353 research outputs found

    Using word and phrase abbreviation patterns to extract age from Twitter microtexts

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    The wealth of texts available publicly online for analysis is ever increasing. Much work in computational linguistics focuses on syntactic, contextual, morphological and phonetic analysis on written documents, vocal recordings, or texts on the internet. Twitter messages present a unique challenge for computational linguistic analysis due to their constrained size. The constraint of 140 characters often prompts users to abbreviate words and phrases. Additionally, as an informal writing medium, messages are not expected to adhere to grammatically or orthographically standard English. As such, Twitter messages are noisy and do not necessarily conform to standard writing conventions of linguistic corpora, often requiring special pre-processing before advanced analysis can be done. In the area of computational linguistics, there is an interest in determining latent attributes of an author. Attributes such as author gender can be determined with some amount of success from many sources, using various methods, such as analysis of shallow linguistic patterns or topic. Author age is more difficult to determine, but previous research has been somewhat successful at classifying age as a binary (e.g. over or under 30), ternary, or even as a continuous variable using various techniques. Twitter messages present a difficult problem for latent user attribute analysis, due to the pre-processing necessary for many computational linguistics analysis tasks. An added logistical challenge is that very few latent attributes are explicitly defined by users on Twitter. Twitter messages are a part of an enormous data set, but the data set must be independently annotated for latent writer attributes not defined through the Twitter API before any classification on such attributes can be done. The actual classification problem is another particular challenge due to restrictions on tweet length. Previous work has shown that word and phrase abbreviation patterns used on Twitter can be indicative of some latent user attributes, such as geographic region or the Twitter client (iPhone, Android, Twitter website, etc.) used to make posts. Language change has generally been posited as being driven by women. This study explores if there there are age-related patterns or change in those patterns over time evident in Twitter posts from a variety of English authors. This work presents a growable data set annotated by Twitter users themselves for age and other useful attributes. The study also presents an extension of prior work on Twitter abbreviation patterns which shows that word and phrase abbreviation patterns can be used toward determining user age. Notable results include classification accuracy of up to 83%, which was 63% above relative majority class baseline (ZeroR in Weka) when classifying user ages into 6 equally sized age bins using a multilayer perceptron network classifier

    Short Messages Spam Filtering Using Sentiment Analysis

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    In the same way that short instant messages are more and more used, spam and non-legitimate campaigns through this type of communication systems are growing up. Those campaigns, besides being an illegal online activity, are a direct threat to the privacy of the users. Previous short messages spam filtering techniques focus on automatic text classification and do not take message polarity into account. Focusing on phone SMS messages, this work demonstrates that it is possible to improve spam filtering in short message services using sentiment analysis techniques. Using a publicly available labelled (spam/legitimate) SMS dataset, we calculate the polarity of each message and aggregate the polarity score to the original dataset, creating new datasets. We compare the results of the best classifiers and filters over the different datasets (with and without polarity) in order to demonstrate the influence of the polarity. Experiments show that polarity score improves the SMS spam classification, on the one hand, reaching to a 98.91% of accuracy. And on the other hand, obtaining a result of 0 false positives with 98.67% of accuracy

    Spam Detection Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning

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    Text messages are essential these days; however, spam texts have contributed negatively to the success of this communication mode. The compromised authenticity of such messages has given rise to several security breaches. Using spam messages, malicious links have been sent to either harm the system or obtain information detrimental to the user. Spam SMS messages as well as emails have been used as media for attacks such as masquerading and smishing ( a phishing attack through text messaging), and this has threatened both the user and service providers. Therefore, given the waves of attacks, the need to identify and remove these spam messages is important. This dissertation explores the process of text classification from data input to embedded representation of the words in vector form and finally the classification process. Therefore, we have applied different embedding methods to capture both the linguistic and semantic meanings of words. Static embedding methods that are used include Word to Vector (Word2Vec) and Global Vectors (GloVe), while for dynamic embedding the transfer learning of the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) was employed. For classification, both machine learning and deep learning techniques were used to build an efficient and sensitive classification model with good accuracy and low false positive rate. Our result established that the combination of BERT for embedding and machine learning for classification produced better classification results than other combinations. With these results, we developed models that combined the self-feature extraction advantage of deep learning and the effective classification of machine learning. These models were tested on four different datasets, namely: SMS Spam dataset, Ling dataset, Spam Assassin dataset and Enron dataset. BERT+SVC (hybrid model) produced the result with highest accuracy and lowest false positive rate

