs found

    Proceedings of International Workshop "Global Computing: Programming Environments, Languages, Security and Analysis of Systems"

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    According to the IST/ FET proactive initiative on GLOBAL COMPUTING, the goal is to obtain techniques (models, frameworks, methods, algorithms) for constructing systems that are flexible, dependable, secure, robust and efficient. The dominant concerns are not those of representing and manipulating data efficiently but rather those of handling the co-ordination and interaction, security, reliability, robustness, failure modes, and control of risk of the entities in the system and the overall design, description and performance of the system itself. Completely different paradigms of computer science may have to be developed to tackle these issues effectively. The research should concentrate on systems having the following characteristics: ‱ The systems are composed of autonomous computational entities where activity is not centrally controlled, either because global control is impossible or impractical, or because the entities are created or controlled by different owners. ‱ The computational entities are mobile, due to the movement of the physical platforms or by movement of the entity from one platform to another. ‱ The configuration varies over time. For instance, the system is open to the introduction of new computational entities and likewise their deletion. The behaviour of the entities may vary over time. ‱ The systems operate with incomplete information about the environment. For instance, information becomes rapidly out of date and mobility requires information about the environment to be discovered. The ultimate goal of the research action is to provide a solid scientific foundation for the design of such systems, and to lay the groundwork for achieving effective principles for building and analysing such systems. This workshop covers the aspects related to languages and programming environments as well as analysis of systems and resources involving 9 projects (AGILE , DART, DEGAS , MIKADO, MRG, MYTHS, PEPITO, PROFUNDIS, SECURE) out of the 13 founded under the initiative. After an year from the start of the projects, the goal of the workshop is to fix the state of the art on the topics covered by the two clusters related to programming environments and analysis of systems as well as to devise strategies and new ideas to profitably continue the research effort towards the overall objective of the initiative. We acknowledge the Dipartimento di Informatica and Tlc of the University of Trento, the Comune di Rovereto, the project DEGAS for partially funding the event and the Events and Meetings Office of the University of Trento for the valuable collaboration

    KLAIM: A Kernel Language for Agents Interaction and Mobility

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    We investigate the issue of designing a kernel programming language for mobile computing and describe KLAIM, a language that supports a programming paradigm where processes, like data, can be moved from one computing environment to another. The language consists of a core Linda with multiple tuple spaces and of a set of operators for building processes. KLAIM naturally supports programming with explicit localities. Localities are first-class data (they can be manipulated like any other data), but the language provides coordination mechanisms to control the interaction protocols among located processes. The formal operational semantics is useful for discussing the design of the language and provides guidelines for implementations. KLAIM is equipped with a type system that statically checks access rights violations of mobile agents. Types are used to describe the intentions (read, write, execute, etc.) of processes in relation to the various localities. The type system is used to determine the operations that processes want to perform at each locality, and to check whether they comply with the declared intentions and whether they have the necessary rights to perform the intended operations at the specific localities. Via a series of examples, we show that many mobile code programming paradigms can be naturally implemented in our kernel language. We also present a prototype implementaton of KLAIM in Java

    2015 Program

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    A university is more than an amalgamation of several colleges. It also is an organization which celebrates the full richness of faculty contributions including those vital and exciting contributions in research, scholarship and creative activity within their disciplines. These contributions come in many forms: journal articles, book chapters, monographs, art works, music compositions, performances of many varieties and a host of others. Funded research contributions are similarly varied. Through such activities, faculty members stay at the growing edges of their fields, and in so doing, they enrich their intellectual lives as well as those of their students. Once again, I invite each participant at this event today to browse the contributions of your colleagues, ask questions, and celebrate the intellectual vitality of our university community. Each year as this event grows and widens its reach and audience, it continues to inspire and impress me. I am sure it will do the same for you. Provost Dr. Blair Lordhttps://thekeep.eiu.edu/scholars_programs/1002/thumbnail.jp


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    This thesis proposes to redefine an existing building type: a public arts high school in an urban city context, as a building that becomes more than an important place for its students, and the community, but as a home for the arts, academics, and learning through social interactivity. The case study for these explorations will redefine Duke Ellington School of the Arts as a prototype for this architectural theory. It is sited in the historic Georgetown neighborhood in the northwest quadrant of Washington D.C. The thesis of this project attempts to create a contemporary building in a historic presence that reflects the school's identity and increases its visibility and presence within its Georgetown community, and rethinks how art schools adapt to change, by exploring themes of flexibility, growth and adaptability in various learning environments to changing pedagogy and technology

    Estimating the Maximum Information Leakage

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    none2noopenAldini, Alessandro; DI PIERRO, A.Aldini, Alessandro; DI PIERRO, A

