29 research outputs found

    TelsNet: temporal lesion network embedding in a transformer model to detect cervical cancer through colposcope images

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    Cervical cancer ranks as the fourth most prevalent malignancy among women globally. Timely identification and intervention in cases of cervical cancer hold the potential for achieving complete remission and cure. In this study, we built a deep learning model based on self-attention mechanism using transformer architecture to classify the cervix images to help in diagnosis of cervical cancer. We have used techniques like an enhanced multivariate gaussian mixture model optimized with mexican axolotl algorithm for segmenting the colposcope images prior to the Temporal Lesion Convolution Neural Network (TelsNet) classifying the images. TelsNet is a transformer-based neural network that uses temporal convolutional neural networks to identify cancerous regions in colposcope images. Our experiments show that TelsNet achieved an accuracy of 92.7%, with a sensitivity of 73.4% and a specificity of 82.1%. We compared the performance of our model with various state-of-the-art methods, and our results demonstrate that TelsNet outperformed the other methods. The findings have the potential to significantly simplify the process of detecting and accurately classifying cervical cancers at an early stage, leading to improved rates of remission and better overall outcomes for patients globally

    Classification of Diabetic Foot Ulcers Using Class Knowledge Banks

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    Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are one of the most common complications of diabetes. Identifying the presence of infection and ischemia in DFU is important for ulcer examination and treatment planning. Recently, the computerized classification of infection and ischaemia of DFU based on deep learning methods has shown promising performance. Most state-of-the-art DFU image classification methods employ deep neural networks, especially convolutional neural networks, to extract discriminative features, and predict class probabilities from the extracted features by fully connected neural networks. In the testing, the prediction depends on an individual input image and trained parameters, where knowledge in the training data is not explicitly utilized. To better utilize the knowledge in the training data, we propose class knowledge banks (CKBs) consisting of trainable units that can effectively extract and represent class knowledge. Each unit in a CKB is used to compute similarity with a representation extracted from an input image. The averaged similarity between units in the CKB and the representation can be regarded as the logit of the considered input. In this way, the prediction depends not only on input images and trained parameters in networks but the class knowledge extracted from the training data and stored in the CKBs. Experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively improve the performance of DFU infection and ischaemia classifications

    Multiclass Classification of Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer Using Artificial Neural Networks

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    World Health Organization statistics show that cervical cancer is the fourth most frequent cancer in women with an estimated 530,000 new cases in 2012. Cervical cancer diagnosis typically involves liquid-based cytology (LBC) followed by a pathologist review. The accuracy of decision is therefore highly influenced by the expert’s skills and experience, resulting in relatively high false positive and/or false negative rates. Moreover, given the fact that the data being analyzed is highly dimensional, same reviewer’s decision is inherently affected by inconsistencies in interpreting the data. In this study, we use an Artificial Neural Network based model that aims to considerably reduce experts’ inconsistencies in predicting cervical cancer. We rely on standard machine learning techniques to train the neural network using six experts’ predictions for cervical cancer (based on analysis of more than sixty parameters/risk factors) and we produce a model where the unanimous decision is predicted with very good accuracy