1,045 research outputs found

    Un état de l'art des méthodes de localisation de symboles dans les documents graphiques

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    International audienceIn this paper, we present a survey on symbol spotting methods for graphical documents. We classify these methods into two categories: structural and pixel-based approaches. Structural approaches are often based on graphs representations and frequently need a preliminary segmentation step in order to break documents into primitives. A symbol is then detected by regrouping neighbouring primitives under certain conditions. In pixel-based approaches, the symbol spotting is performed directly on the entire images without a preliminary segmentation step.Dans cet article, nous proposons un panorama de méthodes de localisation de symboles dans les documents graphiques. Nous les divisons suivant deux catégories : les approches structurelles et les pixelaires. Les approches structurelles sont basées souvent sur des représentations de types graphes et possèdent généralement une étape de segmentation préalable des documents en primitives. Le symbole est ensuite détecté via une étape de regroupements de primitives et sous certaines conditions. Dans les approches pixelaires, la localisation est effectuée directement sur les documents sans étape préalable de segmentation

    Verification of Authenticity of Stamps in Documents

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    Klasická inkoustová razítka, která se používají k autorizaci dokumentů, se dnes díky rozšíření moderních technologií dají relativně snadno padělat metodou oskenování a vytištění. V rámci diplomové práce je vyvíjen automatický nástroj pro ověření pravosti razítek, který najde využití zejména v prostředích, kde je nutné zpracovávat velké množství dokumentů. Procesu ověření pravosti razítka musí přirozeně předcházet jeho detekce v dokumentu - úloha zpracování obrazu, která zatím nemá přesvědčivé řešení. V této diplomové práci je navržena zcela nová metoda detekce a ověření pravosti razítka v barevných obrazech dokumentů. Tato metoda zahrnuje plnou segmentaci stránky za účelem určení kandidátních řešení, dále extrakci příznaků a následnou klasifikaci kandidátů za pomoci algoritmu podpůrných vektorů (SVM). Evaluace ukázala, že algoritmus umožňuje rozlišovat razítka od jiných barevných objektů v dokumentu jako jsou například loga a barevné nápisy. Kromě toho algoritmus dokáže rozlišit pravá razítka od kopií.Classical ink stamps and seals used for authentication of a document content have become relatively easy to forge by the scan & print technique since the technology is available to general public. For environments where a huge volume of documents is processed, an automatic system for verification of authenticity of stamps is being developed in the scope of this master's thesis. The process of stamp authenticity verification naturally must be preceded by the phase of stamp detection and segmentation - a difficult task of Document Image Analysis (DIA). In this master's thesis, a novel method for detection and verification of stamps in color document images is proposed. It involves a full segmentation of the page to identify candidate solutions, extraction of features, and further classification of the candidates by means of support vector machines. The evaluation has shown that the algorithm is capable of differentiating stamps from other color objects in the document such as logos or text and also genuine stamps from copied ones.

    Spotting Keywords in Offline Handwritten Documents Using Hausdorff Edit Distance

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    Keyword spotting has become a crucial topic in handwritten document recognition, by enabling content-based retrieval of scanned documents using search terms. With a query keyword, one can search and index the digitized handwriting which in turn facilitates understanding of manuscripts. Common automated techniques address the keyword spotting problem through statistical representations. Structural representations such as graphs apprehend the complex structure of handwriting. However, they are rarely used, particularly for keyword spotting techniques, due to high computational costs. The graph edit distance, a powerful and versatile method for matching any type of labeled graph, has exponential time complexity to calculate the similarities of graphs. Hence, the use of graph edit distance is constrained to small size graphs. The recently developed Hausdorff edit distance algorithm approximates the graph edit distance with quadratic time complexity by efficiently matching local substructures. This dissertation speculates using Hausdorff edit distance could be a promising alternative to other template-based keyword spotting approaches in term of computational time and accuracy. Accordingly, the core contribution of this thesis is investigation and development of a graph-based keyword spotting technique based on the Hausdorff edit distance algorithm. The high representational power of graphs combined with the efficiency of the Hausdorff edit distance for graph matching achieves remarkable speedup as well as accuracy. In a comprehensive experimental evaluation, we demonstrate the solid performance of the proposed graph-based method when compared with state of the art, both, concerning precision and speed. The second contribution of this thesis is a keyword spotting technique which incorporates dynamic time warping and Hausdorff edit distance approaches. The structural representation of graph-based approach combined with statistical geometric features representation compliments each other in order to provide a more accurate system. The proposed system has been extensively evaluated with four types of handwriting graphs and geometric features vectors on benchmark datasets. The experiments demonstrate a performance boost in which outperforms individual systems

