9,277 research outputs found

    Investigation of techniques for inventorying forested regions. Volume 2: Forestry information system requirements and joint use of remotely sensed and ancillary data

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Effects of terrain topography in mountainous forested regions on LANDSAT signals and classifier training were found to be significant. The aspect of sloping terrain relative to the sun's azimuth was the major cause of variability. A relative insolation factor could be defined which, in a single variable, represents the joint effects of slope and aspect and solar geometry on irradiance. Forest canopy reflectances were bound, both through simulation, and empirically, to have nondiffuse reflectance characteristics. Training procedures could be improved by stratifying in the space of ancillary variables and training in each stratum. Application of the Tasselled-Cap transformation for LANDSAT data acquired over forested terrain could provide a viable technique for data compression and convenient physical interpretations

    Historical forest biomass dynamics modelled with Landsat spectral trajectories

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    Acknowledgements National Forest Inventory data are available online, provided by Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (España). Landsat images are available online, provided by the USGS.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Mapping the species richness and composition of tropical forests from remotely sensed data with neural networks

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    The understanding and management of biodiversity is often limited by a lack of data. Remote sensing has considerable potential as a source of data on biodiversity at spatial and temporal scales appropriate for biodiversity management. To-date, most remote sensing studies have focused on only one aspect of biodiversity, species richness, and have generally used conventional image analysis techniques that may not fully exploit the data's information content. Here, we report on a study that aimed to estimate biodiversity more fully from remotely sensed data with the aid of neural networks. Two neural network models, feedforward networks to estimate basic indices of biodiversity and Kohonen networks to provide information on species composition, were used. Biodiversity indices of species richness and evenness derived from the remotely sensed data were strongly correlated with those derived from field survey. For example, the predicted tree species richness was significantly correlated with that observed in the field (r=0.69, significant at the 95% level of confidence). In addition, there was a high degree of correspondence (?83%) between the partitioning of the outputs from Kohonen networks applied to tree species and remotely sensed data sets that indicated the potential to map species composition. Combining the outputs of the two sets of neural network based analyses enabled a map of biodiversity to be produce

    Forest Inventories: Discrepancies and Uncertainties

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    Credits for sequestered carbon augment forests’ already considerable value as natural habitat and as producers of timber and biomass, making their accurate inventory more critical than ever before. This article examines discrepancies in inventories of forest attributes and their sources in four variables: area, timber volume per area, biomass per timber volume, and carbon concentration. Documented discrepancies range up to a multibillion-ton difference in the global stock of carbon in trees. Because the variables are multiplied together to estimate an attribute like carbon stock, more precise measurement of the most certain variable improves accuracy little, and a 10 percent error in biomass per timber levers a discrepancy as much as a mistake in millions of hectares. More precise measurements of, say, accessible stands cannot remedy inaccuracies from biased sampling of regional forests. The discrepancies and uncertainties documented here underscore the obligation to improve monitoring of global forests.forest monitoring, Forest Identity, forest carbon, remote sensing

    Modelling fire occurrence at regional scale. Does vegetation phenology matter?

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    Through its influence on biomass production, climate controls fuel availability affecting at the same time fuel moisture and flammability, which are the main determinants for fire ignition and propagation. Knowing the role of fuel phenology on fire ignition patterns is hence a key issue for fire prevention, detection, and development of mitigation strategies. The objective of this study is to quantify, at coarse scale, the role of the vegetation seasonal dynamics on fire ignition patterns of the National Park of Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni (southern Italy) during 2000-2013. We applied a habitat suitability model to compare the multitemporal NDVI profiles at the locations of fire occurrence (the used habitat) with the NDVI profiles of the entire study area (the available habitat). Results demonstrated that, from May to October, wildfires occur preferentially at sites where the remotely-sensed NDVI observations have on average lower values than the available habitat. On the other hand, in the period November-April, wildfires tend to occur at sites where the corresponding NDVI observations have higher values than the available habitat. From a practical viewpoint, the proposed method can be implemented using many different ecogeographical variables simultaneously, thus integrating remotely sensed imagery with socioeconomic data, land cover, physiography or any landscape features that are thought to influence fire occurrence in the study area

