18 research outputs found

    Classical and Intuitionistic Subexponential Logics are Equally Expressive

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    International audienceIt is standard to regard the intuitionistic restriction of a classical logic as increasing the expressivity of the logic because the classical logic can be adequately represented in the intuitionistic logic by double-negation, while the other direction has no truth-preserving propositional encodings. We show here that subexponential logic, which is a family of substructural refinements of classical logic, each parametric over a preorder over the subexponential connectives, does not suffer from this asymmetry if the preorder is systematically modified as part of the encoding. Precisely, we show a bijection between synthetic (i.e., focused) partial sequent derivations modulo a given encoding. Particular instances of our encoding for particular subexponential preorders give rise to both known and novel adequacy theorems for substructural logics

    Explorations in Subexponential Non-associative Non-commutative Linear Logic

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    In a previous work we introduced a non-associative non-commutative logic extended by multimodalities, called subexponentials, licensing local application of structural rules. Here, we further explore this system, exhibiting a classical one-sided multi-succedent classical analogue of our intuitionistic system, following the exponential-free calculi of Buszkowski, and de Groote, Lamarche. A large fragment of the intuitionistic calculus is shown to embed faithfully into the classical fragment

    Expressing Additives Using Multiplicatives and Subexponentials

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    International audienceSubexponential logic is a variant of linear logic with a family of exponential connectives—called subex-ponentials—that are indexed and arranged in a pre-order. Each subexponential has or lacks associated structural properties of weakening and contraction. We show that a classical propositional multiplicative subexponential logic (MSEL) with one unrestricted and two linear subexponentials can encode the halting problem for two register Minsky machines, and is hence undecidable. We then show how the additive con-nectives can be directly simulated by giving an encoding of propositional multiplicative additive linear logic (MALL) in an MSEL with one unrestricted and four linear subexponentials

    An adequate compositional encoding of bigraph structure in linear logic with subexponentials

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    International audienceIn linear logic, formulas can be split into two sets: classical (those that can be used as many times as necessary) or linear (those that are consumed and no longer available after being used). Subexponentials generalize this notion by allowing the formulas to be split into many sets, each of which can then be specified to be classical or linear. This flexibility increases its expressiveness: we already have adequate encodings of a number of other proof systems, and for computational models such as concurrent constraint programming, in linear logic with subexponentials (SEL). Bigraphs were proposed by Milner in 2001 as a model for ubiquitous computing, subsuming models of computation such as CCS and the π-calculus and capable of modeling connectivity and locality at the same time. In this work we present an encoding of the bigraph structure in SEL, thus giving an indication of the expressive power of this logic, and at the same time providing a framework for reasoning and operating on bigraphs. Our encoding is adequate and therefore the operations of composition and juxtaposition can be performed on the logical level. Moreover, all the proof-theoretical tools of SEL become available for querying and proving properties of bigraph structures

    Hybrid and Subexponential Linear Logics Technical Report

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    HyLL (Hybrid Linear Logic) and SELL (Subexponential Linear Logic) are logical frameworks that have been extensively used for specifying systems that exhibit modalities such as temporal or spatial ones. Both frameworks have linear logic (LL) as a common ground and they admit (cut-free) complete focused proof systems. The difference between the two logics relies on the way modalities are handled. In HyLL, truth judgments are labelled by worlds and hybrid connectives relate worlds with formulas. In SELL, the linear logic exponentials (!, ?) are decorated with labels representing locations, and an ordering on such labels defines the provability relation among resources in those locations. It is well known that SELL, as a logical framework, is strictly more expressive than LL. However, so far, it was not clear whether HyLL is more expressive than LL and/or SELL. In this paper, we show an encoding of the HyLL's logical rules into LL with the highest level of adequacy, hence showing that HyLL is as expressive as LL. We also propose an encoding of HyLL into SELL â‹“ (SELL plus quantification over locations) that gives better insights about the meaning of worlds in HyLL. We conclude our expressiveness study by showing that previous attempts of encoding Computational Tree Logic (CTL) operators into HyLL cannot be extended to consider the whole set of temporal connectives. We show that a system of LL with fixed points is indeed needed to faithfully encode the behavior of such temporal operators

    Classical polarizations yield double-negation translations

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    Double-negation translations map formulas to formulas in such a way that if a formula is a classical theorem then its translation is an intuitionistic theorem. We shall go beyond just examining provability by looking at correspondences between inference rules in classical proofs and in intuitionistic proofs of translated formulas. In order to make this comparison interesting and precise, we will examine focused versions of proofs in classical and intuitionistic logics using the LKF and LJF proof systems. We shall show that for a number of known double-negation translations, one can get essentially identical (focused) intuitionistic proofs as (focused) classical proofs. Thus the choice of a common double-negation translation is really the same choice as a polarization of classical logic (of which there are many)

    Expressing Additives Using Multiplicatives and Subexponentials

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    International audienceSubexponential logic is a variant of linear logic with a family of exponential connectives—called subex-ponentials—that are indexed and arranged in a pre-order. Each subexponential has or lacks associated structural properties of weakening and contraction. We show that a classical propositional multiplicative subexponential logic (MSEL) with one unrestricted and two linear subexponentials can encode the halting problem for two register Minsky machines, and is hence undecidable. We then show how the additive con-nectives can be directly simulated by giving an encoding of propositional multiplicative additive linear logic (MALL) in an MSEL with one unrestricted and four linear subexponentials

    A Semantic Framework for Proof Evidence

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    International audienceTheorem provers produce evidence of proof in many different formats, such as proof scripts, natural deductions, resolution refutations, Herbrand expansions, and equational rewritings. In implemented provers, numerous variants of such formats are actually used: consider, for example, such variants of or restrictions to resolution refu-tations as binary resolution, hyper-resolution, ordered-resolution, paramodulation, etc. We propose the foundational proof certificates (FPC) framework for defining the semantics of a broad range of proof evidence. This framework allows both producers of proof certificates and the checkers of those certificates to have a clear formal definition of the semantics of a wide variety of proof evidence. Employing the FPC framework will allow one to separate a proof from its provenance and to allow anyone to construct their own proof checker for a given style of proof evidence. The foundation on which FPC relies is that of proof theory, particularly recent work into focused proof systems: such proof systems provide protocols by which a checker extracts information from the certificate (mediated by the so called clerks and experts) as well as performs various deterministic and non-deterministic computations. While we shall limit ourselves to first-order logic in this paper, we shall not limit ourselves in many other ways. The FPC framework is described for both classical and intuitionistic logics and for proof structures as diverse as resolution refutations, natural deduction, Frege proofs, and equality proofs