24 research outputs found

    Digital Mathematics Libraries: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

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    The idea of a World digital mathematics library (DML) has been around since the turn of the 21th century. We feel that it is time to make it a reality, starting in a modest way from successful bricks that have already been built, but with an ambitious goal in mind. After a brief historical overview of publishing mathematics, an estimate of the size and a characterisation of the bulk of documents to be included in the DML, we turn to proposing a model for a Reference Digital Mathematics Library--a network of institutions where the digital documents would be physically archived. This pattern based rather on the bottom-up strategy seems to be more practicable and consistent with the digital nature of the DML. After describing the model we summarise what can and should be done in order to accomplish the vision. The current state of some of the local libraries that could contribute to the global views are described with more details

    From Pixels and Minds to the Mathematical Knowledge in a Digital Library

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    summary:Experience in setting up a workflow from scanned images of mathematical papers into a fully fledged mathematical library is described on the example of the project Czech Digital Mathematics Library DML-CZ. An overview of the whole process is given, with description of all main production steps. DML-CZ has recently been launched to public with more than 100,000 digitized pages

    DML-CZ Metadata Editor

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    The aim of the DML-CZ project (2005-2009, Czech Academy of Sciences, Masaryk University in Brno, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic) is to investigate, develop and apply techniques, methods and tools that would allow the creation of the Czech Digital Mathematics Library. The most important tool developed and used in the course of the project is the Metadata Editor: a complex web-based system supporting all essential steps in the development of the article oriented digital library: integration of scanned pages (journals, proceedings, monographs) into hierarchical structures, article building, detailed metadata description up to the level of articles and book chapters, article bibliography references processing and linking, name authority management, inclusion of borndigital material, automated metadata verification, and generation of the resulting PDF papers. The rights management in combination with the remote access enable to distribute the work of a digital library among many people with different levels of expertise. Building a library of more than 15,000 articles proved the soundness of the Metadata Editor architecture and implementation. An overview of the system architecture and functionality is briefly revealed in our paper.Cílem projektu DML-CZ (2005-2009, Akademie věd ČR, Masarykova univerzita, Karlova univerzita v Praze) je výzkum, vývoj a aplikace technologií, metod a nástrojů pro tvorbu České digitální matematické knihovny. Nejdůležitejším nástrojem, který byl v rámci projektu vyvinut a je hojně využíván, je Metadatový editor - rozsáhlá webová aplikace podporující všechny podstatné kroky při tvorbě článkově orientované digitální knihovny: integraci stránkových skenů (časopisů, sborníků a knih) do hierarchicky uspořádanách struktur, vytváření článků, tvorbu podrobných metadatových záznamů až po úroveň článků a knižních kapitol, zpracování bibliografických odkazů a jejich provázání na online matematické referenční databáze, správu jmenných autorit, zařazování materiálů vytvořených v digitální podobě, automatizované kontroly metadat, a generování článkových PDF. Správa přístupových práv spolu se vzdáleným přístupem umožňují rozdělit práce na digitální knihovně mezi řadu pracovníků s různými úrovněmi expertních znalostí. Kvalitu návrhu a implementace Metadatového editoru prověřily dosavadní práce na digitální knihovně, která obsahuje v současnosti již přes 15 000 digitálních článků. V předložené práci je stručně popsána systémová architektura a funkcionalita Metadatového editoru DML-CZ.The aim of the DML-CZ project (2005-2009, Czech Academy of Sciences, Masaryk University in Brno, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic) is to investigate, develop and apply techniques, methods and tools that would allow the creation of the Czech Digital Mathematics Library. The most important tool developed and used in the course of the project is the Metadata Editor: a complex web-based system supporting all essential steps in the development of the article oriented digital library: integration of scanned pages (journals, proceedings, monographs) into hierarchical structures, article building, detailed metadata description up to the level of articles and book chapters, article bibliography references processing and linking, name authority management, inclusion of borndigital material, automated metadata verification, and generation of the resulting PDF papers. The rights management in combination with the remote access enable to distribute the work of a digital library among many people with different levels of expertise. Building a library of more than 15,000 articles proved the soundness of the Metadata Editor architecture and implementation. An overview of the system architecture and functionality is briefly revealed in our paper

    Self-organizing distributed digital library supporting audio-video

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    The StreamOnTheFly network combines peer-to-peer networking and open-archive principles for community radio channels and TV stations in Europe. StreamOnTheFly demonstrates new methods of archive management and personalization technologies for both audio and video. It also provides a collaboration platform for community purposes that suits the flexible activity patterns of these kinds of broadcaster communities

    Sharing knowledge: scientfic communication: 9. Kongress der IuK-Initiative der Wissenschaftlichen Fachgesellschaft in Deutschland