    Assessing the utility of geospatial technologies to investigate environmental change within lake systems

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    Over 50% of the world's population live within 3. km of rivers and lakes highlighting the on-going importance of freshwater resources to human health and societal well-being. Whilst covering c. 3.5% of the Earth's non-glaciated land mass, trends in the environmental quality of the world's standing waters (natural lakes and reservoirs) are poorly understood, at least in comparison with rivers, and so evaluation of their current condition and sensitivity to change are global priorities. Here it is argued that a geospatial approach harnessing existing global datasets, along with new generation remote sensing products, offers the basis to characterise trajectories of change in lake properties e.g., water quality, physical structure, hydrological regime and ecological behaviour. This approach furthermore provides the evidence base to understand the relative importance of climatic forcing and/or changing catchment processes, e.g. land cover and soil moisture data, which coupled with climate data provide the basis to model regional water balance and runoff estimates over time. Using examples derived primarily from the Danube Basin but also other parts of the World, we demonstrate the power of the approach and its utility to assess the sensitivity of lake systems to environmental change, and hence better manage these key resources in the future

    Assessing, monitoring and mapping forest resources in the Blue Nile Region of Sudan using an object-based image analysis approach

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    Following the hierarchical nature of forest resource management, the present work focuses on the natural forest cover at various abstraction levels of details, i.e. categorical land use/land cover (LU/LC) level and a continuous empirical estimation of local operational level. As no single sensor presently covers absolutely all the requirements of the entire levels of forest resource assessment, multisource imagery (i.e. RapidEye, TERRA ASTER and LANDSAT TM), in addition to other data and knowledge have been examined. To deal with this structure, an object-based image analysis (OBIA) approach has been assessed in the destabilized Blue Nile region of Sudan as a potential solution to gather the required information for future forest planning and decision making. Moreover, the spatial heterogeneity as well as the rapid changes observed in the region motivates the inspection for more efficient, flexible and accurate methods to update the desired information. An OBIA approach has been proposed as an alternative analysis framework that can mitigate the deficiency associated with the pixel-based approach. In this sense, the study examines the most popular pixel-based maximum likelihood classifier, as an example of the behavior of spectral classifier toward respective data and regional specifics. In contrast, the OBIA approach analyzes remotely sensed data by incorporating expert analyst knowledge and complimentary ancillary data in a way that somehow simulates human intelligence for image interpretation based on the real-world representation of the features. As the segment is the basic processing unit, various combinations of segmentation criteria were tested to separate similar spectral values into groups of relatively homogeneous pixels. At the categorical subtraction level, rules were developed and optimum features were extracted for each particular class. Two methods were allocated (i.e. Rule Based (RB) and Nearest Neighbour (NN) Classifier) to assign segmented objects to their corresponding classes. Moreover, the study attempts to answer the questions whether OBIA is inherently more precise at fine spatial resolution than at coarser resolution, and how both pixel-based and OBIA approaches can be compared regarding relative accuracy in function of spatial resolution. As anticipated, this work