1,766 research outputs found

    Metrical properties of the set of bent functions in view of duality

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    In the paper, we give a review of metrical properties of the entire set of bent functions and its significant subclasses of self-dual and anti-self-dual bent functions. We present results for iterative construction of bent functions in n + 2 variables based on the concatenation of four bent functions and consider related open problem proposed by one of the authors. Criterion of self-duality of such functions is discussed. It is explored that the pair of sets of bent functions and affine functions as well as a pair of sets of self-dual and anti-self-dual bent functions in n > 4 variables is a pair of mutually maximally distant sets that implies metrical duality. Groups of automorphisms of the sets of bent functions and (anti-)self-dual bent functions are discussed. The solution to the problem of preserving bentness and the Hamming distance between bent function and its dual within automorphisms of the set of all Boolean functions in n variables is considered

    О некоторых свойствах самодуальных обобщенных бент-функций

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    Бент-функции вида FI) ^ , где q ^ 2 — натуральное число, называются обобщёнными бент-функциями. Обобщённые бент-функции, для которых можно определить дуальную бент-функцию, называются регулярными. Регулярная обобщённая бент-функция называется самодуальной, если она совпадает со своей дуальной. Получены необходимые и достаточные условия самодуальности обобщённых бент-функций из класса Елисеева — Мэйорана — МакФарланда. Представлен полный спектр расстояний Ли между данными функциями. Доказано несуществование аффинных самодуальных обобщённых бент-функций. Приведён класс изомет- ричных отображений, сохраняющих самодуальность обобщённой бент-функции. С помощью данных отображений получена уточнённая классификация самодуальных бент-функций вида F| ^ Z4. Bent functions of the form Fn ^ , where q ^ 2 is a positive integer, are known as generalized bent (gbent) functions. A gbent function for which it is possible to define a dual gbent function is called regular. A regular gbent function is said to be self-dual if it coincides with its dual. We obtain the necessary and sufficient conditions for the self-duality of gbent functions from Eliseev — Maiorana — McFarland class. We find the complete Lee distance spectrum between all self-dual functions in this class and obtain that the minimal Lee distance between them is equal to q ■ 2n-3. For Boolean case, there are no affine bent functions and self-dual bent functions, while it is known that for generalized case affine bent functions exist, in particular, when q is divisible by 4. We prove the non-existence of affine self-dual gbent functions for any natural even q. A new class of isometries preserving self-duality of a gbent function is presented. Based on this, a refined classification of self-dual gbent functions of the form F2 ^ is given

    Identification of direct residue contacts in protein-protein interaction by message passing

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    Understanding the molecular determinants of specificity in protein-protein interaction is an outstanding challenge of postgenome biology. The availability of large protein databases generated from sequences of hundreds of bacterial genomes enables various statistical approaches to this problem. In this context covariance-based methods have been used to identify correlation between amino acid positions in interacting proteins. However, these methods have an important shortcoming, in that they cannot distinguish between directly and indirectly correlated residues. We developed a method that combines covariance analysis with global inference analysis, adopted from use in statistical physics. Applied to a set of >2,500 representatives of the bacterial two-component signal transduction system, the combination of covariance with global inference successfully and robustly identified residue pairs that are proximal in space without resorting to ad hoc tuning parameters, both for heterointeractions between sensor kinase (SK) and response regulator (RR) proteins and for homointeractions between RR proteins. The spectacular success of this approach illustrates the effectiveness of the global inference approach in identifying direct interaction based on sequence information alone. We expect this method to be applicable soon to interaction surfaces between proteins present in only 1 copy per genome as the number of sequenced genomes continues to expand. Use of this method could significantly increase the potential targets for therapeutic intervention, shed light on the mechanism of protein-protein interaction, and establish the foundation for the accurate prediction of interacting protein partners.Comment: Supplementary information available on http://www.pnas.org/content/106/1/67.abstrac

    О метрических свойствах множества самодуальных бент-функций

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    Приводится обзор известных метрических свойств множества самодуальных бент- функций. Бент-функция называется самодуальной, если она совпадает со своей дуальной бент-функцией, и анти-самодуальной, если совпадает с отрицанием своей дуальной. Приводится полный спектр расстояний Хэмминга между самодуальными бент-функциями из класса Мэйорана — МакФарланда. Даются результаты, касающиеся характеризации булевых функций, находящихся на максимально возможном удалении от множества самодуальных бент-функций. Описаны группы автоморфизмов множеств самодуальных и анти-самодуальных бент-функций от n переменных, автоморфизмы множества булевых функций от n переменных, которые меняют местами множества самодуальных и анти-самодуальных бент- функций, изометричные отображения, сохраняющие неизменным отношение Рэлея каждой булевой функции от n переменных. Даётся характеризация всех изо- метричных отображений, сохраняющих максимальную нелинейность и расстояние Хэмминга между каждой бент-функций и дуальной к ней

    Coding theory, information theory and cryptology : proceedings of the EIDMA winter meeting, Veldhoven, December 19-21, 1994

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    Coding theory, information theory and cryptology : proceedings of the EIDMA winter meeting, Veldhoven, December 19-21, 1994

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    Cyclotomic trace codes

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    A generalization of Ding’s construction is proposed that employs as a defining set the collection of the sth powers (s ≥ 2) of all nonzero elements in GF(pm), where p ≥ 2 is prime. Some of the resulting codes are optimal or near-optimal and include projective codes over GF(4) that give rise to optimal or near optimal quantum codes. In addition, the codes yield interesting combinatorial structures, such as strongly regular graphs and block designs

    The group of automorphisms of the set of self-dual bent functions

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    A bent function is a Boolean function in even number of variables which is on the maximal Hamming distance from the set of affine Boolean functions. It is called self-dual if it coincides with its dual. It is called anti-self-dual if it is equal to the negation of its dual. A mapping of the set of all Boolean functions in n variables to itself is said to be isometric if it preserves the Hamming distance. In this paper we study isometric mappings which preserve self-duality and anti-self-duality of a Boolean bent function. The complete characterization of these mappings is obtained for n>2. Based on this result, the set of isometric mappings which preserve the Rayleigh quotient of the Sylvester Hadamard matrix, is characterized. The Rayleigh quotient measures the Hamming distnace between bent function and its dual, so as a corollary, all isometric mappings which preserve bentness and the Hamming distance between bent function and its dual are described

    Nested Dynamics of Metropolitan Processes and Policies - MELBOURNE

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    BACKGROUND PAPERS FOR THE METROPOLITAN STUDY: 1 -- The Project "Nested Dynamics of Metropolitan Processes and Policies" was initiated by the Regional and Urban Development Group in 1983 and work on this collaborative study started in 1983. This series of contributions represent "entry tickets" to the Project, i.e., initial statements by authors from individual metropolitan regions that are participating in the Project's network. The aim of these papers is threefold. First, to provide some background information describing the processes of change within four principal subsystems: population, housing, economy, and transportation. Second, to identify major trends and crucial policy issues which are to constitute a focus for the subsequent analytical and modeling work. Third, to facilitate comparative studies of development paths among these regions and the dynamic interdependencies between the above subsystems. The background material contained in this paper pertains to the Melbourne metropolitan region