210 research outputs found

    Face Recognition Technique Using Gabor Wavelets And Singular Value Decomposition

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    Gabor Wavelets (GWs) (also known as Gabor filter) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) have been studied extensively in the area of face recognition. In this project, face recognition system is developed using combination of GWs and SVD. Both techniques are used to extract facial features from the human facial image and presented in the form of feature vector. For GWs, only 12 out of 40 GWs are selected to extract facial features from the facial images. This offers the advantage of reducing computational time of feature extraction. As for SVD, only the first five singular values are selected and its associated right singular vectors are used as the facial feature vectors. The use of SVD in addition to the GWs increases the reliability of the face recognition system. In the face verification and matching stage, the similarity level between facial images is determined by computing the distance between the resulting facial feature vectors obtained from GWs and SVD respectively. Overall, the Gabor-SVD based face recognition technique showed constructive and promising result in recognizing the valid user and rejecting invalid users on the JAFFE database

    PCA-ANN Face Recognition System based on Photometric Normalization Techniques

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    The human face is the main focus of attention in social interaction, and is also the major key in conveying identity and emotion of a person. It has the appealing characteristic of not being intrusive as compared with other biometric techniques. The research works on face recognition started in the 1960s with the pioneering work of Bledsoe and Kanade, wh

    Facial feature processing using artificial neural networks

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    Describing a human face is a natural ability used in eveyday life. To the police, a witness description of a suspect is key evidence in the identification of the suspect. However, the process of examining "mug shots" to find a match to the description is tedious and often unfruitful. If a description could be stored with each photograph and used as a searchable index, this would provide a much more effective means of using "mug shots" for identification purposes. A set of descriptive measures have been defined by Shepherd [73] which seek to describe faces in a manner that may be used for just this purpose. This work investigates methods of automatically determining these descriptive measures from digitised images. Analysis is performed on the images to establish the potential for distinguishing between different categories in these descriptions. This reveals that while some of the classifications are relatively linear, others are very non-linear. Artificial neural networks (ANNs), being often used as non-linear classifiers, are considered as a means of automatically performing the classification of the images. As a comparison, simple linear classifiers are also applied to the same problems

    A Multi-Stage Classifier for Face Recognition Undertaken by Coarse-to-fine Strategy

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    Face recognition has been a very active research area for past two decades due to its widely applications such as identity authentication, airport security and access control, surveillance, and video retrieval systems, etc. Numerous approaches have been proposed for face recognition and considerable successes have been reported [1]. A successful face recognitio

    Various Approaches of Support vector Machines and combined Classifiers in Face Recognition

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    In this paper we present the various approaches used in face recognition from 2001-2012.because in last decade face recognition is using in many fields like Security sectors, identity authentication. Today we need correct and speedy performance in face recognition. This time the face recognition technology is in matured stage because research is conducting continuously in this field. Some extensions of Support vector machine (SVM) is reviewed that gives amazing performance in face recognition.Here we also review some papers of combined classifier approaches that is also a dynamic research area in a pattern recognition

    Face Recognition Technique Using Gabor Wavelets And Singular Value Decomposition

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    Gabor Wavelets (GWs) (also known as Gabor filter) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) have been studied extensively in the area of face recognition. In this project, face recognition system is developed using combination of GWs and SVD. Both techniques are used to extract facial features from the human facial image and presented in the form of feature vector. For GWs, only 12 out of 40 GWs are selected to extract facial features from the facial images. This offers the advantage of reducing computational time of feature extraction. As for SVD, only the first five singular values are selected and its associated right singular vectors are used as the facial feature vectors. The use of SVD in addition to the GWs increases the reliability of the face recognition system. In the face verification and matching stage, the similarity level between facial images is determined by computing the distance between the resulting facial feature vectors obtained from GWs and SVD respectively. Overall, the Gabor-SVD based face recognition technique showed constructive and promising result in recognizing the valid user and rejecting invalid users on the JAFFE database

    Human face detection in video using edge projections

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    In this paper, a human face detection method in images and video is presented. After determining possible face candidate regions using color information, each region is filtered by a high-pass filter of a wavelet transform. In this way, edges of the region are highlighted, and a caricature-like representation of candidate regions is obtained. Horizontal, vertical and filter-like projections of the region are used as feature signals in dynamic programming (DP) and support vector machine (SVM) based classifiers. It turns out that the support vector machine based classifier provides better detection rates compared to dynamic programming in our simulation studies

    A study of eigenvector based face verification in static images

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    As one of the most successful application of image analysis and understanding, face recognition has recently received significant attention, especially during the past few years. There are at least two reasons for this trend the first is the wide range of commercial and law enforcement applications and the second is the availability of feasible technologies after 30 years of research. The problem of machine recognition of human faces continues to attract researchers from disciplines such as image processing, pattern recognition, neural networks, computer vision, computer graphics, and psychology. The strong need for user-friendly systems that can secure our assets and protect our privacy without losing our identity in a sea of numbers is obvious. Although very reliable methods of biometric personal identification exist, for example, fingerprint analysis and retinal or iris scans, these methods depend on the cooperation of the participants, whereas a personal identification system based on analysis of frontal or profile images of the face is often effective without the participant’s cooperation or knowledge. The three categories of face recognition are face detection, face identification and face verification. Face Detection means extract the face from total image of the person. Face identification means the input to the system is an unknown face, and the system reports back the determined identity from a database of known individuals. Face verification means the system needs to confirm or reject the claimed identity of the input. My thesis was face verification in static images. Here a static image means the images which are not in motion. The eigenvectors based face verification algorithm gave the results on face verification in static images based upon the eigenvectors and neural network backpropagation algorithm. Eigen vectors are used for give the geometrical information about the faces. First we take 10 images for each person in same angle with different expressions and apply principle component analysis. Here we consider image dimension as 48 x48 then we get 48 eigenvalues. Out of 48 eigenvalues we consider only 10 highest eigenvaues corresponding eigenvectors. These eigenvectors are given as input to the neural network for training. Here we used backpropagation algorithm for training the neural network. After completion of training we give an image which is in different angle for testing purpose. Here we check the verification rate (the rate at which legitimate users is granted access) and false acceptance rate (the rate at which imposters are granted access). Here neural network take more time for training purpose. The proposed algorithm gives the results on face verification in static images based upon the eigenvectors and neural network modified backpropagation algorithm. In modified backpropagation algorithm momentum term is added for decrease the training time. Here for using the modified backpropagation algorithm verification rate also slightly increased and false acceptance rate also slightly decreased