    Pairwise Classification and Pairwise Support Vector Machines

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    Several modifications have been suggested to extend binary classifiers to multiclass classification, for instance the One Against All technique, the One Against One technique, or Directed Acyclic Graphs. A recent approach for multiclass classification is the pairwise classification, which relies on two input examples instead of one and predicts whether the two input examples belong to the same class or to different classes. A Support Vector Machine (SVM), which is able to handle pairwise classification tasks, is called pairwise SVM. A common pairwise classification task is face recognition. In this area, a set of images is given for training and another set of images is given for testing. Often, one is interested in the interclass setting. The latter means that any person which is represented by an image in the training set is not represented by any image in the test set. From the mentioned multiclass classification techniques only the pairwise classification technique provides meaningful results in the interclass setting. For a pairwise classifier the order of the two examples should not influence the classification result. A common approach to enforce this symmetry is the use of selected kernels. Relations between such kernels and certain projections are provided. It is shown, that those projections can lead to an information loss. For pairwise SVMs another approach for enforcing symmetry is the symmetrization of the training sets. In other words, if the pair (a,b) of examples is a training pair then (b,a) is a training pair, too. It is proven that both approaches do lead to the same decision function for selected parameters. Empirical tests show that the approach using selected kernels is three to four times faster. For a good interclass generalization of pairwise SVMs training sets with several million training pairs are needed. A technique is presented which further speeds up the training time of pairwise SVMs by a factor of up to 130 and thus enables the learning of training sets with several million pairs. Another element affecting time is the need to select several parameters. Even with the applied speed up techniques a grid search over the set of parameters would be very expensive. Therefore, a model selection technique is introduced that is much less computationally expensive. In machine learning, the training set and the test set are created by using some data generating process. Several pairwise data generating processes are derived from a given non pairwise data generating process. Advantages and disadvantages of the different pairwise data generating processes are evaluated. Pairwise Bayes' Classifiers are introduced and their properties are discussed. It is shown that pairwise Bayes' Classifiers for interclass generalization tasks can differ from pairwise Bayes' Classifiers for interexample generalization tasks. In face recognition the interexample task implies that each person which is represented by an image in the test set is also represented by at least one image in the training set. Moreover, the set of images of the training set and the set of images of the test set are disjoint. Pairwise SVMs are applied to four synthetic and to two real world datasets. One of the real world datasets is the Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) database while the other one is provided by Cognitec Systems GmbH. Empirical evidence for the presented model selection heuristic, the discussion about the loss of information and the provided speed up techniques is given by the synthetic databases and it is shown that classifiers of pairwise SVMs lead to a similar quality as pairwise Bayes' classifiers. Additionally, a pairwise classifier is identified for the LFW database which leads to an average equal error rate (EER) of 0.0947 with a standard error of the mean (SEM) of 0.0057. This result is better than the result of the current state of the art classifier, namely the combined probabilistic linear discriminant analysis classifier, which leads to an average EER of 0.0993 and a SEM of 0.0051.Es gibt verschiedene AnsĂ€tze, um binĂ€re Klassifikatoren zur Mehrklassenklassifikation zu nutzen, zum Beispiel die One Against All Technik, die One Against One Technik oder Directed Acyclic Graphs. Paarweise Klassifikation ist ein neuerer Ansatz zur Mehrklassenklassifikation. Dieser Ansatz basiert auf der Verwendung von zwei Input Examples anstelle von einem und bestimmt, ob diese beiden Examples zur gleichen Klasse oder zu unterschiedlichen Klassen gehören. Eine Support Vector Machine (SVM), die fĂŒr paarweise Klassifikationsaufgaben genutzt wird, heißt paarweise SVM. Beispielsweise werden Probleme der Gesichtserkennung als paarweise Klassifikationsaufgabe gestellt. Dazu nutzt man eine Menge von Bildern zum Training und ein andere Menge von Bildern zum Testen. HĂ€ufig ist man dabei an der Interclass Generalization