emphasizes that the OBIA approach is can be proposed as an advanced solution particulary for high resolution imagery, since the accuracies were improved at the different scales applied compare with those of pixel-based approach. Meanwhile, the results achieved by the two approaches are consistently high at a finer RapidEye spatial resolution, and much significantly enhanced with OBIA. Since the change in LU/LC is rapid and the region is heterogeneous as well as the data vary regarding the date of acquisition and data source, this motivated the implementation of post-classification change detection rather than radiometric transformation methods. Based on thematic LU/LC maps, series of optimized algorithms have been developed to depict the dynamics in LU/LC entities. Therefore, detailed change “from-to” information classes as well as changes statistics were produced. Furthermore, the produced change maps were assessed, which reveals that the accuracy of the change maps is consistently high. Aggregated to the community-level, social survey of household data provides a comprehensive perspective additionally to EO data. The predetermined hot spots of degraded and successfully recovered areas were investigated. Thus, the study utilized a well-designed questionnaire to address the factors affecting land-cover dynamics and the possible solutions based on local community's perception. At the operational structural forest stand level, the rationale for incorporating these analyses are to offer a semi-automatic OBIA metrics estimates from which forest attribute is acquired through automated segmentation algorithms at the level of delineated tree crowns or clusters of crowns. Correlation and regression analyses were applied to identify the relations between a wide range of spectral and textural metrics and the field derived forest attributes. The acquired results from the OBIA framework reveal strong relationships and precise estimates. Furthermore, the best fitted models were cross-validated with an independent set of field samples, which revealed a high degree of precision. An important question is how the spatial resolution and spectral range used affect the quality of the developed model this was also discussed based on the different sensors examined. To conclude, the study reveals that the OBIA has proven capability as an efficient and accurate approach for gaining knowledge about the land features, whether at the operational forest structural attributes or categorical LU/LC level. Moreover, the methodological framework exhibits a potential solution to attain precise facts and figures about the change dynamics and its driving forces.Da das Waldressourcenmanagement hierarchisch strukturiert ist, beschĂ€ftigt sich die vorliegende Arbeit mit der natĂŒrlichen Waldbedeckung auf verschiedenen Abstraktionsebenen, das heißt insbesondere mit der Ebene der kategorischen Landnutzung / Landbedeckung (LU/LC) sowie mit der kontinuierlichen empirischen AbschĂ€tzung auf lokaler operativer Ebene. Da zurzeit kein Sensor die Anforderungen aller Ebenen der Bewertung von Waldressourcen und von Multisource-Bildmaterialien (d.h. RapidEye, TERRA ASTER und LANDSAT TM) erfĂŒllen kann, wurden zusĂ€tzlich andere Formen von Daten und Wissen untersucht und in die Arbeit mit eingebracht. Es wurde eine objekt-basierte Bildanalyse (OBIA) in einer destabilisierten Region des Blauen Nils im Sudan eingesetzt, um nach möglichen Lösungen zu suchen, erforderliche Informationen fĂŒr die zukĂŒnftigen Waldplanung und die Entscheidungsfindung zu sammeln. Außerdem wurden die rĂ€umliche HeterogenitĂ€t, sowie die sehr schnellen Änderungen in der Region untersucht. Dies motiviert nach effizienteren, flexibleren und genaueren Methoden zu suchen, um die gewĂŒnschten aktuellen Informationen zu erhalten. Das Konzept von OBIA wurde als Substitution-Analyse-Rahmen vorgeschlagen, um die MĂ€ngel vom frĂŒheren pixel-basierten Konzept abzumildern. In diesem Sinne untersucht die Studie die beliebtesten Maximum-Likelihood-Klassifikatoren des