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    Inhaltsverzeichnis: Heike Andermann: Entwicklung von alternativen Publikationsstrukturen in Europa und den USA. DFG-Projekt: Perspektiven für den Bezug elektronischer Fachinformation in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (11-20); Elke Brenstein, Olaf Klos: Qualitätssicherung und Nutzung von wissenschaftsrelevanten Angeboten auf dem Deutschen Bildungsserver: empirische Befunde einer vergleichenden Logfile-Analyse (21-36); Christine Burblies, Tamara Pianos: vascoda - das gemeinsame Portal von Informationsverbänden, Elektronischer Zeitschriftenbibliothek und Virtuellen Fachbibliotheken (37-46); Klaus Hahn: Probleme der Integration digitaler Bibliothekssysteme: semantische Heterogenität bei datenbankübergreifenden Recherchen (47-58); Heiko Hellweg, Bernd Hermes, Maximilian Stempfhuber: Unterstützung kooperativer Verfahren zum Aufbau von Fachportalen (59-70); Michael Hohlfeld, Thomas Severiens: PhysNet und seine Spiegel - das Projekt SINN (71-82); Nikola Korb: Online-Hochschulschriften für die Praxis (83-94); Rudi Schmiede, Stephan Körnig: Infrastrukturen für innovative Digital Library-Dienste. Perspektiven des Kompetenznetzwerks "Neue Dienste, Standardisierung, Metadaten" (95-106); Jutta von Maurice: Das Psychologische Datenarchiv PsychData. Zur Frage der angemessenen Dokumentation von Primärdaten der empirisch-psychologischen Forschung (107-118); Astrid Nechvátal: Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Informationskompetenz durch den Fachinformationsanbieter ZPID (119-130); Olaf Ninnemann, Bernd Wegner: LIMES - a system for a distributed database production in mathematics (131-138); Frank Oldenettel, Michael Malachinski: Integration von digitalen Bibliotheken in Learning-Management-Systeme (139-156); Judith Plümer: MPRESS - transition of metadata formats (157-168); Dennis Reil: Einsatz von Lernmanagementsystemen in traditionellen Lehrveranstaltungen am Beispiel der Universitäten Oldenburg und Osnabrück. Ein Erfahrungsbericht (169-180); Hans E. Roosendaal, Peter A.Th.M. Geurts: Reflections on the value chain of scientific information (181-192); Natascha Schumann, Wolfgang Meier, Sue Heise, Rudi Schmiede: SozioNet - Web-Ressourcen für ein künftiges Fachportal Sozialwissenschaften (193-204); Thomas Severiens, Esther Tobschall: ViFaPhys - Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Physik. Ein kooperatives Dienstleistungsangebot für die Physik (205-212); Günther Specht, Michael G. Bauer: Weiterentwicklung von digitalen Biblithekssystemen zu OpenArchives-Systemen (213-226); Markus Kalb, Günther Specht: Zeitliche Verwaltung XML-basierter Metadaten in digitalen Bibliotheken (227-238); Maximilian Stempfhuber: infoconnex - der Informationsverbund Pädagogik - Sozialwissenschaften - Psychologie (239-248); Christian Swertz: Das didaktische Metadatensystem DML - Grundlagen und praktische Anwendung (249-266); Paul van der Vet, Eelco Mossel: The C2M project: a wrapper generator for chemistry and biology (267-282); Josef Wiemeyer: Analyse der Qualität der multimedialen Lernumgebung "BioPrinz" (283-292)


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    The book collects the short papers presented at the 13th Scientific Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group (CLADAG) of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS). The meeting has been organized by the Department of Statistics, Computer Science and Applications of the University of Florence, under the auspices of the Italian Statistical Society and the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS). CLADAG is a member of the IFCS, a federation of national, regional, and linguistically-based classification societies. It is a non-profit, non-political scientific organization, whose aims are to further classification research

    An investigation into the relationship between speaking-in-class anxiety with instructor behaviour and classroom practices among Chinese ESL (English as a Second Language) first year undergraduates in a Hong Kong university

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    This study investigates the relationship of instructor behaviour and classroom practices with Chinese ESL speaking-in-class anxiety of a group of first-year university students in Hong Kong. The factors contributing to second language learning speaking-in-class anxiety (SA) are identified by means of interviews,a questionnaire and discussion. The relationship between sex, majors, students' second language (English) proficiency, self-evaluation of their first language (Chinese) and second language (L2) proficiency with SA are examined with the help of a questionnaire. A further aspect of the study explores the kinds of classroom practices and teacher behaviour that help students reduce SA by means of an experiment, comparison of data gathered from pre-and-post experiment questionnaires, participant observation, interviews, classroom activity records, audio recording and comparison of students' English oral grades before and after the experiment.Factor analysis identified five factors contributing to SA. They are- speech anxiety and fear of negative evaluation- comfortableness when speaking with native speakers- negative attitudes towards the English class- negative self-evaluation and- fear of failing the class/consequences of personal failure.Speaking in front of the class without preparation, being corrected when speaking, inadequate wait-time and not being allowed to use the first language in a second/foreign language class were also indicated by this group of first-year Chinese ESL university students as important elements leading to SA.Results suggested that teacher behaviour such as creating a warm and easy going atmosphere in the classroom, upholding teaching professionalism, providing specific help to students and providing pleasant language experience are useful to encourage spoken English in an ESL classroom. Classroom practices such as adopting appropriate tasks and activities that address varied leaning styles and strategies in the classroom, adopting appropriate modes of assessment and correction, allowing preparation in advance before asking students to speak in front of the class, providing adequate wait-time and allowing the use of the first language help lower students' SA.The thesis concludes with an examination of the methodological and theoretical implications of the study. The present research has highlighted the importance of considering the cultural elements, wait time and the use of LI in the L2 classroom, elements which have been neglected in previous anxiety research. A number of tentative and practical recommendations from the study are proposed together with suggestions for future research