interessiert. Das bedeutet, dass jede Person, die auf wenigstens einem Bild der Trainingsmenge dargestellt ist, auf keinem Bild der Testmenge vorkommt. Von allen erwĂ€hnten Mehrklassenklassifikationstechniken liefert nur die paarweise Klassifikationstechnik sinnvolle Ergebnisse fĂŒr die Interclass Generalization. Die Entscheidung eines paarweisen Klassifikators sollte nicht von der Reihenfolge der zwei Input Examples abhĂ€ngen. Diese Symmetrie wird hĂ€ufig durch die Verwendung spezieller Kerne gesichert. Es werden Beziehungen zwischen solchen Kernen und bestimmten Projektionen hergeleitet. Zudem wird gezeigt, dass diese Projektionen zu einem Informationsverlust fĂŒhren können. FĂŒr paarweise SVMs ist die Symmetrisierung der Trainingsmengen ein weiter Ansatz zur Sicherung der Symmetrie. Das bedeutet, wenn das Paar (a,b) von Input Examples zur Trainingsmenge gehört, dann muss das Paar (b,a) ebenfalls zur Trainingsmenge gehören. Es wird bewiesen, dass fĂŒr bestimmte Parameter beide AnsĂ€tze zur gleichen Entscheidungsfunktion fĂŒhren. Empirische Messungen zeigen, dass der Ansatz mittels spezieller Kerne drei bis viermal schneller ist. Um eine gute Interclass Generalization zu erreichen, werden bei paarweisen SVMs Trainingsmengen mit mehreren Millionen Paaren benötigt. Es wird eine Technik eingefĂŒhrt, die die Trainingszeit von paarweisen SVMs um bis zum 130-fachen beschleunigt und es somit ermöglicht, Trainingsmengen mit mehreren Millionen Paaren zu verwenden. Auch die Auswahl guter Parameter fĂŒr paarweise SVMs ist im Allgemeinen sehr zeitaufwendig. Selbst mit den beschriebenen Beschleunigungen ist eine Gittersuche in der Menge der Parameter sehr teuer. Daher wird eine Model Selection Technik eingefĂŒhrt, die deutlich geringeren Aufwand erfordert. Im maschinellen Lernen werden die Trainingsmenge und die Testmenge von einem Datengenerierungsprozess erzeugt. Ausgehend von einem nicht paarweisen Datengenerierungsprozess werden unterschiedliche paarweise Datengenerierungsprozesse abgeleitet und ihre Vor- und Nachteile bewertet. Es werden paarweise Bayes-Klassifikatoren eingefĂŒhrt und ihre Eigenschaften diskutiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass sich diese Bayes-Klassifikatoren fĂŒr Interclass Generalization Aufgaben und fĂŒr Interexample Generalization Aufgaben im Allgemeinen unterscheiden. Bei der Gesichtserkennung bedeutet die Interexample Generalization, dass jede Person, die auf einem Bild der Testmenge dargestellt ist, auch auf mindestens einem Bild der Trainingsmenge vorkommt. Außerdem ist der Durchschnitt der Menge der Bilder der Trainingsmenge mit der Menge der Bilder der Testmenge leer. Paarweise SVMs werden an vier synthetischen und an zwei Real World Datenbanken getestet. Eine der verwendeten Real World Datenbanken ist die Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) Datenbank. Die andere wurde von Cognitec Systems GmbH bereitgestellt. Die Annahmen der Model Selection Technik, die Diskussion ĂŒber den Informationsverlust, sowie die prĂ€sentierten Beschleunigungstechniken werden durch empirische Messungen mit den synthetischen Datenbanken belegt. Zudem wird mittels dieser Datenbanken gezeigt, dass Klassifikatoren von paarweisen SVMs zu Ă€hnlich guten Ergebnissen wie paarweise Bayes-Klassifikatoren fĂŒhren. FĂŒr die LFW Datenbank wird ein paarweiser Klassifikator bestimmt, der zu einer durchschnittlichen Equal Error Rate (EER) von 0.0947 und einem Standard Error of The Mean (SEM) von 0.0057 fĂŒhrt. Dieses Ergebnis ist besser als das des aktuellen State of the Art Klassifikators, dem Combined Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis Klassifikator. Dieser fĂŒhrt zu einer durchschnittlichen EER von 0.0993 und einem SEM von 0.0051

    Evaluation of Urban Improvement on the Islands of the Venice Lagoon: A Spatially-Distributed Hedonic-Hierarchical Approach

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    This paper presents a model for the evaluation of environmental and urban improvements on the islands of the Venetian lagoon. The model simulates the changes in residential real estate values using a value function integrated in a geographical database which provides spatial distributions of values changes. The fairly weak market signals, fragmented demand and strong externalities, and the scarcity of market data available do not permit the use of econometric models for value appraisal. Appropriate hedonic-hierarchical value functions are calibrated on the basis of a set of indicators of the characteristics of the buildings and the location. Some applications of the model are illustrated simulating two scenarios of future interventions which are actually being discussed or realised and involving the island of Murano, Burano and S. Erasmo in the Venice Lagoon. The interventions considered are: subway beyond the lagoon connecting Murano with Venice and the mainland, and the solution of “high water” problems on Murano, Burano and S. Erasmo.Public work assessment, Property value, Hierarchical analysis