    Spam-T5: Benchmarking Large Language Models for Few-Shot Email Spam Detection

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    This paper investigates the effectiveness of large language models (LLMs) in email spam detection by comparing prominent models from three distinct families: BERT-like, Sentence Transformers, and Seq2Seq. Additionally, we examine well-established machine learning techniques for spam detection, such as Na\"ive Bayes and LightGBM, as baseline methods. We assess the performance of these models across four public datasets, utilizing different numbers of training samples (full training set and few-shot settings). Our findings reveal that, in the majority of cases, LLMs surpass the performance of the popular baseline techniques, particularly in few-shot scenarios. This adaptability renders LLMs uniquely suited to spam detection tasks, where labeled samples are limited in number and models require frequent updates. Additionally, we introduce Spam-T5, a Flan-T5 model that has been specifically adapted and fine-tuned for the purpose of detecting email spam. Our results demonstrate that Spam-T5 surpasses baseline models and other LLMs in the majority of scenarios, particularly when there are a limited number of training samples available. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/jpmorganchase/emailspamdetection

    New approaches for content-based analysis towards online social network spam detection

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    Unsolicited email campaigns remain as one of the biggest threats affecting millions of users per day. Although spam filtering techniques are capable of detecting significant percentage of the spam messages, the problem is far from being solved, specially due to the total amount of spam traffic that flows over the Internet, and new potential attack vectors used by malicious users. The deeply entrenched use of Online Social Networks (OSNs), where millions of users share unconsciously any kind of personal data, offers a very attractive channel to attackers. Those sites provide two main interesting areas for malicious activities: exploitation of the huge amount of information stored in the profiles of the users, and the possibility of targeting user addresses and user spaces through their personal profiles, groups, pages... Consequently, new type of targeted attacks are being detected in those communication means. Being selling products, creating social alarm, creating public awareness campaigns, generating traffic with viral contents, fooling users with suspicious attachments, etc. the main purpose of spam messages, those type of communications have a specific writing style that spam filtering can take advantage of. The main objectives of this thesis are: (i) to demonstrate that it is possible to develop new targeted attacks exploiting personalized spam campaigns using OSN information, and (ii) to design and validate novel spam detection methods that help detecting the intentionality of the messages, using natural language processing techniques, in order to classify them as spam or legitimate. Additionally, those methods must be effective also dealing with the spam that is appearing in OSNs. To achieve the first objective a system to design and send personalized spam campaigns is proposed. We extract automatically users’ public information from a well known social site. We analyze it and design different templates taking into account the preferences of the users. After that, different experiments are carried out sending typical and personalized spam. The results show that the click-through rate is considerably improved with this new strategy. In the second part of the thesis we propose three novel spam filtering methods. Those methods aim to detect non-evident illegitimate intent in order to add valid information that is used by spam classifiers. To detect the intentionality of the texts, we hypothesize that sentiment analysis and personality recognition techniques could provide new means to differentiate spam text from legitimate one. Taking into account this assumption, we present three different methods: the first one uses sentiment analysis to extract the polarity feature of each analyzed text, thus we analyze the optimistic or pessimistic attitude of spam messages compared to legitimate texts. The second one uses personality recognition techniques to add personality dimensions (Extroversion/Introversion, Thinking/Feeling, Judging/ Perceiving and Sensing/iNtuition) to the spam filtering process; and the last one is a combination of the two previously mentioned techniques. Once the methods are described, we experimentally validate the proposed approaches in three different types of spam: email spam, SMS spam and spam from a popular OSN.Hartzailearen baimenik gabe bidalitako mezuak (spam) egunean milioika erabiltzaileri eragiten dien mehatxua dira. Nahiz eta spam detekzio tresnek gero eta emaitza hobeagoak lortu, arazoa konpontzetik oso urruti dago oraindik, batez ere spam kopuruari eta erasotzaileen estrategia berriei esker. Hori gutxi ez eta azken urteetan sare sozialek izan duten erabiltzaile gorakadaren ondorioz, non milioika erabiltzailek beraien datu pribatuak publiko egiten dituzten, gune hauek oso leku erakargarriak bilakatu dira erasotzaileentzat. Batez ere bi arlo interesgarri eskaintzen dituzte webgune hauek: profiletan pilatutako informazio guztiaren ustiapena, eta erabiltzaileekin harreman zuzena izateko erraztasuna (profil bidez, talde bidez, orrialde bidez...). Ondorioz, gero eta ekintza ilegal gehiago atzematen ari dira webgune hauetan. Spam mezuen helburu nagusienak zerbait saldu, alarma soziala sortu, sentsibilizazio kanpainak martxan jarri, etab. izaki, mezu mota hauek eduki ohi duten idazketa mezua berauen detekziorako erabilia izan daiteke. Lan honen helburu nagusiak ondorengoak dira: alde batetik, sare sozialetako informazio publikoa erabiliz egungo detekzio sistemak saihestuko dituen spam pertsonalizatua garatzea posible dela erakustea; eta bestetik hizkuntza naturalaren prozesamendurako teknikak erabiliz, testuen intentzionalitatea atzeman eta spam-a detektatzeko metodologia berriak garatzea. Gainera, sistema horiek sare sozialetako spam mezuekin lan egiteko gaitasuna ere izan beharko dute. Lehen helburu hori lortzekolan honetan spam pertsonalizatua diseinatu eta bidaltzeko sistema bat aurkeztu da. Era automatikoan erabiltzaileen informazio publikoa ateratzen dugu sare sozial ospetsu batetik, ondoren informazio hori aztertu eta txantiloi ezberdinak garatzen ditugu erabiltzaileen iritziak kontuan hartuaz. Behin hori egindakoan, hainbat esperimentu burutzen ditugu spam normala eta pertsonalizatua bidaliz, bien arteko emaitzen ezberdintasuna alderatzeko. Tesiaren bigarren zatian hiru spam atzemate metodologia berri aurkezten ditugu. Berauen helburua tribialak ez den intentzio komertziala atzeman ta hori baliatuz spam mezuak sailkatzean datza. Intentzionalitate hori lortze aldera, analisi sentimentala eta pertsonalitate detekzio teknikak erabiltzen ditugu. Modu honetan, hiru sistema ezberdin aurkezten dira hemen: lehenengoa analisi sentimentala soilik erabiliz, bigarrena lan honetarako pertsonalitate detekzio teknikek eskaintzen dutena aztertzen duena, eta azkenik, bien arteko konbinazioa. Tresna hauek erabiliz, balidazio esperimentala burutzen da proposatutako sistemak eraginkorrak diren edo ez aztertzeko, hiru mota ezberdinetako spam-arekin lan eginez: email spam-a, SMS spam-a eta sare sozial ospetsu bateko spam-a