pixel-basierten Konzeptes als Beispiel fĂŒr das Verhalten der spektralen Klassifikatoren in dem jeweiligen Datenbereich und der Region. Im Gegensatz dazu analysiert OBIA Fernerkundungsdaten durch den Einbau von Wissen des Analytikers sowie kostenlose Zusatzdaten in einer Art und Weise, die menschliche Intelligenz fĂŒr die Bildinterpretation als eine reale Darstellung der Funktion simuliert. Als ein Segment einer Basisverarbeitungseinheit wurden verschiedene Kombinationen von Segmentierungskriterien getestet um Ă€hnliche spektrale Werte in Gruppen von relativ homogenen Pixeln zu trennen. An der kategorische Subtraktionsebene wurden Regeln entwickelt und optimale Eigenschaften fĂŒr jede besondere Klasse extrahiert. Zwei Verfahren (Rule Based (RB) und Nearest Neighbour (NN) Classifier) wurden zugeteilt um die segmentierten Objekte der entsprechenden Klasse zuzuweisen. Außerdem versucht die Studie die Fragen zu beantworten, ob OBIA in feiner rĂ€umlicher Auflösung grundsĂ€tzlich genauer ist als eine gröbere Auflösung, und wie beide, das pixel-basierte und das OBIA Konzept sich in einer relativen Genauigkeit als eine Funktion der rĂ€umlichen Auflösung vergleichen lassen. Diese Arbeit zeigt insbesondere, dass das OBIA Konzept eine fortschrittliche Lösung fĂŒr die Bildanalyse ist, da die Genauigkeiten - an den verschiedenen Skalen angewandt - im Vergleich mit denen der Pixel-basierten Konzept verbessert wurden. Unterdessen waren die berichteten Ergebnisse der feineren rĂ€umlichen Auflösung nicht nur fĂŒr die beiden AnsĂ€tze konsequent hoch, sondern durch das OBIA Konzept deutlich verbessert. Die schnellen VerĂ€nderungen und die HeterogenitĂ€t der Region sowie die unterschiedliche Datenherkunft haben dazu gefĂŒhrt, dass die Umsetzung von Post-Klassifizierungs- Änderungserkennung besser geeignet ist als radiometrische Transformationsmethoden. Basierend auf thematische LU/LC Karten wurden Serien von optimierten Algorithmen entwickelt, um die Dynamik in LU/LC Einheiten darzustellen. Deshalb wurden fĂŒr DetailĂ€nderung "von-bis"-Informationsklassen sowie VerĂ€nderungsstatistiken erstellt. Ferner wurden die erzeugten Änderungskarten bewertet, was zeigte, dass die Genauigkeit der Änderungskarten konstant hoch ist. Aggregiert auf die Gemeinde-Ebene bieten Sozialerhebungen der Haushaltsdaten eine umfassende zusĂ€tzliche Sichtweise auf die Fernerkundungsdaten. Die vorher festgelegten degradierten und erfolgreich wiederhergestellten Hot Spots wurden untersucht. Die Studie verwendet einen gut gestalteten Fragebogen um Faktoren die die Dynamik der Änderung der Landbedeckung und mögliche Lösungen, die auf der Wahrnehmung der Gemeinden basieren, anzusprechen. Auf der Ebene des operativen strukturellen Waldbestandes wird die BegrĂŒndung fĂŒr die Einbeziehung dieser Analysen angegeben um semi-automatische OBIA Metriken zu schĂ€tzen, die aus dem Wald-Attribut durch automatisierte Segmentierungsalgorithmen in den Baumkronen abgegrenzt oder Cluster von Kronen Ebenen erworben wird. Korrelations- und Regressionsanalysen wurden angewandt, um die Beziehungen zwischen einer Vielzahl von spektralen und strukturellen Metriken und den aus den Untersuchungsgebieten abgeleiteten Waldattributen zu identifizieren. Die Ergebnisse des OBIA Rahmens zeigen starke Beziehungen und prĂ€zise SchĂ€tzungen. Die besten Modelle waren mit einem unabhĂ€ngigen Satz von kreuz-validierten Feldproben ausgestattet, welche hohe Genauigkeiten ergaben. Eine wichtige Frage ist, wie die rĂ€umliche Auflösung und die verwendete Bandbreite die QualitĂ€t der entwickelten Modelle auch auf der Grundlage der verschiedenen untersuchten Sensoren beeinflussen. Schließlich zeigt die Studie, dass OBIA in der Lage ist, als ein effizienter und genauer Ansatz Kenntnisse ĂŒber die Landfunktionen zu erlangen, sei es bei operativen Attributen der Waldstruktur oder auch auf der kategorischen LU/LC Ebene. Außerdem zeigt der methodischen Rahmen eine mögliche Lösung um prĂ€zise Fakten und Zahlen ĂŒber die VerĂ€nderungsdynamik und ihre AntriebskrĂ€fte zu ermitteln

