5 research outputs found


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    Dental record is a method that is used to identify a person. The identification process needs a system that could recognize each individual tooth automatically. The similar intensity level between the teeth and the gums is one of the main problem in tooth identification in a dental radiograph. The intensity problem could influence the segmentation process of the system. In this paper, we proposed a new contrast enhancement by using parameter sigmoid transform to increase the segmentation accuracy. There are five main steps in this method. The first step is to fix the contrast of the image with the proposed method. The next steps are to segment the teeth using horizontal and vertical integral projection, feature extraction, and classification using Support Vector Machine (SVM). The last step is teeth numbering. The experiment result using the proposed method have an accuracy rate of 88% for classification and 73% for teeth numbering

    Aplicaci贸n de la inteligencia artificial en Odontolog铆a: Revisi贸n de la literatura

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    The application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the dental field was reviewed in this article.聽The objective was to review the evidence on artificial intelligence and its application in the different dental specialties. A search was carried out on Medline/PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases from 2017 to 2021. Three hundred and twenty-one articles were found, of which 62 were selected and allowed the application of AI in six specialties: periodontology, implantology, forensic dentistry, oral medicine and pathology, orthodontics and diagnostic/cariology/endodontics. The specialty of diagnosis/caryology/ endodontics had more articles on the topic of AI聽and convolution neural network was the type of AI most used. It was concluded that AI is being widely used in dentistry showing promising results as they show an accuracy equivalent to that of different trained specialists and in some cases they overcome human errors showing excellent results.En este art铆culo se revis贸聽sobre inteligencia artificial (IA) y su aplicaci贸n en el campo odontol贸gico. El objetivo fue聽revisar la evidencia sobre inteligencia artificial y su aplicaci贸n en las diferentes especialidades odontol贸gicas. Se realiz贸 una b煤squeda en las bases de datos de Medline/PubMed, Scopus y Web of Science聽desde el a帽o 2017 al 2021. Se encontraron 321 art铆culos, de los cuales se seleccionaron 62, que mostraron la aplicaci贸n de la IA en seis especialidades: periodoncia, implantolog铆a, odontolog铆a forense, medicina y patolog铆a oral, ortodoncia y diagn贸stico/cariolog铆a/endodoncia. Se encontr贸 que la especialidad con m谩s art铆culos sobre el t贸pico de IA fue la de diagn贸stico/cariolog铆a/endodoncia y聽el tipo de inteligencia artificial que m谩s se utiliz贸 fue el de red neural convolucional.聽Se concluy贸 que la IA se est谩 utilizando ampliamente en odontolog铆a demostrando resultados prometedores ya que muestran una precisi贸n equivalente a la de diferentes especialistas capacitados y en algunos casos superan los errores humanos demostrando excelentes resultados

    Classification and numbering on posterior dental radiography using support vector machine with mesiodistal neck detection

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