    Quantitative Assessment of Factors in Sentiment Analysis

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    Sentiment can be defined as a tendency to experience certain emotions in relation to a particular object or person. Sentiment may be expressed in writing, in which case determining that sentiment algorithmically is known as sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis is often applied to Internet texts such as product reviews, websites, blogs, or tweets, where automatically determining published feeling towards a product, or service is very useful to marketers or opinion analysts. The main goal of sentiment analysis is to identify the polarity of natural language text. This thesis sets out to examine quantitatively the factors that have an effect on sentiment analysis. The factors that are commonly used in sentiment analysis are text features, sentiment lexica or resources, and the machine learning algorithms employed. The main aim of this thesis is to investigate systematically the interaction between sentiment analysis factors and machine learning algorithms in order to improve sentiment analysis performance as compared to the opinions of human assessors. A software system known as TJP was designed and developed to support this investigation. The research reported here has three main parts. Firstly, the role of data pre-processing was investigated with TJP using a combination of features together with publically available datasets. This considers the relationship and relative importance of superficial text features such as emoticons, n-grams, negations, hashtags, repeated letters, special characters, slang, and stopwords. The resulting statistical analysis suggests that a combination of all of these features achieves better accuracy with the dataset, and had a considerable effect on system performance. Secondly, the effect of human marked up training data was considered, since this is required by supervised machine learning algorithms. The results gained from TJP suggest that training data greatly augments sentiment analysis performance. However, the combination of training data and sentiment lexica seems to provide optimal performance. Nevertheless, one particular sentiment lexicon, AFINN, contributed better than others in the absence of training data, and therefore would be appropriate for unsupervised approaches to sentiment analysis. Finally, the performance of two sophisticated ensemble machine learning algorithms was investigated. Both the Arbiter Tree and Combiner Tree were chosen since neither of them has previously been used with sentiment analysis. The objective here was to demonstrate their applicability and effectiveness compared to that of the leading single machine learning algorithms, Naïve Bayes, and Support Vector Machines. The results showed that whilst either can be applied to sentiment analysis, the Arbiter Tree ensemble algorithm achieved better accuracy performance than either the Combiner Tree or any single machine learning algorithm