    Integration of remote sensing and GIS in studying vegetation trends and conditions in the gum arabic belt in North Kordofan, Sudan

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    The gum arabic belt in Sudan plays a significant role in environmental, social and economical aspects. The belt has suffered from deforestation and degradation due to natural hazards and human activities. This research was conducted in North Kordofan State, which is affected by modifications in conditions and composition of vegetation cover trends in the gum arabic belt as in the rest of the Sahelian Sudan zone. The application of remote sensing, geographical information system and satellites imageries with multi-temporal and spatial analysis of land use land cover provides the land managers with current and improved data for the purposes of effective management of natural resources in the gum arabic belt. This research investigated the possibility of identification, monitoring and mapping of the land use land cover changes and dynamics in the gum arabic belt during the last 35 years. Also a newly approach of object-based classification was applied for image classification. Additionally, the study elaborated the integration of conventional forest inventory with satellite imagery for Acacia senegal stands. The study used imageries from different satellites (Landsat and ASTER) and multi-temporal dates (MSS 1972, TM 1985, ETM+ 1999 and ASTER 2007) acquired in dry season (November). The imageries were geo-referenced and radiometrically corrected by using ENVI-FLAASH software. Image classification (pixel-based and object-based), post-classification change detection, 2x2 and 3x3 pixel windows and accuracy assessment were applied. A total of 47 field samples were inventoried for Acacia senegal tree’s variables in Elhemmaria forest. Three areas were selected and distributed along the gum arabic belt. Regression method analysis was applied to study the relationship between forest attributes and the ASTER imagery. Application of multi-temporal remote sensing data in gum arabic belt demonstrated successfully the identification and mapping of land use land cover into five main classes. Also NDVI categorisation provided a consistent method for land use land cover stratification and mapping. Forest dominated by Acacia senegal class was separated covering an area of 21% and 24% in the year 2007 for areas A and B, respectively. The land use land cover structure in the gum arabic belt has obvious changes and reciprocal conversions between the classes indicating the trends and conditions caused by the human interventions as well as ecological impacts on Acacia senegal trees. The study revealed a drastic loss of Acacia senegal cover by 25% during the period of 1972 to 2007.The results of the study revealed to a significant correlation (p ≀ 0.05) between the ASTER bands (VNIR) and vegetation indices (NDVI, SAVI, RVI) with stand density, volume, crown area and basal area of Acacia senegal trees. The derived 2x2 and 3x3 pixel windows methods successfully extracted the spectral reflectance of Acacia senegal trees from ASTER imagery. Four equations were developed and could be widely used and applied for monitoring the stand density, volume, basal area and crown area of Acacia senegal trees in the gum arabic belt considering the similarity between the selected areas. The pixel-based approach performed slightly better than the object-based approach in land use land cover classification in the gum arabic belt. The study come out with some valuable recommendations and comments which could contribute positively in using remotely sensed imagery and GIS techniques to explore management tools of Acacia senegal stands in order to maintain the tree component in the farming and the land use systems in the gum arabic belt

    Assessing, monitoring and mapping forest resources in the Blue Nile Region of Sudan using an object-based image analysis approach