    Advances in Image Processing, Analysis and Recognition Technology

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    For many decades, researchers have been trying to make computers’ analysis of images as effective as the system of human vision is. For this purpose, many algorithms and systems have previously been created. The whole process covers various stages, including image processing, representation and recognition. The results of this work can be applied to many computer-assisted areas of everyday life. They improve particular activities and provide handy tools, which are sometimes only for entertainment, but quite often, they significantly increase our safety. In fact, the practical implementation of image processing algorithms is particularly wide. Moreover, the rapid growth of computational complexity and computer efficiency has allowed for the development of more sophisticated and effective algorithms and tools. Although significant progress has been made so far, many issues still remain, resulting in the need for the development of novel approaches

    Text-detection and -recognition from natural images

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    Text detection and recognition from images could have numerous functional applications for document analysis, such as assistance for visually impaired people; recognition of vehicle license plates; evaluation of articles containing tables, street signs, maps, and diagrams; keyword-based image exploration; document retrieval; recognition of parts within industrial automation; content-based extraction; object recognition; address block location; and text-based video indexing. This research exploited the advantages of artificial intelligence (AI) to detect and recognise text from natural images. Machine learning and deep learning were used to accomplish this task.In this research, we conducted an in-depth literature review on the current detection and recognition methods used by researchers to identify the existing challenges, wherein the differences in text resulting from disparity in alignment, style, size, and orientation combined with low image contrast and a complex background make automatic text extraction a considerably challenging and problematic task. Therefore, the state-of-the-art suggested approaches obtain low detection rates (often less than 80%) and recognition rates (often less than 60%). This has led to the development of new approaches. The aim of the study was to develop a robust text detection and recognition method from natural images with high accuracy and recall, which would be used as the target of the experiments. This method could detect all the text in the scene images, despite certain specific features associated with the text pattern. Furthermore, we aimed to find a solution to the two main problems concerning arbitrarily shaped text (horizontal, multi-oriented, and curved text) detection and recognition in a low-resolution scene and with various scales and of different sizes.In this research, we propose a methodology to handle the problem of text detection by using novel combination and selection features to deal with the classification algorithms of the text/non-text regions. The text-region candidates were extracted from the grey-scale images by using the MSER technique. A machine learning-based method was then applied to refine and validate the initial detection. The effectiveness of the features based on the aspect ratio, GLCM, LBP, and HOG descriptors was investigated. The text-region classifiers of MLP, SVM, and RF were trained using selections of these features and their combinations. The publicly available datasets ICDAR 2003 and ICDAR 2011 were used to evaluate the proposed method. This method achieved the state-of-the-art performance by using machine learning methodologies on both databases, and the improvements were significant in terms of Precision, Recall, and F-measure. The F-measure for ICDAR 2003 and ICDAR 2011 was 81% and 84%, respectively. The results showed that the use of a suitable feature combination and selection approach could significantly increase the accuracy of the algorithms.A new dataset has been proposed to fill the gap of character-level annotation and the availability of text in different orientations and of curved text. The proposed dataset was created particularly for deep learning methods which require a massive completed and varying range of training data. The proposed dataset includes 2,100 images annotated at the character and word levels to obtain 38,500 samples of English characters and 12,500 words. Furthermore, an augmentation tool has been proposed to support the proposed dataset. The missing of object detection augmentation tool encroach to proposed tool which has the ability to update the position of bounding boxes after applying transformations on images. This technique helps to increase the number of samples in the dataset and reduce the time of annotations where no annotation is required. The final part of the thesis presents a novel approach for text spotting, which is a new framework for an end-to-end character detection and recognition system designed using an improved SSD convolutional neural network, wherein layers are added to the SSD networks and the aspect ratio of the characters is considered because it is different from that of the other objects. Compared with the other methods considered, the proposed method could detect and recognise characters by training the end-to-end model completely. The performance of the proposed method was better on the proposed dataset; it was 90.34. Furthermore, the F-measure of the method’s accuracy on ICDAR 2015, ICDAR 2013, and SVT was 84.5, 91.9, and 54.8, respectively. On ICDAR13, the method achieved the second-best accuracy. The proposed method could spot text in arbitrarily shaped (horizontal, oriented, and curved) scene text.</div