    “How Short is a Piece of String?”: An Investigation into the Impact of Text Length on Short-Text Classification Accuracy

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    The recent increase in the widespread use of short messages, for example micro-blogs or SMS communications, has created an opportunity to harvest a vast amount of information through machine-based classification. However, traditional classification methods have failed to produce accuracies comparable to those obtained from similar classification of longer texts. Several approaches have been employed to extend traditional methods to overcome this problem, including the enhancement of the original texts through the construction of associations with external data enrichment sources, ranging from thesauri and semantic nets such as Wordnet, to pre-built online taxonomies such as Wikipedia. Other avenues of investigation have used more formal extensions such as Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) to extend or replace the more basic, traditional, methods better suited to classification of longer texts. This work examines the changes in classification accuracy of a small selection of classification methods using a variety of enhancement methods, as target text length decreases. The experimental data used is a corpus of micro-blog (twitter) posts obtained from the ‘Sentiment140’1 sentiment classification and analysis project run by Stanford University and described by Go, Bhayani and Huang (2009), which has been split into sub-corpora differentiated by text length

    A Comparative Study of Word Embedding Techniques for SMS Spam Detection

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.E-mail and SMS are the most popular communication tools used by businesses, organizations and educational institutions. Every day, people receive hundreds of messages which could be either spam or ham. Spam is any form of unsolicited, unwanted digital communication, usually sent out in bulk. Spam emails and SMS waste resources by unnecessarily flooding network lines and consuming storage space. Therefore, it is important to develop high accuracy spam detection models to effectively block spam messages, so as to optimize resources and protect users. Various word-embedding techniques such as Bag of Words (BOW), N-grams, TF-IDF, Word2Vec and Doc2Vec have been widely applied to NLP problems, however a comparative study of these techniques for SMS spam detection is currently lacking. Hence, in this paper, we provide a comparative analysis of these popular word embedding techniques for SMS spam detection by evaluating their performance on a publicly available ham and spam dataset. We investigate the performance of the word embedding techniques using 5 different machine learning classifiers i.e. Multinomial Naive Bayes (MNB), KNN, SVM, Random Forest and Extra Trees. Based on the dataset employed in the study, N-gram, BOW and TF-IDF with oversampling recorded the highest F1 scores of 0.99 for ham and 0.94 for spam

    Approaches to automated detection of cyberbullying:A Survey

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    Research into cyberbullying detection has increased in recent years, due in part to the proliferation of cyberbullying across social media and its detrimental effect on young people. A growing body of work is emerging on automated approaches to cyberbullying detection. These approaches utilise machine learning and natural language processing techniques to identify the characteristics of a cyberbullying exchange and automatically detect cyberbullying by matching textual data to the identified traits. In this paper, we present a systematic review of published research (as identified via Scopus, ACM and IEEE Xplore bibliographic databases) on cyberbullying detection approaches. On the basis of our extensive literature review, we categorise existing approaches into 4 main classes, namely; supervised learning, lexicon based, rule based and mixed-initiative approaches. Supervised learning-based approaches typically use classifiers such as SVM and Naïve Bayes to develop predictive models for cyberbullying detection. Lexicon based systems utilise word lists and use the presence of words within the lists to detect cyberbullying. Rules-based approaches match text to predefined rules to identify bullying and mixed-initiatives approaches combine human-based reasoning with one or more of the aforementioned approaches. We found lack of quality representative labelled datasets and non-holistic consideration of cyberbullying by researchers when developing detection systems are two key challenges facing cyberbullying detection research. This paper essentially maps out the state-of-the-art in cyberbullying detection research and serves as a resource for researchers to determine where to best direct their future research efforts in this field