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    Following the hierarchical nature of forest resource management, the present work focuses on the natural forest cover at various abstraction levels of details, i.e. categorical land use/land cover (LU/LC) level and a continuous empirical estimation of local operational level. As no single sensor presently covers absolutely all the requirements of the entire levels of forest resource assessment, multisource imagery (i.e. RapidEye, TERRA ASTER and LANDSAT TM), in addition to other data and knowledge have been examined. To deal with this structure, an object-based image analysis (OBIA) approach has been assessed in the destabilized Blue Nile region of Sudan as a potential solution to gather the required information for future forest planning and decision making. Moreover, the spatial heterogeneity as well as the rapid changes observed in the region motivates the inspection for more efficient, flexible and accurate methods to update the desired information. An OBIA approach has been proposed as an alternative analysis framework that can mitigate the deficiency associated with the pixel-based approach. In this sense, the study examines the most popular pixel-based maximum likelihood classifier, as an example of the behavior of spectral classifier toward respective data and regional specifics. In contrast, the OBIA approach analyzes remotely sensed data by incorporating expert analyst knowledge and complimentary ancillary data in a way that somehow simulates human intelligence for image interpretation based on the real-world representation of the features. As the segment is the basic processing unit, various combinations of segmentation criteria were tested to separate similar spectral values into groups of relatively homogeneous pixels. At the categorical subtraction level, rules were developed and optimum features were extracted for each particular class. Two methods were allocated (i.e. Rule Based (RB) and Nearest Neighbour (NN) Classifier) to assign segmented objects to their corresponding classes. Moreover, the study attempts to answer the questions whether OBIA is inherently more precise at fine spatial resolution than at coarser resolution, and how both pixel-based and OBIA approaches can be compared regarding relative accuracy in function of spatial resolution. As anticipated, this work emphasizes that the OBIA approach is can be proposed as an advanced solution particulary for high resolution imagery, since the accuracies were improved at the different scales applied compare with those of pixel-based approach. Meanwhile, the results achieved by the two approaches are consistently high at a finer RapidEye spatial resolution, and much significantly enhanced with OBIA. Since the change in LU/LC is rapid and the region is heterogeneous as well as the data vary regarding the date of acquisition and data source, this motivated the implementation of post-classification change detection rather than radiometric transformation methods. Based on thematic LU/LC maps, series of optimized algorithms have been developed to depict the dynamics in LU/LC entities. Therefore, detailed change “from-to” information classes as well as changes statistics were produced. Furthermore, the produced change maps were assessed, which reveals that the accuracy of the change maps is consistently high. Aggregated to the community-level, social survey of household data provides a comprehensive perspective additionally to EO data. The predetermined hot spots of degraded and successfully recovered areas were investigated. Thus, the study utilized a well-designed questionnaire to address the factors affecting land-cover dynamics and the possible solutions based on local community's perception. At the operational structural forest stand level, the rationale for incorporating these analyses are to offer a semi-automatic OBIA metrics estimates from which forest attribute is acquired through automated segmentation algorithms at the level of delineated tree crowns or clusters of crowns. Correlation and regression analyses were applied to identify the relations between a wide range of spectral and textural metrics and the field derived forest attributes. The acquired results from the OBIA framework reveal strong relationships and precise estimates. Furthermore, the best fitted models were cross-validated with an independent set of field samples, which revealed a high degree of precision. An important question is how the spatial resolution and spectral range used affect the quality of the developed model this was also discussed based on the different sensors examined. To conclude, the study reveals that the OBIA has proven capability as an efficient and accurate approach for gaining knowledge about the land features, whether at the operational forest structural attributes or categorical LU/LC level. Moreover, the methodological framework exhibits a potential solution to attain precise facts and figures about the change dynamics and its driving forces.Da das Waldressourcenmanagement hierarchisch strukturiert ist, beschĂ€ftigt sich die vorliegende Arbeit mit der natĂŒrlichen Waldbedeckung auf verschiedenen Abstraktionsebenen, das heißt insbesondere mit der Ebene der kategorischen Landnutzung / Landbedeckung (LU/LC) sowie mit der kontinuierlichen empirischen AbschĂ€tzung auf lokaler operativer Ebene. Da zurzeit kein Sensor die Anforderungen aller Ebenen der Bewertung von Waldressourcen und von Multisource-Bildmaterialien (d.h. RapidEye, TERRA ASTER und LANDSAT TM) erfĂŒllen kann, wurden zusĂ€tzlich andere Formen von Daten und Wissen untersucht und in die Arbeit mit eingebracht. Es wurde eine objekt-basierte Bildanalyse (OBIA) in einer destabilisierten Region des Blauen Nils im Sudan eingesetzt, um nach möglichen Lösungen zu suchen, erforderliche Informationen fĂŒr die zukĂŒnftigen Waldplanung und die Entscheidungsfindung zu sammeln. Außerdem wurden die rĂ€umliche HeterogenitĂ€t, sowie die sehr schnellen Änderungen in der Region untersucht. Dies motiviert nach effizienteren, flexibleren und genaueren Methoden zu suchen, um die gewĂŒnschten aktuellen Informationen zu erhalten. Das Konzept von OBIA wurde als Substitution-Analyse-Rahmen vorgeschlagen, um die MĂ€ngel vom frĂŒheren pixel-basierten Konzept abzumildern. In diesem Sinne untersucht die Studie die beliebtesten Maximum-Likelihood-Klassifikatoren des pixel-basierten Konzeptes als Beispiel fĂŒr das Verhalten der spektralen Klassifikatoren in dem jeweiligen Datenbereich und der Region. Im Gegensatz dazu analysiert OBIA Fernerkundungsdaten durch den Einbau von Wissen des Analytikers sowie kostenlose Zusatzdaten in einer Art und Weise, die menschliche Intelligenz fĂŒr die Bildinterpretation als eine reale Darstellung der Funktion simuliert. Als ein Segment einer Basisverarbeitungseinheit wurden verschiedene Kombinationen von Segmentierungskriterien getestet um Ă€hnliche spektrale Werte in Gruppen von relativ homogenen Pixeln zu trennen. An der kategorische Subtraktionsebene wurden Regeln entwickelt und optimale Eigenschaften fĂŒr jede besondere Klasse extrahiert. Zwei Verfahren (Rule Based (RB) und Nearest Neighbour (NN) Classifier) wurden zugeteilt um die segmentierten Objekte der entsprechenden Klasse zuzuweisen. Außerdem versucht die Studie die Fragen zu beantworten, ob OBIA in feiner rĂ€umlicher Auflösung grundsĂ€tzlich genauer ist als eine gröbere Auflösung, und wie beide, das pixel-basierte und das OBIA Konzept sich in einer relativen Genauigkeit als eine Funktion der rĂ€umlichen Auflösung vergleichen lassen. Diese Arbeit zeigt insbesondere, dass das OBIA Konzept eine fortschrittliche Lösung fĂŒr die Bildanalyse ist, da die Genauigkeiten - an den verschiedenen Skalen angewandt - im Vergleich mit denen der Pixel-basierten Konzept verbessert wurden. Unterdessen waren die berichteten Ergebnisse der feineren rĂ€umlichen Auflösung nicht nur fĂŒr die beiden AnsĂ€tze konsequent hoch, sondern durch das OBIA Konzept deutlich verbessert. Die schnellen VerĂ€nderungen und die HeterogenitĂ€t der Region sowie die unterschiedliche Datenherkunft haben dazu gefĂŒhrt, dass die Umsetzung von Post-Klassifizierungs- Änderungserkennung besser geeignet ist als radiometrische Transformationsmethoden. Basierend auf thematische LU/LC Karten wurden Serien von optimierten Algorithmen entwickelt, um die Dynamik in LU/LC Einheiten darzustellen. Deshalb wurden fĂŒr DetailĂ€nderung "von-bis"-Informationsklassen sowie VerĂ€nderungsstatistiken erstellt. Ferner wurden die erzeugten Änderungskarten bewertet, was zeigte, dass die Genauigkeit der Änderungskarten konstant hoch ist. Aggregiert auf die Gemeinde-Ebene bieten Sozialerhebungen der Haushaltsdaten eine umfassende zusĂ€tzliche Sichtweise auf die Fernerkundungsdaten. Die vorher festgelegten degradierten und erfolgreich wiederhergestellten Hot Spots wurden untersucht. Die Studie verwendet einen gut gestalteten Fragebogen um Faktoren die die Dynamik der Änderung der Landbedeckung und mögliche Lösungen, die auf der Wahrnehmung der Gemeinden basieren, anzusprechen. Auf der Ebene des operativen strukturellen Waldbestandes wird die BegrĂŒndung fĂŒr die Einbeziehung dieser Analysen angegeben um semi-automatische OBIA Metriken zu schĂ€tzen, die aus dem Wald-Attribut durch automatisierte Segmentierungsalgorithmen in den Baumkronen abgegrenzt oder Cluster von Kronen Ebenen erworben wird. Korrelations- und Regressionsanalysen wurden angewandt, um die Beziehungen zwischen einer Vielzahl von spektralen und strukturellen Metriken und den aus den Untersuchungsgebieten abgeleiteten Waldattributen zu identifizieren. Die Ergebnisse des OBIA Rahmens zeigen starke Beziehungen und prĂ€zise SchĂ€tzungen. Die besten Modelle waren mit einem unabhĂ€ngigen Satz von kreuz-validierten Feldproben ausgestattet, welche hohe Genauigkeiten ergaben. Eine wichtige Frage ist, wie die rĂ€umliche Auflösung und die verwendete Bandbreite die QualitĂ€t der entwickelten Modelle auch auf der Grundlage der verschiedenen untersuchten Sensoren beeinflussen. Schließlich zeigt die Studie, dass OBIA in der Lage ist, als ein effizienter und genauer Ansatz Kenntnisse ĂŒber die Landfunktionen zu erlangen, sei es bei operativen Attributen der Waldstruktur oder auch auf der kategorischen LU/LC Ebene. Außerdem zeigt der methodischen Rahmen eine mögliche Lösung um prĂ€zise Fakten und Zahlen ĂŒber die VerĂ€nderungsdynamik und ihre AntriebskrĂ€fte zu ermitteln
